The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 16, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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Evan L. Larsen
Translator district
seeks board member
1934-2021 • Formerly of La Grande
LA GRANDE — The Blue
Mountain Translator District
Board of Directors is seeking
to fi ll a vacancy on its board
of directors following the
resignation of a director
elected in 2019. Service in the
appointed position will go
through June.
The remaining two years
of the term, ending June
30, 2023, will be fi lled in a
special election in May. An
individual appointed to fi ll
the short-term vacancy is
not automatically entered
as a candidate in the special
election to complete the
fi nal two years of the term.
For more information, call
541-963-0196 or email bmtd.
RSVP for next takeout
Cove senior meal
COVE — The Cove senior
meal program is offering
takeout lunches on the fi rst
and third Tuesday of the
Due to coronavirus pan-
demic restrictions, meals
are available for pick up
in front of Founders Hall.
The lunch will be handed
out 12-12:30 p.m. Enter the
driveway in front of the
Ascension Founders Hall
on Church Street from the
The menu for March 2 is
lasagna, broccoli, green sal-
ad, French bread and carrot
cake. There is a $5 charge per
If you haven’t been con-
tacted, call Imie Bristow at
541-568-4545 by Wednesday,
Feb. 24, to order your meal.
Meals on Wheels
drivers needed
LA GRANDE — Commu-
nity Connection is seeking
volunteers to be Meals on
Wheels drivers.
For more information, call
Sydney Gleeson at 541-963-
7532, Ext. 1104.
— The Observer
Megabucks: $1.8 million
Powerball: $56 million
20-28-33-63-68 — PB 20 x2
Mega Millions: $82 million
5-14-24-25-27 — MB 14 x3
Win for Life: Feb. 13
Pick 4: Feb. 14
• 1 p.m.: 8-1-0-9
• 4 p.m.: 2-8-7-2
• 7 p.m.: 3-5-5-1
• 10 p.m.: 7-2-5-1
Pick 4: Feb. 13
• 1 p.m.: 0-3-5-0
• 4 p.m.: 7-1-4-6
• 7 p.m.: 4-3-5-5
• 10 p.m.: 8-4-5-2
Pick 4: Feb. 11
• 1 p.m.: 5-5-8-1
• 4 p.m.: 2-4-0-5
• 7 p.m.: 5-6-6-6
• 10 p.m.: 6-7-2-9
If you have any problems
receiving your Observer, call
Evan L. Larsen, 86, for-
merly of La Grande, died
Feb. 12 at his home in King
City. Due to COVID-19,
only a family service will
be held. Interment will be at
Grandview Cemetery in La
Grande. Arrangements are
by Threadgill’s Memorial
Services, Beaverton.
Evan was
born March 10,
1934, in Cen-
terfi eld, Utah,
to Glen J. and
Roberta (Fjeld-
sted) Larsen.
He was the third of fi ve
children. The family lived
in Ely, Nevada, then La
Grande. He graduated from
La Grande High School in
Evan married his high
school sweetheart, Virginia
Brown, on Aug. 15, 1952.
They are the parents of four
In 1965, Evan and Vir-
ginia moved their family
to Pendleton. Evan and his
brother Darvell went into
business, owning Penland
Brothers Moving Com-
pany, later renaming it to
Larsen Transfer Company.
7:01 a.m. — The Union
County Sheriff’s Offi ce
responded to the 58100
block of Foothill Road, La
Grande, on a report of a
domestic disturbance. A
deputy found the parties
were arguing and gave one
person a ride to Grande
Ronde Hospital, La Grande.
10:37 a.m. — The Union
County Sheriff’s Offi ce
arrested Joseph Richard
Panek, 57, of La Grande,
for felon in possession of a
12:02 p.m. — A caller
reported dogs chased live-
stock the night before on
the 300 block of Church
Street, Summerville. The
animal enforcement offi cer
issued a citation.
