The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, April 26, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1A
Mary Lynn Townsend, who
worked for the Union County
Justice Court for many years un-
til recently retiring, said her of-
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who said Gray helped turn their
lives around when he cited them.
“They said it was a wake-up
call,” Townsend said.
Gray, who specialized in traf-
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yet strived to take steps to ease the
tension. He noted very often when
he wrote someone a ticket the mo-
torist would say, “I don’t deserve
this.” The reserve deputy would re-
spond by agreeing with them.
“I would tell them, ‘You are
right. You don’t deserve this —
you earned it,’” Gray said.
Most motorists found they
could not argue with this.
Speeders could never quibble
with Gray because he always
brought out a portable laser track-
ing device that indicated how fast
they were going. Sometimes they
would argue that the device must
have been tracking someone else,
but then Gray would explain how it
locks on to a single vehicle.
Continued from Page 1A
onto a piece of paper.
“From there I burn the
screens and I print yellow
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print the magenta,” she said.
Next she prints the cyan ink,
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“Black goes on top; it ties
everything together. It’s re-
ally fun to go through this
long process and see how it
turned out,” she said. She
described watching the dif-
ferent colors, like the pur-
ples and oranges, emerge
with the addition of each of
the central ink colors.
White’s artwork for her in-
stallation displays an imagi-
native world of her creation.
“There’s a lot of space
theme, and a lot of sky. A lot
of intangible, untouchable
things. I also play a lot with
scale, so small people with
big things or big people with
small things,” she said.
White has been interested
in art since she was a child,
but she didn’t switch her
major until she transferred
to EOU her sophomore year,
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Idaho College. She plans to
continue making art, espe-
cially screen prints, after she
Gray often found people he
pulled over for speeding or mi-
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they might go to jail or get a
criminal record. He did his best
to reassure them that tickets
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compared to crimes.
Gray said drivers who were re-
spectful of him had a better chance
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ple, someone speeding at 93 miles
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range under Oregon law, but some-
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driver clocked at 93 miles per hour
was polite he would write a citation
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Gray always wore sunglasses
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daylight hours because this pre-
vented people in the vehicle from
seeing what he was looking at.
“I wanted to have an edge,” he
Gray said the sunglasses made
it easier for him to see if the ve-
hicle he stopped had weapons or
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stop by earnestly telling the driv-
er to drive safely.
“I never said, ‘Have a nice day,’
because I knew their day was al-
White said she is excited
for the gallery opening, and
she knows the other artists
are as well.
“We have been working
towards this since the begin-
ning of the school year,” she
Audrey Lind’s installa-
tion in the gallery explores
the idea of relationships be-
tween humans and animals,
and how humans treat dif-
ferent species of animals.
“We participate in a lot
of categorization, so certain
animals, this one’s a pest,
this one is my best friend,
like my dog. This one we use
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uct,” she said.
Lind said she chose this
topic because she is interest-
ed in conservation, and be-
cause she loves animals and
has romanticized them from
a young age when she re-
members watching cartoons
featuring talking animals.
Lind’s medium for this
installation is blind con-
tour drawing and painting.
She also plays with taking
2D art and making it 3D.
She cuts out the subjects
in her pieces and mounts
them away from the wall
using acrylic rods. She
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ready a bad one (because of the
ticket),” he said.
Gray never encountered anyone
who was violent while on patrol,
but he had his share of harrowing
experiences. For example, last fall
he pulled over a woman for speed-
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Gray went to his patrol car to write
a ticket. About a minute later, a
semi passed the woman’s parked
car and clipped her driver’s side
mirror, right where Gray had been
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said making them 3D gives
them life, and she likes the
shadows that they cast.
Lind said she has always
been interested in art, and
her family supported her
“I like to draw and my
parents were like, go for it,”
she said. Lind said it was
her mother who encour-
aged her to major in art.
“It’s really important to
just follow your passion,”
she said.
Tanisha Willis’ installa-
tion deals with the past and
“It’s about loss, it’s about
obsession, it’s about grow-
ing up and throwing away
the past and coming into
the future,” she said. She
works with subtractive
drawing, a process in which
the surface is covered in
charcoal and the image is
created by erasing.
