BUSINESS & AG LIFE 2B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD BARN Continued from Page 1B preserve it. Arlene pressed her husband to consider removing the old hay chute and repurposing the barn into a wedding venue. The move would provide funds to maintain the building. “It took her years to con- vince me to take out wood my grandfather had put there,” he said. “It was a hard sell.” Preston winced as he thought back, but said the wisdom of his wife’s advice fi nally soaked in. Removing the old chute, he realized, was much like cutting off a man’s gangrenous fi nger to save his life. They removed the chute and refurbished the space with a glossy, tongue-and-groove fl oor. The wedding venue opened in 2008. Until the pan- demic, about 25 couples each wedding season have started their married lives in the barn. Last year, Preston retired from teaching agriculture at Blue Mountain Community College after 28 years there. Arlene, a former teacher and mortgage loan pro- cessor, continues to func- tion as Winn Homestead’s TREES Continued from Page 1B product, while only 49% described artifi cial trees this way. Real trees were also described as “special” by 76% of survey respondents compared to 46% for artifi - cial trees. Consumers see real Christmas trees as an opportunity to “salvage the year” and make their homes more comfortable, said Ryan Tandler, vice president of the Fleishman Hillard public relations fi rm, which designed the survey. “What we see is people asking themselves how Kathy Aney/East Oregonian Waverly Seymour plays Oct. 1, 2020, in her family’s 104-year-old Gothic arch barn near Weston. The vintage barn is being used as a wedding venue. master landscaper and bookkeeper after handing off the client relationship management and marketing duties to her daughter. Kendra embraces her new role, while marveling at her circular journey. She had happily departed Weston after graduating from high school in 2003, not expecting to live full- time in the area again. She earned a bachelor’s degree in international rela- tions and studied in Latin to have positive experi- ences close to home,” Tan- dler said. “People were fairly unanimous in saying, ‘Because 2020 was not a good year, I want to do something special.’” About 79% of respon- dents said they wanted this Christmas to be more spe- cial than normal and 82% said they wanted to make it more memorable. The pandemic con- vinced 62% of respondents to reconsider what they consider “inconvenient” and 72% want this year’s Christmas to be more “hands-on,” both of which bode well for real trees, Tandler said. Activities, such as gar- dening and baking, which America, married Tim, then headed to Washington, D.C., to begin her dream job. For several years, she shepherded members of Congress and White House staffers on foreign policy trips to Latin America. Tim worked as an IT consultant on the Hill. Five years ago, the couple moved to Port- land where Tim continued his job remotely. Waverly, now 4, arrived. Kendra did research, writing and mar- many previously saw as inconvenient are now more likely to be viewed as enjoyable, he said. A similar dynamic may also inspire people to pick out and set up a real Christmas tree, Tandler said. “That work is very rewarding.” Even so, the real Christmas tree industry can’t afford to rest on its laurels and assume many consumers will abandon their artifi cial trees, he said. “There’s always a dif- ference between intentions and behaviors,” Tandler said. The industry should try to dispel the notion that real Christmas trees keting for Stillwater Asso- ciates, a transportation fuels consulting fi rm, and ran her photography busi- ness, Kendra Joy Photog- raphy, both of which she continues. Then came an unex- pected proposition from Preston and Arlene. They wanted to retire over time and transfer ownership in the wedding business (called Winn Homestead Events) and the family farm to the next generation. require a lot of expertise and added work, he said. Many consumers have “already sold themselves a real tree in their minds,” so the industry should try to remove the low-level knowledge barriers that may impede a purchase, Tandler said. To that end, the promo- tion board is working with the social media infl uencer Rob Kenney, who will pro- vide tips about selecting and maintaining real trees on his popular Youtube channel, “Dad, how do I?” Tandler said the real tree industry should also fi ght the persistent belief among some consumers that plastic trees are more envi- ronmentally friendly. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2020 “Often in agriculture, the older generation is not willing to turn loose assets until late in life, oftentimes not until their 80s,” Preston said. “The younger genera- tion doesn’t have the oppor- tunity to shape those assets into whatever their vision is. Arlene and I see that as kind of a tragedy.” After careful consid- eration, Kendra and Tim bought in. “It all came together rather quickly,” Kendra said. “We sold our house and moved just in time for the pandemic.” Then Tim was laid off from his IT job. Book- ings dropped to just nine as couples canceled and postponed because of the virus. The couple, along with Preston and Arlene, channeled their energies into continuing to renovate a 408-square-foot house where George R. Winn and his wife Imogene Sloane Winn honeymooned and later raised Preston and his two older siblings, turning the small home into a bridal cottage. They also updated a tiny bunkhouse on the property to a groom and groomsmen ready room. The