The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, May 10, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Old Testament’s moral law is timeless
This week I heard a sermon on YouTube from one of wrote: “I would not have known what sin was had it not
America’s most popular megachurch pastors. He con- been for the law” (Romans 7:7). The searchings of the law
tended that today’s church needs to “unhitch” from the awaken us to our sin and our need for the Gospel.
Old Testament and live by the sim-
It is true the Old Testament is
➱✃➵ ❐➲➵➵
pler ways of the New Testament. The
ancient and has content that can
Old Testament is too old, bloody and
shock modern sensibilities. And
complex for believers, he said.
many of its ceremonial rituals are
One can appreciate the passion
no longer relevant. But the moral
to bring the Gospel more simply to
law revealed in these writings and
today’s public, but is completely disconnecting the Old contended for by the prophets is timeless. Without the
Testament from church life the way to achieve the goal? Old Testament what would we substitute for the hymn
The sermon claimed that New Testament writers — to creation in Genesis 1? Or the story of God’s miracu-
Peter, James, Paul and others — had themselves discon- lous deliverance of his chosen people out of slavery in
nected from the Old Testament in the early days of the Egypt? What would we substitute for the warnings and
Christian Church. He said they too wanted to make the promises of prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah? And
faith simpler for those who sought God.
how would we replace the treasures of the Psalms as
But did Jesus not say the following? “Do not think aids to worship?
that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I
To abandon the Old Testament would also require
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major editing of the New Testament. Paul wrote to
truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the Timothy: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is suitable
smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righ-
means disappear from the Law until everything is ac- teousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly
complished” (Matthew 5:17-18). Jesus came not to an- equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16).
nul or even simplify the Old Testament but to embody
We dare not forget the Old Testament was the only
its positive truths in living form. He came to save sin- inspired text at hand when Paul said this. The New Tes-
ners, and the moral law as lodged in the Old Testament tament had not yet been gathered as a sacred document.
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If we were we to decouple Old from New Testament,
to awaken them to their sinful condition and bring would we not be declaring that the Old Testament is no
them to the savior. As Paul wrote to the Galatians, “the longer God-breathed? Luke tells us that when Jesus was
law was like a strict guardian in charge of us until we a 12-year-old boy, he lingered in the temple courts with the
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teachers of the law listening and asking questions. Onlook-
by faith in him” (Galatians 3:24).
ers were astonished at what he grasped and the questions
Contrary to the megachurch pastor’s sermon, New he asked. What more powerful affirmation of that ancient
Testament writers did not abandon Old Testament scrip- text could we ask for? With this memorable moment on
tures. For example, Paul’s letter to the Romans spells out record, we dare not unhitch law and prophets from their
clearly the way to salvation by faith in Christ and is clear place in the whole sweep of both testaments. God has giv-
about the Old Testament’s function in that process. He en both to the historic church to direct us.
Bible study meets Monday
Message expounds on love
LA GRANDE — Zion Lutheran
Church of La Grande will wor-
ship at 9 a.m. Sunday followed by
a time of fellowship. Mothers and
grandmothers will be honored for
Mother’s Day.
Monday at 7 p.m. the Evening Bi-
ble Study will meet at Cathy Lease’s
house. On Tuesday, a non-denomi-
national Bible study group will meet
at the church at 6:15 p.m.
LA GRANDE — Pastor Ray
Smith’s Mother’s Day message
Sunday will be “The Main Ingre-
dient.” Speaking about love, he
will refer to John 13:31-35 where
Jesus commands that we love one
another. The service will begin at
10 a.m. Mothers will be honored
during worship and the fellowship
time following.
Mothers recognized
during service
LA GRANDE — The message
at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship
service at the First Presbyterian
Church in La Grande will be “Mor-
tals, Set Apart and Sent.” The con-
gregation will recognize mothers
during the service. A fellowship
time will follow.
Worship services held in
two locations
— The sermon at Faith Lutheran
Church Sunday will consider Je-
sus’ words from John 10:29 to
those who follow him: “no one is
able to snatch them out of the Fa-
ther’s hand” — receiving security
in a world of uncertainties is indis-
pensable. Worship services will be
held in La Grande at 10 a.m. and
Enterprise at 2 p.m.
Choose faith when in trials
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I had lunch with a middle-aged
couple the other day and they were
sharing about a crisis situation they
are struggling with. The stress has
been building for quite some time
and the heavy burden of trying to
deal with this is taking a toll. They
are both believers, but at the same
time they admit there is much to
learn when it comes to spiritual
warfare and getting into position
to listen and trust God with their
lives. You know, we all have a dif-
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the Christian life, but admitting
we are vulnerable and weak in our
times of adversity is a step in the
right direction. Many times it’s our
pride that leads us into even more
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handle our own problems. When
we approach our circumstances
through our emotions, it usually
does not end up well — but when
we humbly follow God’s instruc-
tions, we can trust that his wisdom
knows exactly what to do.
