RECORDS AND MORE Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Public Safety Report Community FRIDAY, FEB. 26 Meetings • LA GRANDE — The Blue Mountain Translator District Board of Directors will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 2, at noon at 808 Adams Ave., La Grande. The meeting will be in person and is open to the public. • LA GRANDE — The La Grande City Council will meet for a regular session Wednesday, March 3, at 6 p.m., directly followed by a meeting of the council as the Urban Renewal Agency. The meetings will be available for viewing via the city’s sched- uled Charter Communications channel, on the La Grande Alive website (www.lagran- and the Eastern Oregon Alive.TV Face- book page (www.facebook. com/EOAliveTV). • Public written comments or questions may be emailed to rstrope@cityoflagrande. org and must be received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 2. Briefs 8:20 a.m. — La Grande police received a report of a suspicious person on the 3000 block of Q Avenue. An officer checked the area but did not find the subject. 12:16 p.m. — A caller on the 2900 block of Depot Street, La Grande, asked for an officer to handle a prop- erty dispute. An officer made contact and gave options. 7:41 p.m. — A caller on the 1400 block of T Avenue, La Grande, reported harass- ment. An officer made con- tact and explained options. 8:09 p.m. — A caller reported a safety hazard on the 1100 block of Birch Street, Elgin. A Union County sheriff’s deputy responded and gave two people a warning. COVE — The Cove senior meal program is offering takeout lunches on the first and third Tuesday of the month. Due to restrictions in place caused by the corona- virus pandemic, meals are picked up in front of Found- ers Hall instead of being served inside. The lunch will be handed out from noon to 12:30 p.m. Enter the drive- way in front of the Ascension Founders Hall on Church Street from the north. The Tuesday, March 16, lunch will be a St. Patrick’s Day meal featuring corned beef and cabbage, red pota- toes and carrots, green salad, roll and brownies. There is a $5 charge per meal. If you haven’t been contacted, call Imie Bristow at 541-568-4545 by Wednesday, March 10, to order your meal. — The Observer Honors Local student earns honor roll recognition ST. GEORGE, Utah — Angelina Karpenok of La Grande was named to the honor roll for the fall 2020 se- mester at Utah’s Dixie State University. To be included on the honor roll, students must complete a minimum of 15 credits and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher. According to the press re- lease, Dixie State University is a “premier open, inclusive, comprehensive and poly- technic teaching institution built upon a rich tradition of determination and gener- osity that is still embraced by the campus community today.” — The Observer Lottery Megabucks: $2.4 million 2-6-15-17-23-24 Powerball: $106 million 2-28-31-44-52 — PB 18 x3 Mega Millions: $30 million 11-15-37-62-64 — MB 5 x2 Win for Life: Feb. 27 3-17-29-41 Pick 4: Feb. 28 • 1 p.m.: 3-2-9-8 • 4 p.m.: 3-0-7-8 • 7 p.m.: 5-5-9-2 • 10 p.m.: 9-6-1-4 Pick 4: Feb. 27 • 1 p.m.: 1-2-6-5 • 4 p.m.: 7-5-4-2 • 7 p.m.: 7-4-7-6 • 10 p.m.: 3-4-9-8 Pick 4: Feb. 26 • 1 p.m.: 8-0-1-8 • 4 p.m.: 1-8-6-3 • 7 p.m.: 5-8-9-1 • 10 p.m.: 5-6-2-2 Delivery issues? If you have any problems receiving your Observer, call 541-963-3161. Gregory J. Gerke Gregory Jay Gerke, 63, of La Grande, died Feb. 2 at La Grande Post-Acute Rehab Med- ical Facility. He lived many places during his life, including Ana- heim, California, and Prineville, Union and La Grande. Known as Greg, he was born Oct. 15, 1957, in Rock- ford, Illinois. He joined the U.S. Army in 1975. After he was honorably discharged he began a career in transpor- tation, driving a semitruck. One of his proudest accom- plishments was operating and owning a semi. Greg enjoyed fishing, hunting, mushrooming, and riding four-wheelers. He 19 . 99 $ /mo. where available 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE 64 MO. 12:31 a.m. — La Grande police responded to a res- idence on the 2000 block of Walnut Street on a noise complaint. The residents agreed to keep down the noise. 8:21 a.m. — La Grande police received a report of criminal mischief on the 2000 block of Second Street. An officer responded and took a report. 1:24 p.m. — La Grande police responded to a report of someone suffering a mental health crisis. Police gave the person a ride to also loved to spoil his dogs, Jake and Bandit, during their lives. He had a funny sense of humor and would always say, “That’s what she said.” Surviving relatives include his daughter, Lena Gray of La Grande; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother. Donations to help defray funeral expenses may be made in care of Tami’s Pine Valley Funeral Home and Cremation Services, P.O. Box 543, Halfway 97834. Online condolences can be shared at www.tamispi- Union County sheriff’s dep- uties responded and sepa- rated the parties. SUNDAY, FEB. 28 12:12 a.m. — La Grande police responded to a report of a disturbance on T Avenue. Officers arrived and determined intoxicated people were on their way home. 7:33 a.m. — A caller reported a domestic distur- bance on the 60000 block of Thew Loop, Cove. A Union County sheriff’s deputy made contact and found the situation did not rise to a level of mandatory arrest. 