The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 13, 2021, Weekend Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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COMMUNITY Arts organizations receive awards
• ISLAND CITY — The Island
City City Council meets
Monday, Feb. 15, at 7 p.m.
at Island City City Hall. The
agenda includes swearing
in the new councilor, discus-
sion of the request for a quiet
hour extension and reviewing
the contract with the Union
County Sheriff’s Offi ce.
Masks and social distancing
are required. Written public
comment on topics to be dis-
cussed may either be dropped
off at city hall or emailed to
prior to the meeting.
• IMBLER — The Imbler
School District Board of
Directors will meet Tuesday,
Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. at the high
school. The board also will
meet in a closed-door session
to discuss staff negotiations
and the superintendent’s eval-
uation. The public can attend.
Masks and social distancing
are required.
Forest Service waives
fees in honor of
Presidents Day
Forest Service will waive fees
at day-use recreation sites
in Oregon and Washington
Monday, Feb. 15 in honor of
Presidents Day.
The Forest Service offers
several fee-free days annu-
ally to encourage Americans
to explore the outdoors and
visit their public lands. The
fee waiver includes many
picnic areas, boat launches,
trailheads and visitor cen-
ters. Fees for camping, cabin
rentals, heritage expeditions
or other permits still apply.
To fi nd a national forest
or grassland near you, go to
The Observer
SALEM — Four North-
east Oregon arts organi-
zations were among the
150 statewide to receive
a funding boost from the
Oregon Arts Commission.
The commission in a
press release announced its
2021 fi scal year Operating
Support Program provided
$910,568 in total. There
are 12 more recipients than
in fi scal year 2020 due to a
growing number of eligible
The Eastern Oregon
Regional Arts Council, La
Grande, received a $3,000
Crossroads Creative and
Performing Arts Center
Inc., Baker City, received
a $3,020 award. And two
Wallowa County organi-
zations received grants:
Fishtrap Inc. of Enterprise
($5,631) and the Josephy
Center for Arts and Cul-
ture of Joseph ($3,000).
Other Eastern Oregon
organizations benefi ting
from the awards include
the Arts Council of Pend-
leton ($8,858), Crow’s
Shadow Institute of the
Arts ($4,398) and Oregon
Please follow guide-
lines regarding face cov-
erings and social dis-
tancing at all services.
Feb. 12 — JAMES
JONES: 1:30 p.m. rosary
and 2 p.m. Mass of Chris-
tian Burial, Our Lady
of the Valley Catholic
Church, La Grande; view
the livestream at www.
East Symphony ($3,000),
all of Pendleton.
The grant awards are
available to nonprofi t orga-
nizations with arts at the
core of their mission and
budgets over $150,000.
“We often hear that
operating support is the
most important type of
award,” said Arts Com-
mission Chair Anne
Taylor in the press release.
“Especially now, as arts
organizations continue
to suffer great losses due
to the pandemic, these
awards can help relieve
a bit of the economic
In 2019, organizations
receiving operating sup-
port from the Arts Com-
mission expended $213
million, employed and
equivalent of 11,681 full-
time workers, and pro-
duced events and activities
that were attended by close
to 3.7 million people.
Snowy day in La Grande
LA GRANDE — The East-
ern Oregon University Small
Business Development Cen-
ter announced the Oregon
State University College of
Business is offering free tax
preparation services locally
to low- and middle-income
individuals and families
through a partnership with
the IRS.
The service is available
in February and March, and
appointments are being
scheduled. To qualify for
the service, individuals or
families must make less than
$72,000 annually and meet
other eligibility guidelines. To
learn more about eligibility
or to register for an appoint-
ment, call 541-737-7962.
Assistance also is available
in Spanish.
LA GRANDE — The Union
County Senior Center’s
Harvest Share, which offers
free fresh produce, canned
goods, baked goods and
dairy products, is open only
on Wednesdays and Fridays
from 8:30-11:45 a.m. and
1-4 p.m. Harvest Share is
open to the public. Income
limits apply on some items.
Call 541-963-7532 for more
information or to arrange
pickup at the senior center,
1504 N. Albany St.,
La Grande.
