6A FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2020 H IGHLIGHTS Congregations come together for service LA GRANDE — La Grande’s First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will host an ecumeni- cal Epiphany service at 10 a.m. Sunday. Pastor Taylor Gould from the United Methodist Church will deliver the message, “A Light for Everyone,” referencing Matthew 2:1-12 and John 1:1-18. B.J. Brown will sing “Bethlehem Star.” Pastors from the First Presbyterian, Zion Lutheran and St. Peter’s Episcopal churches will also be leading in the worship. All are welcome to participate in the Communion of the Lord’s Supper. Refreshments to follow worship. Altar Guild and St. Ann’s meet next week LA GRANDE — St. Peter’s Epis- copal Church will worship at the La Grande First Christian Church at 10 a.m. Sunday as part of an ecumenical Epiphany service. On Tuesday there will be a Girl Scout leader meeting at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall. The Altar Guild Churches and faith-based groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiritual Life page by 4 p.m. Wednesday for publication Friday. Submit by email to news@lagrandeobserver.com (with Highlights in the subject line), by fax to 541-963-7804, or by hand to the offi ce. meets at 9 a.m. Thursday, and St. Ann’s meets at 2 p.m. Friday. Ward meeting times rotate in 2020 The Zion Quilters will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the church. Presbyterian congregation Message examines ‘The joins in joint service Perfect Word’ LA GRANDE — The congre- gation of the First Presbyterian Church of La Grande will join to- gether with other congregations to celebrate the Epiphany at a joint worship service at 10 a.m. at the First Christian Church. A service will not be held at the Presbyte- rian Church. Zion Quilters group gets together Tuesday LA GRANDE — Zion Lutheran Church of La Grande members will join a 10 a.m. ecumenical service at the First Christian Church to cele- brate the fi rst Sunday of Epiphany with worship and fellowship. LA GRANDE — Sunday school begins at 9:15 a.m. followed by a 10:30 a.m. worship service at the La Grande Church of the Naza- rene. This week Pastor Kevin Goss will begin a new sermon series, “Name Above All Names,” with a message titled “The Perfect Word,” drawn from Hebrews 1:1-4. Since the very beginning of time God has had his ways of making himself known to us. At no point does God get his point across more clearly and completely than in the Word made fl esh. Communion will be celebrated immediately following the sermon. On the second Friday of the Jesus heals the ‘Island of Broken People’ By Nancy McCoy Special to The Observer I live in a very inspirational place. On the outside it is a subsidized senior-disabled housing — typical but nice. However, on the inside, instead of the “Island of Misfi t Toys” it is the “Island of Broken People.” Our looks have faded, we don’t get around well, our eyesight isn’t what it used to be, our joints ache.… There are those of us who suf- fer physical or mental illness and have deep emotional wounds. A wide range of feelings are shared in our eyes and actions. It is sad and very beautiful at the same time. Beautiful because as each of us struggle to be useful, to take care of ourselves or simply to stay out of the way, we tend to misunderstand or offend one another. This ultimately sets the stage for the beautiful gift of humility: saying “I’m sorry” and receiving the spirit of understanding that comes with forgiveness. Some days, easy things are hard and a helping hand appears. Day after day, caregiv- ers are welcomed with grace and give care with grace. We try to protect our privacy yet something in us wants to reach out and connect, so we decorate our entries — maybe we will welcome a friend or relative, perhaps bring a smile or fi nd someone like-minded. There are times when our hopes are realized by a surprise gift or a kind knock. A few days after moving in, someone said to me: “Oh, you must have moved here to die like the rest.” On the contrary, we are on the journey of life! We have so many lessons to learn as we connect with our good neigh- bors. This journey of life is only possible because Jesus, born of a virgin, connected with us when he put on the fl esh of humanity. He came to heal the “Island of Broken People” and teach us to love and forgive. He came to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and to give us eternal life. I’m glad you came, Jesus. on chapters 1-7 of 1 Nephi, which is the fi rst book in the Book of Mormon. The lesson will focus on trusting the Lord and the great worth of scriptures. For those interested in research- ing family history, the church’s Family History Center (genealogy library) at 1802 Gekeler Lane, La Grande, is open to the public on Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Wednesday evening from 6-9 p.m. month, there is a Ladies Night led by Candy Blackman at the Nazarene Church. The gatherings include a devotion, activity and potluck dinner. The next Ladies Night happens Jan. 11. Submissions LA GRANDE — The Sunday meetings at the Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in La Grande and surrounding areas will consist of a Sacrament meet- ing for the fi rst hour, when all members can share their testimo- ny, and then Sunday school classes for the second hour. This is Fast Sunday and all members are en- couraged to fast for two meals and then donate the value of the meals as a fast offering to help the less fortunate. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints church buildings where more than one ward meets, the individual ward meeting start times will rotate for the upcoming year. The “Come Follow Me for Individuals & Families” lesson for the week of Jan. 6-12 will be Tale of a young Jesus is focus of sermon LA GRANDE — At La Grande’s Faith Lutheran Church, the sermon will use Luke 2:40-52. These verses give the account of Jesus at 12 years old staying in his “Father’s House” to ask further questions. Faith Lutheran’s SHINE (Serv- ing Him IN Everything) Preschool resumes classes on Jan. 6, which is the Twelfth Day of Christmas known as Epiphany. — Observer staff My father’s heavenly voice M usic fi gured prominently in the wor- ship of the small congregation where I grew up. To begin Sunday morning worship the pastor might call the congregation to stand and sing and they would respond with conviction: “Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee.” On Sunday evenings we sang gospel songs from a book entitled Worship in Song. It had a variety from simple cho- ruses to the more complex gospel song that I remember began: “Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin. How shall my tongue describe it, where shall its praise begin?” Lines from some of these songs remain with me even at age 94. They linger in my memory and may come forth spontaneously at any moment of the day. One song, along with the circumstance in which I heard it, is etched indelibly in my mind. It was a song I heard my father sing. My father honored gospel values al- though at times he struggled to give himself fully to a faith in the Lord Jesus that JUST CALL ME PASTOR DONALD N. BASTIAN brings deliverance. By the grace of God, one Sunday evening his hunger to belong to the Lord compelled him to “go forward” to the altar. It was his turning point. The next morning I awakened early to the sound of his stirring up the coal-fi red cook stove in the kitchen. I slept in the ad- joining room. As he fed the fi re, I heard him singing in a lovely tenor voice that I don’t think I was aware of before that time. It was a song with a line about Jesus calling a blind man to him and delivering him of his blindness. It was a simple song that rose up like a tendril of worship from a humble kitchen and became part of the music of the spheres. For more writings by Donald N. Bastian, bishop emeritus of the Free Methodist Church of North America, go to justcallmepastor. wordpress.com. Northeast Oregon Directory of Churches First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 lgdisciples@gmail.com Worship 10:00 a.m. Services This Week ~Join us at The Lord’s Table~ I mbler C hrIstIan C hurCh 440 R uckman , I mbleR 534-2201 www.imblerchristianchurch.org Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service C ove u nIted m ethodIst C hurCh ROMAN CATHOLIC 1708 Jasper St., Cove, OR n orth P owder u nIted m ethodIst C hurCh 390 E. St., North Powder, OR JOIN US... Catch the Spirit! Worship: 9:00 a.m. Cove Worship: 10:00 a.m. N. Powder La Grande Seventh-day Adventist Church A Place where hope is found in Jesus Join us in Fellowship & Worship Every Saturday 9:30 a.m. - Bible Study/Fellowship 10:45 a.m. - Worship Service 2702 Adams Avenue, La Grande • 963-4018 Pastor: Mike Armayor www.lagrandeor.adventistchurch.org Learning for Today and Eternity Little Friends Christian Preschool/Childcare 963-6390 La Grande Adventist Christian School Christian Education K-8th Grade 963-6203 LA GRANDE UNITED GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES METHODIST CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH La Grande - Our Lady of the Valley “OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS” 1002 L Avenue Saturday 5:30 pm Mass Sunday 10:00 am Mass Weekdays 8:00 am Mass Union - Sacred Heart 340 South 10th Avenue Sunday 8:00 am Mass No Weekdays Worship 10:00 am Sunday 12:30 pm Mass No Weekdays Fellowship Coffee Hour 11:00 am - Nursery provided - FIRST LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Zion Lutheran Church 1812 1st St. La Grande Pastor Dave Tierce • 541-605-0215 We use the King James Version Bible Sunday School - 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Bible Study - 3:00 pm (Effective June 10) Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm “Where you can find TRUTH according to the scriptures” www.flmbclagrande.com (an ELCA church) 902 Fourth Street, La Grande, OR (541) 963-5998 “We are called to Serve” Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am Sunday Worship 10:00 am Pastor Carl Seelhoff Phone: 541-786-0447 963-5884 109 18th Street • 963-3402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 1316 T St., La Grande, OR 541-568-4567 Sunday 10:30 a.m. 2 Cor 12:9 My Grace is sufficient for you. grace.lutherancove@gmail.com IS 40:31 First Baptist Church 1531 S. Main Street, Union 541-562-5531 1531 S. Main Street, Union www.UnionBaptistOregon.org 541-562-5531 Sunday School 9:45 am www.UnionBaptistOregon.org 9:00 am - Worship Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am 10:00 am - Fellowship & Refreshments Worship Service AWANA 11:00 am Thursday 6:30 pm 10:30 am - Classes Thursday AWANA 6:30 pm Birthing, Building and Being Pastor: Roberta Smythe Birthing, Building and Being the the Body Body of Christ of Christ www.zionlagrande.org St. Katherine’s Catholic Church Contemporary Worship Expositional Teaching Tune in to Calvary Radio 88.1 CSN Pastor Taylor Gould lgumc@eoni.com www.lgumchurch.org Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9am-Noon Elgin - Saint Mary’s 12th and Alder CALVARY CHAPEL 1433 Jefferson Ave. Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. Studying The Book of Galatians Wednesday Service - 7:00 p.m. Studying The Book of Joshua Wednesday Night Youth - 6:00 p.m. The Place 1612 4th Street – 963-2498 62848 Philynda Loop in Island City Amazing Grace Fellowship Fr. Thomas Puduppulliparamban 301 E Garfield Enterprise Mass Schedule Sundays: St Pius X, Wallowa – 8:00 am St Katherine of Siena, Enterprise – 10:30 am Saturdays St Katherine of Siena, Enterprise – 5:30 pm Weekdays St Katherine of Siena, Enterprise – 8:00 am (Monday – Thursday and First Friday) All are welcome SIXTH & SPRING, LA GRANDE 541-963-3911 Sun. 10:00 AM - Worship Sun. 8:45 AM - Exploring the Bible Wed. 6:15 PM - AWANA SUMMERVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services: Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes 9:45AM Children's Church & Worship Service 11:00AM Family Worship Service 6:00PM Wednesday: Prayer Mtg, Children's Bible Club, Youth Group 7:00PM A church for your whole family Visit us at summervillebaptistchurch.org