Thursday, February 18, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon Call to artists ■ Featured art shows sought for Crossroads Carnegie Art Center BAKER CITY — Due to a lack of applicants for the 2022 Featured Artist line up, Crossroads Carn- egie Art Center has extended the application date for submissions to March 8, 2021. The featured artist exhibitions represent the highest quality art by emerging, mid-career, and established artists from the local, Eastern Oregon region and greater Pacifi c Northwest region. Crossroads encourages artists to submit proposals for “new work which is fresh and original, fi nely executed and created in the last two years.” When applying, artists should specify their preference for a solo show or group show. Each artist will be evaluated individually, the committee through the jury process may group together one show of two to four artists, based on complementary styles or mediums. Exhibitions are determined by a volunteer committee comprised of artists working in a variety of mediums, art educators, collectors, and the Crossroads’ art director. The selection takes place once per year. Submission forms can be found online at https://crossroads-arts. org/forms Artists seeking a solo show need to submit digital fi les of at least 10 works. Those interested in a group application need to submit digital fi les of at least four works by each artist. Submissions can be emailed to, or mailed to hand delivered to the art center, 2020 Auburn Ave., Baker City OR 97814. Announcements of the 2022 schedule will be available late March or early April of 2021. Artists will be presented with an exhibit timeline of dates, contract, and membership to confi rm or deny acceptance of a Featured Exhibition. For more information, visit www. or call the cen- ter at 541-523-5369. Crossroads is open to the public Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. LA GRANDE 541-963-6033 BAKER CITY 541-523-1533 ENTERPRISE 541-426-9228 7