Megabucks: $1.7 million
Powerball: $42 million
15-39-58-63-67 — PB 7 x2
Win for Life: Feb. 10
Pick 4: Feb. 11
• 1 p.m.: 0-1-7-6
• 4 p.m.: 6-2-3-1
• 7 p.m.: 5-1-8-5
• 10 p.m.: 5-8-7-3
Pick 4: Feb. 10
• 1 p.m.: 4-0-8-0
• 4 p.m.: 5-1-3-3
• 7 p.m.: 3-5-7-4
• 10 p.m.: 9-3-2-0
If you have any problems
receiving your Observer, call
com (click on “Funeral
Videos” near bottom of
home page).
Feb. 20 — HARRY
BIGLER: 2 p.m. military
honors ceremony, Union
City Park.
Feb. 20 — LORI
GREENWAY: 3 p.m.
memorial service, Enter-
prise First Baptist
— calendar cour-
tesy of Loveland Funeral
Chapel, La Grande
Art Center East/Contributed Photo
The Eastern Oregon Regional Arts Council operating out
of Art Center East, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande, was among
the 150 statewide to receive a funding boosting February
20201 from the Oregon Arts Commission.
Tax preparation
assistance is available
New hours for Harvest
Share at senior center
Upcoming local services
FEB. 10
6:51 a.m. — A caller
reported a burglary on
the 1500 block of X
Avenue, La Grande. An
offi cer responded and
took a report.
7:48 a.m. — Local law
enforcement received a
report of a restraining
order violation on the
2300 block of Spruce
Street, La Grande. Police
will follow up.
9:10 a.m. — A caller
reported the theft of a
vehicle from the 2300
block of Q Avenue, La
Grande. An offi cer con-
tacted the subject, but
then made no report.
6:03 p.m. — An
Elgin resident on the
1100 block of Alder
Street reported tele-
phonic harassment. A
Union County sheriff’s
deputy made contact and
explained options.
7:04 p.m. — La
Grande police responded
to the 1700 block of
Spruce Street on a
domestic disturbance
call. An offi cer took a
7:39 p.m. — La
Grande police responded
to the 3200 block of
Union Street on a
domestic disturbance
call. Offi cers warned
one person for disorderly
Alex Wittwer/The Observer
Sadie Fischer (left) and her mom, Sarah Fischer, walk through a snow-fi lled La Grande on
Thursday, Feb 11, 2021.
8:58 a.m. — A caller
reported a burglary on
the 1400 block of Jackson
COLLINS: To Julie Faye Col-
lins and William Alexander Col-
lins, of La Grande, a daughter,
Magnolia Faye Collins, Jan. 29.
McCAULEY: To Jessica
Marie McCauley and Michael
Gene McCauley, of Cove, a
daughter, Esther Marie-Kaye
McCauley, Jan. 20. Grand-
parents are Mark and Jennifer
McCauley, Connie Dantley and
the late Harold Wasserman.
Nordstrom and Alex Nordstrom,
of Island City, a daughter, Arwen
Camille Nordstrom, Jan. 14.
Louise Reddington and Hunter
McKenzie Reddington, of La
Grande, a son, Rodger McK-
enzie Reddington, Jan. 4.
Grandparents are Shawn Red-
dington, Jennifer Reddington,
Kathryn Fairchild and Robert
SINGER: To Rebecca Arletha
12:45 a.m. — La
Grande police responded
to the 2800 block of First
Street for a domestic dis-
turbance. Offi cers sepa-
rated the parties.
2:28 a.m. — A caller
reported a person causing
a disturbance on the 2100
block of Maple Street,
La Grande. Offi cers
responded and determined
the person was suffering a
mental health crisis.
Avenue, La Grande. An
offi cer made contact and
took a report.
10:09 a.m. — La
Grande police responded
to the 2500 block of
Second Street for a
domestic disturbance and
took a report.
12:06 p.m. — A caller
reported a domestic dis-
turbance on the 1900
block of H Avenue,
La Grande. Offi cers
responded and deter-
mined this was an argu-
ment. Police separated
and counseled the parties
2:46 p.m. — The
Union County Sher-
iff’s Offi ce received a
report of a weapons vio-
lation on the 53600 block
of Jimmy Creek Road,
North Powder. A deputy
made contact and took
7 p.m. — A caller on
the 1400 block of Adele
Terrace, Elgin, reported a
restraining order violation.
