Thursday, June 11, 2020 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon 3 Good Sax brings concerts back to Churchill School ■ Trivia nights return as well BAKER CITY — Baker County has been approved for Phase 2 in the reopening process, which al- lows indoor gatherings of up to 50 people. This brings concerts back to Churchill Dancehall, 3451 Broad- way St., Baker City. The fi rst show is Friday, June 12, with Good Sax featuring Dan Sizer (drums, horns, vocals) and Bryan Ames (saxophone, EWI). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the music starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance online at and Sweet Wife Baking. Tickets at the door are $15. Although an audience is wel- come, there will be safety precau- tions in place. Seating will be spaced well apart for the social distancing recommendation. Also, face coverings are recommended. Beverages will be available, and food can be purchased from MC Taco Bus. Due to the restriction on at- tendance, the concert also will be streamed on Churchill’s YouTube channel. “Like and share them with all your friends who live outside of the area,” said Brian Vegter, who owns Churchill with his wife, Corrine. TRIVIA NIGHT The monthly trivia night at Churchill School returns Sunday, June 14. The theme this month is “True or False.” Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Enter through the parking lot doors off 16th Street. Participation is free, and teams can have up to fi ve members. Total attendance is limited to 50 per state guidelines. Food will be available to pur- chase from Sweet Wife Baking. Work by Megan McGuinness Travelyr offers art lesson and talk BAKER CITY — A new service has launched to connect rural art cen- ters to the world via livestreamed art experiences. The program is called Travelyr. The next session is set for Sunday, June 14, from 3-4 p.m. with artist Megan McGuinness (see her work above). Participants can join Travelyr for the livestreamed hour-long acrylic painting lesson and interview with McGuinness. All donations support Crossroads Carnegie Art Center and rural art. Visit upcoming-sessions for more details and to access the livestream. Submitted photo Bryan Ames, above, and Dan Sizer comprise the band Good Sax.