1:09 p.m. — A Union
resident reported fraud to
a bank account. A Union
County sheriff’s deputy
took down information.
4:35 p.m. — La Grande
police responded to the area
of Box Elder Street and
Adams Avenue on a com-
plaint about indecent expo-
sure and arrested Sean
Thomas Phillips, 29, for
indecent exposure.
5:53 p.m. — A caller
reported an assault on the
330 block of East Dearborn
Evan also owned and oper-
ated the Pendleton Bowling
Lanes from 1975 to 1985.
Evan was an avid Trail
Blazer fan. He loved to
bowl and golf. He played a
lot of basketball and softball
in his youth and was invited
to play on a semi-pro bas-
ketball team.
Evan was a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints all his
life. After retiring, he and
Virginia moved to Portland
where they served as ser-
vice missionaries at Deseret
Industries and then in the
Portland LDS Temple.
Surviving relatives
include his wife, Vir-
ginia Larsen of King City;
daughters and sons-in-law,
Debra and Darwin Ras-
mussen of Tualatin, Chris-
tine Baxter-Wood and
Duane Wood of Pend-
leton, Carol and Tom
Preston of Pendleton, and
Teri and Jim Dunlop of
Aloha; 21 grandchildren,
45 great-grandchildren and
two great-great-grandchil-
dren; aunts, Bea Fjeldsted,
Veon Fjeldsted and Car-
olyn Harris; sisters-in-law,
Peggy Taylor, Dawn Larsen
and Marie Larsen Baker;
Upcoming local services
and many nieces, nephews
and cousins.
He was preceded in
death by his parents, Glen
and Roberta Larsen; sib-
lings and their spouses,
Dale Larsen, Darvell and
Maxine Larsen, Roger
Larsen, and Sharon and
Ralph Nelson; son-in-law,
Duane Baxter; grand-
daughter, Lori Baxter; and
nephew, Derek Nelson.
— While the format of
the event is different this
year due to COVID-19
safety measures, veterans
will “own the mountain”
Monday, Feb. 22, according
to Anthony Lakes Moun-
tain Resort, which is
hosting its sixth annual Vet-
erans Appreciation Day.
Veterans, active mili-
tary and their families will
have the resort to them-
selves. Cosponsored by the
Center for Human Devel-
opment Inc., La Grande,
the event offers free ski les-
sons, equipment rentals,
lift tickets and lunch at
Anthony Lakes Mountain
Resort, 19 miles west of
North Powder off Interstate
84 at exit 285.
The resort’s annual Vet-
erans Appreciation Day is
open to local veterans and
their spouse/partner and any
dependents 18 and younger.
Tickets need to be
reserved ahead of time.
To register and reserve
lift tickets, go to www.
1949-2021 • Formerly of La Grande
Larry Hughes Masters,
71, of Meridian, Idaho, and
formerly of La Grande,
died Feb. 6 due to an abrupt
medical con-
dition. Ser-
vices will take
place at a later
date due to
Larry was
born Aug. 15, 1949, in La
Grande, to Forrest and
Alice Masters. He was a
graduate of La Grande
High School and what is
now Eastern Oregon Uni-
versity where he enjoyed
varsity sports and competed
in baseball and basketball.
Following graduation, he
had a long successful career
6:52 a.m. — La Grande
police responded to
Monroe and Island avenues
to assist with a disabled
vehicle. The police depart-
ment and Union County
Sheriff’s Offi ce throughout
the weekend responded to
numerous disabled vehi-
cles, slide-offs and col-
lisions related to driving
2:30 p.m. — A caller
reported fi nding a dog at
Standley Lane and Hunter
Road north of Island City.
The animal enforcement
offi cer responded.
3:21 p.m. — A caller
reported a person walking
a dog was trespassing
on the 300 block of Polk
Avenue, La Grande. The
animal enforcement offi cer
responded and warned the
dog owner for trespassing.
