La Grande Pride • December 2019 11 La Grande School District student safety - emergency response protocols La Grande School District con- tinues to work diligently to protect and safeguard your children. Only when children and youth feel safe at school are they truly capable of learning and reaping the benefi ts of the entire educational experience. Here are some things you should know about safety and security in our schools: • A comprehensive, multi-hazard emergency response plan is in place in the school district and will be reviewed and practiced on a regular basis. • Each individual school/facil- ity in the district has a building specifi c emergency response plan and our district has an emergency response team in place to support with any emergency situation on a school campus. • These plans are aligned with county, state and federal emergency response plans and community emergency fi rst responders (ie. law enforcement, fi re & rescue) under the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The school sys- tem works closely with local public safety offi cials and relies on their expertise and intelligence. • Training programs and emer- gency response teams prepare for emergency situations at a variety of campus/school settings. We are continually being developed and encouraged for building level emer- gency response teams, building certifi ed and classifi ed staff, student populations, parent groups, and community organizations. • Emergency response drills are conducted in each school building/ facility throughout the course of each school year to test our proce- T he purpose of the La Grande School Dis- trict Emergency response protocols is to identify and respond to incidents by out- lining the responsibilities and duties of em- ployees, students, and families. As always, our district goal is to ensure the safety of students, staff, and community stakeholders. In order to do this effectively our district must develop, maintain, train and uti- lize emergency response plans that empower everyone involved in an incident to act quickly and knowledgably. dures and equipment and to fully assess our readiness. • La Grande police offi cers and Union County Sheriff Department have assigned school resource of- fi cers (SRO’s) and additional police protection can be easily accessed for assistance in any of our K-12 schools. • You will be notifi ed of an emer- gency, including a severe weather situation, natural disaster, or civil disturbance, via the district’s and specifi c school website, Facebook, and School Messenger communi- cation system. Depending on the severity of the situation there may be notifi cations that take place via local television and radio stations. • Schools are prepared to en- gage in the appropriate emergency response, including conducting Lock outs, Lockdowns, evacuations, Threats of harm, or a shelter-in- place, to protect your children. • The school district has specifi c plans for the reunifi cation of par- ents and their children in the event of a major emergency. • School psychologists, school social workers, and counselors— trained in crisis intervention and recovery—are available to students Emergency planning educates staff, stu- dents, and other key stakeholders to better understand their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an incident that may bring about harm and may require action. Incidents can include major disasters, emergencies, terrorist attacks, terrorist threats, fi res, fl oods, hazardous materials ac- cidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical storms, public health and medical emergencies, and other occurrences requiring an emergency response. and their families in all emergen- cies. • If you are in need of additional information about safety and se- curity in LGSD, please feel free to contact district and building admin- istrators at any time. PARENTS: HOW YOU CAN HELP IN AN EMERGENCY: Should there ever be a threaten- ing situation or an emergency on a school campus and, for the safety of your child(ren) and all students: • PLEASE, remain as calm as possible. • PLEASE, DO NOT attempt to go to the school. Access routes and streets need to be clear for emergency vehicles. Traffi c conges- tion will make emergency response much more diffi cult for fi rst re- sponders, including law enforce- ment, fi re departments, and ambu- lances, to get to the school to deal with the emergency quickly and effi ciently. This is an issue of safety for all concerned. • PLEASE, remain at home or at work to make it easier for offi - cials to contact you, if this becomes necessary. If schools have the need to mass evacuate students off site, students will be taken by bus to an alternate location—you will be given information through district and school websites, media and through the District's School Mes- senger Communication System (text, phone, email, School Messen- ger App, Facebook) as to how and when to pick-up your children. • PLEASE, DO NOT call your child on his/her cell phone. If numerous people are using cell phones at one location, it will jam the airways, which will overload the system and could prevent emergen- cy and school offi cials from using their emergency communication de- vices. This would seriously hinder efforts to assist students. Schools also hope to limit student use of cell phones for the same reason. How- ever, school personnel will work with students on the use of their personal cell phones and text- mes- saging in an emergency to keep you informed with the most accurate and reliable information possible and to reduce anxieties. • PLEASE, DO NOT call your child’s school building, as telephone lines will need to remain open to deal with the emergency. If the phone system becomes overloaded, it will hinder efforts to help stu- dents and to provide valuable information. Stay tuned to local TV and radio stations for ongoing information and emergency instructions. Check for updates at: https:// or https://www. District-272963731358/ REMEMBER, in an emergency, school offi cials will need your as- sistance. Thank You!