The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, May 06, 2019, Page 7, Image 7

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    ▼ ✁✂❆❨✱ ▼❆❨ ✄✱ ☎✆✶✾
❚✝✞ ✟✠✞✡❱✞✡ ☛ ✼☞
Nuggets shake off Friday’s 4OT loss, even series with Blazers
✷✳✴✱ ✵✻✯✼ ✿✱ ✮✾❑✱ ✵✳ ✿✾✼ ⑤
➉➊➋ ➁➂➂➃
➌➍➍➎➏➐➑ ➄➃➅➃➆➇➈➂
➒➋➓ ➔→➋➍➍
✿✻✾✰✻ ✾❀ ✿✱✾✴❂✽⑦ ❛✳❑✾✰ ❀✯✾❂❆
◆✻✱❳✱✼P✱✴❵✹✺✺✱✵❀✻✯P✱ ⑧❘✱ ❇✹❀✵ ❂✾❂✼❜✵ ✿✯✼✵ ✵✳
been good at bouncing back have the excuse that we lost
all season.
▲✱✰✯✹❀✱ ✳✶ ✶✳✹✴ ✳P✱✴✵✾✷✱❀✽
❵✳✵ ✱P✱✼ ✯ ❂✴✯✾✼✾✼✺ ✶✳✹✴❋ ▲✱✰✯✹❀✱ ✿✱ ✿✱✴✱ ✵✾✴✱❂❆⑦
✳P✱✴✵✾✷✱ ❂✱✶✱✯✵ ✰✳✹✮❂ ❑✱✱✭ ❛✯✷✯✮ ❪✹✴✴✯▼ ✮✱❂ ✯✮✮
scorers with 34 points and
✵✻✾❀ ✵✱✯✷ ❂✳✿✼❆
❵✾❑✳✮✯ ❛✳❑✾✰ ✻✯❂ ❅❉ ✷✯❂✱ ✯✮✮ ❉❉ ✶✴✱✱ ✵✻✴✳✿❀ ✶✳✴
points, 12 rebounds and ✵✻✱ ❵✹✺✺✱✵❀✽ ✿✻✳ ✻✯✼❂✱❂
11 assists for his second ❯✳✴✵✮✯✼❂✾✵❀ ❃✴❀✵✭✳❀✵❀✱✯❀✳✼
straight triple-double and ✮✳❀❀ ✯✵ ✻✳✷✱ ✵✻✾❀ ❀✱✯❀✳✼❆
✶✳✹✴✵✻ ✳✶ ✵✻✱ ✭✮✯▼✳✲❀✽ ✯✼❂ The series now heads back
✵✻✱ ❵✹✺✺✱✵❀ ✱P✱✼✱❂ ✵✻✱✾✴ ✵✳❳✱✼P✱✴✶✳✴❫✯✷✱ ❄❆
❘✱❀✵✱✴✼ ✸✳✼✶✱✴✱✼✰✱ ❀✱✷✾❃❋ ✸❛ ❪✰✸✳✮✮✹✷ ✻✯❂ ❅④
nal series against the Port- ✭✳✾✼✵❀ ✯✼❂ ❳✯✷✾✯✼ ❡✾✮✮✯✴❂
land Trail Blazers at 2-2 with added 28 for the Blazers,
a 116-112 victory Sunday.
✿✻✳ ✷✾❀❀✱❂ ✳✹✵ ✳✼ ✵✯❑✾✼✺
It was less than 48 hours a 3-1 lead in a conference
after Portland’s epic 140- ❀✱✷✾❃✼✯✮❀ ✶✳✴ ✵✻✱ ❃✴❀✵ ✵✾✷✱
❉●➣ ⑩✹✯❂✴✹✭✮✱❋✳P✱✴✵✾✷✱ since 2000.
victory to take a 2-1 lead in
⑧❬✹✴ ✺✹▼❀ ✯✴✱ ✵✳✹✺✻❆
the series. It was only the ❘✱❜✴✱ ✴✱❀✾✮✾✱✼✵✽⑦ ❵✹✺✺✱✵❀
❀✱✰✳✼❂ ✺✯✷✱ ✾✼ ✭✮✯▼✳✲ ✻✾❀❋ coach Michael Malone said.
✵✳✴▼ ✵✻✯✵ ✿✱✼✵ ✵✳ ✶✳✹✴ ❬◆❀❆ ⑧❝ ✷✱✯✼✽ ✵✳ ✰✳✷✱ ✾✼ ✻✱✴✱
The other was in 1953.
