Opinion 4A Thursday, May 21, 2020 The Observer OUR VIEW Legislature has no time to waste in special session here is a growing probability that Gov. Kate Brown will call a special session of the Oregon Legislature within the next few weeks to deal with expected budget shortfalls created by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. Brown should call the spe- cial session and shouldn’t wait long to do so. That’s because the state is beginning to stagger after weeks of closed businesses and high unemployment. Already, Brown has asked state agencies to create a plan to slash their budgets by 17%. The Office of Eco- nomic Analysis revealed Wednesday the state is almost $3 billion short. Oregon faces another chal- lenge — the state consti- tution demands a balanced T yet another series of legisla- tive battles over issues tied to party dogma. We don’t have the time now to watch the special session descend into chaos because a group of law- makers suddenly decide to resurrect some flashpoint issue from the past. The only goal must be to face the budget shortfall and balance the budget, and then get back to dealing with the virus outbreak. AP Photo/Anna Reed, File There is a growing probability that Gov. Kate Brown will call a spe- Anything less will be a cial session of the Oregon Legislature within the next few weeks to betrayal of voters. Party deal with expected budget shortfalls created by the COVID-19 virus leaders and the governor outbreak. need to meet before the spe- budget. lenges for lawmakers, and cial session and craft an Unlike the federal gov- their jobs during the spe- agreement that narrowly ernment, Oregon can’t put cial session will be crucial. defines what the special ses- everything on a virtual credit What simply cannot happen sion will tackle. That agree- card and let the future take is a divergence away from ment must be clear and pre- care of itself. the budget woes and how to cise and include provisions That creates steep chal- deal with COVID-19 into that there will be no devia- tion from the pressing matter — the state budget — at hand. Oregon lawmakers no longer have the privi- lege of wasting away days on the legislative time clock fighting over pie-in-the-sky, New Age political initia- tives. Lawmakers can do that later. Policy issues that are not related to the state budget and the COVID-19 outbreak should be jettisoned. As is always the case, elected leaders from both par- ties will have an opportunity to do some good work if a special session is called. They will be presented with an opportunity to face a serious set of problems, work on them together and solve them. Wasting time in any other fashion is simply that — wasting time. Time the state and Oregonians do not have. CONTACT YOUR PUBLIC OFFICIALS President Donald Trump: The White House, 1600 Penn- sylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500; 202-456-1414; fax 202-456-2461; to send comments, go to www.white- house.gov/contact. U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley: D.C. office: 313 Hart Senate Office Building, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., 20510; 202-224-3753; fax 202-228- 3997. Portland office: One World Trade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St. Suite 1250, Port- land, OR 97204; 503-326-3386; fax 503-326-2900. Pendleton office: 310 S.E. Second St. Suite 105, Pendleton 97801; 541-278-1129; merkley.senate. gov. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden: D.C. office: 221 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510; 202- 224-5244; fax 202-228-2717. La Grande office: 105 Fir St., No. 210, La Grande, OR 97850; 541-962-7691; fax, 541-963- 0885; wyden.senate.gov. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District): D.C. office: 2182 Rayburn Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515, 202-225-6730; fax 202-225- 5774. La Grande office: 1211 Washington Ave., La Grande, OR 97850; 541-624-2400, fax, 541-624-2402; walden.house. gov. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown: 254 State Capitol, Sa- lem, OR 97310; 503-378-3111; www.governor.oregon.gov. Oregon State Treasurer Tobias Read: oregon.treasur- er@ost.state.or.us; 350 Winter St. NE, Suite 100, Salem OR 97301-3896; 503-378-4000. Oregon Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum: Justice Building, Salem, OR 97301- 4096; 503-378-4400. State Sen. William S. Hansell (29th District/ Pendleton): Salem office: 900 Court St. NE., S-423, Sa- lem, OR 97301; 503-986-1729. Website: www.oregonlegisla- ture.gov/ hansell. Email: sen. billhansell@oregonlegisla- ture. gov. State Rep. Greg Barre- to (58th District/ Cove): Salem office: 900 Court St. NE., H-384, Salem, OR 97301; 503-986-1458. Website: www. oregonlegislature.gov/barre- to. Email: rep.gregbarreto@ oregonlegislature.gov. State Rep. Greg Smith (57th District): Salem office: 900 Court St. NE., H-482, Sa- lem, OR, 97301; 503-986-1457. Heppner office: P.O. Box 219, Heppner, OR 97836; 541-676- 5154; Website: www.oregon- legislature.gov/smithg. Email: rep.gregsmith@oregonlegis- lature.gov. Oregon Legislature: Legislative documents and in- formation are available online at www.leg.state.or.us. City of La Grande: Mayor Steve Clements, City Manager Robert Strope; P.O. Box 670, La Grande, OR 97850; 541- 962-1309; fax 541-963-3333. Union County Commis- sioners: Donna Beverage, Matt Scarfo and Paul Anderes; 1106 K Ave., La Grande, OR 97850; 541-963-1001; fax 541- 963-1079. Wallowa County Com- missioners: John Hill- ock,Todd Nash and Susan Roberts; 101 S. River St., Room 202, Enterprise, OR 97828; 541-426-4543, ext. 11; fax 541-426-0582. Elgin City Councilors: Mayor Allan Duffy, 501 N 11th St., 541-437-1016, mayor@ cityofelginor.org; Mary West, 260 N 5th Ave., 541-805-0443, councilor3@cityofelginor.org; Kathy Warren, PO Box 697, 541-786-9611, councilor6@ cityofelginor.org; Risa Hall- garth, PO Box 525, 541-437- 9462, councilor2@cityofel- ginor.org; Rocky Burgess, 800 N 14th St., P.O. Box 854, 541-786-2417, councilor1@ cityofelginor.org; David Reed, 1011 Detroit St., PO Box 368; 541-975-3306, councilor4@ cityofelginor.org; Ryan Martin, councilor5@cityofelginor.org. La Grande City Council: Mayor Steve Clements, Gary Lillard, Nicole Howard, Cor- rine Dutto, Mary Ann Miesner, Jim Whitbeck, Justin Rock; through the city manager’s offi ce, 541-962-1309. City of Cove: Mayor Del Little, 503-508-6727, 504 Alder St., P.O. Box 8, Cove, OR 97824; City Recorder Donna Lewis, 541 568-4566. Your views ‘Social approaching’ must not be lost I’ve traveled and been to a number of countries, and what I found was Americans are by far the most touchy-feely. That’s why social distancing is beyond hard for us. It’s part of our DNA. We are compelled to shake hands, hug, high-five, knuckle touch, or pat a child on the head. We are phys- ically drawn toward each other like no other place in the world. In Southeast Asia, long-lost friends Write to us Mail: The Observer, 911 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 Email: news@lagrandeobserver.com • The Observer welcomes letters to greet each other with a polite bow. In Australia, it seems there is always a tankard of ale blocking a hug or a handshake. I saw social touching in France, but it seemed nonsponta- neous, rehearsed and brazen, as in “hey-look-at-us.” This part of us is slipping away and making us feel hollow. We need to get it back before being colder toward others becomes OK. I think the touchy-feely chromosome is nur- tured in Americans, and it adds to what makes us strong. It drives first responders to respond just that much the editor. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We will not publish consumer complaints against businesses or personal attacks against private individuals. Thank-you letters are discouraged. • Letters are limited to 400 words and must be signed and carry the author’s quicker. It has something to do with the “leave no soldier behind” mantra. It makes us stop for someone waiting to cross a street, or makes us wish we had. It makes us nod and smile at passing strangers. It might start small with a pat on the head, but in time it grows into full-fledged com- passion for each other. When social distancing is no longer a law, social approaching should become one, until we get back whatever slipped away. Mike Hayden Cove address and phone number (for verifica- tion only). • Letter writers are limited to one letter every two weeks. • Visit The Observer’s website, www. lagrandeobserver.com, for more news, opinion and other content.