Thursday, May 27, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon 3 WIN unique art by supporting Art Center East ■ Donate, become a member or visit the gallery — and you may be a lucky winner LA GRANDE — The doors are open at Art Center East, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande, with galleries and the gift shop ready for visitors from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday-Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. ‘MISSING YOUR FACE’ Art Center East’s current exhibit, “Missing Your Face: Masks of Loca- tion, Isolation and Transformation,” features the work of two Oregon artists, Matt Fagan of La Grande and Tony Fuemmeler of Portland. Originally intended as a collabo- ration between artists on opposite sides of Oregon, the COVID-19 pandemic shifted and enriched the exhibit’s focus as each artist created their masks in response to their changed worlds. Stop by ACE and visit the gal- lery and you can be entered to win a one-of-a-kind “Hoppity Horse” mask by artist Matt Fagan. “Missing Your Face” runs HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ACE! through July 3. An opening recep- tion wasn’t possible, but changing public health regulations now are allowing Art Center East to have an in-person exhibit party June 18 from 6-8 p.m. The drawing for the Hoppity Horse mask will take place at the event. Art Center EastContributed Photos Art Center East exhibits are free and open to the public. Masks are required inside the building, and occupancy is limited to facilitate social distancing. A virtual tour of “Missing Your Face” is available to all. Go to www., choose “Main Exhibit” then click on the link to the tour. View the masks of “Missing Your “Face” in person or take a virtual tour at Among them are “Tsunanxiety” (left) by Tony Fuem- meler and “Stop” by Matt Fagan (above). Art Center East’s birthday was May 2 and the center is celebrating all month. A fundraising drive earlier in May included a raffl e for an original painting by Denise Stone. (Congrats to the winner, Pamela Swanger!) As of May 20, ACE was about $800 short of its $10,000 goal. Until May 31, everyone who becomes a mem- ber or donates to the center will be entered in a second draw- ing for a bronze piece by Judd Koehn. The birthday drawing will be on Thursday, June 3. Join or donate for a chance to choose between Koehn’s cast bronze vessel (left) or “Portrait of a T-Pot II” encaustic (above). ACE’s members believe that art is an essential part of a commu- nity’s identity and that quality art experiences should be available and affordable to all. NATIONAL HISTORIC O REGON T RAIL INTERPRETIVE CENTER PRESENTS: ! t s u B r o Oregon For more information call 541-523-1843