11:37 a.m. — A caller reported vandalism to a storage unit at Eastern Oregon Rental & Storage, 1410 21st St., La Grande. An officer made contact and took a report. 4:33 p.m. — Union County sheriff’s deputies responded to a residence on the 1500 block of Conklin Road, Cove, on a report of a domestic disturbance. Dep- uties found the situation did not warrant a mandatory arrest. 6:37 p.m. — La Grande police responded to a res- idence on the 70 block of Harrison Avenue for a domestic disturbance. Offi- cers also found this situation did not rise to the level of a mandatory arrest. 11:11 p.m. — La Grande police responded to a noise complaint on the 2000 block of Gekeler Lane. The occu- pant agreed to turn down the music. Lawrence Laber Please follow guide- lines regarding face cov- erings and social dis- tancing at all services. March 2 — CHARLIE RITTER: 10 a.m. livestreamed funeral (to view the ser- vice, go to, scroll to the bottom and click on the “Funeral Lawrence Laber, 78, of Elgin, died Feb. 27. Arrangements are by Love- land Funeral Chapel & Cre- matory, La Grande. America’s Top 120 Package 190 CHANNELS for 12 Mos. Including Local Channels! CALL TODAY - For $100 Gift Card Promo Code: DISH100 1-866-373-9175 Offer ends 7/14/21. All offers require credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification. Formerly of North Powder and La Grande Videos” button); grave- side service follows at Island City Cemetery, then lunch at the Amer- ican Legion. March 20 — CHARITY HENRY: 11 a.m. memorial ser- vice, La Grande Church of Christ. April 24 — BECKY ROBERSON: 2 p.m. celebration of life, Elgin Community Center. — calendar cour- tesy of Loveland Funeral Chapel, La Grande Patricia C. Greene Raymond M. Johnson, 89, of La Grande, died March 1 at a local care facility. Arrangements are by Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory, La Grande. Patricia C. Greene, 93, of La Grande, died March 1 at a local care facility. Arrangements are by Love- land Funeral Chapel & Cre- matory, La Grande. Imagine The Difference You Can Make DONATE YOUR CAR 1-844-533-9173 William F. Davis, 82, of Nampa, Idaho, and formerly of North Powder and La Grande, died Feb. 26 at his home. Arrangements are by All Valley Cremation, Nampa. Harold L. Campbell La Grande Harold L. Campbell, 64, of La Grande, died Feb. 28 at Grande Ronde Hospital. Arrangements are by Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory, La Grande. William Paxton Raymond M. Johnson La Grande Elgin William F. Davis Upcoming local services the internet without a subscription. Several of the library’s programs will remain online. Virtual Storytime is on our ROSE PEACOCK website and YouTube channel. Dial-a-Story COOK MEMORIAL LIBRARY for all ages continues with new selections. Dial-a-Story can be accessed 24 hours a day, free of charge, by calling 541-624-6339. The Cook Memorial Library building Genre Book Club for adults meets online reopened Monday, March 1. Patrons are Thursday, March 25, at 2 p.m. This month, limited to half an hour for browsing and participants will be reading books with the checkout or one hour for library computer theme or topic of time travel. To join the use. Patrons are required to wear masks for club, email rpeacock@cookmemoriallibrary. library entry. If you created an eCard during org for the meeting log-in information. our closure, you may come in with current Unable to pick up items at the library? identification and update your account. Use Library @ Your Door, in partner- ship with Rob’s Speedy Hours are as follows: Delivery. This free ser- Monday, Tuesday, Unable to pick up items vice is for residents within Thursday, Friday: at-risk the La Grande city limits and older patrons, at the library? Use who cannot physically 10-11 a.m.; all patrons, Library @ Your Door, come to the library due to 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. long- or short-term health Wednesday: all in partnership with concerns. Deliveries are patrons, noon to 7:30 p.m. Rob’s Speedy Delivery. made Friday afternoons, Saturday and Sunday: This free service is for and orders must be placed closed prior to 6 p.m. on the pre- When the building is residents within the ceding Wednesday. Fill open, the Seed Library La Grande city limits out our online registration will be available for form or call the library for self-service. Located at who cannot physically more information. the main circulation desk, come to the library due Mobile and remote the Seed Library includes printing is now available. to long- or short-term vegetable, flower and To print from home, go herb seeds. The seeds health concerns. to are free, and patrons are portal/#/ppl/upload/CML. asked to limit themselves