❲ ✁✂ ✄✁❆❨✱ ☎❆❨ ✆✱ ✝✞✆✾ ❯✴✵✷✸✹✺✻ ✼❯✺✽✾✿❀❁ Ö×ØÙ ✿✺❆❂✹❁✹❃✿❃✹✷✺❁ Smart Driver class offered in May P❛✎✎✏ ✑✒✓✔✕✖✗ ✥✕✘✙ ✕❡✒❛✎✓✚✛ ✚✜ ✘✓✜✕✱ ✢✢ ❛✣✔✣✱ ❉❛✛✓✕✘✖✙✤✛✚✦✦ ✧★✙ ✛✕✒❛✘ ♥✚✔✕✩ ✓✛✎✕✒✔✕✛✎ ❛✎ ✪✚✫✕ ✪✕✔✕✎✕✒✏✣ May 4 ▲✕✏✎✚✛ ▲✓✛✬✖✕✏✗ ✔✕✙ ✔✚✒✓❛✘ ✖✕✒✫✓✥✕✱ ✭ ✦✣✔✣✱ ◆✚✒✎✮ P✚♦✬✕✒ ✯✥✮✚✚✘ ❣✏✔✛❛✖✓★✔✣ P✮✓✘✘✓✖ ✰❛✒✬✓✖✗ ✥✕✘✙ ✕❡✒❛✎✓✚✛ ✚✜ ✘✓✜✕✱ ✭ ✦✣✔✣✱ ✢✶✲✶✢ ✳❛✘✎✚✛ ❘✚❛✬✱ ■✖✘❛✛✬ ✪✓✎✏✣ ✪✮❛✒✘✕✖ ❈✣ ❘✚❣✕✒✖✗ LA GRANDE — There will be an AARP Smart Driver class May 18 at Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande. The Saturday class will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with an hour break for lunch. Cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. The class is open to all, and those who complete the course are eligible for a discount on their auto in- surance. Call Fred Moore at 541-910-9797 for infor- mation and to sign up. Reserve a seat for trip to Portland zoo and OMSI ✢ ✦✣✔✣✱ ✯★✔✔✕✒✫✓✘✘✕ LA GRANDE — A family excursion to the Oregon Zoo and OMSI in Portland is planned for May 11. Pur- chase your tickets from La Grande’s Parks & Rec- reation department, which will provide the transpor- tation and arrange admis- sion fees. Enjoy a fantastic day at the Oregon Zoo and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry with- out experiencing the stress ✪✕✔✕✎✕✒✏✩ ✜✚✘✘✚♦✕✬ ❡✏ ý ❑ ☛ ý ✝ úû ✟▼ ✥✕✘✕❡✒❛✎✓✚✛ ✚✜ ✘✓✜✕✱ ✭ ✦✣✔✣✱ P✒✕✖❡✏✎✕✒✓❛✛ ✧✒✓✕✛✬✖✮✓✦ ✪✕✛✎✕✒✣ May 10 ❉✚✛✛❛ ✧★✮✒✔❛✛✗ ✥✕✘✕❡✒❛✎✓✚✛ ✚✜ ✘✓✜✕✱ ✭ ✦✣✔✣✱ ▲✚✫✕✘❛✛✬ ✧★✛✕✒❛✘ ✪✮❛✦✕✘✣ May 11 ✰❛✒✏ ▲✚★ ♥★✜✜✔❛✛✗ ✥✕✘✕❡✒❛✎✓✚✛ ✚✜ ✘✓✜✕✱ ✒✕✥✕✦✎✓✚✛ ❛✎ ✯★✔✙ ✔✕✒✫✓✘✘✕ ♠✬✬ ✧✕✘✘✚♦✖ ÚÛÜÝÛÞß àáâã äåæçç áèéâáåä ❙❄❅❇❊❅❋●❍ ❏② May 2 ❚✟ ✠✡✄ ☛❱ ☛ ☞ ✸✌ LOCAL parks.org and navigate to “current programs” via the Recreation pull-down menu, or contact McKayla Nitz, recreation supervi- sor, at 541-962-1352 or mnitz@cityoflagrande. org. ❲❳❨❩❬❭❪ ❫❬❨❬❴❪❵ ❜❝❭❝❞❢❵❬ ❴❭❬ ❤❢❩❪❢✐❵ SUMMERVILLE — Sum- merville artist David Lund quist of Eagle Eye Studios, has been selling limited edition, signed prints of his latest image, “Rising Up to ☛ û ✝ û ▼✠✞☎ ÿ ❥ ý ❦☎✟☎☞ ❧✠✌ ✠ þ ✞ of the Camp Fire, which leveled the city of Paradise, California, last