It’s true, the Lord can make all
things work together for the good,
but we must cooperate with his
plans. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says,
“And he said to me, ‘My grace is suf-
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ed in weakness.’ Most gladly, there-
fore, I will rather boast about my
weaknesses, so that the power of
Christ may dwell in me. Therefore
I am well content with weaknesses,
with insults, with distresses, with
Lesson focuses on
marriage and eternal life
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LA GRANDE — Primary children
will sing during Sunday’s Sacrament
Meeting in honor of Mother’s Day at
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints. The second hour of the
service will hold Priesthood and
Relief Society meetings. Visit www.
meetinghouses to find start times for
meetings at a church near you.
The lesson for the week of May
13-19 from the “Come Follow Me for
Individuals & Families” is based on
Matthew 19-20, Mark 10 and Luke
18 with a focus on the topics of mar-
riage and eternal life. It can be found
Christ’s sake; for when I am weak,
then I am strong.”
Most of us have heard the saying
“Let go and let God,” but this is not
easy. There may be times when we
need to take the bull by the horns,
but surrendering is associated with
trust and this is an area where we
humans often hesitate. Remember
when your dad would hold out his
arms and tell you to jump? This is
the same idea that we are trying to
learn about our spiritual relation-
ship with God — and if we cannot
trust him, we cannot please him.
Our nature has a stubborn and in-
dependent determination as we are
not naturally wired to yield our con-
trol to anyone, even God himself.
This is why the Bible speaks about
our mind being renewed, as learn-
ing to submit and obey is a learned
behavior. This is especially the case
when it comes to turning loose our
problems, because it seems we
would much rather spend our time
and energy trying to defeat them
with worry and anxiety.
The frustrating reality is that many
of our misfortunes are simply too
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We might as well face it — we cannot
solve, repair, heal, restore or resolve
our serious challenges, but God can.
“But Jesus beheld them and said
unto them, with men this is impos-
sible: but with God all things are
possible” (Matthew 19:26). When
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choice to give our problems over to
God and believe that he will step into
the need and create a miracle. Isn’t
this great news? Charles Swindoll is
quoted as saying, “We must cease
striving and trust God to provide
what he thinks is best and in what-
ever time he chooses to make it avail-
able. But this kind of trusting doesn’t
come naturally. It’s a spiritual crisis
of the will in which we must choose
to exercise faith.”
➟ ↕➊➎➆➈➜➊ ➈➇➠➍ ➒➈➓➄➅➆➇ ➇➐ ➅→➒➊↕ -
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While we are asking how God could
possibly create anything good from
➐➅↕ ➒➈➓➄➅➆➇ ➍➈➇➅➎➇➈➐→➙ ➋➊ ➅➍➅➎➆➆➔
forget that he knows everything and
is waiting to use our circumstances
to manifest his glory. Even though
we may experience a thunderstorm
occasionally, let us be reminded
that eventually the storms stop and
the sun comes out. Our life was not
intended to be a continual valley of
shadows or for us to carry our wor-
ries and heavy burdens. Matthew
11:28 declares, “Come unto me all
who labor and are heavy laden and
I will give you rest.”
Today as you continue to face your
giant and it seems there is no hope
for victory, consider transferring this
burden over to Jesus and allow him
the opportunity to intervene. Linda
Shepherd is quoted as saying, “If you
are caught up in situations beyond
➔➐➅↕ ➄➐→➇↕➐➆➙ ➇➌➊ ➍➐➆➅➇➈➐→ ➈➍ →➐➇ ➃➤ -
uring out how God can save you; it’s
trusting that he will.”
