6B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD 112 Union County Legal Notices SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2021 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for City of Island City, Union, State of Oregon, for the current fiscal year, will be held at City Hall, 10605 Island Avenue, Island City. The hearing will take place on June 14 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental budget with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after June 7, 2021 at City Hall, 10605 Island Avenue, Island City, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. A public hearing of the Elgin Parks and Recreation District and Elgin Parks and Recreation Board of Directors will be held on June 8th, 2021 at 4:00 pm at The Elgin Community Center, 260 North 10th Ave., Elgin, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, LB-1 2021 as approved by Elgin Parks and OF Recreation Budget Committee. A summary of the budget FORM NOTICE BUDGET HEARING is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 790 South 8th Ave., Elgin, Oregon, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE REVISED TOTALS IN THOSE FUNDS BEING MODIFIED Water Fund FUND: ____________________________________________________________________________ Amount 1. Transfers to Debt Reserve Fd $ 16,500 2. 2. Debt Service: Well 5 Interest $ 110,000 3. 3. Debt Service: Well 5 Principal Revised Total Fund Resources Explanation of change(s): Revised Total Fund Requirements $ 33,500 $ 160,000 $143,500 of the $160,000 appropriation for Transfers to Debt Reserve Fund is being transferred to new appropriation categories as listed above in order to authorize the regular annual payment of the Well 5 USDA loan. The loan payment was mistakenly budgeted in the Well 5 Debt Reserve Fund. FUND: ____________________________________________________________________________ Well 5 Debt Reserve Fund Amount Expenditure –indicate Org. unit / Prog. & Activity, and Object class. 1. 1. Debt Service: Rural Develop 2. 2. Amount $ 27,000.00 Transfers to Water Fund $ 133,000.00 3. 3. Revised Total Fund Resources Explanation of change(s): Revised Total Fund Requirements $ 160,000.00 $133,000 of the $160,000 appropriation for Debt Service: Rural Development Loan is being transferred to the new appropriation category listed above, thus authorizing funds to be transferred to Water Fund in order to make the Well 5 USDA annual loan payment. Publish: May 29, 2021 Legal no. 246721 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices A public meeting of the Elgin City Council and City of Elgin Budget Committee will be held on June 8th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at Elgin City Hall, 790 South 8th Ave, Elgin Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss beginning 1, 2021 as approved by City of Elgin Budget FORM LB-1 the budget for the fiscal year NOTICE OF BUDGET July HEARING Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 790 South 8th Ave., Elgin, Oregon, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of account- ing that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Brock Eckstein Telephone: (541) 437-2253 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount 2019-2020 (689,496) Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges Federal, State and all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received Total Resources Email: cityadm@cityofelginor.org Adopted Budget This Year 2020-2021 (562,882) Approved Budget Next Year 2021-2022 (401,384) (1,202,649) (92,104) (0) (995,000) (411,192) (447,935) (1,273,525) (559,000) (0) (1,179,500) (642,745) (440,000) (1,247,770) (459,000) (0) (832,500) (689,644) (458,000) (3,838,376) (4,657,652) (4,088,298) (973,900) (1,498,550) (617,100) (230,000) (1,179,500) (21,400) (2,000) (135,202) (1,034,050) (1,197,753) (458,000) (225,000) (832,500) (0) (378) (340,617) (4,657,652) (4,088,298) FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION (927,047) Personnel Services Materials and Services (898,481) Capital Outlay (204,791) Debt Service (157,619) Interfund Transfers (995,000) Contingencies (0) Special Payments (1,915) Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure (653,522) (3,838,376) Total Requirements Benefits (0) (927,047) (13.58) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING * Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit $6.9383 per $1,000) Local Option Levy Levy For General Obligation Bonds Publish: May 29, 2021 Legal no. 246767 MONDAY, MAY 31, 2021 Total Resources Approved Budget Next Year 2021-2022 (180,000) (9,909) (0) (0) (0) (42,308) (151,267) (12,450) (0) (0) (0) (2,200) (146,000) (12,500) (0) (150,000) (0) (1,700) (150,000) (348,740) (244,650) (494,200) (0) (173,450) (25,000) (0) (0) (5,000) (0) (41,200) (0) (183,250) (175,000) (0) (0) (5,000) (0) (130,950.00) (244,650) (494,200) FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION (0) Personnel Services Materials and Services (126,204) Capital Outlay (35,987) Debt Service (0) Interfund Transfers (0) Contingencies (6,340) Special Payments (0) Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure (180,210) (348,740) Total Requirements STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING * FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM * The funding and policy making will remain in-tact for the District but the City of Elgin will assume all day-to-day operations for the next fiscal year. Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program Community Center 0 0 0 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES FTE 0 0 0 Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved Swimming Pool 0 0 0 2015-2016 This Year 2016-2017 Next Year 2017-2018 FTE 0 0 0 Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit _________ per $1,000) 0.8222 0.8222 0.8222 Park 0 0 0 Local Option Levy FTE 0 0 0 Levy For General Obligation Bonds Contingency 0 0 0 FTE 0 0 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS 0 Not Allocated to Organizational 0 0 LONG TERM DEBT Unit or Program Estimated Debt Outstanding Estimated Debt 0 Authorized, But 0 0 0 FTE on July 1. Not Incurred on July 1 Total Requirements 0 0 0 $0 General Obligation Bonds $0 Total FTE 0 0 0 Other Bonds $0 $0 (0) (0) (973,900) (14.66) (1,034,050) (15.32) PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 2018-2019 This Year 2019-2020 Next Year 2020-2021 6.9383) ($ 6.9383) 6.9383 ($ STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1. $1,563,491) $0) $0) $1,563,491) Other Borrowings Total $0 $0 $0 $0 112 Union County Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Contact Telephone number E-mail Joe Davis ( 541 ) 963-5017 joe@islandcityhall.com FINANCIAL SUMMARY—RESOURCES Actual Amounts 19 20 20____–20____ TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS 1. Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital ........................................ 2. Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges ... 3. Federal, State & all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations & Donations ........... 4. Revenue from Bonds & Other Debt ......................................................... 6. All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes ....................... Adopted Budget Approved Budget 22 21 21 Next Year: 20____–20____ 20 This Year: 20____–20____ 1,204,032.00 697,257.00 114,989.00 1,340,941.00 642,450.00 124,250.00 1,679,846.00 710,245.00 215,300.00 183,562.00 21,891.00 175,100.00 24,245.00 171,100.00 23,745.00 190,000.00 2,990,236.00 179,203.00 180,000.00 7. Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received .......................... 8. Total Resources—add lines 1 through 7 ................................................ 2,486,986.00 2,400,934.00 FINANCIAL SUMMARY—REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION 9. Personnel Services .................................................................................. 10. Materials and Services ............................................................................ 11. Capital Outlay .......................................................................................... 12. Debt Service ............................................................................................ 13. Interfund Transfers ................................................................................... 209,186.00 479,459.00 3,016.00 184,770.00 183,562.00 219,800.00 638,625.00 166,000.00 145,000.00 175,100.00 20,000.00 218,400.00 569,320.00 586,000.00 144,000.00 171,100.00 20,000.00 1,340,941.00 2,400,934.00 1,122,461.00 2,486,986.00 1,281,416.00 2,990,236.00 14. Contingencies .......................................................................................... 15. Special Payments .................................................................................... 16. Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure .... 17. Total Requirements—add lines 9 through 16 ........................................ FINANCIAL SUMMARY—REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for Unit or Program Maintenance 815,069.00 3.3 352,876.00 796,121.00 3.3 451,865.00 1,103,227.00 3.3 592,751.00 Services 695,407.00 599,106.00 917,286.00 Water Reserve Fund 147,527.00 162,657.00 177,749.00 390,055.00 477,237.00 199,223.00 2,400,934.00 3.3 2,486,986.00 3.3 2,990,236.00 3.3 Name City FTE Administration Name Street FTE Name Water FTE Name FTE Name Well FTE 5 Debt Reserve Fund Not Allocated to Organizational Unit or Program FTE Total Requirements Total FTE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES AND SOURCES OF FINANCING* PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed 1.5171 Permanent Rate Levy ............ (Rate Limit___________Per $1000) 1.5171 Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1 $1,850,000) $0) $0) $1,850,000) 112 Union County Legal Notices A public meeting of the Island City Council will be held on June 14, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 10605 Island Avenue, Island City, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the City of Island City Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 10605 Island Avenue, Island City, Oregon between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 pm. or online at islandcityoregon. com. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect on the budget are: 5. Interfund Transfers/Internal Service Reimbursements ............................ FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM * Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program Administration (130,470) (154,400) (180,000) FTE (3.00) (3.00) (3.00) Public Works (499,291) (415,000) (468,550) FTE (5.00) (5.00) (5.66) Parks and Rec (103,730) (140,500) (153,500) FTE (2.25) (3.33) (3.33) Library (53,933) (77,000) (63,000) FTE (1.33) (1.33) (1.33) Public Safety (83,231) (132,000) (124,000) FTE (2) (2) (2.00) Emergency Services (56,392) (55,000) (45,000) FTE Volunteer Stipend Volunteer Stipend Volunteer Stipend General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowings Total Federal, State and all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 112 Union County Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING LONG TERM DEBT Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges Adopted Budget This Year 2020-2021 (84,000) Publish: May 29, 2021 Legal no. 246774 112 Union County Legal Notices Total Requirements Total FTE Email: cityadm@cityofelginor.org FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount 2019-2020 (145,257) TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS ✁ ✁ Resource Telephone: (541) 437-2253 Amount Org. unit / Prog. & Activity, and Object class. 