November. This month he is launch- ing a local campaign for print sales, and he has also ý ✝✡ û ✟✠♣☎▼ û ❦☎✟☎☞ ✌ ý ✟✍ cert for May 4 at the Pleas- ant Grove Grange Hall on Hunter Road in Summer- ville. Beginning at 7 p.m., the band Rock & Harmony and special guests will per- form. Admission is $10 for adults; children are admit- ted free. The proceeds will be donated to the Paradise ☞✝☎ ❧✠✌ ✠ þ ✞◗ Rita Monahan are limited. Registration Wellness Event set deadline is May 6. Cost is for Saturday ✝ û ❖✌◗ ❚❱ ý ✞ $48 per adult and $38 for age 12 and younger. To register, go to lagrande- LA GRANDE — The 19th annual Rita Monahan Wellness Event, put on by Oregon Health and Sci- ence University’s School of Nursing of La Grande and Eastern Oregon Uni- versity’s Wellness Pro- gram, will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 4 at Dorion Park, near the cor- ner of Sixth Street and H Avenue in La Grande. The public event is free and includes a 5K walk/run, health-related booths, þ q✞✠✌ ÿ ✝ û r☎ ✠ ☎ þ ✞ ÿ ü ☎ ûú ü ✞✌✝☎☎✟✠✟✡✞ û ✟▼ ☞ ✟☎✞✞ demonstrations. This annual event raises money for a scholarship fund named after OHSU professor Rita Monahan that helps graduating stu- dents pay for their reg- istered nurse licensure examination. For more information or to make a donation, visit eou.edu/ wellness-form. Register for child care for Marijuana Initiative panel LA GRANDE — Can- nabis and kids: what do you need to know? Get your questions answered at a presentation by the National Marijuana Initi- tiave from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. May 7 at the Blue Mountain Confer- ence Center, 404 12th St., La Grande. Three nation- ally recognized experts on marijuana — Jo McGuire, Ed Shemelya and Ben Cort — will share information on the impact of marijuana on youth. The event is free. Registration is required for on-site child care. The presentation is sponsored by Union County Safe Communities Coalition and the Center for Human Development. To arrange child care or for more in- formation, email ucsafe- communities@gmail.com, call 