❲✬✭✮✬✯✭❆❨✱ ✰❆❨ ✲✱ ✳✴✶✾ ⑦⑧⑨ ⑩⑧③❶⑧ Continued from Page 1A as a Native American who worked hard to keep the re- ligion of the Nez Perce alive. The faith in question may have been the Nez Perce’s Seven Drums religion, also known as the Washot or Longhouse religion, accord- ing to www.reference.com. Other faiths of the Nez Perce include the Dreamer and Feather religions. The display also features photos of a Nez Perce In- ✆✝✌✠ ✝✆✂✠✄✝✜✂✆ ✑✠✁☎ ✌✡ ❃❄ ✌ - ✡✑✠✏ ✖✔✑ ✝✡ ✍✟✂✆✝✄✂✆ ✖✝✄✔ being among those of his tribe who went to Wash- ington, D.C., to protest how his people were treat- ed by settlers in the North- west in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Another photo shows a Nez Perce child in a cra- dleboard. Cradleboards were once part of daily life for most Nez Perce fami- lies, according to www. oregonhistoryproject. org. Mothers used them to carry children on their backs. They were a con- venient and safe means of transporting infants. Next to the cradleboard photo is one of a standing Nez Perce child dressed in dec- orative clothing. “As they grew up, chil- dren took great pride in ✍✂✟✂✕✑✠✝✌✁ ✍✁✑✄✔✝✠✒✎✏ states a photo caption from the Idaho Historical Society. Photos in the display also show a Nez Perce dance and a sweathouse, a struc- ture in which heat and wa- ter are used to create steam that cannot escape. Sweat- houses were often built next to creeks to provide ✂✑ ✁✂ ✌ ✁✌✍✂ ✄✑ ✍✑✑✁ ✑✞✎ according www.digitlcol- lections.lcclark.edu. The photos in the ex- hibit are all enclosed in protective frames made by Dick Hohstadt, Sharon’s husband. In addition to their age, it is not known who took the photos in the exhibit. Sharon Hohstadt said she plans to send a letter to the Idaho Historical