1. ✁ ✁ Resource Contact: Brock Eckstein Expenditure –indicate Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 1.5171 1.5171 Local Option Levy ....................................................................................... Levy for General Obligation Bonds ............................................... Long Term Debt STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 General Obligation Bonds .............................................................. Other Bonds ................................................................................... Other Borrowings ........................................................................... Total ............................................................................................... Estimated Debt Authorized, but not Incurred on July 1 2,739,500.00 2,739,500.00 Publish: May 29, 2021 Legal no. 246720 by Stella Wilder SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you don’t always recognize the best route to take when it appears before you, and this means that you are likely to suffer more than your share of delays, setbacks and good, old-fashioned bad luck in your lifetime -- whether at work or at play. You can avoid the worst of these simply by moving forward when you are challenged. MONDAY, MAY 31 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You may not be able to solve a particularly stubborn mys- tery today, but you should be able to make it pay off for you in a good way. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You must be sure that you understand exactly where you stand financially today in order to make the best and wisest use of available funds. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You may fear that you are caught up in a repeating cycle that you simply cannot stop -- but a simple solution waits for you to discover it! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- A friend or loved one can provide you with just the inspi- ration you need at this time -- but take care you aren’t just playing copycat! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You have some work to do before you unveil a project you’ve long been eager to show off. Don’t be hasty; be sure to give yourself ample time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- The truth isn’t always going to be apparent today. You may have to go digging to find the clues that will lead you to the answers you seek. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You can afford to be just a little more forthright about what is going on in private today, as there are those who really need to know. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You’re eager to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but evidence makes it difficult. Don’t be too quick to judge, in any event. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You may fall prey to someone’s ulterior motives, but you needn’t be a victim for long. By day’s end, you’ll be ready to make your next move. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You can do more with less today than you had expected -- and that should work out nicely for you as your resources are running a bit low. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You are eager to find a way to collaborate with some- one who is not yet a friend, ally or teammate. First, make your intentions known! TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- How you do a thing is quite important today, and it will involve style and appearance as well as sub- stance. The whole package matters. MONDAY, MAY 31, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you tend to do things in very much your own way, heedless of the kinds of expectations or regulations that shape the lives of most other individuals. This is sure to result in a life of exploration and discovery; indeed, you are never quite so content as when you are able to immerse yourself fully in something new and learn not just about it, but about yourself and all those around you as well, in the process. TUESDAY, JUNE 1 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You don’t need to approach people aggressively to get them to do your bidding today -- but, on the other hand, neither must you be too subtle! CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You may receive a reminder today that sets you off -- but use care so that you don’t take your frus- trations out on anyone at this time. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You are anxious to gather a team to work on a current prob- lem, but it’s not yet time to trust others to take certain steps you know must be taken. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You can start on something that someone else will finish when the time comes. Your first efforts are likely to be better than subsequent ones. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Avoid wast- ing time today by mulling over the things that you should be approaching more actively. This is a good day to get things done! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You’ll be required to put your best foot forward today in a way that is new to you. Style and sub- stance must be combined in an imaginative way. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You don’t want anyone looming over your shoul- der correcting you at every turn -- and yet there are some things with which you’ll need help. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You can arrive at a healthy compromise with someone about who does what -- and when. Now is no time for taking these things per- sonally! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- What you do today can surely benefit others as well as yourself, but take care that the balance between you and them doesn’t get skewed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Protect your information today, and don’t let others go looking for that which might give them a sudden and surprise advantage. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- How you see the world around you today will make all the difference -- and there are those with whom you can effect change if you want to. TAURUS (April 20--May 20) -- The more determined you are today, the more likely you will be to prevail when things get competi- tive. Interpret the tone around you with care. COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500 COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500