magnum opus is a new cedar roof for the barn. Helix wheat farmer and roofer Matt Wood and members of his crew (which include Preston and Tim) donned roofi ng har- nesses and started removing the barn’s aging tamarack (western larch) shingles. Wood, an afi cionado of old barns, said he feels a sense of reverence when he looks at the structure. “It’s an agrarian cathe- dral,” Wood said. “Barns, to me, are more than old buildings. It’s nice to see someone committed to keeping a barn alive and functional, even if it means repurposing.” Wood said he feels honored to work on the barn, which landed on the National Historic Register in 2011. “It’s like working on a ‘32 Packard,” he said. “It’s a classic. It has beautiful lines.” Kendra, 35, said her appreciation of the historic barn has increased. “As a kid, I didn’t see the value of the history,” she said. “My perspective has changed a little bit. I now see how cool the history is. It’s tangible; you can walk where your ancestors walked. There are a lot of stories in those walls.” MOVE comprehensive tax services for individuals and small businesses and offi ce sup- port that ranges from fi le management, to payroll and human resource services. In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jones said some businesses have done and she has been busy this year. Continued from Page 1B has a bachelor of science degree in sociology from Vanguard University in California. The bookkeeping ser- vices she provides includes • At freeway exit • Fuel • Restaurant • Clean bathrooms • Convenience Store • Interesting Gifts • Food to go • Bus Terminal • Barber Shop • Showers • Shorepower electric • LPG • Dump Station • 4 hotels adjacent • 1 mile from downtown Old Fashioned Hospitality 6 am to 12 am Daily Take out and Catering is Available. 515 Campbell Street Baker City 541-523-4318 C lassifieds Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 • Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: Email: DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Tuesday: 10:30am Monday Thursday: 10:30 am Wednesday Saturday: 10:30 am Friday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2020 110 Announcements PULL TABS ACCEPTED AT THE FOLLOWING BAKER CITY LOCATIONS ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Baker City Herald Dollar Tree Black’s Distributing Ryder Bros VFW Baker Elk’s Lodge Main Event Lefty’s Tap House Little Bagel Shop Baker City Fire Dept. 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For more info, call 541-786-1222 by Stella Wilder THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2020 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are always thinking, think- ing, thinking and coming up with one unusu- al idea after another -- and sometimes your ideas add up, in the opinion of others, to something controversial or even dangerous. You have such power over language that you are able to express virtually anything in any way you like -- and you can adopt almost any point of view and argue any side of an issue because your expressive powers are so keen. Words and language combined will surely be your ticket to greatness. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You’re in no mood for a fight, though you may be drawn into one if you’re not careful to remain firmly neutral -- no matter what is said. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You can rise above any sort of conflict today and deal only with those who are of like minds. You can come up with a big plan in no time. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- It’s never too late to do the right thing, and you may realize that you’ve waited long enough. Get in touch with all concerned parties. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Say what you have to say, and move on. You have little time to spend on preludes and epi- logues. A businesslike approach is best. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Get in touch with all those who have a vested inter- est in what you are doing these days, because a major change is about to take place. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Someone reaches out to you today -- but is it for the right reason? Be careful that you don’t think too much before offering assistance. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Think twice before doing what comes most natu- rally today, as someone isn’t likely to think it’s appropriate. Try to find a balance. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You may find yourself on the wrong side of a major decision today -- and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Did you do your home- work? GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You’re in a much better position to see what lies just ahead than almost anyone else in your circle. Be sure to warn everyone in time! CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You will want to make sure that you are ready to receive what someone is offering. This involves more than just your point of view. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You must be sure that you’ve prepared for all eventualities today. Fail to acknowledge a single possibility -- and that’s the one that will cost you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You should be able to fulfill a loved one’s every expecta- tion today, and even go a little further, per- haps. The result will please you. (EDITORS: For editorial questions, please contact Hollie Westring at hwestring@ COPYRIGHT 2020 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500