✯✼❂ ✿✾✼✵✻✾❀ ✺✯✷✱ ●❊ ✻✳✹✴❀
“I think it’s not quitting. after losing in four over-
❘✱✻✯P✱✯✮✳✵✳✶✰✳✷✭✱✵✾✵✾P✱ ✵✾✷✱❀✽ ❀✭✱✯❑❀ ✵✳ ❇✹❀✵ ✻✳✿
guys who don’t want to lose. ✵✳✹✺✻✿✱ ✯✴✱❆⑦
I think we don’t want to lose
Malone cited regular-sea-
son statistics to back up his
✰✮✯✾✷❀❙ ❳✱✼P✱✴ ✿✯❀ ❉❅❋❉ ✾✼
▲✯✰❑❀✽ ▲✱❀✵ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ❵❩❱❆ ◆✻✱
❵✹✺✺✱✵❀ ✿✱✴✱ ✺✳✳❂ ✾✼ ✰✮✳❀✱
✺✯✷✱❀✽ ✵✳✳❙ ❉●❋● ✾✼ ✺✯✷✱❀
decided by three points or
less, he said.
⑧❘✱ ❇✹❀✵ ❀✯✾❂ ✵✳ ✳✹✴❋
selves, ‘If we win today
✵✻✱✼ ✵✻✱ ✮✯❀✵ ✺✯✷✱ ❂✳✱❀✼❜✵
✴✱✯✮✮▼ ✷✯✵✵✱✴ ✵✻✯✵ ✷✹✰✻✽❜⑦
Jokic said. “Yes we played
✯ ✶✳✹✴❋✳P✱✴✵✾✷✱ ✺✯✷✱✽ ✾✵
was exhausting, but we won
✵✳✼✾✺✻✵ ❀✳ ✵✻✱ ✮✯❀✵ ✺✯✷✱
❂✳✱❀✼❜✵ ✴✱✯✮✮▼ ✷✯✵✵✱✴❆⑦
❳✱✼P✱✴ ✳✹✵❀✰✳✴✱❂ ✵✻✱
Blazers 27-14 in the third
quarter to take an 84-77
lead into the fourth. Malik
❩✱✯❀✮✱▼ ❑✾✰❑✱❂ ✳✲ ✵✻✱ ❃✼✯✮
period with a 3-pointer for
✵✻✱ ❵✹✺✺✱✵❀❆
Rodney Hood’s 3-pointer
got the Blazers within 110-
107 with 52 seconds left and
Lillard’s layup got the Blaz-
ers even closer at 112-110
with 7.7 seconds to go.
❲❩❝❀✽ ✻✾✵ ✯ ✵✻✴✱✱❋✴✹✼ ❀✻✳✵ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ❃✴❀✵ ✶✳✴ ✯
quick 3-0 lead three batters in. Brock con-
Continued from Page 6A
✼✱✰✵✱❂ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ❀✱✰✳✼❂ ✳✼ ✯ ✵✿✳❋✴✹✼ ✻✳✷✱
✱✴❜❀❃✴❀✵❉❚▲✯✵✵✱✴❀⑤✾✼✰✮✹❂✾✼✺✯✼✾✼✱❋✭✾✵✰✻ ✴✹✼ ✯✶✵✱✴ ▲✳✵✻ ❫✳✳❂✱✴✻✯✷ ✯✼❂ ❖✱✯P✱✴✵
⑥✾✷✷✯✰✹✮✯✵✱❜✾✼✼✾✼✺✾✼✵✻✱✵✻✾✴❂⑤✯✼❂✵✳✳❑ drove in runs with doubles, and Carson
lifted out a two-run dinger to start the
✯ ✭✱✴✶✱✰✵ ✺✯✷✱ ✾✼✵✳✵✻✱ ❀✾❨✾✼✼✾✼✺❆
“Allie’s pitches were working great. scoring in the third. The inning, which saw
❝✵❜❀ ✯ ✼✾✰✱ ❂✯▼✽ ✯✼❂ ❱✮✮✾✱❜❀ ✯ ✰✳✷✭✱✵✾✵✳✴✽⑦ ❡✯ ❫✴✯✼❂✱ ❀✰✳✴✱ ✾✼ ✯✮✷✳❀✵ ✱P✱✴▼ ✰✳✼✰✱✾P❋
❘✴✾✺✻✵ ❀✯✾❂ ✳✶ ✵✻✱ ◆✾✺✱✴❀❜ ✯✰✱❆ ⑧❖✻✱❜❀ ✺✳❋ ✯▲✮✱ ✷✯✼✼✱✴ ⑤ ✯ ❀⑩✹✱✱⑨✱ ▲✹✼✵✽ ✯✼ ✱✴✴✳✴✽
✾✼✺ ✵✳ ❀✵✱✭ ✹✭ ✯✼❂ ✵✴▼ ✵✳ ❂✳ ✻✱✴ ▲✱❀✵❆⑦
✵✿✳ ❲❩❝ ❀✾✼✺✮✱❀✽ ✯ ❃✱✮❂✱✴❜❀ ✰✻✳✾✰✱ ✯✼❂ ✵✿✳
❩✴✳✰❑ ❃✼✾❀✻✱❂ ✿✾✵✻ ❉③ ❀✵✴✾❑✱✳✹✵❀ ✯✼❂ ▲✯❀✱❀❋✮✳✯❂✱❂ ✿✯✮❑❀ ✿✱✴✱ ✯✷✳✼✺ ✵✻✱ ✿✯▼❀
allowed just one hit.