541-963-1068 or go to lagrandenmi.eventbrite. com. ‘Develop Your Drawing’ at two-day ACE workshop LA GRANDE — A two- day workshop led by Da- mian Garcia at Art Center East, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande, is intended for any- one who would like to hone their pencil drawing skills. Students will create original drawings while exploring the nuances of line, shad- ing and texture, and will get personalized feedback from the instructor to help them continue developing their practice at home. All experience levels are wel- come, age 14 and older. The workshop will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. May 8 and May 15. Registration is re- quired 48 hours in advance. Call ACE at 541-624-2800 or go to artcentereast.org to register. Trivia teams compete in Elgin ELGIN — On May 11, a Trivia Night competi- tion will be held at the Elgin Community Center. s☎ ûþ ✞ ý ❑ ☞❧☎ ✌ ýþ ❱☎ ☎ throughout the evening at a cost of $10 per member with goodies catered by Cowboy and Angel’s Res- taurant. Take on some of our challengers: Elgin Li- ons, Museum Historical Society, Union County Re- tired Educators, Commu- ✟✠ ✂ t û ✟ ùÿ ✉ û ✂ ý ✝ ✈q✆✂✇✞ Team and Cowboys and Angels. The event is spon- sored by the Elgin Mu- seum and Historical Soci- ety. For more information and to sign up, call Gerald Hopkins at 541-534-4390. Third Ward holds open house in Island City ISLAND CITY — The La Grande Third Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1100 S. McAlister Road, Is- land City, is holding an open house from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 2. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. Light refresh- ments will be provided. ìêÙÛ× êÛëìØÚÛÜí ØÝÜë ① Ü ③ ÖÚë Iva M. Collins îïðñ ④⑤ ⑥⑦⑤⑧⑨⑩ ❶❷④❸❹⑩ ⑨⑩❶⑤⑦❺❻⑩⑧❺ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ➃➄➅➆➇➈➁ ➉❾❾ ➊❽➄➀➇➋ ➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➒➓➑ ➔➈→➈➇➣➈ ➄➁➁❽❾❿❿➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ↔➄➐➐➇➣➄ ↕➇➔➈➀➅ ➣➄❽❽➄➈➀ ➌➍➄❽➙➏➈➙ ➛❽❿➀➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➜➔❽➙➐➄❽➅➑ ❿❾➌➇➈➁➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➀➍❾➝➀ ➄➈➁ ❿❾➌➇➈➁➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➌❽➏➆➏➈➄➐ ➆➏❿➋ ➌➍➏❾➝➞ ↕➏➀❾➁➂➟➣➇ ➠➈➏➇➈ ↕➇➔➈➀➅ ➡➔➎❾➋ ➈➏➐❾❿ ➣❾❽❾ ➌➏➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ➌➍➄❽➙❾ ➇➝ ❿❾➌➇➈➁➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➌❽➏➆➏➈➄➐ ➀❽❾❿➢➄❿❿➋ ➏➈➙➞ ↕➏➀❾➁➂➟➣➇ ➠➈➏➇➈ ↕➇➔➈➀➅ ➡➔➎❾➋ ➈➏➐❾❿ ➣❾❽❾ ➌➏➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ➌➍➄❽➙❾ ➇➝ ❿❾➌➇➈➁➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➌❽➏➆➏➈➄➐ ➀❽❾❿➢➄❿❿➋ ➏➈➙ ➄➈➁ ➀➍➏❽➁➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➌❽➏➆➏➈➄➐ ➆➏❿➌➍➏❾➝➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ↕➅➈➀➍➏➄ ❼➈➀➇➈➏➄ ➤➄➏➥➑ ➒➦➑ ➔➈→➈➇➣➈ ➄➁➁❽❾❿❿➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ➠➈➏➇➈ ↕➇➔➈➀➅ ➣➄❽➋ ❽➄➈➀➞ ➟➍❾ ➣➄❽❽➄➈➀ ➣➄❿ ➌➇➈➈❾➌➀❾➁ ➀➇ ➄➈ ➇❽➏➙➏➈➄➐ ➌➍➄❽➙❾ ➇➝ ➔➈➐➄➣➝➔➐ ➢➇❿❿❾❿❿➏➇➈ ➇➝ ➆❾➀➍➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ➧➏➌➍➄❾➐ ➨❾➇❽➙❾ ❼➌➏➋ ❽❾➈➇➑ ➩➦➑ ➉➄ ➨❽➄➈➁❾➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➌➍➄❽➙❾❿ ➇➝ ➆❾➈➄➌➏➈➙ ➄➈➁ ❿❾➌➋ ➇➈➁➋➁❾➙❽❾❾ ➁➏❿➇❽➁❾❽➐➅ ➌➇➈➁➔➌➀➞ ➫⑧❸❷⑧ ❹❷➫⑧❺➭ ➯➲⑩⑦❸➳➳ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ↕➄❽➐ ❼➞ ↕➇➆➢➏➀❾➐➐➇➑ ➵➸➑ ➉➄ ➨❽➄➈➁❾➑ ➣➄❿ ➌➏➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➌➍➄❽➙❾❿ ➇➝ ❾➈➁➄➈➙❾❽➏➈➙ ➀➍❾ ➣❾➐➋ ➝➄❽❾ ➇➝ ➄ ➆➏➈➇❽ ➄➈➁ ➔➈➐➄➣➝➔➐ ➁❾➋ ➐➏➎❾❽➅ ➇➝ ➆➄❽➏➡➔➄➈➄➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ➊➄➅ ➧➏➌➍❾➐➐❾ ➺➐➔❾➄❽➁➑ ➻➼➑ ➔➈→➈➇➣➈ ➄➁➁❽❾❿❿➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➌➍➄❽➙❾❿ ➇➝ ❽❾➋ ❿➏❿➀➏➈➙ ➄❽❽❾❿➀ ➄➈➁ ➁➏❿➇❽➁❾❽➐➅ ➌➇➈➋ ➁➔➌➀➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ➽➔❿➀➏➌❾ ➽➇➍➈ ↕➐➄❽→➑ ➒➦➑ ➉➄ ➨❽➄➈➁❾➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➌➍➄❽➙❾❿ ➇➝ ➀❽❾❿➢➄❿❿➏➈➙ ➣➍➏➐❾ ➏➈ ➢➇❿❿❾❿❿➏➇➈ ➇➝ ➄ ➛❽❾➄❽➆ ➄➈➁ ➁❽➏➎➋ ➏➈➙ ➔➈➁❾❽ ➀➍❾ ➏➈➾➔❾➈➌❾ ➇➝ ➏➈➀➇➚➏➋ ➌➄➈➀❿➞ ❷⑦⑩⑥❷⑧ ➯❺⑤❺⑩ ❶❷④❸❹⑩ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ➧➄❽→ ↕➄❿➌➍➑ ➒➒➑ ➧➇❿❾❿ ➉➄→❾➑ ↔➄❿➍➏➈➙➀➇➈➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➌➍➄❽➙❾❿ ➇➝ ➁❽➏➎➏➈➙ ➔➈➁❾❽ ➀➍❾ ➏➈➾➔❾➈➌❾ ➇➝ ➏➈➀➇➚➏➋ ➌➄➈➀❿➋➌➇➈➀❽➇➐➐❾➁ ❿➔➜❿➀➄➈➌❾❿➑ ➢➇❿❿❾❿❿➏➇➈ ➇➝ ➆❾➀➍➄➆➢➍❾➀➋ ➄➆➏➈❾ ➄➈➁ ➏➆➢➇❽➀➪❾➚➢➇❽➀ ➇➝ ➆➄❽➋ ➏➡➔➄➈➄ ➏➀❾➆❿➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ↕➍➄❽➐❾➈❾ ➧➄❽➏❾ ➶➏➀➋ ➥❾➐➑ ➻➻➑ ➔➈→➈➇➣➈ ➄➁➁❽❾❿❿➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ➌➍➄❽➙❾ ➇➝ ➢➇❿❿❾❿➋ ❿➏➇➈ ➇➝ ➆❾➀➍➄➆➢➍❾➀➄➆➏➈❾➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ↕➇➈➈➏❾ ❼➐➄➈❾ ➤➌➍❾❽➀➋ ➏➈➙➑ ➩➓➑ ➔➈→➈➇➣➈ ➄➁➁❽❾❿❿➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ➌➍➄❽➙❾ ➇➝ ➢➇❿❿❾❿➋ ❿➏➇➈ ➇➝ ➆❾➀➍➄➆➢➍❾➀➄➆➏➈❾➞ ❼❽❽❾❿➀❾➁➂ ➨❾➇❽➙❾ ➃➇➜❾❽➀ ➊❾➐➐➅➑ ➸➻➑ ➔➈→➈➇➣➈ ➄➁➁❽❾❿❿➑ ➣➄❿ ➄❽➋ ❽❾❿➀❾➁ ➇➈ ➄ ➌➍➄❽➙❾ ➇➝ ➄ ➢❽➇➜➄➀➏➇➈ ➎➏➇➐➄➀➏➇➈➞ ④⑤ ⑥⑦⑤⑧⑨⑩ ➳❸⑦⑩ ⑨⑩❶⑤⑦❺❻⑩⑧❺ ➹➏❽❾➛➙➍➀❾❽❿ ❽❾❿➢➇➈➁❾➁ ➀➇ ➀➣➇ ➌➄➐➐❿ ➝➇❽ ➆❾➁➏➌➄➐ ➄❿❿➏❿➀➄➈➌❾ ➇➈ ➟➔❾❿➁➄➅ ➄➈➁ ➓➦ ➇➈ ➧➇➈➁➄➅➞ Iva M. Collins, 87, of Cove, died April 28 at Sa- cred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington. An obituary is forthcom- ing. Loveland Funeral Cha- pel will be handling the ar- rangements. Preston R. Ashlock îïðñ òóôõöõ÷òó Preston Roy Ashlock, 87, of Cove, died April 27. A fu- neral service will be held at 2 p.m. May 4 at Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cre- mation & Life Celebration Center in La Grande. Preston was born Feb. 10, 1932, in Rush Springs, øùúûüýþûÿ ý ✁ ý ✂ ✄☎✆☎✝✞ ý ✟ and Hazel (Myers) Ashlock. The family moved to Cali- fornia when Preston was six years old. On Nov. 25, 1952, Pres- ton married Carlyn Coxsey. They spent their honey- moon in the Grande Ronde Valley with Carlyn’s sister and brother-in-law. Pres had an immediate love for this valley. He and Carlyn lived in California until moving to Arizona in 1957 and then to Seattle, Wash- ington. Both worked at Boe- ing before returning to Cali- fornia. After nine years of ü ✠✟ ✠✟✡ ÿ ☛✝☎✞ ý ✟ ☞✟ ûúú ✂ ✌ ý ✟✍ vinced Carlyn they needed to move to the Grande Ronde Valley, and they did so in 1961. Preston worked several places before bringing the Eastern Oregon Yamaha dealership to La Grande in 1976. He was an avid motor- cycle and snowmobile rider. The whole family spent un- told weekends camping and making enjoyable memo- ries in the outdoors. Pres ❈✍❛✎✏❡✑ ✒✎✓❡✑✔ ✕✖✗❡✎✑ ▼✘② ✙✚✛ ✜✢✣✤ ✥ ✦✧r★✩ ✙✣✛ ✙✤✜✢ ✪✫✬✭✮✯✰ ✲✭♥✯✰✳ ✴✵✶✯✭✰✷ ✹✺✷ ✵✻ ▲✬ ✼✭✬♥✽✯✷ ♣✬✰✰✯✽ ✬✿✬❀ ✵♥ ❁❂✭✰✽✬❀✷ ❃♣✭❄✮ ❅❇✷ ❅❉❊❋● ❃ ✪✯✮✯❜✭✬✳❄✵♥ ✵✻ ▲❄✻✯ ✿❄✮✮ ❜✯ ✫✯✮✽ ✬✳ ✳✫✯ ❍✭✯✰❜❀■ ✳✯✭❄✬♥ ❏✭❄✯♥✽✰✫❄♣ ✪✯♥✳✯✭ ✵♥ ❑✬✳❂✭✽✬❀✷ ◆✬❀ ❖✷ ❅❉❊❋ ✬✳ ❅P❉❉♣♠● ✪✫✬✭✮✯✰ ✿✬✰ ❜✵✭♥ ✵♥ ◆✬❀ ❅◗✷ ❊❋❇❉ ❄♥ ▲✬ ✼✭✬♥✽✯✷ ❘✭✯✶✵♥ ✳✵ ✲✭♥✯✰✳ ✬♥✽ ❙✵✭♠✬ ❯❳✬✿✰s ✴✵✶✯✭✰● ❳✯ ✿✬✰ ✭✬❄✰✯✽ ❄♥ ▲✬ ✼✭✬♥✽✯ ✬♥✽ ✶✭✬✽❂✬✳✯✽ ✻✭✵♠ ▲✬ ✼✭✬♥✽✯ ❳❄✶✫ ❑❣✫✵✵✮● ✪✫✬✭✮✯✰ ✰✯✭❩✯✽ ✵❂✭ ❣✵❂♥✳✭❀ ✿✫❄✮✯ ❄♥ ✳✫✯ ❘✭■ ✯✶✵♥ ❙✬✳❄✵♥✬✮ ✼❂✬✭✽● ✪✫✬✭✮✯✰ ✿✬✰ ✰✯✮✻■✯♠♣✮✵❀✯✽● ❳✯ ✯♥❥✵❀✯✽ ✫❂♥✳❄♥✶✷ ✿✵✵✽■✿✵✭❦❄♥✶✷ ✿✬✳❣✫❄♥✶ ✫❄✶✫ ✰❣✫✵✵✮ ✿✭✯✰✳✮❄♥✶ ✬♥✽ ✻✵✵✳❜✬✮✮✷ ❜✯❄♥✶ ❄♥ ✳✫✯ ♠✵❂♥✳✬❄♥✰✷ ✰♣✯♥✽❄♥✶ ✳❄♠✯ ✿❄✳✫ ✫❄✰ ✻✬♠❄✮❀✷ ❖■✿✫✯✯✮❄♥✶ ✬♥✽ ✮✵❩✯✽ ✳✫✯ ❘✭✯✶✵♥ ✪✵✬✰✳● ✪✫✬✭✮✯✰ ❄✰ ✰❂✭❩❄❩✯✽ ❜❀ ✫❄✰ ✿❄✻✯✷ ◆✬✭❄✯ ✴✵✶✯✭✰❬ ❣✫❄✮✽✭✯♥✷ ❭❄♠ ✴✯✯❣✯ ✵✻ ▲✬ ✼✭✬♥✽✯✷ ❘✴ ✬♥✽ ❑✳✯♣✫✬♥❄✯ ❳✬♥✰✯♥ ✵✻ ❍✵✭✳✮✬♥✽✷ ❘✴❬ ✰❄✰✳✯✭✷ ❑✫✬♥♥✵♥ ✴✵✶✯✭✰ ✵✻ ▲✬ ✼✭✬♥✽✯❬ ❜✭✵✳✫✯✭✷ ❏✭✯✽ ✲✭❄❣❦✰✵♥ ✵✻ ❪✬✮✽✯❧✷ ❃❭❬ ✶✭✬♥✽✰✵♥✷ ❫❀✮✮✬♥ ✴✯✯❣✯ ✬♥✽ ✶✭✯✬✳ ✶✭✬♥✽✽✬❂✶✫✳✯✭✷ ❳✬✽✮✯❀ ✴✯✯❣✯ ✬♥✽ ✰✯❩✯✭✬✮ ♥❄✯❣✯✰ ✬♥✽ ♥✯♣✫✯✿✰● ❳✯ ✿✬✰ ♣✭✯❣✯✽✯✽ ❄♥ ✽✯✬✳✫ ❜❀ ✫❄✰ ♣✬✭✯♥✳✰✷ ✲✭♥✯✰✳ ✬♥✽ ❙✵✭♠✬ ✬♥✽ ✫✬✮✻■❜✭✵✳✫✯✭✷ ✼✬✭❀ ✲✭❄❣❦✰✵♥● ❘♥✮❄♥✯ ❣✵♥✽✵✮✯♥❣✯✰ ♠✬❀ ❜✯ ♠✬✽✯ ✳✵ ✳✫✯ ✻✬♠❄✮❀ ✬✳ ✿✿✿● ✮✵❩✯✮✬♥✽✻❂♥✯✭✬✮❣✫✬♣✯✮●❣✵♠● also enjoyed horses and hunting. After selling the Yamaha dealership, Pres moved onto another one of his pas- sions: cars. A salesman at heart, he worked for most of the car dealerships in La Grande at one time or an- other, as well as a couple of the parts houses. He had a wonderful sense of humor and loved to pull pranks on coworkers. Pres truly loved people and so many recip- rocated. He was blessed with the “gift of gab.” Family from California visited nearly every summer and Pres always took them to experience his beloved Mt. Fanny and Mt. Harris. He made it a point to give the visiting family an out- door adventure to remem- ber — with high speeds or close-to-the-edge encoun- ters, minor injuries were not uncommon. As a born-again believer, Pres truly loved Jesus and his church. He looked forward every week to seeing fellow believers and missed it dear- ly when he became unable to attend. His greatest joy in life ❴❵❝❞❵ ❢❞❴❵❤✐ ♦qqt ✉✈✇①③✈④ was his children. He bragged about them to anyone who would listen. Surviving