COFFEE BREAK 8B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD TuESDAY, MAY 11, 2021 Disabled son excluded from wedding guest list DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my second hus- band for more than 15 years. My 30+-year-old son from my first marriage, who was born dis- abled, lives with us. He walks and talks, but cannot be left unattended. He also needs medica- tion. He cannot read or write, but looks like he has no medical issues at all. I have no extended family members in the state. My husband and I were invited to a family wedding. However, my disabled son was not. Bride’s rule: No chil- dren allowed. I pointed out that he is older than she is. He sees this relative several times a year. Child care is hard to find and expensive. I do not know if others tried to get the bride to change her mind. My husband attended alone while my son and I spent the evening with friends and had fun. DEAR He didn’t say any- thing to cause a ABBY confrontation. Please share your thoughts. I get very sad whenever family events come around and she is there. Life is different when you have a family with special needs. — HURT IN THE EAST DEAR HURT: I agree, life is different for families in which someone has special needs. If you haven’t already, I think you have the right to express your feelings to the bride. It would be better than silently nursing a grudge and fuming when you see her. While it would have been nice if she had included your son in the invitation, she was within her rights to invite — or exclude — anyone if she had concerns. Because your husband was able to represent the family while you and your son had fun elsewhere, from my perspective, everything turned out well. DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend never gets off his phone — like ever! The first thing he does in the morning is grab his phone. He was off one day last week and — I’m not exaggerating — he didn’t put it down for 13 hours. or relationships. That he blows you off when you try to discuss it tells me he is deep in denial. There is treatment for gaming addiction, but only if the addict is willing to admit there’s a problem. Treatment may involve private counseling or, in some cases, inpatient care. However, if this is unaffordable, On-Line Gamers Anonymous ( may be a helpful alternative. It is a 12-step program based on the princi- ples of AA. If you go online, you will find there is a fellowship of friends and family members of gaming addicts. You might want to check it out. If you intend to continue this romance, get out of the house when he binges and do something YOU enjoy. He plays this one particular game, and it’s all he does. It’s affecting our relationship, but if I say anything about it, he laughs, gets mad or ignores me. I don’t know what else to do. Help! — WOMAN VS. PHONE IN OHIO DEAR WOMAN: Was your boyfriend always like this? If the answer is no, he may have become addicted to gaming, which, as of 2020, had become a multibil- lion-dollar industry. According to The Addiction Center, the “average” gamer spends six hours a week glued to his or her cell- phone. That your boyfriend went on a 13-hour binge is cause for alarm. One sign of addiction is when it interferes with daily life News of the Weird COVID-like existence, iso- lated underground sucking on plant sap, right? In the 17th year these teenagers are going to come out of the earth by the billions if not trillions. They’re going to try to best everything on the planet that wants to eat them during this crit- ical period of the nighttime when they’re just trying to grow up, they’re just trying to be adults, shed that skin, get their wings, go up into the treetops, escape their predators,” he says. “Once in the treetops, hey, it’s all going to be about romance. It’s only the males that sing. It’s going to be a big boy band up there as the males try to woo those females, try to convince that special someone that she should be the mother of his nymphs. He’s going to perform, sing songs. If she likes it, she’s going to click her wings. They’re going to have some wild sex in the treetop. “Then she’s going to move out to the small branches, lay their eggs. Then it’s all going to be Nature at its craziest: Trillions of cicadas about to emerge COLUMBIA, Md. — Sifting through a shovel load of dirt in a suburban backyard, Michael Raupp and Paula