✵✻✱ ◆✾✺✱✴❀ ✶✳✴✰✱❂ ✻✳✷✱ ✴✹✼❀ ⑤ ✱✼❂✱❂ ✿✾✵✻
⑧❝✵❜❀ ✰✴✯⑨▼✽⑦ ❩✳✿✱✼ ❀✯✾❂❆ ⑧❬✵✻✱✴ ✭✾✵✰✻❋ a Seavert RBI double for a 19-0 lead.
ers that we face are not like that, and just
❩✱✮✮✽ ✿✻✳ ✻✯❂ ❃P✱ ❲❩❝❀✽ ✻✾✵ ✯ ✵✻✴✱✱❋✴✹✼
✶✳✴ ❱✮✮✾✱ ✵✳ ✺✳ ✯✼❂ ❂✳ ✵✻✯✵ ✾❀ ✴✱✯✮✮▼ ✰✳✳✮❆⑦ ✻✳✷✱✴✾✼✵✻✱✶✳✹✴✵✻✵✳✭✳✮✾❀✻✳✲✵✻✱❀✰✳✴✾✼✺❆
The bats woke up in a big way in the
✸✯✴❀✳✼ ✯✼❂ ❫✳✳❂✱✴✻✯✷ ▲✳✵✻ ✯❂❂✱❂
❀✱✰✳✼❂ ✺✯✷✱❆ ❡✯ ❫✴✯✼❂✱ ✭✳✹✼❂✱❂ ✳✹✵ ✵✻✴✱✱ ❲❩❝❀✽ ✯✼❂ ✵✻✴✱✱ ✭✾✵✰✻✱✴❀ ✰✳✷▲✾✼✱❂
✶✳✹✴ ✻✳✷✱ ✴✹✼❀ ⑤ ✳✼✱ ✱✯✰✻ ✶✴✳✷ ❩✴✳✰❑✽ to toss the Tigers’ 11th shutout of the sea-
Alaina Carson, Jayce Seavert, and Sophie ❀✳✼✽ ✱✾✺✻✵ ✳✶ ✿✻✾✰✻ ✻✯P✱ ✰✳✷✱ ✯✺✯✾✼❀✵
❩✱✮✮ ⑤ ✯✼❂ ❂✾❂✼❜✵ ✮✱✵ ✹✭✽ ✹❀✾✼✺ ✯✼ ❉❉❋✴✹✼ ✳P✱✴✭✳✿✱✴✱❂ ❫❬❡ ✰✳✷✭✱✵✾✵✾✳✼❆
third inning as part of the scoring frenzy.
❡✯ ❫✴✯✼❂✱ ❈❉③❋❉ ✳P✱✴✯✮✮✽ ❉❚❋❚ ❫❬❡❏ ❃✼❋
❖✱✯P✱✴✵✽ ✿✻✳ ❃✼✾❀✻✱❂ ●❋✶✳✴❋● ✿✾✵✻ ❀✾❨ ishes league play Saturday at McLoughlin.
