The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, May 13, 2021, THURSDAY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Thursday, May 13, 2021
GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon
Concerts in the park return this summer
■ Powder River Music Review features local and regional performers, plus two ‘Battle of the Bands’ concerts
BAKER CITY — Sundays will
mean live music in Geiser-Pollman
Park again this summer for Baker
City’s Powder River Music Review.
New this summer:
Saturday concerts
in the park
New this year will be “Battle of
the Bands” concerts on Saturday,
June 26, and Saturday, July 31.
Baker City Events, organizer of
Powder River Music Review, are
now taking applications from musi-
cians and bands who would like
to compete in these battles. Entry
fee funds will be used for a People’s
Choice Award at the end of each
day’s concert.
The fee schedule is $25 for single
acts, $35 for duos and $50 for band
groups of three or more. Sound
system will be provided. Musicians
will need to provide their own
There will be awards of $1,000
for fi rst place, $500 for second place
and $250 for third place presented
to the winners of the Battle of the
Bands two-day competition.
Musicians who were a part of
the original beginning groups who
donated their time and talent to
raise funds for the building of the
Powder River Pavilion will be given
fi rst chance at being scheduled to
play at these special concert dates.
According to a press release,
the Baker City Events board of
directors wants these events to be a
tribute to those musicians.
Vendor booth revenue and spon-
sor donations will comprise the
“sponsor award” funds. Vendor fees
are $200 per booth.
Musicians who want to enter the
“Battle” and vendors who would
like to reserve booth space may
to apply.
The National Historic
Oregon Trail Interpretive
Center is bringing concerts
to Baker City this summer
with live music in Geiser-
Pollman Park on Saturday
The fi rst concert will
feature folk singer Hank
Cramer at 5 p.m. Saturday,
May 29.
Cramer also will per-
form May 29 and 30 at the
Interpretive Center’s an-
nual Memorial Day wagon
encampment, held from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. both days.
Travel Baker County/Contributed Photo
The 2021 Powder River Music Review concert series begins June 13 at Geiser Pollman Park in Baker City. A variety
of music styles is planned for this weekly series of outdoor music, Sundays at 4 p.m. through August.
ning June 13 with Frank Carlson
and ending Aug. 29 with the Blue
The summer’s concert dates have
been scheduled with a variety of
music styles.
The music also has been sched-
uled for Miners Jubilee, bringing
back Wasteland Kings, Leather and
Lace, Brass Fire, Blue Yesterdays
and possibly the Tri-City Drum
group. Barefoot and Bonafi de will
perform at the street dance during
If interested in being a concert
sponsor or providing a gift cer-
tifi cate or marketing promotional
item for one of the weekly raffl e
drawings, please contact Lynette
Perry, event coordinator, at the email
Concerts are open to the public
and are free to attend at Geiser-
Pollman Park in Baker City. Raffl e
tickets are sold at each event to
help cover overhead expenses.
The center’s operation
will depend on current
health guidelines and re-
strictions. However, even if
the center is closed, the trail
system is open to explore.
For updates, check the
website www.oregontrail.
The regular Powder River
Concert series will, as usual, be on
Sundays from 4- 5:30 p.m., begin-
215 Elm Street La Gande • (541) 963-5440