2B Saturday, May 2, 2020 The Observer & Baker City Herald Experimental drug shows promise ■ Major study shows remdesivir shortened recovery time for COVID-19 patients and could potentially save lives By Marilynn Marchione “What it has proven is that a drug can block this virus. This will be the standard of care.” AP Chief Medical Writer For the fi rst time, a major study suggests that an experimental drug works against the new coronavirus, and U.S. government offi cials said Wednesday that they would work to make it avail- able to appropriate patients as quickly as possible. In a study of 1,063 patients sick enough to be hospitalized, Gilead Sci- ences’s remdesivir shortened the time to recovery by 31% — 11 days on average versus 15 days for those just given usual care, offi cials said. The drug also might be reduc- ing deaths, although that’s not certain from the partial results revealed so far. “What it has proven is that a drug can block this virus,” the National Institutes of Health’s Dr. Anthony Fauci said. “This will be the standard of care,” and any other po- tential treatments will now have to be tested against or in combination with remdesi- vir, he said. No drugs are approved now for treating the corona- virus, which has killed about 226,000 people worldwide since it emerged late last year in China. An effective treatment for COVID-19 could have a profound effect on the pandemic’s impact, especially because a vaccine is likely to be a year or more away. Fauci revealed the results while speaking from the White House. Remdesivir was being evaluated in at least seven major studies, but this one, led by the NIH, was the strictest test. Inde- pendent monitors notifi ed study leaders just days ago that the drug was working, so it was no longer ethical to continue with a placebo :HDUHKHUHIRU\RXU PHQWDOKHDOWKRU DGGLFWLRQVQHHGV &DOOXVIRUWHOHKHDOWK RULQSHUVRQYLVLWV 0)DPSP 6DW6XQDPSP