Soci- ety requesting information about the photos. The Nez Perce photos might not have been dis- covered if the linotype machine had not been so ①②③④⑤⑥②⑦② the cost to society in terms Continued from Page 1A drug, said people are not aware of just how potent marijuana is becoming. The levels of THC, the psychoactive chemical in marijuana which makes people high, is much high- er than it was even a few years ago. “This is not your grand- father’s weed, or your fa- ther’s marijuana or even your (older) brother’s weed. There has been an explo- sion in potency, it is a com- ✁✂✄✂✁☎ ✆✝✞✂✟✂✠✄ ✡☛☞✡✄✌✠✍✂✎✏ said Shemelya, who lives in London, Kentucky. He explained THC lev- els were generally between 2% and 4% when he was a teenager in the late 1960s and early 1970s — today it is often over 40% and ris- ing. Shemelya said there is no database available to indicate to what impact marijuana with such high THC levels has on people and society. Shemelya is particularly concerned about what impact they will have on the developing minds of youth, noting one’s brain is not completely devel- oped until about age 27. “We have no idea what (the more potent mari- juana) is doing to today’s ☎✑☛✠✒ ✂✑ ✁✂✎✏ ✓✔✂✕✂✁☎✌ said. Marijuana has been le- galized for medical pur- poses in 33 states and for recreational use in 10 states including Oregon. Shemelya said in many of these states, governments are hoping to bolster state ✍✑✞✂✟✡ ✖✝✄✔ ✄✌✗ ✟✂✘✂✠☛✂ from recreational mari- juana sales. He noted, though, it will be some time before it is known how the revenue gained via taxes matches of money spent for extra law enforcement and health services needed because of increased marijuana use. “We have no data on what the cost is to society