4:36 p.m. — A caller on
the 2600 block of Green-
wood Street, La Grande,
reported the theft of a
license plate. An offi cer
took a report.
6:22 p.m. — A four-
wheeler pulling a sled was
creating a traffi c hazard on
the 800 block of West Dear-
born Street, Union. A Union
County sheriff’s deputy
counseled the subjects.
6:30 p.m. — A Union
County sheriff’s deputy
at South College and East
Fulton streets, Union, saw
a four-wheeler pulling
someone on the snow. The
deputy counseled the par-
ticipants about the dangers
of this activity.
8:47 a.m. — The Union
County Sheriff’s Offi ce
received a complaint about
a burglary at Legacy
Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM,
10705 Island Ave., Island
City. A deputy responded
but there was no need for a
7:04 p.m. —The Union
County Sheriff’s Offi ce
responded to the 90 block
of South Eighth Street,
The resorts requires
proof of military duty to
pick up the tickets Monday
at the window on the west
side of the lodge. Partici-
pants will receive a packet
of information as well
regarding veterans services.
Sign up for lessons will
be at the ticket booth. Les-
sons are at 11:30 a.m. and
1:30 p.m. The rental shop
will open at 9 a.m.
A free lunch will be
served noon to 1 p.m.
through the window of the
Smokin’ Starbottle. Alco-
holic beverages will be
available for purchase.
Face coverings are
required at all times within
the permit area, including
parking lots. Guests are
encouraged to arrive in
groups of three and to ride
the chairlift with those you
traveled with. The lodge is
closed except for bathroom
For information, contact
Brian Blais at the Center for
Human Development at 541-
962-8842 or bblais@chdinc.
org, or Chelsea at Anthony
Lakes at 541-856-3277 or
The Observer
sion “as public universities
collaborate to obtain greater
funding for higher educa-
tion,” according to the EOU
press release.
Trustees also will review
the university’s annual
report and check on prog-
ress toward completing the
goals in EOU’s strategic
framework. The board will
consider approving two
new academic programs:
in the clothing business
that began at Trotter’s in La
Grande. This led to sales
representative positions for
a number of fi ne clothiers in
the Pacifi c Northwest, Mid-
west and Southwest.
In Sedona, Arizona,
26 years ago Larry met
his future wife, Millissa.
Soon after their marriage
they started a cinnamon
roasted nut business trav-
eling throughout the Pacifi c
Northwest in the summer
and the Southwest in the
winter months, while living
full-time in their RV.
Family, friends, pets
(especially cats) and taking
drives on roads less trav-
eled were just a few of the
things that were important
Street, Union. A Union
County sheriff’s deputy
took a report.
10:23 p.m. — La Grande
police responded to the
3200 block of Umatilla
Street for a noise complaint
and warned one person for
an ordinance violation.
11 p.m. — A caller
reported a traffi c hazard at
12th Street and Highland
Avenue, La Grande. Police
responded and counseled
New academic programs, more on EOU board agenda
Eastern Oregon Univer-
sity Board of Trustees will
discuss new academic pro-
grams, legislative priorities,
strategic goals and the uni-
versity governance structure
when it meets Thursday,
Feb. 18, via Zoom.
Following opening com-
ments and fi nancial reports,
the board will hear updates
on the state legislative ses-
Please follow guide-
lines regarding face cov-
erings and social dis-
tancing at all services.
Feb. 20 — HARRY
BIGLER: 2 p.m. military
honors ceremony, Union
agriculture entrepreneur-
ship and a special education
teaching licensure.
In addition, the board
will hear from represen-
tatives of the EOU Foun-
dation and the Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion Ad
Hoc Committee.
The public may watch
the meeting at livestream.
com/eou/governance. Pro-
ceedings begin at 9 a.m.
City Park.
Feb. 20 — LORI
GREENWAY: 3 p.m.
memorial service, Enter-
prise First Baptist
April 24 — BECKY
ROBERSON: 2 p.m.
celebration of life, Elgin
Community Center.