Shrewsbury find their quarry: a cicada nymph. And then another. And another. And four more. In maybe a third of a square foot of dirt, the Uni- versity of Maryland ento- mologists find at least seven cicadas — a rate just shy of a million per acre. A nearby yard yielded a rate closer to 1.5 million. And there’s much more afoot. Trillions of the red-eyed black bugs are coming, scientists say. Within days, a couple weeks at most, the cicadas of Brood X (the X is the Roman numeral for 10) will emerge after 17 years underground. There are many broods of periodic cicadas that appear on rigid schedules in different years, but this is one of the largest and most noticeable. They’ll including ants, birds, dogs, cats and Raupp. It’s one of nature’s weirdest events, featuring sex, a race against death, evolution and what can sound like a bad science fic- tion movie soundtrack. Some people may be repulsed. Psychiatrists are calling entomologists wor- rying about their patients, Shrewsbury said. But sci- entists say the arrival of Brood X is a sign that despite pollution, climate change and dramatic bio- diversity loss, something is still right with nature. And it’s quite a show. Raupp presents the nar- rative of cicada’s lifespan with all the verve of a Hol- lywood blockbuster: “You’ve got a creature that spends 17 years in a Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press university of Maryland entomologists Michael Raupp and Paula Shrews- bury sift through a shovel of dirt to pick out cicada nymphs in a suburban backyard in Columbia, Maryland on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. At right, a ci- cada nymph moves in the grass. Within days, a couple weeks at most, the cicadas of Brood X (the X is the Roman numeral for 10) will emerge after 17 years underground. There are many broods of periodic cicadas that appear on rigid schedules in different years, but this is one of the largest and most noticeable. be in 15 states from Indiana to Georgia to New York; they’re coming out now in mass numbers in Tennessee and North Carolina. When the entire brood emerges, backyards can look like undulating waves, and the bug chorus is lawn- mower loud. The cicadas will mostly come out at dusk to try to avoid everything that wants to eat them, squiggling out of holes in the ground. They’ll try to climb up trees or anything vertical. Once off the ground, they shed their skins and try to survive that vulnerable stage before they become dinner to a host of critters weather | Go to AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION Astoria Longview 48/62 Kennewick 47/76 St. Helens 49/79 50/81 52/83 52/78 47/80 WED THU FRI SAT Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy and warm Partly sunny and warm Increasing cloudiness Nice with lots of sun 78 43 75 45 71 38 Eugene 9 10 10 47/78 75 45 75 46 73 42 10 10 10 La Grande 43 78 48 Comfort Index™ 10 Enterprise 8 39 74 48 Comfort Index™ 10 72 44 66 40 9 9 9 9 ALMANAC NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Sunday Low Sunday High: 107° Low: 7° Wettest: 3.43” 58° 29° 59° 37° 61° 33° 0.00 0.03 0.38 1.69 3.43 0.00 0.02 0.57 5.86 6.38 0.00 0.03 0.65 13.74 10.34 PRECIPITATION (inches) AGRICULTURAL INFO. HAY INFORMATION WEDNESDAY Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration 30% SW at 4 to 8 mph 10.7 0.16 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Monday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir 21% of capacity 99% of capacity 54% of capacity 98% of capacity 63% of capacity 100% of capacity STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Sunday) Grande Ronde at Troy 5490 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 72 cfs Burnt River near Unity 117 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 396 cfs Minam River at Minam 1010 cfs Powder River near Richland 44 cfs The Dalles Burns Tillamook A deadly tornado swept through Waco, Texas, on May 11, 1953. The twister killed 114 people and caused $200 million in damage. May 11, 1951, marks the latest springtime snowfall in Baltimore. SUN & MOON TUE. WED. 5:27 a.m. 8:11 p.m. 5:36 a.m. 8:21 p.m. 5:26 a.m. 8:12 p.m. 6:01 a.m. 9:25 p.m. MOON PHASES First Full Last May 11 May 19 May 26 Jun 2 $ 200 Coos Bay MAX AND MIKE ! RECLINERS OR A FREE ACCESSORY CCESSO ACCESSORY Beaver Marsh 47/75 49/82 Silver Lake 39/75 Paisley 39/82 Frenchglen Diamond 41/81 