8A — THE OBSERVER THuRSday, MaRcH 4, 2021 STATE Oregon bill would hike wine, beer and cider taxes By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press SALEM — Oregon leg- islators Tuesday, Feb. 23, introduced House Bill 3296, dubbed the Addiction Crisis Recovery Act, which would increase the state’s beer tax by 2,800% and wine tax by 1,700%. Based on industry esti- mates, HB 3296 would increase the cost of every bottle of wine sold in Oregon by more than $2. The tax would be even higher on ciders and beers. The bill’s supporters say it will reduce underage and binge drinking by raising the wholesale price of alcohol, and the money raised from taxes will be invested in treatment and recovery programs and infrastructure for people with alcohol addiction. Opponents, including beer, wine and cider busi- ness leaders, say the pro- posed tax could devastate their industries at a time when they’re already strug- gling during the pandemic. “It is unfathomable to think that now is an appro- priate time to increase any tax on one of Ore- gon’s homegrown indus- tries that has suffered the most during the COVID-19 pandemic, let alone one of this magnitude,” Scott Kelley, owner and wine- Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press, File A barrel and vines at White Rose Estate, Dayton. The wine, beer and cider industries are bracing for a potential tax hike in Oregon. maker at Paul O’Brien Winery in Roseburg, said in a statement. Jennifer Sitton, spokes- person for the Oregon Wine Council, a statewide industry advocacy associa- tion, told the Capital Press the council is “strongly opposing this extreme proposal.” According to the council, wine tasting room sales have already declined during the pandemic by an estimated 80%, a $3 billion loss, while smaller wineries relying on tasting room and restaurant sales lost more than 60% of their revenue due to COVID-19 closures. State News in Brief More contagious Brown that higher educa- Brazilian virus variant tion will be included in the state’s next phase of vacci- emerges in Oregon University of Oregon to return to mostly in-person classes MEDFORD — A former UPS driver charged in shootings that injured a woman and damaged vehi- cles along Interstate 5 in Southern Oregon has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. Kenneth Ayers, of Roseburg, was sentenced Tuesday in Jackson County Circuit Court for three counts of attempted murder, five counts of unlawful use of a weapon, three counts of reckless endangerment, and four counts of criminal mischief, The Mail Tribune reported. Ayers, 49, pleaded guilty to the charges last week. From May to August 2020, multiple drivers reported to Oregon State Police that their vehicles had sus- tained damage from bul- lets, including flattened tires, loss of power steering and a pierced coolant hose in a semi. There was no apparent pattern to the shootings. They happened in Jackson, Josephine and Douglas counties during the day and night and happened to vehicles traveling north and south. On Aug. 19, a woman was shot in the shoulder while driving on I-5 between Gold Hill and Central Point and police arrested Ayers about 60 miles (96 kilometers) away. He was employed by UPS as a driver at the time. Ayers declined to speak at sentencing. — Associated Press Losing Your HEARING or are your ears just plugged with EARWAX? FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF! You are invited for a FREE ear inspection Losing Your HEARING using the latest video technology to determine if or are your ears just plugged with EARWAX? you could be helped by a hearing aid. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF! Now through (Exp. Date) Now through May 8, ear 2020 through 10, 2021 You are Now invited for a March FREE inspection Call for the an latest appointment to avoid waiting! It’s All FREE! if using video now technology to determine you could be helped by a hearing aid. FREE Video Otoscope Ear Inspection* This show-all Picture of your ear canal is displayed on a color monitor, so you’ll see exactly what we see to determine if you could be helped by a hearing aid. Now through (Exp. 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Introducing the NEW Chip in the Ear This Audiometric evaluation will precisely show you what you’ve been missing and if you can be helped by a hearing aid. FREE Package of Hearing Aid Batteries If you now wear a hearing aid, you will receive one FREE package of Hearing Aid Batteries. If we test your hearing to see if you could be helped by a hearing aid you will receive another FREE Package. In-The-Canal Advantages FREE In-Office Repairs All in-office hearing aid repairs shall be FREE…and factory repairs, regardless of make or model shall be 50% OFF the total cost of the repair. Introducing the NEW CIC Chip in the ITC Ear Open Fit/Receiver-In-The-Canal Advanced, powerful technology allows even more options to wear this more natural sounding and comfortable hearing aid. Open Fit hearing aids fit securely behind the ear and have a thin tube that directs the sound into your ear canal. 