But Murray’s free throws ✴✱✰✳✴❂❆ ❪✰✸✳✮✮✹✷ ✮✱❂ ✵✻✱
✺✯P✱ ❳✱✼P✱✴ ✯ ✶✳✹✴❋✭✳✾✼✵ ❩✮✯⑨✱✴❀ ✿✾✵✻ ❊❚✷✾✼✹✵✱❀❆
✮✱✯❂❆ ❪✰✸✳✮✮✹✷ ✻✾✵ ✯ ✮✳✼✺ ❢✯✵✾✺✹✱ ✿✯❀ ✷✳✴✱ ✳✶ ✯
❇✹✷✭✱✴✵✻✯✵✯✶✵✱✴✯P✾❂✱✳✴✱❋ concern for the second-
✭✮✯▼ ✿✯❀ ✴✹✮✱❂✯ ❅✯✼❂❳✱✼❋ ❀✱✱❂✱❂ ❵✹✺✺✱✵❀✽ ✿✻✳ ✻✯❂
ver prevailed.
❇✹❀✵ ✳✼✱ ❂✯▼ ✳✲ ✯✶✵✱✴ ✵✻✱✾✴
“It is disappointing. You ❀✱P✱✼❋✺✯✷✱✽
go up 3-1 and you have a series against San Antonio.
✮✳✵ ✳✶ ✷✳✷✱✼✵✹✷ ✯✼❂ ✳▲P✾❋ The Blazers dispatched of
ously that would be a great ❃✴❀✵❋✴✳✹✼❂ ✳✭✭✳✼✱✼✵ ❬❑✮✯❋
position to be in. But they’re ✻✳✷✯ ✸✾✵▼ ✾✼ ❃P✱ ✺✯✷✱❀✽
✯ ✺✳✳❂ ✵✱✯✷✽ ✵✻✱▼ ✰✯✷✱ ✳✹✵ ✰✮✾✼✰✻✾✼✺ ✵✻✱✾✴ ❃✴❀✵ ✵✴✾✭
✯✼❂ ✭✮✯▼✱❂ ✿✱✮✮✽⑦ ❩✮✯⑨✱✴❀ ✵✳ ✵✻✱ ✰✳✼✶✱✴✱✼✰✱ ❀✱✷✾❃❋
✰✳✯✰✻◆✱✴✴▼❖✵✳✵✵❀❀✯✾❂❆⑧❘✱ nals since 2016 on Lillard’s
had a bad third quarter and buzzer-beating 3-pointer.
✵✻✯✵ ❑✾✼❂ ✳✶ ✷✯❂✱ ✵✻✱ ❂✾✶❋ Enes Kanter started for
✶✱✴✱✼✰✱❆ ❘✱ ✷✯❂✱ ✯ ✺✳✳❂ Portland despite ongo-
✰✳✷✱▲✯✰❑✽ ▲✹✵ ✼✳✿ ✾✵❜❀ ✯ ing concerns about his
left shoulder, which he in-
❛✳❑✾✰ ✭✮✯▼✱❂ ❊❄ ✷✾✼✹✵✱❀ ❇✹✴✱❂ ✾✼ ❫✯✷✱ ❄ ✯✺✯✾✼❀✵
✾✼ ✵✻✱ ⑩✹✯❂✴✹✭✮✱❋✳P✱✴✵✾✷✱ the Thunder. He and Jokic
✮✳❀❀✽ ✵✻✱ ✶✳✹✴✵✻❋✷✳❀✵ ✷✾✼❋ have been physical adver-
✹✵✱❀ ✾✼ ❵❩❱ ✭✮✯▼✳✲ ✻✾❀✵✳✴▼ ❀✯✴✾✱❀ ✵✻✴✳✹✺✻ ✵✻✱ ❃✴❀✵
and just two short of the ✵✻✴✱✱ ✺✯✷✱❀✽ ✯✼❂ ❭✯✼✵✱✴
26 points, taking third in
the 4x400 relay as the
Vaughn tied for second in
✵✻✱ ✻✾✺✻ ❇✹✷✭ ❈■❋✶✱✱✵❋❊❏✽
✵✱✯✷ ❲✱✱✰✱ ❳✾❨✳✼✽ ❲✳✭✱✴ Ashlyn Gray was second
❩✾✼✺✻✯✷ ✸✯❀✱ ❬✮❀✳✼ ✯✼❂ in the 100 hurdles (17.93)
❭✯❂✱✼ ❭✴✱✾✺✱✴✽ ❃✼✾❀✻✱❂ ✾✼ and the discus (95-feet-
3:38.00, while the Badger 7), Hook was second in
✺✾✴✮❀ ❀✰✳✴✱❂ ❃P✱ ✭✳✾✼✵❀ ✶✳✴ the 1,500 (5:13.18) and
✭✮✯✰✱ ✱✲✳✴✵ ✶✴✳✷ ✸✳✹✺✻✮✯✼ 17th, with Brooke Allen, ✵✻✱ ■❨■❚❚ ✴✱✮✯▼ ✵✱✯✷ ✳✶
in the 1,500 (4:16.03).