City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview Hi/Lo/W 62/47/c 80/44/pc 82/51/pc 68/48/pc 81/43/pc 62/47/s 78/45/pc 76/42/c 78/43/c 78/48/pc 86/49/pc 81/51/pc 76/48/pc 77/43/pc 73/47/pc 85/49/c 80/41/pc 80/38/pc Hi/Lo/W 60/47/pc 78/46/pc 82/55/pc 67/48/s 80/45/pc 61/44/s 76/43/s 80/47/pc 75/45/pc 77/44/s 85/54/s 81/53/s 77/46/pc 76/50/pc 71/43/pc 85/52/s 80/43/pc 81/40/pc 39/83 38/83 Fields Klamath Falls 37/80 Lakeview 34/80 McDermitt Shown is Wednesday’s weather. Temperatures are Tuesday night’s lows and Wednesday’s highs. THU. Grand View Arock 40/79 41/81 50/87 WED. Boise Jordan Valley 37/79 38/79 Medford Brookings 43/80 46/82 49/88 52/68 Juntura 37/81 37/74 37/76 Roseburg Ontario 45/84 Burns Brothers 45/76 37/79 RECREATION FORECAST WEDNESDAY City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla WED. THU. Hi/Lo/W 79/51/c 76/47/pc 77/45/c 87/50/pc 58/46/pc 73/43/c 84/52/pc 84/48/c 82/51/c 78/51/pc 75/47/s 81/41/pc 82/49/s 78/52/pc 74/47/pc 83/53/c 77/41/pc 78/54/c Hi/Lo/W 81/53/s 75/45/s 74/43/pc 86/52/pc 57/44/s 71/42/s 87/55/pc 84/50/s 78/53/s 76/49/s 71/43/s 80/45/pc 80/47/s 78/46/s 75/48/s 83/55/s 73/40/pc 77/54/s Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Partly sunny Periods of sun 51 35 71 40 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Rather cloudy Partly sunny 61 44 79 42 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Turning cloudy Mostly cloudy 56 33 72 40 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Turning cloudy Mostly cloudy 73 47 81 52 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Partly sunny Mostly cloudy 78 40 STEP UP TO STRESSLESS ® RECLINERS AND SAVE $500. * OFF NEW STRESSLESS ® Huntington 39/75 43/80 Oakridge 40/76 49/81 Seneca REGIONAL CITIES WEATHER HISTORY New 43/77 Bend Grants Pass OREGON Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset 39/81 Council 37/78 42/81 Elkton Powers 40/78 37/72 John Day Chiloquin Zapata, Texas Daniel, Wyo. Lufkin, Texas High: 72° Low: 27° Wettest: 0.03” Sisters Florence 48/62 Halfway Granite Baker City Redmond 45/58 SUNDAY EXTREMES TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin Sunday Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Normal year to date Newport 46/62 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. Monument 42/79 47/78 47/78 72 43 43/78 44/73 50/78 Corvallis Enterprise La Grande 46/73 48/82 Idanha Salem TONIGHT 9 Elgin 40/78 39/74 Condon Maupin Comfort Index™ 10 52/78 Pendleton The Dalles Portland Newberg Lewiston 48/79 Hood River 48/82 TIllamook 37 78 40 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Walla Walla 48/85 Vancouver 49/79 45/66 Baker City over in a matter of weeks. They’re going to tumble down. They’re going to basically fertilize the very plants from which they were spawned. Six weeks later the tiny nymphs are going to tumble 80 feet from the treetops, bounce twice, burrow down into the soil, go back underground for another 17 years.” “This,” Raupp says, “is one of the craziest life cycles of any creature on the planet.” America is the only place in the world that has periodic cicadas that stay underground for either 13 or 17 years, says entomologist John Cooley of the Univer- sity of Connecticut. The bugs only emerge in large numbers when the ground temperature reaches 64 degrees. That’s happening earlier in the calendar in recent years because of climate change, says entomologist Gene Kritsky. Before 1950 they used to emerge at the end of May; now they’re coming out weeks earlier. — Associated Press Plus™ System 78 BalanceAdapt™ 48 ErgoAdapt™ S-M-L STRESSLESS Get $500 off Stressless ® Signature base recliners and ottomans or recliners with Classic Power™.* SOFAS Stressless ® Signature base recliners feature our BalanceAdapt™-system, giving you a soft, gentle rocking motion as your sitting angle adjusts to your every movement. 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S-M-L Heating & Massage Balance & Glide System S-M-L ComfortZones™ Stressless ® Mayfair with Signature base shown in Pioneer Grey Plus™ System BalanceAdapt™ ErgoAdapt™ Power™ Stressless ® Sunrise with Classic Power™ shown in Paloma Maroon Plus™ System Heating & Massage Balance & Glide System S-M-L ComfortZones™ ErgoAdapt™ S-M-L Heating & Massage Balance & Glide System S-M-L BalanceAdapt™ S-M-L ComfortZones™ 1520 ADAMS AVENUE FREE La GRANDE, OREGON 97850 ACCESSORY