BUSINESS & AG LIFE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 HAPPENINGS Continued from Page 1B equipment operators and has been run- ning them herself for as long as she can remember. Three years ago she became the fi rst female trained instructor in the nation on CAT simulators. For more information about the heavy equipment operator school at BTI or to enroll in one of the various other programs, visit or call 541-524-2651. How does dominant culture and exclusion show up in our organizations? LA GRANDE — Northeast Oregon Economic Development District, based in Enterprise, continues its public pro- grams and roundtable dis- cussions in Union County for volunteers, boards and staff members to learn, share and discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion James methods and strategies. On Feb. 5-6, Alexis James will lead two events in La Grande focus- ing on what it means to be a “white ally,” both held at Cook Memorial Library, 2006 Fourth St., La Grande. A roundtable and training will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 5. In this session participants will unpack the concepts of whiteness and white fragility, while building practical skills to effectively interrupt exclusion- ary practices when they show up in work and workplaces. The cost of the roundtable is $25, which includes lunch. TIMBER Continued from Page 1B pro-life. Some are hell-bent on electing Trump, and others would never vote for him.” She laughed. “It makes managing the dialog inter- esting sometimes. But we’re trying to focus on common ground — economic issues.” Timber Unity’s fi nan- cial muscle comes from its donors, both through direct giving and in-kind donations. Register at or contact NEOEDD at 541-426-3598 or The community is welcome at an Oregon Humanities Conversation Project gathering entitled “White Allyship in Close-Knit Communities” at 6 p.m. Feb. 6. The Conversation Project is free and open to the public. In this conversation led by James, participants will have the chance to explore their identities, learn how to acknowledge different lived experiences without alienating friends and neighbors, and move toward action in their own communities. James is a longtime educator and innovator. She supports organizations and individuals in activating contem- porary responses to leadership devel- opment and employee needs through training, coaching and team building. Baker City native named partner at Boise law fi rm BOISE, Idaho — Baker City native Nick Taylor has been named a partner at Stoel Rives LLP, a Boise law fi rm. “I am pleased to welcome Nick to partnership at Stoel Rives,” said Me- lissa A. Jones, the fi rm’s managing partner. “He is an up-and-coming leader in our key practice areas of corporate law and emerg- ing companies.” Taylor Taylor is a business transactional attorney focusing on mergers and acquisitions, capital raising and other fi nancing transactions, fund formation and securities regulation, start-ups and The group fi led as a 501(c)6 membership-based nonprofi t, and also runs the Timber Unity Political Ac- tion Committee, or TUPAC. Since its genesis June 6, 2019, TUPAC has brought in over $177,000. TUPAC has been criticized for its partisan and special- interest donors, such as Andrew Miller, a prominent timber executive. Timber Unity’s lead- ers, however, say they’re undaunted by criticisms. THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD — 3B emerging growth companies, new tech- nologies, and the restaurant, wine, brew and spirits industries. He regularly represents corporations, LLCs, venture capital and private equity fi rms, invest- ment funds, serial entrepreneurs, and serial investors at every stage of busi- ness from formation to growth to exit. “I help my clients by understanding their business strategies and use my legal experience and business expertise to help them achieve their objectives,” Taylor said. “I was proud recently to help a local brewery navigate fi nancing and help them get started and grow effectively. Boise, which recently was named one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, is booming and I look forward to supporting new, exciting businesses as they continue to relocate to and grow in the area.” Taylor is active with Boise Startup Week, Idaho’s largest community- driven, entrepreneur-focused event. Stoel Rives sponsored the 2019 event’s “start track,” including the startup track pitch competition in which Taylor served as a judge. The competition awarded $20,000 to winner Washie, which created a “smart” toilet seat that provides a cleaner restroom experience. The product originated from an Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission grant awarded to Idaho State University, which highlights how important the en- tire startup ecosystem is to the success of a new business. Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree from Western Oregon University and a law degree from the University of Oregon Law School. Parrish said the organiza- tion will extend its reach by helping plant local chapters across Oregon, California and Washington. Timber Unity, said Par- rish, also plans to host train- ing sessions and teach civic engagement workshops. On Jan. 15 at 11 a.m., Union County Chamber announces tourism grant EO Media Group staff LA GRANDE — The Union County Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications for the 2020 Tourism Grant program. The purpose of the TRT Grant program is to assist in the promotion or develop- ment of events or attractions that increase the economic impact of tourism in Union County. Grants must be for tourism promotion or for a tourism-related facility. The activity must occur within Union County and must be open to the general public. The requesting group or agency must be a govern- ment agency or not-for-profi t organization doing business in or providing direct benefi t to Union County. Partnerships are favored. Projects that show coopera- tion or coordination with other projects or events are encouraged and will be given preference over proj- ects that stand alone. After the event, grant recipients must submit a report to the Chamber within 10 business days. Photos, copies of fl iers or posters, promotional items, advertisements or other evidence of project progress or completion are recom- mended. The 2020 Tourism Grant applications are due March 1. Other tourism-related funds also are available. The Union County Cham- ber of Commerce Tourism Discretionary Fund Grant program assists in the promotion or development of new and emerging projects, events or attractions that occur out of cycle of the regu- lar Tourism Grant program award process. Applicants may request up to $250 per project or event. Requests may be made any time throughout the year. Applicants also may request up to 50% of the cost of media advertising (print, radio, online) to promote an event, project or activity with a cap of $1,000 per year. Requests to the Cooperative Advertising program may be made at any time. For applications and more information, call the Chamber at 541-963-8588 or stop by 207 Depot St., La Grande. board member Angelita Sanchez will discuss upcom- ing carbon regulations at the Northwest Ag Show at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem. “You can only tax people so much,” said Lardy. “It all started with a rally, and we’re doing it again.” C LASSIFIEDS Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 ฀ Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: Email: 110 Announcements 110 Announcements You too can use this ATTENTION GETTER! Ask how you can get your ad to stand out like this! 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Fort Union Grange Hall, corner of Mc Alister & Gekeler Lanes. For more info, call 541-786-1222 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Goin’ Straight Group Meetings Mon., Thurs., & Fri.,; 8 PM Episcopal Church Basement 2177 1st Street ࢹBaker City AL-ANON Wed., 4 p.m. ࢨ Halfway Library (Please use back door) Corner of Church St. /Gover Ln. Halfway, OR (541) 540-5326 TUESDAYS Into Action Group 12 - 1:00 pm Presbyterian Church 1308 Washington Ave. (entry 6th & Spring St.) Surrender Group 7 - 8:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop City of Elgin Greater Elgin Group 7- 8 :00 pm St. Mary's Catholic Church 93 S 12 St., Elgin WEDNESDAYS Primary Purpose Group 12 - 1:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop Surrender Group 7 - 8:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop Island City Soul Sister’s 5:30 p.m. 10801 Walton Rd. Blue Springs Apartments Community Room Turning Point Group 7 - 8:15 pm 63161 Gekeler Lane Fort Union Grange Hall (Corner of McAllister & Gekeler) THURSDAYS Surrender Group 7 - 8:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop City of Cove Cove Group 7 - 8:00 pm Baptist Church 707 Main St. FRIDAYS Primary Purpose Group 12 - 1:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop City of Elgin Elgin Group (Winter only) 6:00 PM 70564 Valley View Rd (in shop) SATURDAYS Surrender Group 10 - 11:00 am 2620 Bearco Loop Grande Ronde Valley Group 7 - 8:00 pm Presbyterian Church 1308 Washington Ave. (entry 6th & Spring St.) SUNDAYS Miracles Meeting 10 - 11:00 am 2620 Bearco Loop Questions call AA Hotline: 541-624-5117 DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date 114 Self-Help Group Meetings OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Change Eating Habits Friday 8:45 A.M. Call: (541) 523-5128 DO YOU HAVE............ HURTS, HABITS and/or HANG UPS? 12 Step Biblical Support Harvest Church 3720 Birch St. Baker City Thurs., 6:30 - 8:30 PM LA GRANDE NOW HAS A GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS MEETING! Every Friday Night @5pm, 2107 Gekeler Ln, LG, Church of Chris basement. For more info please call 971-219-8411 One of the nicest things about classi- fied ads is their low cost. Another is the quick results. Try a classified ad today! Call 541-963-3161 or 541-523-3673 today to place your ad.