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Good only from participating Miracle-Ear® Hearing Aid Centers. One coupon per purchase. No other offers or discounts apply. Discount does not apply to prior sales. Offer valid on ME-1, ME-2, ME-3 hearing aids. Cannot combine with any other offers. Cash value 1/20th cent. Offer expires 5/8/20 3/10/21 (Exp. Date) Offer valid on Model ME2400 100% Digital & 100% Programmable Valid at participating Miracle-Ear® Hearing Aid Centers. Limit one hearing aid per customer at the promotional price. LIMITED TIME OFFER! Save on our advanced line OPEN FIT TECHNOLOGY of FEDERAL digital hearing aids. and RETIREES may be eligible for Hearing Aids at NO COST That’s Right...No Co-Pay! No Some WORKERS May not be combined with other offer and does not apply to prior 3/10/21 sales. Cash value 1/20th cent. Offer expires 5/8/20 (Exp. Date) $ CROSS BLUE SHIELD**! Exam Fee! No Adjustment Fee! Most Insurance Plans are accepted including BLUE BUY 1 GET 1 99 5.0 0 50% OFF! AT THESE PARTICIPATING MIRACLE-EAR Offer valid on HEARING Model ME2400 100% MSRP $ 3090 SAVE $ 2095 Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price All ME-1, ME-2 and ME-3 Solutions Hearing Aids AID CENTERS ONLY! Digital & 100% Programmable ® Valid at participating Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Centers. CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT! Limit one hearing aid per customer at the promotional price. Good only from participating Miracle-Ear® Hearing Aid Centers. One coupon per purchase. No other offers or discounts apply. Discount does not apply to prior sales. Offer valid on ME-1, ME-2, ME-3 hearing aids. Cannot combine with any other offers. Cash value 1/20th cent. Offer expires (Exp. Date) May not be combined with other offer and does not apply to prior sales. Cash value 1/20th cent. Offer expires (Exp. Date) LA GRANDE ENTERPRISE (Add locations, expiration dates, Aids Phone Some FEDERAL WORKERS RETIREES may be eligible for Hearing at NO Front COST That’s Co-Pay! 111 Elm and Street 113-1/2 E. Right...No Main St. No numbers, etc..) Exam Fee! No Adjustment Fee! Most Insurance Plans are accepted including BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD**! La Grande, OR 97850 Enterprise, OR 97828 *Hearing test is always free. Hearing aids do not restore natural hearing. Individual experiences vary depending on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of evolution and ability to adapt to amplification. Hearing test is an audiometric test to determine amplification needs only. These are not medical exams or diagnoses. If you suspect a problem please seek treatment from your physician. **Blue Cross Blue Shield, The Blue Cross, The Blue Shield, BCBS and Federal Employee Program are registered trademarks of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and its independent licensees are not affiliated with nor do they endorse or sponsor the contents of this advertisement. Trademarks referring to specific providers are used by Miracle-Ear for nominative purposes only: to truthfully identify the source of the services about which information is provided. Such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners. The aids must be returned within 30 days of delivery pursuant to terms of your purchase agreement and 100% of the purchase will be refunded. 541-605-2109 541-239-3877 AT THESE PARTICIPATING MIRACLE-EAR HEARING BAKER CITY AID CENTERS ONLY! 2021 Washington Ave. Mention Code: CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT! Baker City, OR 97814 20AprLosing 21MarLosing MOD0001727501-01 EUGENE,— The Uni- versity of Oregon will go back to predominately in-person instruction for the fall term, officials said. President Michael Schill says the decision was made following an announce- ment Friday from Gov. Kate Driver gets 20 years for I-5 shootings sage Wednesday that the idea of increasing the tax on small, local wineries during an economic crisis is “incomprehensible.” hike. According to a survey last month taken by Pat- inkin Research Strategies, a research firm, 3 out of 4 Oregonians say Oregon’s existing alcohol taxes are either too high already or about right. The Oregon Beverage Alliance, comprised of brewers, winemakers, cidermakers, distillers