— calendar cour-
tesy of Loveland Funeral
Chapel, La Grande
Larry H. Masters
Anthony Lakes hosts ski day for veterans and families
The Observer
and are scheduled to con-
clude at 4:20 p.m.
The full agenda
is available at www.
Written comments or
requests to provide oral
comment can be submitted
to Con-
tact Ella Maloy at emaloy@ or 541-962-4101 for
additional information.
An Independent
Insurance Agency
Elgin, on a report of a
vehicle theft. A deputy
took information and cited
a 37-year-old woman from
Elgin on a Union County
warrant for failure to appear
on an original charge of
driving under the infl uence
of intoxicants.
7:55 p.m. — A caller
reported someone urinating
in public on the 11600 block
of Island Avenue, Island
to Larry in his lifetime.
Surviving relatives
include his wife, Millissa
Masters; stepchildren and
their spouses, Ashley and
Mindy Moses of Phoenix,
Arizona, and Harmony
and Rob Lopez of Bon-
sall, California; two step-
grandchildren; brothers
and sisters-in-law, Lowell
and Susan of Nevada and
Lynn and Sheila of Oregon;
sister-in-law, Irene of
Oregon; three nieces and
two nephews. He was pre-
ceded in death by his father,
mother and brother, Stephen.
In lieu of fl owers, memo-
rial donations may be made
to a local animal shelter
or organization that places
pets in loving homes.
City. A Union County sher-
iff’s deputy responded
and determined the report
was unfounded.
8:20 p.m. — La Grande
police responded to the
1300 block of Fourth Street
on a report of a domestic
disturbance. Offi cers
arrested Sara Louis Rich-
mond, 42, of La Grande,
for fourth-degree domestic
violence assault.
James William Wiseman
June 20, 1935 - February 7, 2021
Wiseman, 85
of La Grande,
Oregon, died
peacefully on
February 7,
Born in Cald-
well, Idaho, on
June 20, 1935
to Julia and Gil-
bert Wiseman,
Jim settled in
La Grande at a
young age. After
high school, he
served in the US
Armed Forces
1st Infantry, at Fort Riley, Kansas, SP(3). Upon re-
lease from active duty and transfer to the US Army
Reserve, Jim returned to La Grande and married
the love of his life, Joanne Hester Glenn, of Sum-
merville. Together, they moved to Portland where
Jim completed his Bachelor of Science at Portland
State (1961). Jim and Joanne then returned to La
Grande where Jim became the VP of sales at Lynch
Motor Co. and later, the owner/operator of his own
specialty advertising firm, The Merle Company.
As a devoted father, Jim loved to picnic and
snowmobile with his family and never missed a
swim meet, track, cross country or 4-H event. He
was ever present in Jeff, Jennifer Jo and his grand-
sons’ early and later life activities.
During their retirement years, Jim and Joanne
purchased a vacation home on Lopez Island, WA.
There they enjoyed their friends, family and grand-
sons’ visits and made many dear friends with whom
they would cruise the waters and enjoy the San Juan
Islands lifestyle. Jim loved being on the water where
the ocean air made him feel “alive and free.”
Jim was constantly in touch with friends near
and far and generously supported numerous local
charities and causes. He was an active member
of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and cherished the
congregation and the community of friendship and
grace that he found there.
Jim is survived by his beloved wife of 62 years,
Joanne; daughter, Jennifer Jo (Somers) of Danville,
California, and grandsons, Theodore Somers and
Eli Somers both of Danville, California and his
precious beagle Daisy Daisy. Jim is predeceased by
his son, Jeffery Glenn Wiseman; brothers Gary and
Lynne and sisters, Arlene (Kingsley) and Donna
At a future date, a private ceremony will be held
for Jim at Summerville Cemetery.
Online condolences may be made to the family at
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