Willis said she became
interested in subtractive
drawing in a class she took
this year after transferring
to EOU from a school in
San Antonio, Texas. Willis is
originally from Georgia.
“I took art in every grade
up into high school, but af-
ter high school my art kind
of stagnated until I went to
the mirror,” Gray said.
He shudders to think what
would have happened if he had
been standing there when the
semi went past.
“If I had been there, I would not
be here today,” Gray said at a retire-
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La Grande Police Department.
Gray said one should never
underestimate the danger of be-
ing on a freeway.
“When you are out there, you
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EOU,” she said.
She switched her major
to art her junior year, after
Willis will also have
zines at the gallery to ac-
company her art. A zine is
a self-published and pro-
duced magazine.
For Berenice Chavez
Meraz, her installation is very
personal. Her photographs
serve as a form of documen-
tation for her mother, who
is an undocumented immi-
grant from Mexico.
“These photographs take
the place of the legal citizen-
ship that my mother does
not have. They are proof
that she belongs,” she wrote
in her artist’s statement.
Chavez Meraz said she
and her family grew up with
a constant worry that her
mother would be deported.
She described writing a let-
ter to the immigration ser-
vices that explained why
it was important that her
mother stay in the U.S. in
6th grade. Her mother is
currently in danger of being
deported again, for the third
time in Chavez Meraz’s life.
“Most kids don’t have to
worry about someone just
coming and taking their
mom,” she said.
not watching for you,” the now-re-
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Gray worked as a volunteer for
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ago when he began getting paid for
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compensate him for his time.
He worked without pay for
years because of his lifelong in-
terest in law enforcement.
“It is fascinating,” Gray said.
In retirement, Gray said, he is
looking forward to spending more
time with his wife, Mary, and
with his grandchildren. One of his
grandchildren, Paige Hughes, is
an emergency services dispatcher.
Hughes has been a dispatcher many
times while her grandfather was on
duty, including Wednesday. At the
conclusion of his last shift, Gray
communicated the police code in-
dicating that his work day was over.
Paige then took an unusual step,
reviewing her grandfather’s career
over the radio and lauding him for
his years of service.
“I was honored to be able to do
it,” Hughes said.
Gray said he was moved by his
granddaughter’s gesture.
“It brought a tear to my eye,”
he said.
Chavez Meraz’s family
lives in Umatilla. She said
she started visiting and tak-
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er in her home, doing nor-
mal day-to-day things.
“I started taking pictures
of the things that she col-
lects and the way she hangs
things on the wall, the things
that she’s bought for us and
photos of her and what she
does around the house,”
Chavez Meraz said.
Chavez Meraz said al-
though she recognizes that
immigration is a political
issue, her artwork is not
meant to make a political
statement so much as it is
meant to capture the feeling
of family, belonging and a
place to call home.
Chavez Meraz is double
majoring in anthropol-
ogy and art, and said she
plans to continue creat-
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photography. She said she
also plans to continue her
project of taking photos of
her mother and her family,
whether her mother goes
back to Mexico or not.
“I just love my mom, it’s
been a great way for me to
spend time with her and my
little sister,” Chavez Meraz
said. “At the end of the day,
I’m proud of the work I
made and I’m glad that I
could incorporate my mom
and my family into my work,
because my parents came
here so I would be able to do
this, so it’s the least I could
do to make them a part of
the work I’m making.”
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Continued from Page 2A
border and who are stop-
ping innocent families with
guns in their faces,” she said.
“What’s going to happen in
the future with the border
patrol situation?”
ã ☛✁✑☞☛✡ ➎ ✌✓✞ ✌☎✂ ✄✓☛ ✁✂✄
member of Congress to visit
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during the president’s zero
tolerance child separation
policy, said he’s involved
with immigration issues be-
cause “any time we deliber-
ately injure children, it takes
a piece of our soul.”
“I think it erodes the hu-
man spirit and is an evil
thing to deliberately trau-
matize children as an im-
migration strategy. I’m ap-
palled by what the president
chose to do on child separa-
tion, and I went down there
to stop it,” he said. “All of
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the actions of our nation.
We often criticize other na-
tions that are engaged in the
violation of human rights or
doing terrible things to chil-
dren. This time it unfortu-
nately was us.”