A Union County sheriff’s
deputy made contact and
explained options.
Singer and Cody Gene Singer, of
La Grande, a son, Clancy Gene
Singer, Jan. 18.
Lynn Taylor and Stephen J. Wing,
of La Grande, a son, Eastyn Lee
Taylor-Wing, Dec. 28, 2020.
EDVALSON: To Amanda Vil-
lagomez and Manuel Villag-
omez Martinez, of La Grande,
a daughter, Zelie Josephine Vil-
lagomez Edvalson, Jan. 30.
Grandparents are Marvin and
Nancy Edvalson and Guadalupe
ZINK: To Kaitlyn Rae Zink
and Jacob Daniel Zink, of North
Powder, a daughter, Zoey Eliza-
beth Zink, Dec. 30, 2020.
Fry Stockhoff and Woody Stock-
hoff, of La Grande, a daughter,
Sage Victoria Fry Stockhoff, Jan.
17 at her grandparents’ house
in La Grande.
Union County Senior Center
takeout lunch menu
Pick up 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 1504
N. Albany St., La Grande. For delivery, call
541-963-7532 before 10 a.m.
Age 60+, $3 suggested donation; all
others, $5. Public is welcome. Inquire
about family meals and prepackaged
FEB. 15-19
Monday: closed for Presidents Day
Tuesday: fish and chips, coleslaw, baked
beans, fresh fruit, dessert.
Wednesday: tender beef, potatoes,
salad greens, dessert.
Thursday: almond chicken, rice pilaf,
salad greens, sliced fruit, rolls, fruit tart.
Friday: Swiss steak, mashed potatoes
and gravy, mushrooms, salad greens,
fruit, dessert.
Children’s free takeout
breakfast and lunch menu
Free breakfast and lunch for anyone age
18 and younger.
Pick up 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Central,
Greenwood or Island City elementary
schools, La Grande. Fresh vegetables, sea-
sonal fruit and 1% milk are offered daily in
addition to the menu items.
Served at La Grande schools for
on-campus students.
FEB. 15-19
Monday: schools closed for Presidents
Day, no meals served.
Tuesday: BREAKFAST: oatmeal-choc-
olate chip bar, cheese stick, orange juice;
LUNCH: sloppy joe on a bun, green beans.
Wednesday: BREAKFAST: plain bagel
with cream cheese, fresh fruit; LUNCH:
sunbutter and jelly sandwich, red peppers.
Thursday: BREAKFAST: cinnamon
roll, orange juice; LUNCH: Meatball sub,
broccoli fl orets.
Friday: BREAKFAST: strawberry yogurt,
graham crackers, fresh fruit; LUNCH: fi sh
sticks, breadsticks, steamed corn.
Monday: schools closed for Presidents
Day, no meals served.
Tuesday: BREAKFAST: bacon, egg and
cheese on a biscuit, orange juice; LUNCH:
sloppy joe on a bun, cucumber slices.
Wednesday: BREAKFAST: blueberry
muffi n, cheese stick, fresh fruit; LUNCH:
tuna sandwich, kettle chips, red peppers.
Thursday: BREAKFAST: burrito, orange
juice; LUNCH: chicken sub, broccoli fl orets.
Friday: BREAKFAST: cinnamon-cream-
cheese-fi lled bagel, fresh fruit; LUNCH:
fi sh sticks, breadsticks, green beans.
