The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, April 26, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Mary Magdalene: A Post-Easter Reflection
Board meeting held
after service
During my recent reading of the
Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death and
resurrection, I was surprised by the
large place Mary Magdalene held in
the story. Consider these facts:
She was possessed of seven de-
mons when she was drawn into Je-
sus’ ranks. He delivered her (Luke
8:2, Mark 16:9).
All four Gospel writers place her at
the tomb on the Sunday morning of
Jesus’ resurrection (Matthew 28:1,
Mark 16:1, Luke 24:10, John 20:1).
No other woman is mentioned in
all four accounts. In fact, the Gospel
COVE — The Cove Meth-
odist Church will have a
worship service at 9 a.m.
Sunday. Mary Cloutier
will be sharing her mes-
sage, “Peace Be With You,”
based on Ephesians 2:14-
22 and John 20:19-21. Fel-
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and juice will follow the
service in the fellowship
hall. A board meeting will
be held during the last half
of Fellowship Time.
The church will host the
Cove Food Pantry from
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 27.
The Cove Fresh Alliance, of-
fering free perishable food
to the community, will be
open at the church from
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesday.
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before she went back into the city to
notify Peter and John that the tomb
was empty, and then again after Pe-
ter and John had gone out to the site
to see for themselves and then had
left (John 20:1-2,10-11).
Also, she is the only one the two
angels at the tomb addressed direct-
ly, “Woman, why are you crying?”
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Guest speaker at
First Christian
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Wiens will deliver the mes-
sage at La Grande’s First
Christian Church (Disci-
ples of Christ) on Sunday
at 10 a.m. Her message,
“Finding the Extraordi-
nary in the Ordinary,” will
refer to Psalm 84:1-4 and
Matthew 14:13-36.
The Christian Women’s
Fellowship will hold their
annual rummage sale
from 9 a.m. to noon May
4. There will be a huge
variety of household and
clothing items, as well as
baked goods and plants.
with the resurrected Christ (John
shattered hope as best they could.
Foremost among that band of
women was Mary Magdalene. Based
on her history of deliverance, she had
great reason to love the Lord and to
grieve deeply. John says she was the
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And this Mary was the one who
carried the good news to the apostles
— that Jesus had indeed risen from
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hand evidence (John 20:18).
Consider her unfolding story in
more detail.
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were in utter confusion. The Jew-
ish sabbath was over. The feast of
unleavened bread was still in prog-
ress. But, their leader was dead and
buried — permanently, so far as they
could tell.
For a small group of women who
had supported Jesus’ ministries out
of their own resources, all that was
left was an emotional visit or two
to the borrowed tomb where their
fallen hero had been hastily buried.
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balming and then deal with their
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to be vacant. He reports it was early
in the morning but the stage of the
moon provided enough light for her
to see that the stone had been rolled
to one side, leaving a gaping hole in
the rock. And peering in, she could
see that the ledge where his body had
been laid was empty.
She hurried back into the city to
report to two of the apostles, “They
have taken the Lord out of the tomb,
and we don’t know where they have
put him.”
Then a stranger materialized be-
hind her and repeated the ques-
tion, “Woman, why are you crying?”
Thinking it was the gardener, she ad-
dressed him, perhaps with an edge
in her voice, “Sir, if you have carried
him away, tell me where you have
put him, and I will get him.”
At that moment, the risen Lord
spoke her name and she recognized
the voice and responded with great
surprise, “Rabboni!” Before any
other follower heard the word, the
resurrected Lord gave her advanced
notice of his coming ascension to the
Why would the gospel writers give
her such attention? Women in Pales-
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bottom rung of the social ladder. A
rabbinic saying went: “Blessed is he
whose children are male, but woe to
him whose children are female.” An-
other: “Let the words of law be burned
rather than delivered to women.”
The Gospel was ahead of its time.
It elevated womanhood. Here is a
woman who once was under de-
monic possession but who had been
miraculously delivered. Then to top
all else, the Master had trusted her
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to the other disciples.
For more writings by Donald N.
Bastian, bishop emeritus of the Free
Methodist Church of North America,
go to
Building a ladder to your dreams requires positive attitude
There are certain spiritual laws
ñòóñ ôóõ ö÷ øùúûüýñ ñþ üÿø÷
Sermon centers on
Jesus sending out his
PRISE — Faith Lutheran
Church’s reading will be
from John 20:19-31 for
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ter. These verses explain
that Jesus is the savior and
that the disciples received
the Holy Spirit to go out
into the world to build the
church. Services will be at
10 a.m. in La Grande and 2
p.m. in Enterprise.
