Monday, May 6, 2019 The Observer Records fall for EOU in final regular season meets ❤✐❥❦❧✈❦❧ ❥♠♥♣♣ ➟➛❺❸❽④④q❸➛❸❺➠➛➡⑦ s✇① ➆④➇ Maggie Ledbetter con- tinued her stellar fresh- man season for the East- ern Oregon women’s qrst✉ s✇① ③④⑤① ✇➂⑧⑤⑤④⑦ q❶④ ➍⑩➉✇qs⑧✇④④r❷ added three more victo- ries — two on the wom- en’s side — to close out ➥s⑧q❶ ➁➂④r⑧①⑨④➃❷ ❺❾➄❾ ③✇⑧❷❶ ➤❶④r④ ➇s❷ ⑤⑧qq⑤④⑦ ⑧❽ s✇➅⑦ fanfare around the fact that the La Grande Ti- gers softball team had just clinched at least a share of the Greater Oregon League title for a third straight year. Not when the team has much bigger expecta- tions ahead in the coming weeks. “Going back to Eugene and competing for a state championship is an expec- tation for this team. It’s ✇⑩q s ⑨⑩s⑤⑦ ⑧q➃❷ s✇ ④➑❹④tqs - q⑩ ✇sq⑧⑩✇s⑤❷ s✇① qs✉④ ③r❷q⑦ ①s➅➡➎➪ ➋s➅q⑩✇ ❹r⑩①➉t④①⑦➪ ➶↕⑤⑤ ⑩➉r ❶⑧q❷ ➇④r④ ⑨⑩⑧✇⑨ ❷qrs⑧⑨❶q q⑩ ❹④⑩❹⑤④⑦ q⑩⑩⑦➪ ➍⑧t❶④⑤⑤④ Herbes and Megan Boals ➇⑩✇ ⑧✇ ❾➝❺❼➎❻➐ q⑩ r④st❶ nationals and break the school record by nearly 12 seconds. Javelin thrower ➊srr⑧s✇④ ➦⑩⑤⑤⑥s✇ q⑩⑩✉ ⑩❽ ❺➏❼❸❽④④q❸❼⑦ ➇❶⑧t❶ ➇s❷ older kids struggled a little ✉⑧①❷ ➣④❿❶sr①q⑦ - no Ngaida clearing 5-feet- 5-3/4 to punch her ticket ❶⑧⑨❶ ➈➉⑥❹⑦ ➇⑧q❶ ➊s⑤➉⑤➉❷ ✇⑧t④ s❿⑩➉q q❶⑧❷ q④s⑥⑦ q❶④ ➅⑩➉✇⑨④r ➀⑩ ➙⑩⑥④r⑦ the top spot with a mark q❶④ while Paige Dodd reached 5-feet-2-1/2 for second The 4x100 team of ❿⑧q ➟⑧✇ q❶④ ⑩❹④✇④r➡⑦ s✇① q❶④ ➊sq⑧④ ➇⑩⑥④✇➃❷ ⑧✇ body was a little bit ner- vous (because of senior Wright said. The Baker Bulldogs were just the latest hurdle to clear in pursuit of that expectation. The Tigers continued their dominance of the GOL ➤❶④ ❻➑➄➐➐ r④⑤s➅ q④s⑥ ➀⑩s✇✇s