and we ✖✝✁✁ ✠✑✄ ✙✚✑✟✛ ✜✘✂ ✄✑ ✡✂✘✂✠ ☎✂✌✟✡✎✏ ✓✔✂✕✂✁☎✌ ✡✌✝✆✢ He stressed it is too early to draw conclusions, but Sh- emelya pointed out in states where marijuana has been legalized, at least for medi- cal use, there has been an ✝✠✍✟✂✌✡✂ ✝✠ ✄✟✌✣✍ ✌✍✍✝✆✂✠✄✡✢ “There has been an up- ✄✝✍✤ ✝✠ ✝✕ ✌✝✟✂✆ ✆✟✝✘✝✠✒✎✏ Shemelya said. He also said that accord- ing to workman’s com- pensation records, more people are being injured while working in states where marijuana has been legalized. Supporters of marijuana often argue the black mar- ket will disappear when the drug is legalized. Sh- emelya said this is not proving to be the case in states which have legalized the drug in part because taxes levied on it are keep- ing the price high. “The black market is ✌✁✝✘✂ ✌✠✆ ✖✂✁✁✎✏ ✓✔✂✕✂✁☎✌ said. He also said govern- ments are not doing an ✂✞✂✍✄✝✘✂ ✥✑☞ ✑✚ ✟✂✒☛✁✌✄ - ing marijuana at the state level. This means that un- derage youths are getting access to it. “Nobody is doing a good job at the level of regulat- ❉❈❊❦ ●❍■❏❑▲▼◆❖P◗❚❖❯❱❖❯ ❳ ❨❩❬ ❭❩❪ ❫❩❴❵❩ ❛❜❝❞❝ ❩❢❜❣❤❣❞ ✐❞ ❞❜❩ ❥❨❣❝❨ ❧❝♠❨❞♥ ♦♠♣❩♠q ❣❨❵r♠s❩♣ ❞❜❩♣❩ ❛❣❵❞♠❴❩♣ ❝t ✐❨ ❣❨t✐❨❞ ❣❨ ✐ ❵❴✐sr❩❤❝✐❴s✉ r❩t❞✉ ✐❨s ✐ ❵❜❣rs ❣❨ ❵❩❴❩q❝❨❣✐r s❴❩♣♣✇ heavy that it was causing ✄✔✂ ✖✑✑✆✂✠ ❅ ✑✑✟ ✑✚ ✄✔✂ museum’s main building to sag, Hohstadt said. This is the reason the machine was thus moved to the museum’s Agriculture and Timber building where ✄✔✂✟✂ ✝✡ ✌ ✍✑✠✍✟✂✄✂ ❅ ✑✑✟ that can better support it. ✝✠✒ ✝✄✎✏ ✓✔✂✕✂✁☎✌ ✡✌✝✆✢ Dale Quigley, deputy co- ordinator of the National Marijuana Initiative, said it is important to be up front about the dangers of drugs. “Kids want us to give ✄✔✂✕ ✄✟☛✄✔✎✏ ✡✌✝✆ ✦☛✝✒✁✂☎✎ a Denver resident. He said a case can be made that alcohol can cause more problems than