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yet they are true and important keys
to victorious living. The power of
words falls under this category and
is an excellent addition of knowledge
and wisdom to our spiritual life. We
can learn that words, when spoken
in accordance with God’s desires,
actually carry the power to motivate,
inspire and change circumstances.
Becoming a light of optimism and
faith is associated with training our
mind to think positively. No mat-
ter what type of situation we might
face, we do not have to surrender
to a critical or defeated attitude. We
constantly have the choice to be a
refreshing fountain of encourage-
ment, strength and hope, or we can
be a critical septic tank of doubt, de-
pression and despair.
More than anyone else, God
knows about the power of words —
according to the Genesis account
of creation, he created the heavens
and the earth by literally speaking
them into existence. For example,
reminded they are especially listen-
ing to every word we say.
When it comes to words, James
3 talks about how small the tongue
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when someone declares they will
always be poor, or the situation is
impossible, we have just witnessed
an agreement that has now been
set in motion to be accomplished.
Matthew 18 explains if two or more
shall agree, they will receive from
the Lord, and Isaiah 58 talks about
God creating the fruit of our lips.
This spiritual law of confession is
found throughout the Bible and can
produce blessings or curses.
The stories in the Bible are not
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furnaces — they are given to us as
lessons that we might learn and in-
corporate spiritual understanding
into our lives. There is more to be-
ing a Christian than going around
telling everyone. The goal is for
people to notice how we act and ob-
serve Christ in us, and may we be
a person and those around them if
not controlled. The taming of the
tongue must come from an inter-
nal awareness and conviction, be-
cause the mouth speaks what the
heart entertains and reveals the
true identity of the person. When
we accept Christ as our Lord, the
transformation process continues
by asking God to take control of our
life by allowing him to change and
renew our mind. Kenneth E. Hagan
said, “Our confessions will either
imprison us or set us free. Our con-
fession is the result of our believing
and our believing is the result of our
right or wrong thinking.”
There is a true account about a
young boy growing up Cleveland in
a home to which he later described