ÝÖäÞÛÜ êØãÖ Þß ëÚçÜØìíÝ ÜÞéáâÖÕÖØÜÖÚ ØêØçÛÝà îØïÖÚð ×Ø ÙÚØÛÜÖ ñÞÛ òóô ØÛÜ õõóô àÞ ÖØÚÛ Ø ÝÕØÚÖ Þß àÕÖ Ùö× àçàâÖð expect that. That’s what’s another school record and sent more athletes to nationals. ⑩❽ ÔÕÖ ×Ø ÙÚØÛÜÖ ÝÞßàáØââ àÖØã äÖâÖáÚØàÖÝ Øà ÕÞãÖ åâØàÖ ØßàÖÚ æâØçÛØ èØÚÝÞÛ Õçà ÞÛÖ Þß ßÞéÚÔçêÖÚ ÕÞãÖ ÚéÛÝ ÜéÚçÛê àÕÖ q⑧⑩✇⑦➪ ❶④s① t⑩st❶ ➧⑩⑩①➅ q❶④ r④⑨➉⑤sr ❷④s❷⑩✇⑦ ❿r⑩✉④ ❺❻❼ ❽④④q⑦ ❾ ⑧✇t❶④❷⑦ ❿④❷q⑧✇⑨ record of 146-feet-3. In addition to the vic- q⑩r➅⑦ ➆④①❿④qq④r q⑩⑩✉ ❷④t - ond in shot put (40-feet- 10-1/4). EOU also added a 1-2 ➲➳ ➵➸➺➻➼➽ ➲➸➺➽ ➾➚❦ ❤✐❥❦❧✈❦❧ On Saturday at the - ➆⑧✇③④⑤① ➢❹④✇ ⑧✇ ➍t➍⑧✇ q④s⑥⑦ docket and breaking a school record during the Portland Twilight Meet Friday. Ledbetter won the discus with a throw of Business as usual for Tigers ❻➐➐ ➟❻❾➎➛➏➡➎ s①①⑧✇⑨ s✇⑩q❶④r ③r❷q❸ s✇① ❷④t⑩✇①❸❹⑤st④ ③✇⑧❷❶ q⑩ q❶④ ➘➴➷➬➮➱ ✃➴➷➱❐❒❮❰ ÏÐÑ❰ÒÓ❰Ò - ⑧❷❸↕⑤⑤④✇ ➇s❷ q❶⑧r① ⑧✇ q❶④ ➀⑩⑤⑤④➅⑦ an automatic qualifying throw for nationals. In second for the women’s team was the 4x100 relay q④s⑥ ⑩❽ ➧❶⑧q④⑦ ➌❶⑩①④❷⑦ Reddington and Eliza- ➊⑧✇✇s❶ ❿④q❶ ➙④r❿④❷ ⑧✇ ❻❾➎❺➄⑦ s✇① ➍⑩r⑨s✇ ➌④① - dington and Elizabeth Herbes also came in sec- Reddington placed third in the long jump at 17- feet-11-3/4. The men’s team posted a victory in the pole vault from Darrian Walker at ❺➨❸❽④④q❸❺➎ ➤❶④ ❻➑➄➐➐ r④ - ➌❶⑩①④❷⑦ Wright said. La Grande largely strug- Bowen added. ⑨⑤④① q⑩ ③✇① s r❶➅q❶⑥ ⑧✇ s①①④① s ❹s⑧r ⑩❽ ❷str⑧③t④ ➹⑧④❷ and Eastern added a 2-3 r➉✇❷ q❶④ ❿sqq④r➃❷ ❿⑩➑ ⑧✇ q❶④ ③r❷q ❽⑩r ➆➙➭⑦ ➇❶⑧t❶ ❶s① ➈➉❷q ❷④➂ - ③✇⑧❷❶ ⑧✇ q❶④ ❺➐➐ ❶➉r①⑤④❷ from two of their freshmen - en and Grace Neer. Bowen hit a solo shot in