COFFEE BREAK 8B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD THuRSDAY, ApRIL 1, 2021 New wife can’t stop thinking about husband’s old girlfriend DEAR ABBY: I’m a young wife. I married after three months of dating my military husband. He was previously in an on-again/off- again relationship that lasted about eight years, during which she had a baby with another man, etc. I believe my husband is still in love with her. After constantly asking him, he says he just wishes her well and he doesn’t have any romantic feelings. I’m not sure what to do, and I just keep over- thinking it. Any thoughts? — HATES HUSBAND’S HISTORY DEAR H.H.H.: Stop torturing your husband — and yourself — by constantly asking him about his feelings for his unfaithful ex-girlfriend. Get to work building your self-esteem, and you will have less to worry about. Your husband’s history (bag- gage) is his own. You are making a mistake by dragging it into your marriage. If you concentrate on the positive, you will have a hap- pier marriage, and so will your husband. DEAR ABBY: Shortly after a DEAR retired, not-so- close friend moved ABBY to another city, he began sending emails about events he had read about in social media, news out- lets and magazines. At first there were only a few a day, but as the days increased, so did his emails. I responded to some of them, but he never commented on them. He just sent more and more to the point that his daily emails are more than I can — or want to — read. I am spending too much time deleting them. What should I do? Should I ask him not to send them anymore, or should I stay quiet so as not to hurt his feelings? — INBOX FULL IN MISSOURI DEAR INBOX FULL: Your friend may be sending these items because, as a retiree, he has little to do but cruise the internet for entertainment. It would not be rude to tell this not-so-close friend you don’t have time to review all of the emails he has been sending and ask him to send fewer. It’s the truth. However, if he doesn’t comply and the barrage continues, feel free to block them or create a filter for these emails that sends them to a folder where they can be scanned and deleted. DEAR ABBY: My husband of 32 years often tells me women compliment him on his looks or the way he dresses. I compli- ment him often, but I think it’s his way of telling me that he’s still “got it” and I should be proud to have a husband who’s hot and good-looking. Am I crazy for not enjoying hearing what other women think? If anything, it has caused some insecurity on my part. I have have been on a handful of trips together in recent years, and after every one of them, I said to myself, “Never again!” She can be extremely annoying. She talks ALL THE TIME and complains nonstop. Her feelings are easily hurt, and she’s the least self-aware person I know. I have traveled with friends without any issues. I asked a couple of them about this, but got no answers. She already asked (last year/ pre-pandemic), “Where will we go next?” Help! — BOTHERED BEYOND BELIEF DEAR B.B.B.: Do not raise the subject of travel with her. Make plans with someone with whom you would like to enjoy the expe- rience and, when your SIL asks, respond honestly. Tell her — as gently as you can — that it’s not going to happen because the last times you traveled together she complained nonstop and spoiled the trip for you. asked him to stop sharing these comments and told him I’m tired of hearing them — especially since I have told him repeatedly what I think of him, his looks and his way of dressing. Am I wrong? — LOVES HIM INSIDE AND OUT DEAR LOVES HIM: I don’t think you’re wrong. But has it occurred to you that your husband may do this not out of ego but because HE is insecure? People who are secure within themselves do not feel the need to continually toot their own horns the way your handsome, stylish husband does. Try this: The next time he does it, smile, nod in agreement and tell him you agree with his admirer. And repeat as necessary. DEAR ABBY: How can I explain that I’d like to try trav- eling solo (or worse, with someone else) to my overly sensi- tive sister-in-law? We have known each other for many years. I am divorced, and she’s widowed. We News of the Weird Volkswagen hoaxes media with fake statement on name change DETROIT — Volk- swagen of America issued false statements this week saying it would change its brand name to “Voltswagen” to stress its commitment to electric vehicles, only to reverse course Tuesday, March 30, and admit the supposed name change was a joke. Mark Gillies, a company spokesperson, confirmed Tuesday the statement had been a pre-April Fool’s Day joke after having insisted Monday the release was legitimate and the name change accurate. The com- pany’s false statement was distributed again Tuesday, saying the