5 Thursday, May 20, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon SETH BROWN kicks off album tour in Halfway ■ He’s returning to his hometown to release ‘Campfire Currency’ during his show May 29 By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine S eth Brown has never played his original music in his hometown of Halfway, so he thinks it is the perfect place to kick off his music tour. “We’re so excited we can take the album home to Halfway,” he said during a phone interview May 12. His show will be Saturday, May 29, from 6-9 p.m. at the Halfway fairgrounds. The event is a fundraiser for Halfway’s Fourth of July fi reworks show. Brown is donating his time. “It’s our way of helping,” he said. The opening act will feature his nephews — Daniel Brown of Baker City and Gabriel Brown of Halfway. Seth said the two boys also will join him onstage during the show, as will his younger sister, Johannah. B rown, 34, grew up in Halfway, along with his 18 siblings. His parents, Phil and Gail Brown, still live there. Music was a big part of his fam- ily life. “I’ve been playing music since I was old enough to walk,” he said. “At one time I counted 17 different instruments in our house. My dad would play us to sleep with his guitar or accordion.” Brown started writing songs when he was 9. But a small town like Halfway didn’t have a lot of venues for a young musician to play. Except the local churches. “By the time I was 12, I was on a rotation,” he said. “Every Sunday I’d lead music at different churches.” Homeschooled, Brown fi nished his education by 16 and left the area. “I’ve traveled all over the world and played music,” he said. He met his wife, Emy, in Nash- ville. They settled in Central Seth Brown Entertainment/Contributed Photo Seth Brown, who grew up in Halfway, brings his original music to the stage Saturday, May 29, at the fairgrounds. He will debut his new album while donating his time to the Fourth of July fi reworks fundraiser. Oregon and worked full-time jobs. But they weren’t happy. “We looked at each other and said we have to do something dif- ferent with our life,” he said. So at the end of 2018 they sold their home and belongings. “We headed off in a little van,” he said. “Looking back, we broke free. We have more joy and more passion than we’ve ever had. We’re living our dream every day.” Brown wrote songs as they traveled, and by the end of 2019 he had enough original music for an album. Set on making a life with his music, Seth and Emy ended up in Southern Oregon in 2019 and she began booking shows. Then the coronavirus pandemic hit, and concerts were canceled. “We lost about 50 shows that year,” Brown said. He was able to play some shows in 2020 around Oregon, and he recorded his debut album with a full band in Jacksonville, Oregon, during the last three months of 2020. The album title is “Campfi re Currency,” inspired by many nights camping and meeting new people as he and Emy traveled. Once settled, the fi rst thing they’d do is start a campfi re and Emy would make up foil “hobo packs” of food. Then Seth would visit other campsites and invite strangers to gather around the fi re. “We met the coolest people,” he said. “Every time we got around a fi re with strangers, everyone had something to bring and offer, a kind of currency.” In early 2021, they decided to explore the music scene in Florida, and set off across the country. But they stopped in Arizona fi rst, discovered Sedona, and that’s where they’ve been ever since. Now they are hitting the road again. “Campfi re Currency” releases May 21 through online streaming platforms. The Halfway show will be the fi rst time people can purchase a CD. “After 25 years of writing and playing, I have a record I’m really proud of,” Brown said. He has about 40 shows booked so far, thanks to Emy who handles the business side of his music. “She’s literally the foundation,” he said. “We’re a great team.” They are already planning a tour for 2022, “going north and south, to states we’ve never been,” he said. To stay updated on his music and concerts, follow “Seth Brown Entertainment” on Instagram and Facebook. He also has a website: www. sethbrownmusicpage.com. UPGRADE 215 Elm Street La Gande • (541) 963-5440 northwestfurnitureandmattress.com