Spiritual Life 6A Thursday, April 1, 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Good Friday Stations of the Cross Submissions LA GRANDE — An ecumen- ical Stations of the Cross event will take place on Good Friday, April 2, in La Grande. All are welcome to pick up a map at the United Methodist Church, where the route through the stations begins. Other stations will be at the First Christian Church, Zion Lutheran Church and First Pres- byterian Church. The stations will be available from noon until 6 p.m. on Friday. Faith Lutheran Church LA GRANDE — Faith Lutheran Church will gather for services and activities during Passion Week and on Easter Sunday. A Maundy Thursday ser- vice begins at 6:30 p.m. April 1 (“maundy” refers to the mandates Jesus gave at the Last Supper to “love one another” and to “take, eat and drink” — to participate in Communion — in remembrance Churches and faith-based groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiritual Life page by 4 p.m. Tuesday for publication Thursday. Submit by email to news@ lagrandeobserver.com (with Highlights in the subject line). of him). A Good Friday Tenebrae service will be held at 6:30 p.m. April 2 (“tenebrae” is a service of darkness focusing on Jesus’ words from the cross). On Easter Sunday, April 4, a 7 a.m. sunrise service is fol- lowed by a continental breakfast at 7:45 a.m. Easter Art Sunday school begins at 8:45 a.m., and the Easter service will be at 10 a.m. After the service there will be an Easter egg hunt and a meal. The elders will meet at 1 p.m. Catholic churches’ Holy Week and Easter services UNION COUNTY — The Catholic churches of the Grande Ronde Valley are holding special services during Holy Week, which leads to Easter, April 4. At Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in La Grande, Mass of the Last Supper begins at 7 p.m. on Holy Thursday, April 1. The Good Friday service on April 2 also begins at 7 p.m. An Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday, April 3, will be held at 8 p.m. And on Sunday, April 4, Our Lady of the Valley will hold Easter Mass at 10 a.m. Easter Mass will be cele- brated at 8 a.m. Sunday, April 4, at Union’s Sacred Heart Catholic Church and at 12:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Elgin. Zion Lutheran Church LA GRANDE — Zion Lutheran will meet in person on Easter Sunday, April 4, at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. COVID-19 precau- Exploring the link between faith and foolishness ROBERTA SMYTHE WALKING WITH THE SHEPHERD A s this is April Fools’ Day, it seems fi tting to consider the link between faith and foolishness. Certainly, there are those folks who think that belief in God, or in Jesus as God’s son and our savior, is indeed foolish. Once a woman I worked with asked me how anyone who was intelligent could possibly be a believer. After all, how could anyone with a rational mind believe in such things? How could someone believe without proof? How could someone believe all those miracles in the Bible? For some folks, faith seems incom- patible with reason, logic, science, intel- lect, etc. This is not anything new. In fact, Thomas Jeff erson, though a believer in God, didn’t believe in Jesus’ miracles. He even took a razor to his Bible to remove all mentions of Jesus’ miracles and most references to Jesus’ divinity. And then there are the values held by most people of faith. Values that are often in confl ict with those held by much of our society. People of faith value con- cern for and service to our neighbors, especially the disenfranchised, while our society tends to value profi t, power and self-reliance. And so those of faith may be thought of as fools to donate time and money helping others instead of enriching themselves. Again, this is nothing new. In the decades after Jesus’ death and res- urrection, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, cautioning them about fol- lowing “the wisdom of the world.” Paul states that “God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom,” and that “God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise.” I don’t know that people of faith help others in order to shame the wise, though that may be an eff ect. In addition to this being April Fools’ Day, this is also Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, which is the day the church remembers Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. That meal was when Jesus bent down to wash the feet of his disci- ples, humbling himself for their benefi t. That meal is also when Jesus gave his dis- ciples, both those in the room then and those who follow him now, a “new” com- mandment: love one another as I have loved you. Jesus showed his love for the disciples by being of service to them. Another way Jesus showed his (and God’s) love for others was to help those in our world who were most in need: Jesus fed the poor, healed the sick, mingled with outcasts and socialized with the sin- ners and tax collectors. If we are to love as Jesus loved, those are the behaviors we are called to emulate, no matter how foolish they may seem to the rest of the world. ——— The Rev. Roberta Smythe has been the pastor at Zion Lutheran and St. Peter’s Episcopal churches in La Grande since September 2019. She previously served churches in north-central and northwest Montana. She was raised in the Oregon City area and has degrees from the University of Oregon and Pacifi c Lutheran Theological Seminary. Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 3-4. Visit www.churchofjesus- christ.org to view and hear a special invitation from Presi- dent Russel M. Nelson, where he testifi es that “Jesus Christ lives! As our resurrected and atoning Savior, He stands ready to help us grow from the dra- matic, unexpected events in our lives. At this Easter season, let us worship and praise Him for the peace, hope, light, and truth He brings to us.” Conference sessions will be broadcast on Saturday at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., with a priesthood ses- sion at 6 p.m. On Easter Sunday, a special event is planned for the 9 a.m. morning session, and the conference concludes with a 1 p.m. session, The “Come, Follow Me” lesson for the week of April 5 is based on Doctrine and Covenants 30-36 in which early members of the church are called by revelation to serve as missionaries. tions will be in place. Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to Zion via email or phone by noon Saturday, indi- cating which service they will be attending. The 9 a.m. service will be livestreamed to YouTube. The link for that will be posted on Zion’s Facebook page and web- site on Saturday. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church LA GRANDE — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will not have in-person worship this Sunday, April 4, due to COVID-19. A link to the livestream of Zion Luther- an’s 9 a.m. service will be posted to St. Peter’s Facebook page on Saturday. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints LA GRANDE — All are wel- come to participate in the Gen- eral Conference of The Church of Make the Hometown Choice! Ask us about home delivery. ELGIN ELECTRIC 43 N. 8th Elgin, OR 541-437-2054 ISLAND EXPRESS LUBE CENTER & CAR WASH Pick-Up Bumpers Designed to be tough, long lasting and can stand up to abuse. 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McAlister Rd.) $ 68 Month Northeast Oregon Directory of Churches Cove United Methodist Church 1708 Jasper St., Cove, OR North Powder United Methodist Church 390 E. St., North Powder, OR JOIN US... Catch the Spirit! First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 lgdisciples@gmail.com Worship 10:00 a.m. Worship: 9:00 a.m. Cove Worship: 10:00 a.m. N. Powder ~Join us at The Lord’s Table~ SUMMERVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH LA GRANDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Services: Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes 9:45AM Children’s Church & Worship Service 11:00AM Family Worship Service 6:00PM Wednesday: Prayer Mtg, Children’s Bible Club, Youth Group 7:00PM A church for your whole family Visit us at summervillebaptistchurch.org “OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS” 1612 4th Street – 963-2498 Pastor Taylor Gould For service information go to www.lagrandeumc.org GRACE COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH The Place 62848 Philynda Loop in Island City “We are called to Serve” Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Phone: 541-568-4230 grace.lutherancove@gmail.com Zion Lutheran Church (an ELCA church) 902 Fourth Street, La Grande, OR (541) 963-5998 9:00 am - Worship 10:00 am - Fellowship & Refreshments 10:30 am - Classes Pastor: Roberta Smythe www.zionlagrande.org Imbler Christian Church 440 Ruckman, Imbler 534-2201 www.imblercc@gmail.com Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service Services This Week La Grande Seventh-day FIRST LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Adventist Church A Place where hope is found in Jesus Join us in Fellowship & Worship Saturday all age classes 9:30 am Saturday Worship 11:00 am 1812 1st St. La Grande Pastor Dave Tierce • 541-605-0215 2702 Adams Avenue, La Grande 963-4018 lagrandeor.adventistchurch.org Learning for Today and Eternity Little Friends Christian Preschool/Childcare 963-6390 La Grande Adventist Christian School K-8th Grade 963-6203 We use the King James Version Bible 109 18th Street • 963-3402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Bible Study - 3:00 pm (Effective June 10) Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm “Where you can find TRUTH according to the scriptures” www.flmbclagrande.com