marijuana. Quigley said, though, this is not saying much in light of marijua- na’s negative impacts. “Which is safer? Walk- ing on a tight rope 10 feet ✑✞ ✄✔✂ ✒✟✑☛✠✆ ✑✟ ✧★★ ✚✂✂✄ ✑✞ ✄✔✂ ✒✟✑☛✠✆✩✏ ✦☛✝✒✁✂☎ asked rhetorically. Jo McGuire, the execu- tive director of the Na- tional Drug and Alcohol Screening Association, concluded Tuesday’s pre- sentations by telling a compelling story about how one of her sons be- came addicted to marijua- na without anyone in her family suspecting it for a long time and it led to him becoming homeless. Her son today has beat his ad- diction and has a promis- ing career but irreparable damage has been done. “I don’t think he will ever become what he could ✔✌✘✂ ☞✂✂✠✎✏ ✪✍✫☛✝✟✂ ✡✌✝✆✢ Like Shemelya, she is worried that little is known about how modern mari- juana impacts people and wonders how much ever may be known. “With today’s potency it is considered unethical to study potency in marijua- ✠✌ ✖✝✄✔ ✔☛✕✌✠ ✡☛☞✥✂✍✄✡✎✏ she said. McGuire urges people to steer free of drugs. “The best life you can have is a substance free ✁✝✚✂✎✏ ✡✔✂ ✡✌✝✆✢ Tuesday’s program, con- ducted at the Blue Moun- tain Conference Center, was put on by the Union County Safe Communities Coali- tion and the Center for Hu- man Development. óôõõö÷ô øôùúû üýúþöÿ ➴➷➬➮➱➮✃ ❐➬➬❒➬➮❮ ❰ÏÐ ÑÒÓÑÔ ❙ ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ✁✂ âãä ãåæâ ✺✞✟ ✁☎✥ ✠ ✞✟ ❘✡☛✡☞✈✌✍✎✏✑☛ ✌☞✡ ☞✡✒✓✎☞✡✔✕ ❋✓✖✖ ☛✓✗✗✡☞ ☛✘✙✡✔✓✖✡ ✍✙✡ ❲✡✔✑✡☛✔✌❡ ✌✚✍✡☞ ✛✡✗✏☞✎✌✖ ✜✌❡✱ ✛✌❡ ✢✣✕ ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ✞✆✟☎ ✞✠✡☛✆✡☞ ç èéêëìêí îïðîñí Page 2A òêìíóô õìöìê òê÷øìõ ç ùêìíóúûéü ùêýìí cialist, knitters, weav- ers and a blacksmith, Hohstadt said. The Union County Mu- seum, at 333 S. Main St. in Union, traditionally