brand-name change reflected a shift to more battery-electric vehicles. Volkswagen’s inten- tionally fake news release, highly unusual for a major public company, coincides with its efforts to repair its image as it tries to recover from a 2015 scandal in which it cheated on gov- ernment emissions tests and allowed diesel-powered vehicles to illegally pollute the air. In that scandal, Volk- swagen admitted that about 11 million diesel vehicles worldwide were fitted with the deceptive software. The software reduced nitrogen oxide emissions when the cars were placed on a test machine but allowed higher Research team reports breakthrough in turboencabulator, more ARKHAM, Mass. — Researchers at Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, recently announced a breakthrough in the development of the turboencabulator. For a number of years, engineers at the presti- gious rival of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Tech- nology have worked to bring perfection to the idea of a Lee/Kirby transmis- sion — that is, a means to not only supply inverse reactive current for in uni- lateral phase detractors but also provide the automatic synchronization of cardinal grammeters. The original machine had a base plate of prefam- ulated amulite surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two MacReady bearings were in a direct line with the panametric fan. The latter consists simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, Jens Meyer/Associated Press, File A worker completes an electric car ID.3 body at the assembly line Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020, during a press tour at the plant of the German manufacturer Volkswagen AG (VW) in Zwickau, eastern Germany. emissions and improved engine performance during normal driving. The scandal cost Volkswagen $35 billion (30 billion euros) in fines and civil settlements and led to the recall of millions of vehicles. The company’s fake news release resulted in arti- cles about the name change in multiple media outlets, including The Associated Press. The fake release could land Volkswagen in trouble with U.S. securities reg- ulators because its stock price rose nearly 5% on Tuesday, the day the bogus statement was officially issued. Investors of late have been responding posi- tively to news of companies increasing electric vehicle production, swelling the value of shares of Tesla as well as of some EV startups. James Cox, who teaches corporate and securities law at Duke University, said the Securities and Exchange Commission should take action to deal with such misinformation, which can distort stock prices. “The whole market has gone crazy,” Cox said. “We need to draw a pretty clear line in the sand, I believe, about what is permissible and what isn’t permissible.” This week’s Volkswagen incident bears some sim- ilarity to one in 2018 in which Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk tweeted that he had secured the funding to take the company private — a comment that drove up the stock price, Cox noted. Later, it was revealed that weather | Go to the funding had not been lined up. Musk and Tesla each agreed to pay $20 mil- lion in penalties to the SEC. Late Tuesday, VW issued a statement con- firming that it won’t be changing its brand name to “Voltswagen.” “The renaming was designed to be an announce- ment in the spirit of April Fool’s Day,” the company said. Tim Calkins, a clinical professor of marketing at Northwestern University, said April Fool’s jokes are common in marketing. But he said it’s rare for a com- pany to deliberately mislead reporters. “The problem is that in the short run, you can fool people, and it seems cute and entertaining,” Calkins AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION Astoria Longview 39/52 Kennewick 38/58 St. Helens 39/60 Hood River 36/62 40/65 41/60 36/59 Condon FRI Baker City 34 71 37 Comfort Index™ 10 La Grande 10 69 35 Eugene 36/61 8 69 42 63 40 51 35 10 10 3 62 36 51 35 10 10 4 10 ALMANAC NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Tuesday Low Tuesday High: 95° Low: -9° Wettest: 2.13” 50° 20° 48° 25° 52° 25° PRECIPITATION (inches) Tuesday Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Normal year to date 0.00 0.14 0.79 1.09 2.17 0.00 0.66 1.41 5.69 4.18 0.08 1.24 2.13 13.17 7.63 AGRICULTURAL INFO. HAY INFORMATION FRIDAY Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration 30% SSW at 6 to 12 mph 9.7 0.14 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Wednesday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir Powers 39/62 TUESDAY EXTREMES TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin 15% of capacity 70% of capacity 58% of capacity 81% of capacity 54% of capacity 101% of capacity STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Tuesday) Grande