4B • THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 C lassifieds Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 • Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: www.lagrandeobserver.com www.bakercityherald.com 110 Announcements THE DEADLINE for placing a CLASSIFIED AD is 11:00 A.M. ONE BUSINESS DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION Publication Days: Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays T:3.75” Email: Classifieds@lagrandeobserver.com Classifieds@bakercityherald.com 110 Announcements 110 Announcements NORTHEAST OREGON CLASSIFIEDS reserves the right to reject ads that do not comply with state and federal regulations or that are offensive, false, misleading, deceptive or otherwise unacceptable CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION We make every effort to avoid errors, however mistakes do slip through. PLEASE check your ad(s) the first day of publication and call us immediately if you find an error. Northeast Oregon Classifieds will cheerfully make your Fax: La Grande - 541-963-3674 Baker City - 541-523-6426 114 Self-Help Group Meetings 114 Self-Help Group Meetings You too can use this ATTENTION GETTER! Ask how you can get your ad to stand out like this! it’s not ’s fault EVERYONE READS CLASSIFIED ADS – you're reading one now. by TheShelterPetProject.org DOES EVERYONE KNOW YOUR BUSINESS Even if you think they do, you'll have to keep remind- ing them about it. 114 Self-Help Group Meetings 114 Self-Help Group Meetings UNION COUNTY AA MEETINGS LA GRANDE THURSDAYS Surrender Group 7 - 8:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop MONDAYS Primary Purpose Group 12 - 1:00pm 2620 Bearco Loop TUESDAYS Into Action Group 12 - 1:00 pm Presbyterian Church 1308 Washington Ave. (entry 6th & Spring St.) T:15.75” S:15.625” Surrender Group 7 - 8:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop City of Elgin Greater Elgin Group 7- 8 :00 pm St. Mary's Catholic Church 93 S 12 St., Elgin WEDNESDAYS Primary Purpose Group 12 - 1:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop Surrender Group 7 - 8:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop Island City Soul Sister’s 5:30 p.m. 10801 Walton Rd. Blue Springs Apartments Community Room Turning Point Group 7 - 8:15 pm 63161 Gekeler Lane Fort Union Grange Hall (Corner of McAllister & Gekeler) City of Cove Cove Group 7 - 8:00 pm Baptist Church 707 Main St. 114 Self-Help Group Meetings by Stella Wilder correction & extend your ad 1 day S:3.625” DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are always on the lookout for that next “big thing.” Hope for the future and an eagerness to embrace it are a central part of your overall makeup. You must always acknowledge the danger of looking forever forward, in that there may be times in which you ignore the present, and that can be espe- cially problematic when what you are doing right now is actually both enjoyable and profitable. TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Plans must be made in a logical, linear fashion today. You’ve put enough creative energy into things lately; focus on the nuts and bolts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You can make something pay off today that fell flat only yesterday -- and all it takes is a willing- ness to admit your own recent errors. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Working closely with someone to gain a greater com- mand of an overriding issue is the wise course. You can’t afford any mistakes. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Being eco- nomical and efficient with both your time and your resources will enable you to achieve something memorable and lasting. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Your per- ception of a certain situation may differ from that of one who was directly involved. It’s time to listen instead of talk. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You may think you’ve been duped by one who’s out to get you. This is a misperception that feels real enough, and as such, it requires attention. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You may have to work harder than usual to fit a certain activity into the time available to you today. Keep distractions at bay. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You will want to keep expenditures as low as possible today while seeking a personal advantage among co-workers. It’s a tricky task! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You may not understand what is required of you today until you are in the thick of things. Be sure to take all available precautions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You know what’s affecting you most directly at this time, but you may not be able to reduce its effect. Instead, try making it work for you. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Things may not look the same today as they did yes- terday -- for the very good reason that they are very different in small, subtle ways. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Make no mistake -- you are the one who others will look to for explanations when things go awry. You must, therefore, keep them on track. (EDITORS: For editorial questions, please contact Hollie Westring at hwestring@ amuniversal.com.) COPYRIGHT 2020 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 800-255-6734 FRIDAYS Primary Purpose Group 12 - 1:00 pm 2620 Bearco Loop City of Elgin Elgin Group (Winter only) 6:00 PM 70564 Valley View Rd (in shop) SATURDAYS Surrender Group 10 - 11:00 am 2620 Bearco Loop Grande Ronde Valley Group 7 - 8:00 pm Presbyterian Church 1308 Washington Ave. (entry 6th & Spring St.) If you’re looking to buy or sell, the Classifieds have everything you need. So, get the scoop and check out the Classifieds for yourself. SUNDAYS Miracles Meeting 10 - 11:00 am 2620 Bearco Loop Questions call AA Hotline: 541-624-5117 www.oregonaadistrict29.org MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 Date: 9-23-2009 2:31 PM N umber : PCH0-PETS-O1649 Ver.B ut%: None Client: Pet Adoption r Sp: 4C TS: PDM: s: Bill to: i3231 AD: N. Sangdee J. Blackburn CW: M. Caringer J. Ramos GCD: John Claxton Ret: K. Bieneman AE: QC: Justin O’Brien Des: None Brand: Pro Bono Community J. Freeman Editor: P. Owens AB: PP: Vend: None K. Nosalik K. Candelaria ack Maddie_BW_NoTag_wtBkg.eps, HSUSLogoV_Black.eps, AdoptLogo_Blk_w17K.eps, o1649_Hdln_Death_VertStackd_r1.eps 541-523-3673 541-963-3161 All Classifieds ads must be prepaid before they will print. s is d a d s h. i e l fi b i pu y ss a e l w c re , Frida or f o f E e y b N a I y d L a s DEAD OON the a d y, Wedne N : Mond 2 1 E days R O F BE lication Pub 541-523-3673 | 541-963-3161