8B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD THuRSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 COFFEE BREAK History of addiction clouds dad’s future with daughters DEAR ABBY: My fiancee has two daughters (14 and 11) from a previous marriage. Their dad, “Brett,” was just arrested for his fourth DUI, the second within a year. The girls don’t trust him anymore, and their image of him has changed greatly. We have always encouraged the girls to stay with their dad on “his” days, but when they do, Brett rarely does anything with them, and he berates them. I know he misses his girls, and his siblings have told us the girls need to get past this because “tomorrow is not guaranteed.” I understand. I live my life on that premise. But if Brett isn’t willing to change, then why should we continue to encourage his being in their lives? He cares only about his image, not the actual relationship with his daughters. He has a his- tory with drugs and DEAR alcohol, and in the last 12 months, he ABBY has been fired from three different jobs. This is not the role model the girls need. I know I’m not their father, but it kills me seeing them hurt. Should we encourage them to still visit him? Or do we let them decide? I’m a soon-to-be stepfather who wants only what is best for the girls. — PARENTING IN THE MIDWEST DEAR PARENTING: When there is a divorce with chil- dren involved, custody arrange- ments are usually dictated by the court. Your fiancee’s daughters may not have much choice but to visit their father on “his” days. That said, the custody arrange- ment can be altered if it becomes necessary. I agree that someone with four DUIs is not a great role model, and he could be a danger to them if he is still allowed to drive. Encourage the girls to keep you informed of what transpires during their visits with their father. I disagree with the rela- tives who say they must get past their father’s neglect and verbal abuse. DEAR ABBY: I have three sis- ters. We are all in our 50s and 60s. Three of us get along great and always have, but we have all had issues with our oldest sister, “Lulu.” She has gotten angry at us for many different reasons. When our father was ter- minally ill, she wanted one of us to live with him in his home even though we thought it was enough that we were in the same small town and went over there daily. Also, Lulu is a widow and not financially secure, and she feels we have not helped her out enough. There have been times we have gotten along wonderfully, but sadly, it always ends in drama. I miss her regardless of the drama, but she seems to have written us off. She is convinced that she is right, and we are bad for her. Must I learn to accept this and move on? Or should I try to make it right? My youngest sister wants nothing to do with her. She says Lulu is bad for her mental health. Can you help me to finally resolve this one way or the other? — DYSFUNCTIONAL IN NEW JERSEY DEAR DYSFUNCTIONAL: You are not responsible for Lulu’s financial woes. Let her know you are there for her, but cannot help support her financially. I’m sorry you didn’t mention whether she has a job. If she doesn’t, she needs to find one to supplement her income. Unless you are willing to cave to emo- tional blackmail and supplement your sister’s income for the rest of her life (or yours), accept that it may be time to move on. Judge rules salvage firm can recover Titanic’s telegraph machine By Ben Finley Associated Press NORFOLK, Va. — A federal judge in Virginia has ruled a salvage firm can retrieve the Marconi wireless telegraph machine that broadcast distress calls from the sinking Titanic ocean liner. In an order released Monday, U.S. District Judge Rebecca Beach Smith agreed the telegraph is his- torically and culturally important and soon could be lost within the rapidly decaying wreck site. Smith wrote that recov- ering the telegraph “will contribute to the legacy left by the indelible loss of the Titanic, those who sur- vived, and those who gave their lives in the sinking.” Smith is the maritime jurist who presides over Titanic salvage matters from a federal court in Nor- folk. Her ruling modifies a previous judge’s order from the year 2000 that forbids cutting into the shipwreck or detaching any part of it. Smith’s order is a big Photo by Angie Wang/Associated Press In this Feb. 18 photo, artifacts recovered from the Titan- ic sit on shelves at a storage facility in Atlanta. A federal judge in Virginia has ruled a salvage firm can retrieve the Marconi wireless telegraph machine that broadcast dis- tress calls from the sinking Titanic ocean liner. win for RMS Titanic Inc., the court-recognized steward of the Titanic’s arti- facts. The firm recently emerged from bankruptcy and is under new owner- ship. The Titanic had been traveling from England to New York when it hit an iceberg and sank in 1912, killing all but about 700 of the 2,208 passengers and crew. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- istration, which represents the public’s interest in the wreck site, fiercely opposes the mission. NOAA argued in court documents that the telegraph is likely sur- rounded “by the mortal remains of more than 1,500 people,” and should be left alone. The company said it plans to exhibit the ship’s telegraph with stories of the men who tapped out dis- tress calls to nearby ships “until seawater was literally lapping at their feet.” “The brief transmissions sent among those ships’ wireless operators, staccato bursts of information and emotion, tell the story of Titanic’s desperate fate that night: the confusion, chaos, panic, futility and fear,” the company wrote in court filings. The proposed expedition also has been controversial among some archaeological and preservation experts, and the firm may face more legal battles before salvage vehicles can descend nearly 2.5 miles to the bottom of the North Atlantic. NOAA says the expe- dition is prohibited under federal law and an interna- tional agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. Those restrictions emerged in the years after the court’s 2000 order. In her ruling, Smith acknowledged NOAA’s arguments. But she said the only matter before the court was the previous order made by the judge who pre- ceded her. She wrote that NOAA is not a formal party in the case. And she said her ruling does not address the constitutionality of the agency’s “claimed authority to wield approval power and control over salvage operations.” Smith also wrote that the firm’s plan for the expe- dition meets most require- ments set forth in the inter- national agreement and other restrictions. Those include justifying the expe- dition on scientific and cul- tural grounds and consid- ering potential damage to the wreck site. The firm submitted a 60-page plan to retrieve the telegraph, which is believed to still sit in a deck house near the doomed ocean lin- er’s grand staircase. The company said an unmanned submersible would slip through a sky- light or cut the heavily cor- roded roof to retrieve the radio. A “suction dredge” would remove loose silt, while manipulator arms could cut electrical cords. But Ole Varmer, a retired NOAA attorney and a senior fellow at The Ocean Foundation, said a salvage mission into the Titanic’s hull faces legal issues. Chief among them is a long-held belief that the two pieces of the ship’s hull on the ocean floor constitute a memorial site that should stay undisturbed, he said. Varmer said that belief guided the initial business plan of the salvage firm’s original owner, George Tulloch, and his interpre- tation of the 1986 Titanic Memorial Act. He said it then informed the court’s order in 2000 and was incorporated into the inter- national agreement and sub- sequent legislation. “The public interest in not disturbing the hull portions as part of a memorial was established more than three decades ago,” Varmer said.