opens for the season on Mother’s Day. On May 12, the museum will be open from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., and no admission will be charged. After Mother’s Day, the museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each Sunday. The museum will remain open for its 2019 season until the end of Septem- ber. Regular admission is $5 for adults, $4 for se- niors, $3 for students, and there is no charge for age 6 and younger. Hohstadt said the antici- pation leading up to open- ing day is always exhilarat- ✝✠✒ ✚✑✟ ✄✔✂ ✕☛✡✂☛✕ ❆ ✡ ✡✄✌✞ of volunteers as they take on last-minute prepara- tion challenges. ❃❇ ✔✂✟✂ ✝✡ ✟✂✡✡☛✟✂✎✏ Hostadt said, “but it is ✘✂✟☎ ✂✗✍✝✄✝✠✒✢✏ For information on the museum call 541-562- 6003. ✺✻✼✽✾✿ ▲▲❀✺✿✿ ❨❁❂ ❃❄❅ ❆❂❄❇❈❉❅ ❉❁● ❄ ❍■❏■❑◆ ❖P❑P◗❘ ❍❙❯❑ ❱❳✈❩ ❬❭❪ ❫❩❩❴ ❵❜❳❝❴❭❞❩❵ ❤❜❥❦ ❧❳❴❧❩♠ ❭♠ ❳❴❭❥❦❩♠ ❞❩♠❜❭❪❞ ♣❩❵❜❧❳q ❧❭❴❵❜❥❜❭❴✇ ①❭ ❬❭❪ ❦❳✈❩ ❳❥ q❩❳❞❥ ②③④⑤⑥⑥⑥ ❭⑦ q❜⑦❩ ❜❴❞❪♠❳❴❧❩✇ ⑧⑨⑩❶❷❸⑨ ❶❷⑩ ❹⑩❶❸⑩❺❻ ❼❶❷ ❽❺❾ ❿❶⑩⑩❶➀ ❻❶❾➁❼ ➂⑩❶❻ ➃➄➅➆ ➇➈➉➊ ➈➋➌➅➆➍➋➎➊ ➍➋➏ ➆➊➎➊➈➐➊ ➅➑ ➒➄ ➓➔→ ➄➉ ➃➄➅➆ ➑➄➇➈➎➃➣➌ ➏➊➍➒↔ ↕➊➋➊➙➒ ➒➄➏➍➃➛ ➥➦➧➧ ➨➩➫➦➭ ➨➩ ➯➲➲ ➳➵ ➭➩➸ ➺➸➦➧➳➵➭➻ ➼➽➾➚➚➽➪➾➶➽➚➹➘➶ ➜➝➞➟➠➞➡➢➤ ✴✵✶✶ st✉✈①③t④⑤t⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑥⑤⑩⑦①❶❷ ✈t ⑦ ❸❹⑦t❺✈t❺ ❸⑧✈④⑦⑥⑤ ❚r✒st❛✓ ✔✕✕✖s✗✒t✘ ✙✚✛✜✢✣✤✦✧ ★ ✩✛✣✪✫✢✜✬ ✭✦✦✪✚✤✧✢✣✦✪✱ ✮✛✧✉✤ ✯✫✪❢✫✜✣✤ ❊✆❡♥✐♥❣ ✝✞❡✟❡♥✠✡✠✐☛♥ ❋✰✲✲ ❻❼❽❾❿➀➁➂➃ ➄➁➂ ➅➆❼ ➇ ➈➉➊ ➋➌➍ ➎➏➐➍➑➒➍ ➓➔➎ ➏→➣↔➑↕➓➔↕ ➑↔➙➍➒ ➣➙➓➛➍➎ ➜➛ ➝➓➑↕➌➞➒ ➟➓↕➠➑➓➙ ➡➍➢➛➢➙➍➑➒ ➏➔ ↕➌➍ ➍➔➐➏➑↔➔→➍➔↕ ➓➔➎ ↕➌➍➏➑ ➒➏➤➔➏➥➢➓➔➢➍ ↕↔ ➌➠→➓➔➒ ➦ ➧➨➩➫➭➯➯➲ ➳➵➸➺ ➻➼➻➳➺ ➦ ➽➨➾➚➪➳ ➺➻➯➳➯➚➼ ➦ ➶➵➯➭➺➲➺➹➵➪➘➵➯➾ ➴➫➺➪➳➵➾➚ ➘➯➷➵➻ ➺➾➬➵➭➯➾➲➺➾➘➩➮ ➦ ➶➺➺➽➭➵➺➾➹➳➼ ➫➯➾➺➼➱➺➺ ➭➺➩➺➪➭➻➫ ➦ ✃➭➯❐➵➾➚ ➲➼➻➺➳➵➪ ➪➾➹ ➲➨➩➫➭➯➯➲➩ ➪➘ ➫➯➲➺ ■♥✻✼✽✼♥✻✼♥✾ ❘✼✾✿❀✼❁✼♥✾ ▲✿❂✿♥❃ ▼☞✟✌✞☛☛✍ ✎✐✠ ❲☛✞✏✟✌☛✑ ✷ ❆✌✍ ✥✌ ✎✏✇ ✇✑ ✒✓✔ ✕✓✖✗✏✘ ✕✎✑ ✙✑✘✚✑✒✕ ✘✑✕✖✘✑r✑✔✕ ✕✎✓✕ ✤✕✌ ✛✏✥✘ ✜✥✢✣✑✕✦ ❈❛✧✧ ★✩ ★✩✪✫ ❛✬✭ ✮✬✭ ✩✪★ ✯✩✫❡ ★✩✭❛✰✱ ✺✲✳✴✵✶✷✴✲✸✹✹ ❒❾❮➀➁➂➃ ➄➁➂ ❰Ï➆❼ ➇ ➅ ➁➊ ÐÑÒÓ ÔÕÖ× ÕØÙ ÕÔÚÛÓ× ÜÖÚÝ×ÕÕÜ ÞÑÛßÝ ØàÛÝá×àÚÛÑÙâÕÕãÚÜàÛÝä åÓÑ×Ù ÝÕØ ØÓ ßÑÙ ÖÛàæàçÓ èÖÙéà ÛÕ ãÓßÕÜÞÕÚÓ ØÑÚÛÓê é×ÕØ éÕÖ×ÜÓÛ èÕÕã ÑÙã Þ×ÕÜÕÛÓ ÓÙëà×ÕÙÜÓÙÛÑæ ×ÓÚÛÕ×ÑÛàÕÙì åàÜàÛ íî ÞÓÕÞæÓì ïðñòðñóôõöñð ÷ö øùúòûüýòúüüý þð ÿ÷ ✥✥ þÿþ ✥ þó ♦✳ þðó þ þ ✁ ð ✂ þ ✄ ñ ☎ ÷óñ ✸✹ ❴❵❜❝❞❵❢ ❣❤✐❜❥❞② ❦❤✐❧❥♠♦❞② ♣♦q❜♦❞ ❄❅❇ ❉❊ ❋●❍❏ ❑ ▼◆❖P◗❙ ❑ ❄❚❯❱❲❳❨❱❯❳❳❨ ❑ ❩●❬❬◆❩◆❬◆❭❪❊◆❫❭ ✽✿❀❁✿ ❂❁✽✿❃❄ ❅❇❇❈ ❉❊❋●❍❊■ ❏❑▲▼◆ ❖P▼◗◗ ❘❙❙❯ ❳❩◗❙❑❬▲❭❪❑ ❫❴P▼◗◗❵❩◆▲❪◆❛❴❪❩◆❜❝❞❪❑❡ ❢❣❤❣✐ ❥ ❦❧♠♥♦♣qrs t✉ t✈ ✇① ②③ ④s③⑤✉r⑥ ⑦t ⑧✐⑨❤❣ ⑩❶⑦❥❷ ❸❤❹❢❺⑨❣❤❻❤①⑧⑧ ❼♠❽ ❸❤❹❢❺⑧❾①❻❢❣✐⑧ ❿➀➁➂➀ ➃➂➄➀➅➆ ➇➈➀➅➉ ➅➂ ➊➋➌➍ ➎➏❿ ➐➂➀➅➑➂➌ ➆➂➄➑ ➀➂➒➁➂➄➉ ➇➋➋➓➉➔ →➣↔↕➙➛ ➜➝ ➜➣➞ ➟➞➞➠ ➡➞➢➤➥ ➜➣➞ ➦↕➧➝↕ ➨➝➩↕➜➤ ➟➞➞➠ ➨➝↕➜➫➝➭ ➯➞➲↔➫➜➳➞↕➜ ➧➛ ➝➵➵➞➫➧↕➸ ➩➲ ➜➝ ↔ ➺➻➼➼ ➑➋➁➽➾➄➑➉➋➽➋➀➅ ➚➪➶ ➹➶➘➴➹➷➬➮ ➬➪➱➷➪✃❐ ❒➘➘❮❐ ➪➬ ❰➪✃➶ Ï➶➪Ï➘➶➹❰Ð ÑÒ➷❐ ➷❐ ➴ ÓÔÕÓÔ Ö➪❐➹ ×Ò➴➶➘ Ï➶➪➮➶➴Ø ➚➪➶ Ù✃➴Ú➷Û➘❮ ➴ÏÏÚ➷Ü➴➬➹❐Ý ➴➬❮ ➴ÏÞ ÏÚ➷➘❐ ➹➪ Ø➴➬❰ ❮➷➚➚➘➶➘➬➹ ➷➬➹➘➮➶➴➹➘❮ ❒➘➘❮ Ø➴➬➴➮➘Ø➘➬➹ ❐➹➶➴➹➘➮➷➘❐Ð ß➘➘❮❐ ➶➘Ù✃➷➶➘❮ ➹➪ à➘ Ü➪➬➹➶➪ÚÚ➘❮ ➷➬ á➬➷➪➬ Ö➪✃➬➹❰ ➴➶➘ Ú➷❐➹➘❮ à➘Ú➪❒Ð âÚ➘➴❐➘ Ü➴ÚÚ ✃❐ ➴➹ ÓãäåæÔÓåÓçèèÝ ➘Ø➴➷Ú àÜÚ➴ÏÏé✃➬➷➪➬åÜ➪✃➬➹❰Ð➪➶➮➥ ➝➫ ➸➝ ➜➝ ➝➩➫ ê➞ë➛➧➜➞ êêêì ✃➬➷➪➬Ü➪✃➬➹❰❒➘➘❮Ü➪➬➹➶➪ÚÐ➪➶➮ ➚➪➶ ➴ Ü➪❐➹ ❐Ò➴➶➘ ➴ÏÏÚ➷Ü➴➹➷➪➬ ➴➬❮ Ø➪➶➘ ➷➬➚➪Ð íîïîð ñò óôðõñö ÷ïøù ú ûðõüýïîþñöù ñö ÿñ þñüù ✁ ðð ✂ ù ➏➑➋ ✄ ➂➀ ☎ ➋ ✆ ➁➉➋➓ ✝ ➅➈➅➄➅➋➉ ✞ ➃➊➈➍➅➋➑ ➻ ✟✠ ✡ ☛ ➋➋➓ ➃➂➀➅➑➂➌ ☞ ➋➒➐➋➑➍➅➉ ✌ ➻ ✟✠✍✎✏ ➼ ✑ ➂➒➁➂➄➉ ➇➋➋➓➉ ➈➉ ➍➄➾➌➁➐ ➀➄➁➉➈➀➐➋ ✒ ➍➂➌➁➐➆ ✍ ✓ ➬ ➶➘Ü➪➮➬➷➹➷➪➬ ➪➚ ➹Ò➘ ➷ØØ➷➬➘➬➹ ➴➬❮ Ü➪➬➹➷➬✃➪✃❐ ➹Ò➶➘➴➹ ➹➪ ➬➴➹✃➶➴Ú ➶➘❐➪✃➶Ü➘❐ ✔ ➬➪➱➷➪✃❐ ❒➘➘❮❐ ➴➶➘ ❮➘ÜÚ➴➶➘❮ ➹➪ à➘ ➴ Ï✃àÚ➷Ü ➬✃➷❐➴➬Ü➘ ➴➬❮ ❐Ò➴ÚÚ à➘ ❮➘➹➘Ü➹➘❮Ý Ü➪➬➹➶➪ÚÚ➘❮ ➴➬❮Ý ❒Ò➘➶➘ ➚➘➴❐➷àÚ➘Ý ➘➶➴❮➷Ü➴➹➘❮ ➪➬ ➴ÚÚ Ú➴➬❮❐ ➷➬ ➹Ò➷❐ ❐➹➴➹➘Ð ✁✕ ïî þù ï öñ þñüù øðð ✂✖ ✗ ❒➘➘❮ ➷❐ ❮➘❐➷➮➬➴➹➘❮ ➬➪➱➷➪✃❐ ❒Ò➘➬ ➷➹ ➷❐ Ü➪➬❐➷❮➘➶➘❮ à❰ ➴ ➮➪ ✘ ➘➶➬Ø➘➬➹➴Ú ➴➮➘➬Ü❰ ➹➪ à➘ ➷➬ ✙ ✃➶➷➪✃❐ ➹➪ Ï✃àÚ➷Ü Ò➘➴Ú➹ÒÝ ➴➮➶➷Ü✃Ú➹✃➶➘Ý ➶➘Ü➶➘➴➹➷➪➬Ý ❒➷Ú❮Ú➷➚➘Ý ➪➶ Ï➶➪Ï➘➶➹❰ ✚✛ ➶➘➮➪➬ ✗ ❮Ø➷➬➷❐➹➶➴➹➷ ✘ ➘ ✜ ➴❒ ✢ ÔçåÔÓ ✣ åä ✣ ÔÔ ✤ Ð ✥ ➪❐➹ ➬➪➱➷➪✃❐ ❒➘➘❮❐ ➴➶➘ ➬➪➬å➬➴➹➷ ✘ ➘ ÏÚ➴➬➹❐ ➹Ò➴➹ ➴➶➘ ❐➘➶➷➪✃❐ Ï➘❐➹❐ Ü➴✃❐➷➬➮ ➘Ü➪➬➪Ø➷Ü Ú➪❐❐ ➴➬❮ Ò➴➶Ø ➹Ò➘ ➘➬ ✘ ➷➶➪➬Ø➘➬➹Ð ✦ ➪➱➷➪✃❐ ❒➘➘❮❐ ÜÒ➪ ✧ ➘ ➪✃➹ Ü➶➪Ï❐Ý ❮➘❐➹➶➪❰ ➶➴➬➮➘ ➴➬❮ Ï➴❐➹✃➶➘ Ú➴➬❮❐Ý ÜÚ➪➮ ❒➴➹➘➶❒➴❰❐Ý ➴➚➚➘Ü➹ Ò✃Ø➴➬ ➴➬❮ ➴➬➷Ø➴Ú Ò➘➴Ú➹ÒÝ ➴➬❮ ➹Ò➶➘➴➹➘➬ ➬➴➹➷ ✘ ➘ ÏÚ➴➬➹ Ü➪ØØ✃➬➷➹➷➘❐Ð ★ ðùþõöïîþñö ñò ÿñ þñüù ✁ ðð ✂ ù þö ✩ öþñö ✪ ñüöî ✫ ➃ ✬✭✝✝ ✮✭✯ ☛✰✰✱✝ ➃➌➈➉➉ ✮✭✯ ➠➞➛➧➸↕↔➜➞➠ ê➞➞➠ ➧➛ ↔ ➲➫➧➝➫➧➜➤ ↕➝ ✲ ➧➝➩➛ ê➞➞➠ ➠➞➛➧➸↕↔➜➞➠ ë➤ ➜➣➞ ➦↕➧➝↕ ➨➝➩↕➜➤ ➨➝➳➳➧➛➛➧➝↕➞➫➛ ↔➛ ↔ ➹➴➶➮➘➹ ❒➘➘❮ ❐Ï➘Ü➷➘❐ ➪➬ ❒Ò➷ÜÒ ➹Ò➘ ß➘➘❮ Ö➪➬➹➶➪Ú ✳ ➷❐➹➶➷Ü➹ ❒➷ÚÚ Ü➪ØÏÚ❰ ❒➷➹Ò ➴ ❐➹➴➹➘ ❒➷❮➘ Ø➴➬➴➮➘Ø➘➬➹ ÏÚ➴➬ ➴➬❮Õ ➪➶ ➷ØÏÚ➘Ø➘➬➹ ➴ Ü➪✃➬➹❰ ❒➷❮➘ ÏÚ➴➬ ➚➪➶ ➷➬➹➘➬❐➷ ✘ ➘ Ü➪➬➹➶➪Ú ➴➬❮ Ø➪➬➷➹➪➶➷➬➮Ð ✗ ➬ ✴✗✵ ➶➴➹➘❮ ❒➘➘❮ Ø➴❰ ➴Ú❐➪ à➘ ➴ ❒➘➘❮ ➪➚ ✧ ➬➪❒➬ ➘Ü➪➬➪Ø➷Ü ➷ØÏ➪➶➹➴➬Ü➘ ❒Ò➷ÜÒ ➪ÜÜ✃➶❐ ➷➬ ❐Ø➴ÚÚ ➘➬➪✃➮Ò ➷➬➚➘❐➹➴➹➷➪➬❐ ➹➪ Ø➴ ✧ ➘ Ü➪➬➹➴➷➬Ø➘➬➹Õ➘➶➴❮➷Ü➴➹➷➪➬ Ï➪❐Þ ❐➷àÚ➘ ✶ ➪➶ ➪➬➘ ➹Ò➴➹ ➷❐ ➬➪➹ ✧ ➬➪❒➬ ➹➪ ➪ÜÜ✃➶ Ò➘➶➘Ý à✃➹ ➷➹❐ Ï➶➘❐➘➬Ü➘ ➷➬ ➬➘➷➮Òà➪➶➷➬➮ Ü➪✃➬➹➷➘❐ Ø➴ ✧ ➘ ➚✃➹✃➶➘ ➪ÜÜ✃➶➶➘➬Ü➘ ➣➞➫➞ ➛➞➞➳ ➧➳➳➧↕➞↕➜ì ✷✸✹✹✺✻✼ ✽✼✻✾✿❀❀❁ ❂❃❄❄❃✼ ❅✸❆❇❃✹✹ ❈❉❊❋●❍ ■❏❊❑❍❉❉❋ ▲❉▼▼●❍ ◆❖❊P❖◗❘◆❖▼❉ ❙●❚❖◆❘❋❉ ❖◗❉ ❯●❱❉ ❊P❉❊❲ ✷✸✹❳ ✹✽❀❇❀❨❃✼✿❀❀❁ ❩❬●❖❬◗ ❭P●●❪ ❫❉❊❴❵ ◆❑❚P❛❉ ❙❛P❉❊❖❉P ❖◗❊❏ ❜ ❄✺❇❀ ❝❞❃❄ ❨❳❀ ❡❞✻✼❁❀ ✷❃✼❁❀ ❢❘❱❉P❲ ❣✺✼❆❤❁❀✐✺❇ ❳✻✿✽✿❀❀❁ ❈❉❊❋●❍ ◗❊❍■❍❉❉❋ ❈●❚◆❉❥❉❊P ◗❊❍■❍❉❉❋ ❦P❊❏❛❉ ◗❊❍■❍❉❉❋ ❧❀❇❇❃✿ ❳✻✿✽✿❀❀❁ ♠●❊P❵ ❬P❉◆◆ ❥❥ ♥◗❘❖❉❖●❑ ❙❍❘❖◗❘❏ ❨❳❀ ❡❞✻✼❁❀ ✷❃✼❁❀ ❃❞ ♥●▼❴ ❯P❉❉■ ❋P❊❘❏❊❛❉◆❲ ♦❀❞❀✼✼✺✻❇ ✾❀✾✾❀❞✿❀❀❁ ❡✺✻✼❨ ✽✼❃❨✿❀❀❁ ♣✻✾✻✼❀✹❀ ✽✼❃❨✿❀❀❁ q✺❄✻❇✻r✻✼ ✽✼❃❨✿❀❀❁ qr❅❞✺❁ ❃❞ s❃❳❀❄✺✻✼ ✽✼❃❨✿❀❀❁ t✻✼✹r ❞✻❆✿❃❞❨ ❯●❪❪●❏ ❬P❚❑❘❏❊ ✉❊P▼❘❬ ❈❚◆❖❊P❋ ▲❉▼▼●❍ ❖●❊❋✈❊✇ ❈❵P❖▼❉ ◆❑❚P❛❉ ❙❉✇❬❉❑❖ P❉◆❘❋❉❏❤ ❖❘❊▼❲ ①❀❇✐❀❨ ❇❀✻❝ ②▼❊❬■ ◗❉❏❭❊❏❉ ❂❃❄❄❃✼ ❨✻✼✹r ❡✺✻✼❨ ③❃④❨✻✺❇ ✷✻✐❀✼✼✻ ❡❞✻✹✹ ①✺✾❀❞⑤✹ s✸❆❇❃✹✹ ✷❃✹❀ ❂✻❄✾✺❃✼ ❙❉✇❬❉❑❖ P❉◆❘❋❉❏❖❘❊▼❲ ✬✭✝✝ ✮❾✯ ☛✰✰✱✝ ❿➀➁➂➂ ➃➄➅ ➆➇➈➉➊➋➌➍➇➆ ➎➇➇➆ ➉➈ ➌ ➎➇➇➆ ➏➐ ➇➑➏➋➏➒➉➑ ➉➒➓➏➔➍➌➋➑➇→ ➎➣➉➑➣ ➉➈ ↔➏➍➣ ↕➏➑➌↕↕➙ ➌↔➛➋➆➌➋➍ ➌➋➆ ➌↔➛➋➆➌➋➍ ➉➋ ➋➇➉➊➣↔➏➔➉➋➊ ➑➏➛➋➍➉➇➈➜ ➝➞➟ ➠➡➢➤➥ ➠➦➧➨ ➩➢ ➫➭➢➯➡➧ ➲➳➵➸➲➺➳➻➼ ➽➽➼➾➚➸➪ ÕÖ×Ø ÙÖÚÛÜ ÚÝÞ ÞßàáâÝàÛÜ ➶➻➹ ➘ ➴➷➬➼ ➽➽➼➾➚➸➮ ÜÛÚãÛØÝá äÖÙßãØÚ× ÕÚå æÖÖçÖÝÞ ÙÚÛÜÝ Þ➝➟ßàáÚ➝ A linotype machine is a composing machine that produces lines of words as single strips of metal. Linotype machines were once commonly used by newspapers. The new display is not all that visitors to the Union County Museum will notice Sunday. They will also see new front doors that increase the museum’s security. An- other new feature the mu- seum has is an exhaust system that pushes out humid air under the build- ing. This is meant to keep the wooden portions of the museum’s base from rotting, Hohstadt said. The exhaust system and the new doors were pur- chased with funds from a $4,500 grant the museum received from the Wild- horse Foundation. The museum’s 50th an- ✠✝✘✂✟✡✌✟☎ ✖✝✁✁ ☞✂ ✑✣✍✝✌✁✁☎ celebrated Sept. 6 when its Pioneer Day will be conducted to show people what life was like more than a century ago. Those scheduled to be present include a candlemaker, a Dutch oven cooking spe- ➃ ç þ÷ÿìÿî ì þ÷ü ùé ëì ➱✃❐❒ ❮❰ÏÐ Ñ ÒÓÔÕÖ× ØÔ❐ ❚✵✬ ✷✸✯✬✹❱✬✹ ✺ ✻✼ LOCAL èéê ëìíëî ï ðéñíòòéñ ✤✦✧✦★✩✪✫✬✭✮✧✯ ✰✲✳✴✲✵✶✴✰✷✸✳ öý üÿõ ✹ ÿú ✻ ÷÷÷ ✼✽ ôõ ✹✾ ýú ✾✿ ô ❀ ýôÿ ✿✼❁ ö ❂ ♣❃✺✼❨❀❁ ❆❃✻❨❆❞✻✹✹ ⑥✾❃❨❨❀❁ ✽✼✻✾✿❀❀❁ ⑦✺❝❝✸✹❀ ✽✼✻✾✿❀❀❁ ❧❀❇❇❃✿ ✹❨✻❞❨❳✺✹❨❇❀ ❦✇❉❵❉ ❋❊❘◆❵ ❙❉✇❬❉❑❖ P❉◆❘❋❉❏❖❘❊▼❲ ❂✻✼✻❁✻ ❨❳✺✹❨❇❀ ♥❘▼❋ ❬❊PP●❖ ⑧ ⑨❚❉❉❏ ⑩❏❏❉❶◆ ❫❊❬❉ ❫❉❊❴❵ ◆❑❚P❛❉ ❙❍❘❖◗❘❏ ❜ ❪❘▼❉ ●❴ ✉P❊❏❋❉ ❢●❏❋❉ ❢❘❱❉P❲ ♠●❊P❵ ❬P❉◆◆ ❥❥ ♥◗❘❖❉❖●❑ ❷❊▼❪❊❖❘❊❏ ❖●❊❋✈❊✇ ♦✸❞✾❇❀ ❇❃❃✹❀✹❨❞✺❝❀ ❩❬●❖❬◗ ❖◗❘◆❖▼❉ ❩❚▼❴❚P ❬❘❏❸❚❉❴●❘▼ ❹❚❏❬❖❚P❉❱❘❏❉ q❃✸✼❁✹❨❃✼❆✸❀ ⑩P❪❉❏❘❊❏ ❙♠❘❪❊▼❊❵❊❏❲ ❭▼❊❬■❤ ❅❀❞❞r ▲❉▼▼●❍ ✈❊❛ ❘P❘◆ ❈❉❋❚◆❊◗❉❊❋ P❵❉ ❺❉❏❖❉❏❊ ❛P❊◆◆❥❥ ❻●P❖◗ ⑩❴P❘❬❊ ❆❞✻✹✹❼ ❽✺❞❀❆❞✻✹✹ ❩❊▼❖❬❉❋❊P ⑥✿❀❀❨ s❞✺✻❞ ✷❃✹❀ ②❘❖❖❉P◆❍❉❉❖ ❻❘❛◗❖◆◗❊❋❉