❭✱✯✼✼✯ ❩✾✼✺✻✯✷✽ ❪✱✺✯✼ Vaughn, Charlotte Mc-
The Eagles girls scored ❩✾✼✺✻✯✷ ✯✼❂ ❖✳✼✳✴✯ ❩✮✯✾✴ ❳✳✼✯✮❂✽ ❡✯✼✼✾✱ ❖✵✳✼✱❋
38 points to tie for sev- placing sixth in the 4x400 ▲✴✾✼❑ ✯✼❂ ❘✾✮❀✳✼ ✰✯✷✱ ✾✼
second (4:22.72).
✱✼✵✻✽ ✺✱✵✵✾✼✺ ✿✾✼❀ ✶✴✳✷ relay (4:31.85).
Ellyse Tingelstad in the
The Union Bobcats boys
◆✻✱ ▲✳▼❀ ✰✮✯✾✷✱❂ ❃✴❀✵
Continued from Page 6A
(11-feet-6), Henry Cough-
lan in the 3,000 (9:30.13)
and Juston Rodgers in the
800 (2:03.33), and a third-
1,500 (5:06.28) and in
the 3,000 (11:30.80), and
had 24 points for 11th, and
the girls had 25.5 points
as Sabrina Albee, Haley
Miller, Coughlan and
Tingelstad finished in
The Cove Leopards girls
took second in the pole
vault (11-feet-6) to lead
the Union boys, and on the
✶✴✳✷ ❁✮✮✯ ✸✳✹✺✻✮✯✼ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ✶✳✴ ❉●✵✻❆ ❫✴✾❴✼ ❵✯❀✻ ✿✳✼
800 (2:22.13), and tak- the shot put (44-feet-2-
ing second in the 4x400 ❉❍❅❏ ✯✼❂ ❛✯❨✳✼ ❩✮✯✰❑▲✹✴✼
in three events, with the
4x100 relay (Shane Lund,
Foster Hobbs, Jericho Pe-
ters and Garrett Thorne)
winning in 45.82. Austin
❉●✵✻✽ ✿✾✵✻ ✵✻✱ ✵✳✭ ✷✯✴❑ ✯
✿✾✼ ▲▼ ◆✾✷ ❖✵✱P✱✼❀ ✾✼ ✵✻✱
hurdles (48.87), tying for
second in the 100 (13.27)
and third in the 100 hur-
dles (17.20), while Shelby
Sannar was second in the
javelin (114-feet-3).
The Powder Valley Bad-
gers boys placed ninth with
❖✱✵✻ ✸✹✴✴▼ ✷✯❂✱ ✵✻✴✱✱
❀✵✴✯✾✺✻✵ ●❋✭✳✾✼✵✱✴❀ ⑤ ✯✮✮ ✾✼
✵✻✱ ❀✭✯✰✱ ✳✶ ✯ ✷✾✼✹✵✱ ⑤ ✵✳
put Portland up 53-46 in
the second quarter. Curry
added a 3 at the buzzer to
❀✱✼❂ ❯✳✴✵✮✯✼❂ ✾✼✵✳ ✻✯✮✶✵✾✷✱
with a 63-57 lead. Curry
had 14 of his 16 points in the
second quarter.
◆✻✱ ❵✹✺✺✱✵❀ ✳✭✱✼✱❂
the second half with an in-
spired 10-2 run to go up 67-
65. Paul Millsap’s 3-pointer
✺✯P✱ ❳✱✼P✱✴ ✯ ➣③❋➣❅ ✮✱✯❂✽
and after a couple of calls
that went against Portland
and drew the ire of the
Moda Center fans, Jokic
added a bank shot.