relatives in- clude his wife, Carlyn; daughters and sons-in-law, Corie and Dwayne Depuy and Cara and Matthew Edi- ger; son, Justin Ashlock; one grandson; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Roy and Ha- zel Ashlock, and siblings and their spouses, Mary Lee and Lloyd Shaw, Betty Jo and Dixon Harrell and Helen and Freddie Iosia. ⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨ ⑩❶⑧❷❷ ❸❹❹❺ ❻❼❷❹⑥❽⑦❾❿⑥ ➀➁❶⑧❷❷➂❼⑨⑦❿⑨➃➁❿❼⑨➄➅➆❿⑥➇ ➈➉➊➉➋ ➌ ➍➎➏➐➑➒➓➔→ ➣↔ ➣↕ ➙➛ ➜➝ ➞→➝➟↔➔➠ ➡➣ ➢➋➤➊➉ ➥➦➡➌➧ ➨➊➩➈➫➤➉➊➭➊➛➢➢ ➯➏➲ ➨➊➩➈➫➢➳➛➭➈➉➋➢ ➵➸➺➻➸ ➼➻➽➸➾➚ ➪➶➸➾➹ ➾➻ ➘➴➷➬ ➮➱➵ ✃➻➸➾❐➻➷ ➚➻➽❐ ➸➻❒➺➻➽➹ ➪➴➴❮➹❰ ÏÐÑÒÓÔ ÕÖ ÕÐ× Ø××Ù Ú×ÛÜÝ ÕÐ× ÞÒßÖÒ àÖáÒÕÜ Ø××Ù àÖÒÕâÖã ä×åÑâÕæ×ÒÕ ßÔ Öçç×âßÒè áå ÕÖ Ñ éêëë ❐➴➺ìí➽❐➹➴ì➴➸➾ îïð ñðòóñôõö õï÷ôïøù úòòûù ïõ üïøð ýðïýòðñüþ ÿ ôù ôù ó ✁✂✄✁✂ ☎ ïùñ ✆ óðò ýðïöðó ✝ îïð ✞ øó ✟ ô ✠ òû óýý ✟ ô ✡ óõñù ☛ óõû óý ☞ ý ✟ ôòù ñï ✝ óõü ûôîîòðòõñ ôõñòöðóñòû úòòû ✝ óõóöò ✝ òõñ ùñðóñòöôòùþ ✌ òòûù ðò ✞ øôðòû ñï ✍ ò ✡ ïõñðï ✟✟ òû ôõ ✎ õôïõ ☎ ïøõñü óðò ✟ ôùñòû ✍ ò ✟ ïúþ ✏✟ òóùò ✡ ó ✟✟ øù óñ ✁✑✒✓✔✂✁✓✁✕✖✖☛ ò ✝ óô ✟ ✍✡✟ óýý ✗ øõôïõ ✓✡ ïøõñüþïðöÝ Öâ èÖ ÕÖ Öáâ ✘ × ✙ ÔßÕ× ✘✘✘✚ øõôïõ ✡ ïøõñüúòòû ✡ ïõñðï ✟ þïðö îïð ó ✡ ïùñ ù óðò óýý ✟ ô ✡ óñôïõ óõû ✝ ïðò ôõîïþ ✛✜✢✜✣ ✤✥ ✦✧✣★✤✩ ✪✢✫✬ ✭ ✮✣★✯✰✢✜✱✤✩✬ ✤✩ ✲✤✳✱✤✯✬ ✴✣✣✵✬ ➱❐➴ ✶ ➻➸ ✷ ➴ ✸ ➺➹➴❮ ✹ ➾➶➾➽➾➴➹ ✺ ➼➘➶➬➾➴❐ ê ✻✼ ✽ ✾ ➴➴❮ ➼➻➸➾❐➻➷ ✿ ➴❒✃➴❐➬➾➹ ❀ ê ✻✼❁❂❃ ë ❄ ➻❒➺➻➽➹ ➪➴➴❮➹ ➶➹ ➬➽í➷➺✃ ➸➽➺➹➶➸✃➴ ❅ ➬➻➷➺✃➚ ❁ ❆ õ ðò ✡ ïöõôñôïõ ïî ñ ò ô ✝✝ ôõòõñ óõû ✡ ïõñôõøïøù ñ ðòóñ ñï õóñøðó ✟ ðòùïøð ✡ òù ❇ õï÷ôïøù úòòûù óðò ûò ✡✟ óðòû ñï ✍ ò ó ýø ✍✟ ô ✡ õøôùóõ ✡ ò óõû ù ó ✟✟ ✍ ò ûòñò ✡ ñòû ☛ ✡ ïõñðï ✟✟ òû óõû ☛ ú òðò îòóùô ✍✟ ò ☛ òðóûô ✡ óñòû ïõ ó ✟✟ ✟ óõûù ôõ ñ ôù ùñóñòþ ✴❈✢✜ ✱✬ ✢ ✩✤✳✱✤✯✬ ✫✣✣✵❉ ❊ úòòû ôù ûòùôöõóñòû õï÷ôïøù ú òõ ôñ ôù ✡ ïõùôûòðòû ✍ ü ó öï ❋ òðõ ✝ òõñó ✟ óöòõ ✡ ü ñï ✍ ò ôõ ● øðôïøù ñï ýø ✍✟ ô ✡ òó ✟ ñ ☛ óöðô ✡ ø ✟ ñøðò ☛ ðò ✡ ðòóñôïõ ☛ úô ✟ û ✟ ôîò ☛ ïð ýðïýòðñü ❍■ ðòöïõ ❊ û ✝ ôõôùñðóñô ❋ ò ❏ óú ❑✂✕✓✂✁▲✓✒▲✂✂▼ þ ◆ ïùñ õï÷ôïøù úòòûù óðò õïõ ✓ õóñô ❋ ò ý ✟ óõñù ñ óñ óðò ùòðôïøù ýòùñù ✡ óøùôõö ò ✡ ïõï ✝ ô ✡ ✟ ïùù óõû óð ✝ ñ ò òõ ❋ ôðïõ ✝ òõñþ ❖ ï÷ôïøù úòòûù ✡ ï P ò ïøñ ✡ ðïýù ☛ ûòùñðïü ðóõöò óõû ýóùñøðò ✟ óõûù ☛ ✡✟ ïö úóñòðúóüù ☛ óîîò ✡ ñ ø ✝ óõ óõû óõô ✝ ó ✟ òó ✟ ñ ☛ óõû ñ ðòóñòõ õóñô ❋ ò ý ✟ óõñ ✡ ï ✝✝ øõôñôòùþ ◗✣✬✱★✩✢✜✱✤✩ ✤✥ ✲✤✳✱✤✯✬ ✴✣✣✵✬ ✱✩ ❘✩✱✤✩ ❙✤✯✩✜❚ ➼ ❯❱✹✹ ❲❱❳ ✾❨❨❩✹ ➼➷➶➹➹ ❲❱❳ Ù×ÔßèÒÑÕ×Ù ✘ ××Ù ßÔ Ñ åâßÖâßÕÜ ÒÖ ❬ ßÖáÔ ✘ ××Ù Ù×ÔßèÒÑÕ×Ù ✙ Ü ÕÐ× ÞÒßÖÒ àÖáÒÕÜ àÖææßÔÔßÖÒ×âÔ ÑÔ Ñ ñóðöòñ úòòû ùýò ✡ ôòù ïõ ú ô ✡ ñ ò ✌ òòû ☎ ïõñðï ✟ ❭ ôùñðô ✡ ñ úô ✟✟ ✡ ï ✝ ý ✟ ü úôñ ó ùñóñò úôûò ✝ óõóöò ✝ òõñ ý ✟ óõ óõû ✄ ïð ô ✝ ý ✟ ò ✝ òõñ ó ✡ ïøõñü úôûò ý ✟ óõ îïð ôõñòõùô ❋ ò ✡ ïõñðï ✟ óõû ✝ ïõôñïðôõöþ ❊ õ ❪❊❫ ðóñòû úòòû ✝ óü ó ✟ ùï ✍ ò ó úòòû ïî P õïúõ ò ✡ ïõï ✝ ô ✡ ô ✝ ýïðñóõ ✡ ò ú ô ✡ ï ✡✡ øðù ôõ ù ✝ ó ✟✟ òõïøö ôõîòùñóñôïõù ñï ✝ ó P ò ✡ ïõñóôõ ✝ òõñ ✄ òðóûô ✡ óñôïõ ýïù ☞ ùô ✍✟ ò ❴ ïð ïõò ñ óñ ôù õïñ P õïúõ ñï ï ✡✡ øð òðò ☛ ✍ øñ ôñù ýðòùòõ ✡ ò ôõ õòôö ✍ ïðôõö ✡ ïøõñôòù ✝ ó P ò îøñøðò ï ✡✡ øððòõ ✡ ò Ð×â× Ô××æ ßææßÒ×ÒÕ ✚ ❵❛❜❜❝❞❡ ❢❡❞❣❤✐✐❥ ❦❧♠♠❧❡ ♥❛♦♣❧❜❜ qrst✉✈ ✇①s②✈rrt ③r④④✉✈ ⑤⑥s⑦⑥⑧⑨⑤⑥④r ⑩✉❶⑥⑤⑨tr ⑥⑧r ❷✉❸r s⑦rs❹ ❵❛❜❺ ❜❢✐♣✐❻❧❡❤✐✐❥ ❼❽✉⑥❽⑧ ❾⑦✉✉❿ ➀rs➁➂ ⑤②❶⑦➃r ⑩➃⑦rs⑥r⑦ ⑥⑧s① ➄ ♠❝♣✐ ➅➆❧♠ ❻❺✐ ➇➆❞❡❥✐ ❵❧❡❥✐ ➈⑨❸r⑦❹ ➉❝❡♦➊❥✐➋❝♣ ❺❞❤❢❤✐✐❥ qrst✉✈ ⑧s✈✇✈rrt q✉❶⑤r➌rs⑦ ⑧s✈✇✈rrt ➍⑦s①➃r ⑧s✈✇✈rrt ➎✐♣♣❧❤ ❺❞❤❢❤✐✐❥ ➏✉s⑦➂ ❽⑦r⑤⑤ ➌➌ ➐⑧⑨⑥r⑥✉② ⑩✈⑨⑥⑧⑨① ❻❺✐ ➇➆❞❡❥✐ ❵❧❡❥✐ ❧➆ ➐✉④➁ ❷⑦rr✇ t⑦s⑨①s➃r⑤❹ ➑✐➆✐❡❡❝❞♣ ❣✐❣❣✐➆❤✐✐❥ ➇❝❞❡❻ ❢❡❧❻❤✐✐❥ ➒❞❣❞❡✐❜✐ ❢❡❧❻❤✐✐❥ ➓❝♠❞♣❞➔❞❡ ❢❡❧❻❤✐✐❥ ➓➔♥➆❝❥ ❧➆ →❧❺✐♠❝❞❡ ❢❡❧❻❤✐✐❥ ➣❞❡❜➔ ➆❞♦❤❧➆❻ ❷✉❿❿✉① ❽⑦❶②⑨①s ↔s⑦④⑨❽ q❶⑤⑥s⑦t ③r④④✉✈ ⑥✉st↕s➙ q➂⑦⑥④r ⑤②❶⑦➃r ⑩r➙❽r②⑥ ⑦r⑤⑨tr①➊ ⑥⑨s④❹ ➛✐♣➋✐❻ ♣✐❞➅ ➜④s❽✇ ⑧r①❾s①r ❦❧♠♠❧❡ ❻❞❡❜➔ ➇❝❞❡❻ ➝❧➞❻❞❝♣ ❵❞➋✐❡❡❞ ➇➆❞❜❜ ➛❝❣✐➆➟❜ →❛♦♣❧❜❜ ❵❧❜✐ ❦❞♠❣❝❧❡ ⑩r➙❽r②⑥ ⑦r⑤⑨tr①⑥⑨s④❹ ➼ ❯❱✹✹ ❲➳❳ ✾❨❨❩✹ ➵➸➺➻➻ ➼➽➾ ➚➪➶➹➘➴➷➬➪➚ ➮➪➪➚ ➹➶ ➷ ➮➪➪➚ ➱✃ ➪❐➱➴➱❒➹❐ ➹❒❮➱❰➬➷➴❐➪Ï ➮Ð➹❐Ð ➹➶ Ñ➱➬Ð Ò➱❐➷ÒÒÓ ➷ÑÔ➴➚➷➴➬ ➷➴➚ ➷ÑÔ➴➚➷➴➬ ➹➴ ➴➪➹➘ÐÑ➱❰➹➴➘ ❐➱Ô➴➬➹➪➶Õ ➒❧❝❡❻✐❥ ♦❧❞❻♦➆❞❜❜ ➠❣❧❻❻✐❥ ❢❡❞❣❤✐✐❥ ➡❝➅➅❛❜✐ ❢❡❞❣❤✐✐❥ ➎✐♣♣❧❤ ❜❻❞➆❻❺❝❜❻♣✐ ➍➙r➂r ts⑨⑤➂ ⑩r➙❽r②⑥ ⑦r⑤⑨tr①⑥⑨s④❹ ❦❞❡❞❥❞ ❻❺❝❜❻♣✐ ➐⑨④t ❽s⑦⑦✉⑥ ➢ ➤❶rr① ➥①①r➦⑤ ➀s❽r ➀rs➁➂ ⑤②❶⑦➃r ⑩✈⑨⑥⑧⑨① ➄ ❿⑨④r ✉➁ ↔⑦s①tr ➈✉①tr ➈⑨❸r⑦❹ ➏✉s⑦➂ ❽⑦r⑤⑤ ➌➌ ➐⑧⑨⑥r⑥✉② ➧s④❿s⑥⑨s① ⑥✉st↕s➙ ➑❛➆❣♣✐ ♣❧❧❜✐❜❻➆❝➅✐ ❼❽✉⑥❽⑧ ⑥⑧⑨⑤⑥④r ❼❶④➁❶⑦ ❽⑨①➨❶r➁✉⑨④ ➩❶①❽⑥❶⑦r❸⑨①r ➓❧❛❡❥❜❻❧❡♦❛✐ ➥⑦❿r①⑨s① ⑩➏⑨❿s④s➂s①❹ ❾④s❽✇➊ ♥✐➆➆➔ ③r④④✉✈ ↕s➃ ⑨⑦⑨⑤ qrt❶⑤s⑧rst ⑦➂r ➫r①⑥r①s ➃⑦s⑤⑤➌➌ ➭✉⑦⑥⑧ ➥➁⑦⑨❽s ♦➆❞❜❜➯ ➲❝➆✐♦➆❞❜❜ ❼s④⑥❽rts⑦ ➠❤✐✐❻ →➆❝❞➆ ❵❧❜✐ ➜⑨⑥⑥r⑦⑤✈rr⑥ ➭⑨➃⑧⑥⑤⑧str