the third ④✇ ❶⑧q❷⑦ q❶⑩➉⑨❶ ⑥s✇➅ ⑩❽ q❶④ ➒r④✇✇④✇ ⑧✇✇⑧✇⑨ ❽⑩r s ➛❸➐ ⑤④s①⑦ s✇① ➤❶④ ➤⑧⑨④r❷⑦ q❶⑩➉⑨❶⑦ t⑩➉⑤① Neer doubled the mar- gin to 4-0 with a two-run home run in the fourth. “It was good to start s➫⑩r① q⑩ ❶s➂④ s✇ ⑩➫ ⑨s⑥④ with Dodd placing second (15.12) and Haley White third (15.20). The Eastern men’s team took second in both re- sq q❶④ ❹⑤sq④⑦ s❷ ↕⑤⑤⑧④ ➒r⑩t✉ ⑤s➅❷⑦ ➇⑧q❶ q❶④ ❻➑❺➐➐ q④s⑥ ⑧✇ ➩➝❻❾➎➐➏⑦ s✇① ➙➉✇q④r added another dominant ⑩❽ ④➫⑩rq ⑧✇ q❶④ ❹⑧qt❶④r➃❷ t⑧rt⑤④➎ ➓⑩✇✇⑩r ➔⑩➉✇⑨⑦ →⑧t❶⑩⑤s❷ ⑧✇ q❶④⑥ ⑩➫ s✇① ⑨④q q❶④ rs⑤⑤➅ The junior struck out Bak- ➣r⑧↔✇ s✇① ↕➉❷q⑧✇ ➙➉✇q④r t❶s❷④ ➟❾➝➨❺➎❺➨➡➎ ➁s❷q④r✇ - See Sweep / Page 7A ③✇⑧❷❶⑧✇⑨ r⑩➉✇①④① ➥r⑧①s➅⑦ ➉❷⑧✇⑨ ❶⑩⑥④ q⑩ ❷❹sr✉ q❶④ ⑩➫④✇❷④ ⑧✇ s 5-0 win in the opener of a doubleheader on senior day before waking up in a big way for a 22-0 win in the nightcap. “For the upperclassmen it gets pretty emotional ➇⑧q❶ ❷④✇⑧⑩r ①s➅⑦ s✇① ➅⑩➉ ⑨s⑥④⑦ ❷s➂④ ❽⑩r ➊⑧✇➯➅ ➒⑩➇ ⑨⑩⑧✇⑨⑦➪ →④④r ❷s⑧①➎ ➶➁➂④r➅ ➭④✇⑧⑩r ➊srs ➣⑩⑩①④r❶s⑥ outs were on balls hit right to a Baker defender. ⑩✇① sq ❻➄➎➏❼ ➒rs✇①④✇ ⑧✇ ❷④t⑩✇①❷⑦ ➋❶s✇⑥s❶s⑦ ❻➛➎➄➐⑦ s✇① the 4x400 team of Derian Bulldogs deny La Grande the GOL crown ❹⑧qt❶⑧✇⑨ ④➫⑩rq❷ q⑩ ❶s✇① ➆s ➣rs✇①④ s Scheiss was also second q❶④ ➏⑦➐➐➐ ❷q④④❹⑤④ - ⑩➉q q❶④ ④➫⑩rq with the 4x100 relay q④s⑥ s✇① ➀⑩❷❶ ❤✐❥❦❧✈❦❧ ❥♠♥♣♣ - ⑥⑧❷q ➥⑧④⑤① ➥r⑧①s➅⑦ ➏❸➛ s✇① ➩❸➐➎ “(Baker pitchers) Sam McCau- ley and) Connor (Lay) did a good job on the mound. They swung the ⑩❽ ➋❶s✇⑥s❶s⑦ - er placing third (43.12). Up next for Eastern is the Cascade Collegiate Conference champion- ship meet Friday and Sat- ➉r①s➅ ⑧✇ ↕❷❶⑤s✇①➎ the long jump (20-feet- The La Grande