to eight packets total. The 2021 Seed Library To print from a mobile device, download the Public Print Locations app. has been supplied by donations from Baker Wi-Fi hotspots and ChromeKits are avail- Creek Heirloom Seed Company and Burpee. able to check out. A ChromeKit features a The National Endowment for the Arts Chromebook laptop and a Wi-Fi hotspot. Fishtrap Big Read continues through March Patrons must be 18 or older, read and sign 17 with a variety of online events centered around the book “In the Heart of the Sea” by a borrowing policy, and have had a library account in good standing for at least the past Nathaniel Philbrick. Check for six months. Kits are checked out for one event details. Copies of the book are avail- able for checkout. There will be an online week and are not renewable. discussion of the book Friday, March 5, at The library’s Wi-Fi (LGPLWiFi) is on 4 p.m.; email rpeacock@cookmemorialli- from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. The signal reaches to for log-in details. the building’s entrances and the parking lot Cook Memorial Library offers free and does not require a password. access to Tech-Talk, a technology training Call us at 541-962-1339, ext. 0, Mon- day-Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Find out more resource for non-techies. Tech-Talk is a weekly e-newsletter. Visit the library’s web- on our website: site to subscribe. You can also access a col- ——— lection of 1,000-plus articles and how-to Rose Peacock oversees adult services at videos on using technology, office suites and Cook Memorial Library, La Grande. ADD TO YOUR PACKAGE FOR ONLY 99 SATURDAY, FEB. 27 meet with a crisis worker. 1:54 p.m. — A juvenile caused a disturbance on Willow Street, La Grande. An officer responded, resolved the situation and logged information. 4:22 p.m. — La Grande police and other emergency services received a report of a person who may have attempted self-harm. Police responded and contacted mental health services. 9:19 p.m. — Union County sheriff’s deputies responded to the 59700 block of Highway 203, Union, for a domestic disturbance. The parties separated after arguing. 11:04 p.m. — A caller reported a disturbance at a residence on the 62600 block of Bird Lane, La Grande. The library’s doors are open Blazing Fast Internet! $ 11:40 p.m. — A La Grande resident reported receiving telephonic harass- ment. An officer called the person and left a message. Obituary 1957-2021 • La Grande Next takeout Cove senior lunch features Irish menu The OBserVer — 3A Union La Grande William Paxton, 88, of Union, died Feb. 26 in Baker City. Arrangements are by Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center, La Grande. EOU announces fall term dean’s list LA GRANDE — Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, named 564 students to its dean’s list for the 2020 fall term. Qualifying students achieve and main- tain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale while completing a minimum of 12 hours of graded EOU coursework. The following students hailing from Union and Wal- lowa counties earned this distinction. The first portion of this list ran in The Observer on Saturday, Feb. 27. UNION COUNTY LA GRANDE Brittney Heitz-Garcia Macy Higa Jordan Howard Sierra Howard Jacie Howton Rebekah Hussey Lara Insko Mazie Jackson Zackary Jacobs Justin Jenner Kendrick Johnson Noah Johnson Katie Kitchell Meghan Krantz Paige Laci Jordyn Lambert Haley Leavens Taylor Light Adara Lopez Julia Luty Kyler Malone Elliott Marks Ashley Martinez Zachary Mauras Pearl McCune Ruson Mewa Cody Milmine Madison Morgan Mariah Moulton Garrett Moyes Deon Nguyen Rhyanne Oates Jamey Olson Rebekah Ontiveros Grace Pendarvis Bryce Peters Corinna Pinson Ryan Piper Blake Rasmussen Cade Reed Nathan Reed Caden Ricker Haley Robinett Max Rose Frances Santos Lydia Schaefer Cole James Schultz Nathan Seggerman Blaine Shaw Savannah Shorts Jackson Silveira Amanda Smith Jocelynn Smith Monica Smith Corrina Stadler Shelby Starr Taylor Stricklin Haylee Swiger Kamal Takju Franzen Tarkong Chesley Thompson Hannah Thompson Calista Van Delden Ellen Vander Stelt Aubrey Vannice Priscilla Vazquez Nicholas Vece Nicolas Veloz Espinola Corynn Vigil Eva Wehrle Courtney Wheeler Sajun White Gus Whittington Karsen Williams Kaylin Winans Abigail Winstead Lauren Wolf Alaina Wright Lewis Wright Nathan Wright Jaydon Yancey Tylee York Sydney Zeiler NORTH POWDER Daniela Balderas Villagrana SUMMERVILLE Alexandra Barton Josie Bornstedt Garrett Christensen UNION Connie Day Emilee Freeman Michelle Herbes Jason Lineback Gretchen Litzlbeck Marcus Murrill Rebecca Riomondo Michael Waite Zane Wright WALLOWA COUNTY ENTERPRISE Dylan Edwards Amy Kiesecker Madison McDowell JOSEPH Paige Hunting Gracie Niezen Heidi Niezen WALLOWA Rylee Goller La GRANDE AUTO REPAIR 975-2000 MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE Joe Horst ACDelcoTSS Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator SCHEDULE YOUR FREE IN-HOME ASSESSMENT TODAY! 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