➐➎➏➏➒➓ ➔→➣↔
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✞ ✠ ó ✡ ☛ òï ✠ íîûñó ☞ û ✝ üï
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✏ ✑ ✒✓✔ ✕✖✗ ✘✙✚ ✛✜✢✣✤
✏ ✥✓✜✢✦✙✢✧ ✥✣✜★
✏ ✩ ✒✓✔ ✪✣✤✓✜ ✘✙✚
✏ ✑ ✒✓✔ ✛✫✬ ✛✜✢✣✤ èåèäãèéãâ
➨➩ ➫➭➯➲ ➳➵➸➸ ➺➯➻➼➽ ➾➯➲➲➯➼➽➚ ➪ ➾➭➯➽➶➭➲➹ ➺➯➻➼➽ ➘➚➴➽➭➷
won the 200 (24.00)
and Hobbs won the 400
(50.33). Taking second
was Thorne in the 100
(11.66), Riley Masters in
the shot put (38-feet-6),
✉✈✇① ②③ ④⑤⑥⑦⑤ ⑧⑥③
⑨⑩❶❶ ❷❸❹❹ ✉❺❻✇✇❺❻❻❼❺❻❽❽❾
✇✇✉➆ ➇③ ➇➈➉➉➊➋ ➌➍➋
⑨⑩❶❶ ❷❸❹❹ ✉❺❻❻❻❺❼✉❼❺❻❽❽❾
and Calvin Martin took
fourth in the javelin (146-
feet-0) to score all the
points for the IHS boys.
❞✭ ✼✱❨✵ ✶✳✴ ✱✯✰✻ ✵✱✯✷
✵✴✯✰❑ ✷✱✱✵❀❆ ❡✯ ❫✴✯✼❂✱
✻✳❀✵❀ ✵✻✱ ❫❬❡ ✷✱✱✵ ❖✯✵❋
✹✴❂✯▼❆ ✸✳P✱✽❝✷▲✮✱✴✽❁✮✺✾✼✽
Joseph and Powder Valley
✻✱✯❂ ✵✳ ✵✻✱ ❉❱ ❖✭✱✰✾✯✮ ❳✾❀❋
❖✾✷✭❀✳✼ ✮✱❂ ✵✻✱ ❁◗❖ ▲✳▼❀ ✵✴✾✰✵ ■ ✷✱✱✵ ✾✼ ❩✯❑✱✴ ❢✴✾❋
▲▼ ✵✯❑✾✼✺ ❃✴❀✵ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ❇✯P❋ day, and Union travels to
elin (163-feet-4), second ❛✳✻✼ ❳✯▼ ✶✳✴ ✵✻✱ ❅❱ ❖✭✱❋
in the 100 (11.66) and run- ✰✾✯✮ ❳✾❀✵✴✾✰✵ ❄ ✷✱✱✵ ❢✴✾❂✯▼❆
ning on both the Huskies’ ❣❤✐❥❦❧ ♠♥♦❥♣ ♣qr❣st✉
second-place 4x400 relay ✈❣✇♣✐①♥♦t❦✐ ②❣①s t❦✇
✵✱✯✷ ✿✾✵✻ ❘▼✯✵✵ ◗✯✮✮❋ ◆✻✱ ❁✼✵✱✴✭✴✾❀✱ ❬✹✵✮✯✿❀
garth, Geoy Greenlee and ✺✾✴✮❀ ✵✴✯✰❑ ✯✼❂ ❃✱✮❂ ✵✱✯✷
✸✮✯▼ ❘✾✮✻✱✮✷ ❈●❙●■❆❚❚❏✽ scored 157.5 points for
and the third-place 4x100 second at the Grant Union
✵✱✯✷ ✿✾✵✻ ◗✯✮✮✺✯✴✵✻✽ Invitational Friday in John
Greenlee and Jordon ❳✯▼✽ ✯✼❂ ✵✻✱ ▲✳▼❀ ✵✯✮✮✾✱❂
❯✯✮✷✱✴ ❈■❄❆■●❏❆ ❱✯✮✾▼✯✻ 124 points for third.
The EHS girls won four
Burton led the Elgin girls
▲▼ ✵✯❑✾✼✺ ❃✴❀✵ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ●❚❚ ✱P✱✼✵❀✽ ✰✮✯✾✷✾✼✺ P✾✰✵✳✴✾✱❀
800 (1:57.36).