Tigers ➄➡➎ ➤❷⑧sq❷⑩❷⑦ ⑧✇ ❽stq⑦ ④①⑨④① ❿⑩➅❷ qrst✉ s✇① ③④⑤① q④s⑥ Youngblood for the top spot in the long jump by will head into next week- end’s Greater Oregon League district meet on ❿sq❷ ➇④⑤⑤⑦ s✇① ❹➉q ❹r④❷❷➉r④ ⑩✇ ➉❷➎ Unfortunately we made too many mistakes and couldn’t bounce back s ❶⑧⑨❶ ✇⑩q④⑦ ❷➇④④❹⑧✇⑨ q❶④ relay races and winning six events in all on the way to a dominant victory at the Baker Invitational Friday. ❽r⑩⑥ q❶④⑥⑦➪ ➆➙➭ ❶④s① t⑩st❶ ➋sr✉④r ➍t➊⑧✇⑤④➅ ❷s⑧①➎ ➞✇ q❶④ ❹r⑩t④❷❷⑦ ➒s✉④r ✇⑩q ⑩✇⑤➅ thrust itself right back in the mix ❽⑩r s ⑤④s⑨➉④ q⑧q⑤④⑦ ❿➉q ✇⑩➇ ⑩➇✇❷ q❶④ ➤❶④ ➤⑧⑨④r❷➃ ❺➨➄➎➨ ❹⑩⑧✇q❷ tiebreaker should Baker and La were nearly double the amount scored by runner- ➣rs✇①④⑦ ➇❶⑩ sr④ ❿⑩q❶ t➉rr④✇q⑤➅ ➩❸➏ - ➉❹ ➒s✉④r ➟➄❺➎➨ ❹⑩⑧✇q❷➡➎ ❿r④s✉④r⑦ stt⑩r①⑧✇⑨ q⑩ ➍t➊⑧✇⑤④➅⑦ ⑧❷ head-to-head runs allowed between Baker and La Grande. In the four ➒rs➑ - ton Wilson and Lane Inwards placed second LHS boys take first at Baker Invitational ❽⑩r s✇ ④sr⑤⑧④r ❶⑩⑥④ ❷➇④④❹ ❷➉➫④r④① ⑧✇ ➣➢➆ ❹⑤s➅⑦ ③✇⑧❷❶ q⑧④①➎ ➤❶④ q⑧④ ➙s✇①③④⑤①⑦ ➔⑩➉✇⑨⑦ ➣r⑧↔✇ s✇① ➙➉✇q ➔⑩➉✇⑨ ➞✇①⑧➂⑧①➉s⑤⑤➅⑦ ↕⑤⑤④➑ ➊⑩ - sel took third in both the high jump (6-feet-0- 3/4) and the long jump s⑨s⑧✇❷q q❶④⑧r r⑧➂s⑤❷⑦ ➉❷⑧✇⑨ q➇⑩ ❷qr⑩✇⑨ rsr④ ❶⑩⑥④ ❷➇④④❹⑦ ➇⑧✇✇⑧✇⑨ sq ➢❹q⑧ ⑩❽ ➆④➒④⑤⑦ ➙s✇①③④⑤①⑦ ➜④➂⑧✇ ➆④➇⑧❷❸ ⑤s➅ ⑧✇ ➏➝➛➐➎➛❾➎ The La Grande Tigers baseball team was just one win away from locking up the Greater Oregon League title. ➞✇❷q④s①⑦ q❶④ ➂⑧❷⑧q⑧✇⑨ ➒s✉④r ➒➉⑤⑤ - dogs exacted a measure of revenge q④s⑥ ↕⑤⑤④✇⑦ Wallin completing its re- ➲➳ ➵➸➺➻➼➽ ➲➸➺➽ ➾➚❦ ❤✐❥❦❧✈❦❧ ⑤s➅ ➘➴➷➬➮➱ ✃➴➷➱❐❒❮❰ ÏÐÑ❰ÒÓ❰Ò ➭s➈➉✇ ➧❶⑧q④⑦ →⑧t✉ ➈➉❷q ⑩✇④❸❶s⑤❽ ⑧✇t❶⑦ ➇⑧q❶ ➔⑩➉✇⑨❿⑤⑩⑩① ③✇⑧❷❶⑧✇⑨ sq 20-feet-7-1/2. The Tigers also had a second-place ③✇⑧❷❶ ❽r⑩⑥ ➓s⑤⑤➉⑥ ➁❿④⑤ ⑧✇ q❶④ ❺❺➐ ❶➉r①⑤④❷ ➟❺❼➎➄➛➡ and from Jacob Hunts- man in the discus (133- feet-2). Meanwhile the La ➣rs✇①④ ⑨⑧r⑤❷⑦ ➇❶⑩ ❷t⑩r④① ❼❾ ❹⑩⑧✇q❷ ❽⑩r ❷④t⑩✇① ❹⑤st④ ❿④❶⑧✇① ➒s✉④r ➟➄❻➎➨ ❹⑩⑧✇q❷➡ ×Ø ÙÚØÛÜÖíÝ ÷ØÚïÖÚ øÞáçÛÝÞÛ ÜÖâçùÖÚÝ Ø åçàäÕ ÜéÚçÛê êØãÖ àñÞ Þß ëÚçÜØìíÝ ➤❷⑧sq❷⑩❷⑦ ➦⑩⑤⑤⑥s✇ were led by a tie for sec- ÜÞéáâÖÕÖØÜÖÚ ØêØçÛÝà îØïÖÚð ÔÕÖÔçêÖÚÝ ñÖÚÖ ÝñÖåàú ûóõ ØÛÜ üóôð ⑩✇① ❽r⑩⑥ ➊sq⑧④ ➒r⑩➇✇ ⑧✇ q❶④ ➏⑦➐➐➐ ➟❺➛➝➏➏➎❻❺➡➎ ➤❶④ ➀⑩❷❶ The Tigers have a home double- header remaining against McLough- several of which proved to be costly. Two LHS errors in the fourth inning allowed what proved to be the win- ⑤⑧✇ ⑧✇ ➣➢➆ ❹⑤s➅⑦ s✇① ➒s✉④r qrs➂④⑤❷ ✇⑧✇⑨ r➉✇ q⑩ ❷t⑩r④⑦ s✇① q❶④ ➤⑧⑨④r❷ ➍t➓s➉⑤④➅⑦ ➇❶⑩ q❶r④➇ s q➇⑩❸❶⑧qq④r ⑧✇ and Hunter Youngblood grabbed the top spot for La Grande in the 4x100 relay in 43.64 seconds. White also ran on the winning 4x400 with Luke q⑩ ➢✇qsr⑧⑩ ❽⑩r ⑧q❷ ③✇s⑤ ⑤④s⑨➉④ ❷④q➎ committed three more errors in the ✇⑧⑨❶qts❹⑦ ➇❶⑧t❶ ⑤④① q⑩ q❶r④④ ➉✇ - earned runs. “That was uncharacteristic of our defense to make that many mis- q❶④ ➇⑧✇⑦ ③④⑤①④① s ➧➅sqq ➁sr❹ ❿➉✇q ➒⑤⑩⑩①⑨⑩⑩①⑦ ➧④❷q⑧✇ ➒⑤s✉④ s✇① q❶r④➇ ⑩➉q ➒④⑤⑤ sq q❶⑧r①⑦ q❶④✇ s✇① ➁⑤⑧ ➍t➆④s✇⑦ ➇⑧q❶ q❶④ 4x400 relay team of Cece struck out Parker Robinson looking q④s⑥ ③✇⑧❷❶⑧✇⑨ ⑧✇ ➏➝➏➛➎➐➐➎ ↕⑨➉⑧⑤④rs⑦ ➊④✇➯⑧④ ➧⑧⑤⑤⑧s⑥❷⑦ ⑨s⑥④❷⑦ ➆s ➣rs✇①④ ❷➉rr④✇①④r④① ❺❼ r➉✇❷⑦ ➇❶⑧⑤④ q❶④ ➒➉⑤⑤①⑩⑨❷ ⑨s➂④ ➉❹ ❺➨➎ La Grande would need a sweep and s ➇⑧✇ ❿➅ ➢✇qsr⑧⑩⑦ ⑩r s ❷❹⑤⑧q s✇① s✇ ➢✇qsr⑧⑩ ❷➇④④❹⑦ q⑩ t⑤s⑧⑥ q❶④ ⑤④s⑨➉④➃❷ q⑩❹ ❷④④① ⑧✇q⑩ q❶④ ❹⑤s➅⑩➫❷➎ “We need Ontario to beat them q❶s✇ ⑧✇ q❶④ ③❽q❶ ⑧✇✇⑧✇⑨ ⑩❽ q❶④ ⑩❹④✇④r➎ Devin Bell singled and Justin Fred- erick walked to open the frame. But q❶④ ❺➐➐ ➟❺➏➎➛➩➡⑦ s ❷④t⑩✇①❸ ❹⑤st④ ③✇⑧❷❶ ❿➅ ↕❿❿➅ ➓r④➇❷ ⑧✇ q❶④ ➏⑦➐➐➐ ➟❺❺➝➨❾➎➐➏➡⑦ and a third-place show- ing by Corbyn Sexton in s✇① ❽⑩rt④① ➞❷sst ➦s⑥⑩rs q⑩ ➹➅ ⑩➉q q⑩ ➢✇ q❶④ qrst✉⑦ q❶④ ➤⑧⑨④r❷ Jacki Martini and Rachael added victories from Ben- ➊④✇⑧r➅ ➟❻➝➛❼➎➐❼➡ ➇s❷ s⑤❷⑩ ts✇ end the threat. “We had several opportunities to ✇④qq ➧④⑤t❶ ⑧✇ q❶④ ❺⑦➨➐➐ make that a focus and keep moving ❹⑤s➅ ❷⑩⑥④ ❷⑥s⑤⑤ ❿s⑤⑤⑦ ⑥⑩➂④ ❷⑩⑥④ third. The Joseph Eagles boys qs✉④❷⑦➪ ➍t➊⑧✇⑤④➅ ❷s⑧①➎ ➶➧④ ❽⑩r➇sr①➎➪ ⑨➉➅❷ sr⑩➉✇①⑦ s✇① t⑩➉⑤①✇➃q ①⑩ ⑧q➎ ➧④ (4:12.46) and Nathan Reed in the 300 hurdles got a clutch hit from Riley (Miller) in ➟❻➛➎➏➨➡⑦ s✇① ⑧✇ q❶④ ③④⑤①⑦ ➇⑧✇✇⑧✇⑨ ❷qr④s✉ q❶sq ④✇①④① ➥r⑧①s➅⑦ La Grande also missed out on scoring opportunities it would typi- q❶④ ③r❷q ⑨s⑥④ q⑩ ❷t⑩r④ q➇⑩ r➉✇❷ s✇① ➦st❶ q❶④ ❹⑤st④ ③✇⑧❷❶④❷ ❽r⑩⑥ ➊s①④ ❷qr➉⑨⑨⑤④① ⑩✇ ①④❽④✇❷④⑦ t⑩⑥⑥⑧qq⑧✇⑨ s ts⑤⑤➅ ts❷❶ ⑧✇ ⑩✇⑦ ❹④r❶s❹❷ ✇⑩✇④ ⑥⑩r④ then couldn’t string too many more high jump (6-feet-2) and ➊⑧⑤⑨⑩r④ ⑧✇ q❶④ ❹⑩⑤④ ➂s➉⑤q t⑩⑥❿⑧✇④① ❷⑧➑ ④rr⑩r❷ ⑧✇ q❶④ t⑩✇q④❷q❷⑦ indicative of the way the day went See LHS / Page 8A ➤❷⑧sq❷⑩❷ t⑤s⑧⑥④① ③r❷q ⑧✇ See Track / Page 7A ✇⑩➇⑦➪ ➍t➊⑧✇⑤④➅ ❷s⑧①➎ ➤❶④ ➤⑧⑨④r❷⑦ ➇❶⑩ ➇④r④ ❹⑤s➅⑧✇⑨ clean baseball during an eight-game ❆ ✁ ✂✄☎✄ ✂✄ ✆ ✁ ■✝✞❛ ✟✄ ❆✠✄ ✟② ❏❑❑▲ ▼ ◆❖❖P◗❘❙❯❑❖ ❱P❲ ❑❳◗❑❨❨❑❩❯ ❖❑❲❬❘◗❑ ❭❪❫◆❭❭❴❵ ✼✽✾✿❀❁ ❂❃❄❅❁❇ ✡☛✡☛☞ ✌✍ ✎✏✑ ✒ ✓✔✕✖✗✘ ✏✙✚✛ ➧⑧⑨⑨⑧✇❷ ➇⑩✇ q⑩⑩✉ ❽⑩➉rq❶ ❹⑩⑧✇q❷⑦ ❜❑▲❘◗❙❲❑❝ ◆❞❯P❝ ❢P❣❑ ❘❩❖❞❲❙❩◗❑ ❙❩▲ ◆❩❩❞❘❯❘❑❖ ✺✜✢✣✤✥✺✣✢✦✧✜ ❚♦★★ ❋✩❡❡ ✪✫✬✭✭✫✮✬✮✫✪✯✮✰ ✱✱✱✳✩❡❡✲✫✴✵✶✷✩✸✵✹❡✳✵❡✻ ❈❁❉✽❊ ●❁❁❍ ➇⑧q❶ ❹⑩❷q⑧✇⑨ ❻❾➎➨ ❷④t⑩✇①❸