6B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD 112 Union County Legal Notices TuESDAY, JunE 9, 2020 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING 112 Union County Legal Notices 112 Union County Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the North Powder School District 8J will be held electronically on June 23, 2020 at 6:00 pm via Zoom virtual platform. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 as approved by the North Powder School District 8J Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained on the District website or at 333 G Street, North Powder, OR 97867 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or on the District's website. This budget is for an annual budget period and was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. This notice, meeting link and copy of the budget document will be available at: htts://npowder.k12.or.us/ A public meeting of the Board of Directors of TEC will be held on June 25, 2020, at 2:00 pm over Zoom. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the budget for the fiscal year begin- ning July 1, 2020, as approved by the Training and Employment Budget Committee. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 1901 Adams Av- enue, La Grande, Oregon be- tween the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent with the basis of accounting used during the pre- ceding year. This budget is for: Annual Period. Published: June 9, 2020 Legal No. 192481 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Cathy Swain has been appoint- ed Personal Representative (hereafter PR) of the Estate of Harold Milner, Deceased, Probate No. 20PB03731 Union County Circuit Court, State of Oregon. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceeding may obtain addi- tional information from the court records, the PR, or the attorney for the PR. All persons having claims against the estate must present them via US mail or per- sonal delivery to the PR at: Mammen & Null, Lawyers, LLC J. Glenn Null, Attorney for PR 1602 Sixth Street P.O. Box 477 La Grande, OR 97850 (541) 963-5259 within four months after the first publication date of this notice or they may be barred Published: June 6, 9,11, 2020 Legal No. 192510 Published: June 9, 16, 23, 2020 Legal No. 192831 Check out our classified ads. 111 Baker County Legal Notices 111 Baker County Legal Notices 111 Baker County Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET YEARING A FORM public meeting of the Burnt River Board of Directors will be held on 06/25/2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the ED-1 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Board Conference Room Unity, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the A public meeting of the Burnt River Board of Directors will be held on 06/25/2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Conference Room Unity, Oregon. The purpose fiscal year is beginning July for 1, the 2020 as beginning approved the Burnt by River School District #30J Budget Commit- of this meeting to discuss the budget fiscal year July 1, by 2020 as approved the Burnt River School District #30J Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 201 S. 1st Avenue between the hours of 8:00 a.m. tee. A summary of NA. the is X presented below. A copy budget may on be inspected budget period. of This the budget was prepared a basis of accounting or that obtained is X and 4:30 p.m., or online at This budget budget is for an annual __ a biennial same S. as __ different than the between preceding year. changes their effect the budget are: budget is for an annual budget at the 201 1st Avenue the If different, hours the of major 8:00 a.m. and and 4:30 on p.m. This period. This was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect on the budget are: Contact: Jamie Vaughan, Board Chairperson TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Option Taxes Current Year Local Option Property Taxes Other Revenue from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediate Sources Revenue from State Sources Revenue from Federal Sources Interfund Transfers All Other Budget Resources Total Resources Telephone: (541) 446-3278 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Last Year 2018-2019 $844,799 276,927 0 111,812 1,092 1,217,177 57,992 30,770 0 $2,540,569 Email: NA Adopted Budget This Year 2019-2020 $914,956 277,195 0 80,819 1,092 1,267,691 56,709 38,840 0 $2,637,302 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Salaries $569,964 Other Associated Payroll Costs 338,469 Purchased Services 626,660 Supplies & Materials 110,191 Capital Outlay 15,549 Other Objects (except debt service & interfund transfers) 28,138 Debt Service* 0 Interfund Transfers* 30,770 Operating Contingency 0 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserves 820,828 $2,540,569 Total Requirements WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 111 Baker County Legal Notices 111 Baker County Legal Notices $628,780 489,033 778,967 182,466 58,027 416,189 0 38,840 45,000 0 $2,637,302 $695,880 534,276 759,457 229,862 40,143 341,754 0 38,930 45,000 0 $2,685,302 $830,292 5 1,717,481 7.39 53,599 0.25 38,930 45,000 0 $2,685,302 12.64 111 Baker County Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the North Powder School District 8J will be held electronically on June 23, 2020 at 6:00 pm via Zoom virtual platform. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 as approved by the North Powder School District 8J Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained on the District website or at 333 G Street, North Powder, OR 97867 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or on the District’s website. This budget is for an annual budget period and was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. This notice, meeting link and copy of the budget document will be available at: https://npowder.k12.or.us/ Contact: Lance Dixon, Superintendent Telephone: 541-898-2244 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY FUNCTION 1000 Instruction $612,282 $781,631 FTE 5 5 2000 Support Services 1,028,326 1,718,364 FTE 6.57 6.57 3000 Enterprise & Community Service 48,363 53,467 FTE 0.25 0.25 4000 Facility Acquisition & Construction FTE 5000 Other Uses 5100 Debt Service* 5200 Interfund Transfers* 30,770 38,840 6000 Contingency 0 45,000 7000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance 820,828 0 Total Requirements $2,540,569 $2,637,302 Total FTE 11.82 11.82 * not included in total 5000 Other Uses. To be appropriated separately from other 5000 expenditures. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING ** Published: June 9, 2020 Legal No. 192328 Approved Budget Next Year 2020-2021 $946,413 281,400 0 65,793 1,753 1,199,429 151,584 38,930 0 $2,685,302 Publish: June 9, 2020 Legal no. 192436 Beginning Fund Balance Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Option Taxes Current Year Local Option Property Taxes Other Revenue from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediate Sources Revenue from State Sources Revenue from Federal Sources Interfund Transfers All Other Budget Resources Total Resources Email: Lance.Dixon@npowdersd.org FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Last Year 2018-19 $2,833,928 607,913 0 389,657 6,633 6,445,342 322,457 257,039 0 $10,862,969 Adopted Budget This Year 2019-20 $1,410,001 614,150 0 283,250 6,500 3,593,176 411,550 275,000 0 $6,593,627 Approved Budget Next Year 2020-21 $552,000 627,500 0 270,000 6,500 4,077,000 342,200 170,000 0 $6,045,200 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Salaries Other Associated Payroll Costs Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects (except debt service & interfund transfers) Debt Service* Interfund Transfers* Operating Contingency Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserves Total Requirements 1000 Instruction FTE 2000 Support Services FTE 3000 Enterprise & Community Service FTE 4000 Facility Acquisition & Construction FTE 5000 Other Uses 5100 Debt Service* 5200 Interfund Transfers* 6000 Contingency 7000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance $1,960,092 1,243,978 742,549 459,156 4,749,675 70,524 255,299 182,537 0 1,199,159 $2,118,830 1,406,166 751,445 849,436 465,000 91,600 266,150 275,000 140,000 230,000 $2,186,424 1,487,646 807,980 558,900 105,000 104,200 275,050 170,000 200,000 150,000 $10,862,969 $6,593,627 $6,045,200 $3,125,976 25.62 1,699,890 6.50 233,610 2.19 640,001 0.00 0 249,150 275,000 140,000 230,000 $3,265,200 25.18 1,563,500 6.00 252,500 2.19 192,000 0.00 0 252,000 170,000 200,000 150,000 $6,593,627 34.31 $6,045,200 33.37 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY FUNCTION $2,821,350 24.53 1,346,729 6.27 200,045 2.25 4,874,528 0.00 0 238,621 182,537 0 1,199,159 Total Requirements Total FTE $10,862,969 33.05 * not included in total 5000 Other Uses. To be appropriated separately from other 5000 expenditures. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING ** The 2020-2021 budget was created utilizing 51% of an 8.9 billion state budget and level enrollment estimates to maintain programs and staffing. The budget allows for flexibility and balanced spending as state and federal funding may change with the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 4.9135 per $1,000) Local Option Levy Levy For General Obligation Bonds LONG TERM DEBT Rate or Amount Imposed 4.9135 Rate or Amount Imposed 4.9135 Rate or Amount Approved 4.9135 $178,000 $170,000 $190,000 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding July 1 $2,815,000 Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1 General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds $896,802 Other Borrowings $3,711,802 Total ** If more space is needed to complete any section of this form, insert lines (rows) on this sheet or add sheets. You may delete unused lines. Published: June 9, 2020 Legal no. 192416 by Stella Wilder WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are sure to face your share of ups and downs in life -- but you will learn, instinctively if not intellectually, how to take full advantage of the ups when they occur, and how to minimize the overall effects of the downs when they descend upon you. Unfortunately, you are better at the former than the latter, and your “down” periods may last longer than your “ups” simply because you are not as good at coping with them. THURSDAY, JUNE 11 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You may find yourself fighting against your own atti- tude today as you attempt to right a wrong that has gone on too long. A friend assists. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You gain from a look at the past a clearer view of the future. What you do today promises to lead others down a path of creative endeavors. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- While you have been busy blaming others for what has been going wrong, someone has begun working on solutions. Get on that team -- now! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You are able to lift the spirits of others today, even though yours may not be as high as you would like. You needn’t put it all on display. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You may say something that is misinterpreted, and you may do something that others do not under- stand. It’s time for clear explanations today. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- A memory sends you down a surprising path today -- but you won’t be gone long. When you get back, you can put a new plan into motion. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You meet someone today whose methods are very similar to your own -- but one key difference has you making a small but valuable adjust- ment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You may find yourself waiting on another as answers to difficult questions slowly take shape. Physical ills are not to be ignored today. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You may be tempted to close the door against any kind of criticism today, but that’s not your best course of action. Open it and learn. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You may not have all the time in the world to spend on a specific endeavor today, but you can cer- tainly use what you do have to your advan- tage. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You can afford to take yourself and your activities just a bit more seriously today -- or others won’t take you seriously enough. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- It’s time to ask yourself the one or two key questions you’ve avoided in the past. The day will be kind to you if you are honest. (EDITORS: For editorial questions, please contact Hollie Westring at hwestring@ amuniversal.com.) COPYRIGHT 2020 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500