Senator Merkley told his
own story of visiting the bor-
der, where he met a woman
ä ☛☛✕✆✖ ✄✓☛ ✏☎✁✄☛☞ ✕✆ ↕ ✞✆✝✚ -
ras with her newborn child.
He said her family had
borrowed a loan from what
was likely a cartel bank, and
because they couldn’t pay it
back in time, the cartel was
going to take her life as com-
pensation. She knew they
wouldn’t kill her if she was
pregnant, so that gave her
family more time to pay back
the loan.
But when she reached
eight months and the debt
had still not been paid, she
ä ☛✝ ✓☛✁ ✓✞✙☛ ✏✞✚✆✄✁✡ ✠✞✁
America. The cartel took her
uncle’s life in her stead.
She gave birth to her child
while on her three-month-
journey and reached the
border when her baby was
65 days old. Merkley said she
told him that after she was
denied three times at the pe-
destrian port of entry where
she sought asylum, she
crossed the border by wiping
the windshields of cars across
the vehicle port of entry until
she reached America.
“That’s the type of situ-
ation we’re talking about,”
the senator said when he
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don’t know if she’d be able
to demonstrate that in front
of an immigration court or
not, but let’s treat her with
decency and respect.”
In early March, Merkley
recanted his decision to run
for the democratic presiden-
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chose to run for re-election in
the Senate instead. He said
that’s where he felt he could
get the most work done.
“It comes down to this: no
matter who is in the Oval Of-
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complish anything without a
functioning Senate,” he said.
“I laid out a lot of plans on
how to make the Senate work
better, and I feel that’s where
I can contribute the most.”
When asked if the grow-
ing number of democrats
running for the presidential
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ÿ ❙❙ ✁✂ ✄☎✆✝✞✟② ✞ ✠ ✟✠
✶✡✶✡☛ ☞✌ ✥✍✎✏✑✒✓✔✕ ✖✗✘✙ ✚✒✏✘✛✙ ✜✑✓✢
✭✣✤✶✦ ✧✧★✩✡☛✤✧ ✗✕ ✓✗✏✏ ✪✕✔✔ ✭✫✡✡✦ ✧✫☛✩✡✣✫✬
▲✮✯✰✱✱✲ ✮♦♥✳✴ ✰♥✴ ✮✵✳✷✰✸✳✴ ❢✮✷ ✮✹✳✷ ❡✺ ✲✳✰✷s
✽✿✽✿❀ ❁❂ ❃❄❅ ❇ ❈❉❊●❍❏ ❄❑▲▼
✯✰ ✲✰✳✴✵✴✰✳✴✰✷
✲✰■✸✹❛✰✻✴ ✯✼✴✰✻②
❷➃❽❷➄➄❷➅➀ ❻❷➂➆❾❽❷ ➇➈➉❺➇➇➊➋
✷✬✭ ❊✮✯ ❙✰✲✳✳✰ ▲✴ ●✲✴✵✸✳ ✹✭✺✬✻ ✾✼✽✿✭✺✺❀
Contact Amanda Weisbrod
at 541-963-3161 or email
❋●❍■❏❑▼ ❋❍◆❖●P❍◗
❶❷❷❸ ❹ ❺❻❻❼❽❾❿➀❷❻ ➁❼➂
qrst✉✈ ✇①③④✈⑤
nomination had anything to
do with his decision, Merkley
said it only “made me want
to be in it more to be in the
Merkley returns to the
west side of the state with his
✆☛ ➑ ✄ ✄✞✌✆ ✓☎☞☞ ☎✄ ➦➦ ☎✒✙✒ ➤ ☎✄ -
urday in Columbia County,
å➣➣æå ç ✞✌☛✁ ➢ ✞☞✚✙✎✕☎ ➧ ✕✔ -
er Hwy, Scappoose. To check
for more town hall dates and
locations or to read more
about Senator Merkley’s his-
tory, policy or vision, visit
↔↕➙➛➜ ➝➞➟➟ ↕➠➜➡
➳➵➸➺ ➻➼➽➵➾ ➽➚➪➶➚➽ ➪➚ ➹➘➴
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➨➥➟➩➤➜➟ ➜↕
❒➶➪❮➵✃❰➽ Ï➬➶ ➘➶➵Ð➺➽
➫➭↕↕➟➤ ➦➯↕➝➲
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