4 Thursday, February 18, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon Quick Takes look is still up in the air due to the coronavirus pandemic. Established in 2009 and named one of the “25 Coolest Festivals in the World” by MovieMaker Magazine in 2017, the Eastern Oregon Film Festival typically combines three days of screenings, live conversations with fi lmmakers, video Q&A and special presenta- tions from visiting artists. Each night concludes with an after party featuring live music from a variety of visiting musicians. In 2020, EOFF, like many other annual program and to cover for or augment the festival delivery as needed. Submissions for EOFF 2021 opened Feb. 1. The 2021 submis- sion dates are: March 1: early-bird deadline April 15: regular deadline May 14: late deadline June 18: extended deadline Aug. 6: notifi cation date For rules and full details on the submission process, go to https:// fi lmfreeway.com/eofi lmfest and https://eofi lmfest.com/faq. small festivals, was forced to re- spond to the COVID-19 pandemic by pivoting the festival program- ming and presentation to an online-only format. The goal was to present the year’s selections while retaining the unique and intimate artist and guest experience that the festival is known for. Having succeeded in this effort, EOFF is now equipped to expand its yearly programming to an online platform alongside the in-person festival. This allows the festival to provide a more robust Smart Solutions from an IT Partner You Can Count On (541) 963-8889 Art center hosts monthly puzzle exchange LA GRANDE — Jigsaw puzzles are one way to fi ll cold snowy days during a pandemic, and Art Center East hosts a monthly puzzle exchange to keep puzzler-lovers oc- cupied. Bring in a puzzle and take another one home. The next exchange is Saturday, Feb. 20, from 1-2 p.m., at 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande. There is a suggested donation of $5 per puzzle taken home or exchanged, with proceeds going toward ACE’s upkeep and pro- gramming. To keep everyone safe, the ACE staff will disinfect puzzles and surfaces. While inside the build- ing, wear a mask and follow social distancing recommendations. Writing workshop: Joy as a source of resilience ENTERPRISE — Fishtrap is hosting a virtual weekend writ- ing workshop, “Writing for Resil- ience: Finding and Using Joy as a Source,” led by Perrin Kerns. The two-day workshop will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 13-14. Partici- pants will focus on writing about joy in the midst of pandemic, pro- test, climate change and solitude, and thus explore the lyric essay as a celebration of the fragment and the collage. The cost of the weekend work- Repair • Support Consulting • Sales bluemountaintech.com Perrin Kerns shop is $270 ($240 for members of the Fishtrapper club — go to https://fi shtrap.org/be-a-fi shtrapper to join). For full details and to register, to go https://fi shtrap.org/workshop- kerns-march/#more-7899. Kerns has been teaching creative writing for more than 30 years. She currently teaches literature and creative writing at Prescott College, Portland State University, Clark College, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology and Portland’s Literary Arts Program. Her own creative work has taken her from lyric essay to digital storytelling to personal narrative documentaries based on her lyric essays. BACK TO SCHOOL? A LIBRARY CARD is a must-have for students. Access our online resources for research and homework help! FREE eBooks and audiobooks Thousands of titles Unlimited # of sessions at NO CHARGE! It’s PRE-PAID with your taxes. Eastern Oregon Film Festival is ready for 2021 LA GRANDE — The 2021 Eastern Oregon Film Festival is set for Oct. 21-23, although how it will AVAILABLE DAILY Noon to midnight Access with your Baker County Library Card from www.bakerlib.org/kids-teens Explore the ONLINE LIBRARY at www.bakerlib.org 541.523.6419 info@bakerlib.org