and suppliers, said in a state- ment the potential tax hike could be harmful to their industries. “Oregon already has some of the highest alcohol prices in the country,” the Oregon Beverage Alliance reported. Tax increases, the organization said, will “only make it harder for these businesses to invest in rehiring, equipment, upgrades and expansion, and will result in higher prices for consumers.” MOD0001727501-01 SALEM— A coro- navirus variant that was first detected in Brazil has emerged in Oregon, the first known case of the new variant on the contiguous U.S. West Coast, medical authorities said Tuesday. The sample was sent to the U.S. Centers for Dis- ease Control and Preven- tion at the end of January by medical officials in Douglas County, Oregon. They said they received the results back on Monday night, which showed the P.1 variant. “The P.1 variant ... appears to be related to business travel out- side the United States to and from Brazil,” the Douglas County COVID-19 Response Team said in a statement Tuesday. The variant, which was first found in Manaus, Brazil, appears to be more contagious than other COVID-19 strains. It can potentially be contracted by someone who was already infected or who has been vaccinated. There have been 10 additional cases of the P.1 variant reported in the U.S., with five in Florida, two in Minnesota and one each in Oklahoma, Alaska and Maryland, the CDC says. Health officials in Douglas County, located in western Oregon, said they are awaiting results of other samples that were sent to the CDC for genome sequence DNA testing for emerging COVID-19 variants. The Oregon Health Authority said the unidenti- fied person who contracted the Brazilian variant has been working closely with the local health department and has been self-isolating. Health officials on Tuesday also reported 13 new coronavirus-related deaths in the state, raising the known death toll to 2,225. There were 269 new confirmed and presumptive cases in the state, for a total of 156,037, authorities said. nations, the Register-Guard reported. Employees of the state’s public and private colleges and universities will be eli- gible for the COVID-19 vaccination starting May 1. In January, the university announced it was “ramping up planning” to provide access to COVID-19 vac- cines for faculty, staff and students quickly when sup- plies become available. The University of Oregon also has provided logistical support to current local vaccine efforts. According to the Oregon Health Authority’s phased approach to distribution, the majority of Univer- sity of Oregon students are included in Phase 2. The University will offer vacci- nations to students in jointly sponsored clinics during that phase of the process. Sam Tannahill, founder and winegrower at A to Z Wineworks and Rex Hill winery in Newberg, said in an emailed mes- “As written, this pro- posal would potentially force most of Oregon’s prized wineries to simply shut down, as they would be unable to sustain their operations with this drastic of a tax increase,” wrote Tannahill. The bill’s advocates, including Oregon Recovers, the nonprofit coalition backing the bill, say the proposal is an important step toward addiction recovery. The text of the bill says the funding will be used to establish an Addiction Recovery District for each geographic region and tribe in the state and will fund treatment beds, detoxifica- tion centers and intensive outpatient openings. But the bill’s critics point out that most con- sumers don’t want a tax (Add locations, expiration dates, Phone 541-239-3782 numbers, etc..) *Hearing test is always free. Hearing aids do not restore natural hearing. Individual experiences vary depending on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of evolution and ability to adapt to amplification. Hearing test is an audiometric test to determine amplification needs only. These are not medical exams or diagnoses. If you suspect a problem please seek treatment from your physician. **Blue Cross Blue Shield, The Blue Cross, The Blue Shield, BCBS and Federal Employee Program are registered trademarks of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and its independent licensees are not affiliated with nor do they endorse or sponsor the contents of this advertisement. Trademarks referring to specific providers are used by Miracle-Ear for nominative purposes only: to truthfully identify the source of the services about which information is provided. Such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners. The aids must be returned within 30 days of delivery pursuant to terms of your purchase agreement and 100% of the purchase will be refunded.