La Grande Middle School students earn placement on honor roll
Grande Middle School
released this list of stu-
dents who earned a place
on the honor roll for the
second quarter of the
2021-21 academic year by
earning a GPA of 3.50 or
4.00: Rileigh Ackley,
Hunter Austin, Sydnee
Azure, Angus Boyk,
Taylor Browning, Mad-
eleine Burton, Haiden
Davis, Alexander De
Anda Lopez, Dex Dunlap,
Diego Escamilla Ramirez,
Aviana Fields, Gene-
vieve Gekeler, Mollie
George, Alyson Glabe,
Paylan Hampton, Jadyn
Hulce, Jackson Kimball,
Delaney Klinger, Jerrick
Leonard, Grayson Loud-
ermilk, Charlotte Luke,
Rinnah Lynch, Alexace
Milner, Chad Moran,
Chasity Morrison, Wyatt
Murie, Brennan Palmer,
Carleigh Radke, Riken
Ritter, Avrey Robinson,
Quinton Robinson, Nolan
Rogers, Camilla Romer,
Gracie Spence, Brennan
St. Claire, Hayden Trice,
Lainey Wolfe, Michael
Yiftheg, Jane Zastrow.
3.90: Sophie Turner.
3.88: Cade McKinley,
Holden Sipe.
3.87: Lybeoth Hill.
3.85: Ashlyn Orosco.
3.80: Kallen Blakely,
Lukas Hale, Kyler Myer.
3.75: Treyton Miller.
3.72: Marcos Sanchez.
3.71: Pierce Lair.
3.66: Hamad Alamyaar,
Noah Carter, Hailee Ford,
Jessica Lopez.
3.63: Mackenzie
3.62: Kiera Hibbert.
3.60: Leah Ingerson,
Brody Miller, Amiah Tye.
3.50: Fern McConnell.
4.00: Cameron Can-
fi eld, Elizabeth Carpenter,
Carson Declue, Joselyn
Dodds, Maylie Eby, Hailey
Evans, Asher Farnam,
Mathias Fields, Adelaide
Grigg, Carter Harden, Lee
Harris, Bekham Hibbert,
Cassidy Hogge, Emilee
Huntsman, Ella Johnson,
Ella Jorgensen, Kloe
Knight Damien Kodep,
Karli Kretschmer, Ryder
McIlmoil, Emersyn Miller,
Jillian Nelson, Brooke
Perry, Stephanie Schlegel,
Dakota Shorts, Kaetlyn
Snyder, Serenity Stouder,
Miriam Westenskow, Mat-
tison Wolcott.
3.90: Spencer Koyle.
3.88: Peyton Daggett,
Elle Edvalson, Malaika
Gitome, Annyka Wildman.
3.87: Gabriel Cox,
Adrina Cravinho Gus-
tafson, Taylor Dearinger,
Kallyn Harnack, Taryn
McIlmoil, Jason Nelson.
3.80: Madison
3.77: Landon Hood.
3.75: Irelyn Collins,
Mason Lewis, Rhiley Lees.
3.70: Emmett Theiler.
3.66: Haylee Doud.
3.62: Victoria Cornford,
Jeremiah Jones.
3.58: Ashlyn Costello,
Charish Young.
3.50: Mlorica Carland,
Halle Hopkins.
4.00: Opal Alf Rippee,
Marti Anderson, Aubrey
Bisenius, Kylie Brown,
Lydia Case, Kayle
Collman, Elijah Cox,
Ayla Davis, Kaylie Davis,
Emma Elithorp, Dane
Fine, Eleanor Gisi, Ella
Hayden, Kristina Hayden,
Laura Hendrickson,
Makayla Hibbert, Austin
Jeffries, Mason Kim-
ball, Reese Koyle, Austyn
Meuser, Bryce Pennington,
Bethany Petty, Thananya
Robertson, Rilley Rob-
inson, Carter Seaquist,
Raelee Smith, Addison
Snyder, Noah Spence,
Carlee Strand, Cecilia Vil-
lagomez Edvalson, Aaron
Weaver, Evan Zastrow.
3.90: Macy Iramk, Mia
Korom, Shanelle Parker.
3.87: Kierstyn Azure,
Makenzi Comisky, Lillian
Dunlap, Abbygail Myers.
3.85: Lyndie Isaacson.
3.77: Carter Pollard.
3.75: Matt Anderson,
Karly Burgess, Ruby
Gregg, Hazel Hartz, Carter
3.72: Adysen Perry.
3.62: Lacie Hearing,
Natasha Powell.
3.60: Elphirene Yiftheg.
3.55: Matthew Hall.
3.50: Savannah Mel-
linger, Jayden Riley.