Ronde at Troy 5420 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 109 cfs Burnt River near Unity 40 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 509 cfs Minam River at Minam 310 cfs Powder River near Richland 301 cfs Kingsville, Texas Daniel, Wyo. Savannah, Tenn. OREGON High: 72° Low: 13° Wettest: Trace Brookings Rome Scappoose The snowiest April ever in New York and New England began on April 1, 1874. Snow fell at Cape Cod, Mass., every Satur- day that month. Up to 60 inches of snow accumulated in parts of New Hampshire and Vermont. SUN & MOON THU. FRI. 6:33 a.m. 6:31 a.m. 7:20 p.m. 7:22 p.m. none 12:50 a.m. 8:59 a.m. 9:41 a.m. MOON PHASES Last Apr 4 New Apr 11 First Apr 19 40/64 Full Apr 26 Jordan Valley 36/69 Paisley 39/68 32/67 Frenchglen 37/69 42/77 42/72 City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview SAT. Hi/Lo/W 52/38/pc 68/36/c 75/48/pc 59/42/pc 70/35/pc 53/38/pc 60/38/pc 63/34/s 65/38/pc 61/39/pc 69/43/pc 62/41/pc 67/41/c 68/40/pc 64/40/pc 72/42/pc 68/32/pc 68/33/pc Hi/Lo/W 55/41/c 69/40/c 77/49/pc 55/45/c 70/36/c 56/39/c 61/41/c 66/43/pc 67/42/c 61/42/c 69/50/c 64/44/c 68/41/c 69/41/c 65/39/c 68/48/c 67/34/pc 68/36/pc Grand View Arock 34/81 34/74 35/72 Klamath Falls 31/68 Lakeview 31/68 McDermitt Shown is Friday’s weather. Temperatures are Thursday night’s lows and Friday’s highs. FRI. Diamond 37/67 Fields Medford Brookings 42/59 Boise 44/75 Silver Lake Chiloquin Grants Pass 33/73 32/66 32/68 RECREATION FORECAST FRIDAY REGIONAL CITIES WEATHER HISTORY Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset 30/62 Roseburg Juntura 32/70 33/64 Beaver Marsh 38/53 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. Ontario 40/75 Burns Brothers 37/63 Coos Bay Huntington 34/63 37/68 Oakridge 35/63 42/75 Seneca Bend Elkton 36/62 67 40 38/68 34/68 Council 34/71 John Day 32/68 Sisters Florence 39/53 37/71 Baker City Redmond 39/51 59 32 10 Halfway Granite 34/64 36/59 35/60 Corvallis 37/70 34/60 Newport Enterprise 38/64 39/68 Monument 37/64 Idanha Salem MON Showers possible 10 10 38 64 41 Comfort Index™ 10 SUN 74 39 39 68 40 Comfort Index™ 10 Enterprise SAT Cloudy and mild Clouds and sun; pleasant 37/65 La Grande 37/61 Maupin Thickening clouds Elgin Pendleton The Dalles Portland Newberg Lewiston 44/66 45/64 43/63 37/54 Mainly clear Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Walla Walla 40/72 Vancouver 38/59 TIllamook TONIGHT so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented. The new principle involves generating power by the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance from dilithium capacitive durac- tance. The main winding employs the lotus-o-delta type placed in panen- dermic semi-boloid slots of the stator, every seventh conductor connected by a non-reversible tremie pipe to the differential girdle spring on the “up” end of the grammeters. The team in another breakthrough connected dual-polarized coaxial cables via an Initech inter- face from the turboen- cabulator’s interocitor to successfully charge and operate a flux capacitor for .00025 seconds, creating a localized space-time differ- ential, as predicted in Ein- stein’s theory of special relativity. Physicist Ian Don- nelly led the team. He said this was the first step in attempting to create an oscillation overthruster, which one day could allow for the transportation of objects through solid matter. He also said the team continues to assess mea- surements from the experi- ment and soon will publish the full results. The Wayland-Yutani Corporation is funding the research. — The Observer said. “But in the long run, you really do need positive and good relations with the media. For a company that already has credibility prob- lems, this is really a strange move.” Calkins said that while the incident might not hurt VW with consumers, the company needs good rela- tions with reporters to build its brand image over time. — Associated Press FRI. City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla SAT. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 66/44/c 66/47/c 58/36/pc 62/41/c 67/37/c 68/39/c 72/41/pc 73/42/c 51/38/pc 54/42/c 56/35/c 58/39/c 75/43/pc 78/45/pc 69/42/s 67/45/c 63/41/pc 65/47/c 60/40/pc 61/45/c 62/40/pc 64/44/c 68/33/c 70/35/c 64/39/c 66/43/c 60/39/c 61/41/c 59/37/c 59/42/c 65/40/pc 66/44/c 63/34/c 64/39/c 64/45/c 65/47/c Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Thickening clouds Clouding up 43 33 67 37 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Clouds rolling in Becoming cloudy 54 39 67 39 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Thickening clouds Partly sunny 51 32 59 33 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Partly sunny Cooler 64 40 64 41 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Clouding up Thickening clouds 71 37 68 40