as materially poor but spiritually
rich. One day a famous track and
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came to his school to speak to the
student body. At the time, Mr. Pad-
dock was considered the fastest hu-
man being alive. His audience was
captivated as he told the children to
develop a vision of what they want-
ed to be and then to ask God to help
them accomplish their goals. This
little boy decided that he too want-
ed to become the fastest runner on
earth so he went to his track coach
and told him about his dream and
the coach replied, “It’s great to have
a dream, but to attain your dream
you must build a ladder to it.
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the second is dedication, the third
is discipline and the fourth rung is
a positive attitude.” The result of
positive thinking and confessing
was four gold medals, breaking the
Olympic and world records for the
200 meter, and holding the broad
jump record for 24 years. And who
did this little boy grow up to be?
Jesse Owens.
To read more articles visit:
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×Ø×Ù ×ÚÛ ÜÛÝ Þß àáßâãä
åæçèéê ëæìí îïíêðí ñ òóôõö÷òõ÷øôò
ùú ûüú ýþú ÿ ❑ ✁ ❏❛✂ úü ❱ ú r ü ❑✄ ❇❑☎✆ ú
❙✝✞✟✠✡ ❙☛☞✌✌✍ ✲ ✶✎✏✎✎ ✠✑
❲✌♦✒☞✓✔ ✶✶✏✎✎ ✠✑
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ❊✛❡✗✜✗✢ ✣✜✤✥❡ ✕✦✖✘✚ ✧ ✸★✩✩ ♣✪ ✭❊✫✫❡❢✦✜✛❡ ✬✖✗❡ ✮✩✯
❲✰✟✞✰✒✟✠✡ ✱✳✰✞✓✞✴ ✲ ✻✏✵✎ ✔✑
➇✷✹✺✼✺ ②✽✾ ❝✿❀ ❁✐❀❂ ❃❄❯❃❅ ✿❝❝✽✼❂✐❀❞ t✽ t✹✺ s❝✼✐❆t✾✼✺s❈
❆★✩✪✫✬✭ ●✮✩✯✰
✺✻✺✼ ❚ ❙✽✿❀ ▲❁ ❂❃❁❄❅❇❀ ❉❊
❙❘❄❅❁❯ ✺❱❳✻❱ ❁✿❨✿
❩ ❬❭❪ ❫❩❴❵ ❜❝ ❞❪❡❢❣ ❤❥
❥s❦❦❤❢❤❣❧♠ ❦❭❪ ❝❭s②
♥q rt✉①③
❩❏❑▲ ▼◆❖P◗❘❙❚
❱❲❳ ❨❬❭❪ ❫❤❴❵❫❤❛
❜❞❡ ❢♦❣✐❥❦ ❧❥✐♠♠❥♥
♣q r✐qst♠♥ ✉✈
✇①②③④ ⑤⑥⑦⑧①⑤⑤⑨
ìíîïêðï ñòóôõò
ö÷øö ùú ûüýþ ùÿú þý þ
÷ ö ÷ ÷÷øö
☎ ✆✝☎
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ✕✛✜✢✢✣
✤✥✦✧ ✙★
⑩❶❷❷ ❸❹ ❺ ❻❼❽❾❿➀➁
✩✢✪✗✫✗✬ ✭✢✪✮✜✫✯
➂❷❶❷❷ ❸❹ ❺ ➃➄➅➅❼➆❾❿➀➁ ➇ ➈➄➉❽➄❾❿➊➄➋➌❾
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ✲✫✬✜✳
✴✥✵✱ ✯★
➂❷❶➍❷ ❸❹ ❺ ➎➅➏❾❾➄❾
✶✜✖✪✮✘✙✚ ✷✭✷✲✷
✴✥✵✱ ✯★
✰✰✥✱✱ ✙★
✸✹✺✻✼✹✽✾ ✿✺❀✼✹✽ ❁✹❂ ❃❄✺❅❆❁✼❇✼✹✽
❈❉❊❋❊ ●❍❄✼❊■
ïðñòó òôõõö÷øùú
ûöùüóðñ÷ òüöðòü
✻✻ ◆✁ ▼✂✄☎ ✄☎ ❯☎✄✆☎
➇✝❡ ❛✞❡ ❝❛✟✟❡✠ t✡ ❙❡✞✈❡☛
☞✌✍✎✏✑ ☞✒✓✔✔✕ ❢✔✖ ✏✕✕ ✏✗✘✙ ✲ ✾✚✛✛ ✏✜
☞✌✍✎✏✑ ❲✔✖✙✓♦✢ ✶✛✚✛✛ ✏✜
P✏✙✣✔✖ ❈✤✥✦ ✧★★✦✩✪✫✫
✬✭✮✯✰✱ ✺✳✴✵✷✸✹✵✼✳✳✷
➎➏➐➑➒ ➓➔→➒➏➑➒ ➣↔↕➐➙↔
➛➜➝➞➟ ➠
➧➨ ➩➫➨➭➯➲
➾➚➪➶ ➹➘➴➴ ➷➬ ➮ ➱✃❐❒❮❰Ï
➾➚➪➶ Ð➴➘Ñ➴ ➷➬ ➮ ÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚ ÛÜÝ ÞØßÕÝ
àáâ➶ ã➘Ðä å➬ ➮ æ➱æçæ
➸➺ ➻➼➺➽➾➚ ➪➽➶➹➚➾
➘➚➹➴➷➾➶➬➹ ➮➴➪➼➮➴
➱✃❐❒❮ ❰❒ÏÐÑÒÓ ✃❐❒❮ ÔÕ❮ÖÒÓ ✃❐❒❮ Ö✃✃ÐÒ×
ØÙØÚ ÛÜÝ ÞÜßààÜ á âÙãäÚÛâå
æçèéêë ìí îëçïðèñí
●■❑ ●▲◗❘ ❚◗❳❨❨◗ ❩ ❑❬❭❪❭❫■❴
❵❜❝❞❡❢ ❵❣✐❥❥❦
❵❜❝❞❡❢ s❥✉✈✐①②
❖ ✐✁✂ ❍✄☎✆✝✞ ▼✄✟✠✡☛☎✆ ✾☞✌✠✍✄✄✟
❧♠♥♣ ❡qrq
❲♦✎✏✑✒✓ ✶✔✕✔✔ ❛✖
♥③♠④③ ❡qrq
❋✂✗✗✄✇✝☛✐✘ ❈✄ ✂✂ ❍✄☎✆ ✙✙✞✚✚ ☞✌
✲ ◆✛✜✢✣✜✤ ♣✜✥✈✦✧✣✧ ✲