The Elgin Huskies
placed sixth on the boys
side (42.33 points) and
tied for seventh on the girls
side (38 points). Tristan
that the shoulder separa-
tion was worse and wasn’t
sure he could play.
❩✴✳✰❑✯✷✭✽ ✷✱✯✼✿✻✾✮✱✽
✺✾✴✮❀ ❀✾❂✱ ❛✯✾✷✱✱ ❩✯❨✵✱✴
won the 400 (1:00.44) and
✭✮✯✰✱❂ ❃✶✵✻ ✿✾✵✻ ❄❅ ✭✳✾✼✵❀❆ ❱▲✴✾✱✮❬❜❲✱✾✮✮▼✭✮✯✰✱❂✵✻✾✴❂
Sophie Pettit won both the in the 1,500 (5:18.66).
100 (13.27) and the 200
◆✻✱ ❝✷▲✮✱✴ ❯✯✼✵✻✱✴❀ ❛✳✱ ❲✳▲▲ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ✮✳✼✺ ❇✹✷✭
(27.27) and Allie Best won scored seven points for ❈❉④❋✶✱✱✵❋■❋❉❍❅❏ ✯✼❂ ✸✳✮▲▼
the javelin (119-feet-9). 16th on the girls side, and ◗✯✴✴✾❀ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ✵✴✾✭✮✱ ❇✹✷✭
Pettit was also third in the ✵✻✱ ▲✳▼❀ ❀✰✳✴✱❂ ❃P✱ ✭✳✾✼✵❀ (39-feet-11).
✮✳✼✺ ❇✹✷✭ ❈❉❊❋✶✱✱✵❋❄❋●❍■❏ for 18th. Erin Coston was Enterprise heads back to
and ran with Rachel Baird, fourth in the pole vault ❛✳✻✼❳✯▼❢✴✾❂✯▼✶✳✴✵✻✱ ❅❱
Austin Kendall and Alisa (7-feet-6) to lead the girls, ❖✭✱✰✾✯✮ ❳✾❀✵✴✾✰✵ ❄ ✷✱✱✵❆
Fox to take third in the
4x100 relay (52.65). Cove’s
boys scored 16 points for
❀✯✾❂ ✯✶✵✱✴ ❢✴✾❂✯▼❜❀ ✺✯✷✱
is their respective district
by Shelby Moncrief in
the 200 (27.49 seconds),
❱❀✻✮✱▼ ❘✾✮❀✳✼ ✾✼ ✵✻✱ ③❚❚
(2:30.95), Kyla Hook in
the 3,000 (11:38.49) and
Karli Bedard in the 300
hurdles (51.78). Addition-
ally, Bedard and Savannah
✌✍ ✎✏✏✑✎✒✓ ✔✕✍ ✖✒✔✗✔✎✘✓✙✘✚ ✗✍✛✜✙✢✍ ✏✛✖✜✙✓✍✓ ✣✤ ✍✎✢✕
✥✍✥✣✍✛ ✖✦ ✔✕✍ ✧✛✎✘✓✍ ★✖✘✓✍ ✩✖✗✏✙✔✎✑ ✎✘✓ ✪✑✙✘✙✢✗ ✗✔✎✦✦✫
✬✖✒✛ ✓✎✙✑✤ ✢✖✥✥✙✔✥✍✘✔ ✔✖ ✍✘✗✒✛✙✘✚ ✍✭✢✍✑✑✍✘✔ ✏✎✔✙✍✘✔ ✢✎✛✍
✕✍✑✏✗ ✔✖ ✥✎✮✍ ✖✒✛ ✕✖✗✏✙✔✎✑ ✎✘✓ ✖✒✛ ✢✑✙✘✙✢✗ ✚✛✍✎✔✫
✯✰✲✳✴ ✵✷✸ ✹✷ ✷✸✺ ✻✹✲✽✽✿ ❀✷❁✸✳✹❂❂✺✻✿ ✲✳❃ ✲✻✻✷❄❅✲✹❂✻❇
❈❉❊❋●❍ ■❏❋●❍ ❑❏▲◆❖P❊◗❘ ❙❋❯❲ ❖▲ ❊ ◆❉❖❳❊P❍❘ ❩❬❭❪❯❫❴ ❋❏P❵❛❏❉❵◆❉❏❛❖P ❜❍❊◗P❜ ▲❝▲P❍❞❘ ❍▲P❊❡◗❖▲❜❍● ❭❢❬❣❲