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❰➷➮➮➷Ð❒❐➬Ñ Ò❐Ó➱➷➮➱
×Ø×Ù ×ÚÛ ÜÛÝ Þß àáßâãä
åæçèéê ëæìí îïíêðí ñ òóôõö÷òõ÷øôò
ùú ûüú ýþú ÿ ❑ ✁ ❏❛✂ úü ❱ ú r ü ❑✄ ❇❑☎✆ ú
❙✝✞✟✠✡ ❙☛☞✌✌✍ ✲ ✶✎✏✎✎ ✠✑
❲✌♦✒☞✓✔ ✶✶✏✎✎ ✠✑
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ❊✛❡✗✜✗✢ ✣✜✤✥❡ ✕✦✖✘✚ ✧ ✸★✩✩ ♣✪ ✭❊✫✫❡❢✦✜✛❡ ✬✖✗❡ ✮✩✯
❲✰✟✞✰✒✟✠✡ ✱✳✰✞✓✞✴ ✲ ✻✏✵✎ ✔✑
➇✷✹✺✼✺ ②✽✾ ❝✿❀ ❁✐❀❂ ❃❄❯❃❅ ✿❝❝✽✼❂✐❀❞ t✽ t✹✺ s❝✼✐❆t✾✼✺s❈
❆✩✪✫✬✭✮ ●✯✪✰✱
✼✽✼✿ ❚ ❙❀❁❂ ▲❃ ❄❅❃❇❉❊❂ ■❏
❙❱❇❉❃❳ ✼❨❩✽❨ ❃❁❬❁
❭ ❪❫❴ ❵❭❜❝ ❞❡ ❢❴❣❤❥ ❦❧
❧s♠♠❦❤❦❥♥q ♠❫❴ ❡❫s②
rt ✉①③④⑤
❩❏❑▲ ▼◆❖P◗❘❙❚
❳❨❬ ❭❪❫❴ ❵❤❛❜❵❤❞
❡❢❣ ✐♦❥❦❧♠ ♥❧❦♣♣❧q
rs t❦s✉✈♣q ✇①
②③④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑩③⑦⑦❶
ìíîïêðï ñòóôõò
ö÷øö ùú ûüýþ ùÿú þý þ
÷ ö ÷ ÷÷øö
✄ ☎
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ✕✛✜✢✢✣
✤✥✦✧ ✙★
❷❸❹❹ ❺❻ ❼ ❽❾❿➀➁➂➃
✩✢✪✗✫✗✬ ✭✢✪✮✜✫✯
➄❹❸❹❹ ❺❻ ❼ ➅➆➇➇❾➈➀➁➂➃ ➉ ➊➆➋❿➆➀➁➌➆➍➎➀
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ✲✫✬✜✳
✴✥✵✱ ✯★
➄❹❸➏❹ ❺❻ ❼ ➐➇➑➀➀➆➀
✶✜✖✪✮✘✙✚ ✷✭✷✲✷
✴✥✵✱ ✯★
✰✰✥✱✱ ✙★
✸✹✺✻✼✹✽✾ ✿✺❀✼✹✽ ❁✹❂ ❃❄✺❅❆❁✼❇✼✹✽
❈❉❊❋❊ ●❍❄✼❊■
ïðñòó òôõõö÷øùú
ûöùüóðñ÷ òüöðòü
✻✻ ◆✁ ▼✂✄☎ ✄☎ ❯☎✄✆☎
➇✝❡ ❛✞❡ ❝❛✟✟❡✠ t✡ ❙❡✞✈❡☛
☞✌✍✎✏✑ ☞✒✓✔✔✕ ❢✔✖ ✏✕✕ ✏✗✘✙ ✲ ✾✚✛✛ ✏✜
☞✌✍✎✏✑ ❲✔✖✙✓♦✢ ✶✛✚✛✛ ✏✜
P✏✙✣✔✖ ❈✤✥✦ ✧★★✦✩✪✫✫
✬✭✮✯✰✱ ✺✳✴✵✷✸✹✵✼✳✳✷
➎➏➐➑➒ ➓➔→➒➏➑➒ ➣↔↕➐➙↔
➛➜➝➞➟ ➠
➧➨ ➩➫➨➭➯➲
➾➚➪➶ ➹➘➴➴ ➷➬ ➮ ➱✃❐❒❮❰Ï
➾➚➪➶ Ð➴➘Ñ➴ ➷➬ ➮ ÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚ ÛÜÝ ÞØßÕÝ
àáâ➶ ã➘Ðä å➬ ➮ æ➱æçæ
➻➼ ➽➾➼➚➪➶ ➹➚➘➴➶➪
➷➶➴➬➮➪➘➱➴ ✃➬➹➾✃➬
❐❒❮❰Ï Ð❰ÑÒÓÔÕ ❒❮❰Ï Ö×ÏØÔÕ ❒❮❰Ï Ø❒❒ÒÔÙ
ÚÛÚÜ ÝÞß àÞáââÞ ã äÛåæÜÝäç
èéêëìí îï ðíéñòêóï
●■❑ ●▲◗❘ ❚◗❳❨❨◗ ❩ ❑❬❭❪❭❫■❴
❵❜❝❞❡❢ ❵❣✐❥❥❦
❵❜❝❞❡❢ s❥✉✈✐①②
ÿÿÿþôõö÷ø ✳ ö ø ✳ þû õ
❖✁✁✐✂✄ ❍☎✆✝✞✟ ▼☎✠✡☛☞✆✝ ✾✌✍✡✎☎☎✠
❧♠♥♣ ❡qrq
❲♦✏✑✒✓✔ ✶✕✖✕✕ ❛✗
♥③♠④③ ❡qrq
❋✄✘✘☎✇✞☞✐✙ ❈☎✁✁✄✄ ❍☎✆✝ ✚✚✟✛✛ ✌✍
✲ ◆✜✢✣✤✢✥ ♣✢✦✈✧★✤★ ✲