Thursday, April 8, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon 3 S inger-songwriters share stories at Tunesmith Night ■ ■ Watch this season’s episodes anytime at ENTERPRISE — The next Tunesmith Night, courtesy of Enterprise’s Wallowa Valley Music Alliance, will feature singer-songwriters Belinda Bowler, Bill Davie and Larry Murante. The virtual concert, presented in round-robin style — begins Saturday, April 10, at 7 p.m. The showcase of original music will be streamed live to YouTube, social media and the Music Alliance website, Due to COVID-19, the monthly concert series currently is presented virtually. The bonus is the recorded concerts are recorded and the entire season is available to watch online anytime you want. Viewers are encouraged to show their support for the program via online donations. Wallowa Valley Music Alliance/Contritbued Photos Singer-songriters (left to right) Larry Murante, Belinda Bowler and Bill Davie are the featured performers at the April 10 virtual edition of the round-robin style Tunesmith Night, a showcase of original music. BELINDA BOWLER grew up singing. Some of her earliest memories are of the songs her dad sang on family vacations. From the back of the Oldsmobile station wagon she would join in, delighting in the stories the songs told. When she was in the third grade her sister taught her three chords on a guitar their dad had brought home from a thrift store. Fifty years and a few guitars later, she is still telling stories with her songs. Her latest music project is called “The Keeper,” a collection of 15 songs for children that adults can enjoy as well. Many of the songs come from her years as an educator. She used music in her classroom to create interest, support learning and encourage creativity with her students. For more from Belinda, go to BILL DAVIE has been playing and singing since he was three years old. He began writing songs at age 11. He has produced seven recordings of his original songs, five self-published books of poetry, and continues to be an active writer and performer at clubs, coffeehouses, colleges, concert halls and festivals, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. Check out Bill’s albums at LARRY MURANTE is well known for his soaring, mellifluous tenor and strong rhythmic guitar style. Stories of everyday people are woven into his original songs, combining compassionate, socially conscious lyrics with an upbeat, joyful folk-rock style. In the past 10 years, Larry has won more than 18 awards in U.S. and international competitions for songwriting and performance, including Grand Prize Winner of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest. More on Larry is available at LA GRANDE 541-963-6033 BAKER CITY 541-523-1533 ENTERPRISE 541-426-9228