❲❡ ✁❡✂ ✄☎✱ ❆✆✝✞✟ ✠✡✱ ✠☛☞✌ ❚✍❡ ✎✏✂❡✝✑❡✝ ✫ ✥✄✒❡✝ ✓✞✔☎ ✕❡✝✄✟ ❙✖✗✘✘ ❇✙✚✛✜✢✚✚ ✣ ✤❣ ❍✗✦✦✢✜✛✜❣✚ Important crop insurance deadline nears ✧★✩✪✬✭✮ ✯ ✰✧✲✬➆s ✳✴s✵ ✶✷✸✹ ✷❛✺✻✺✸✼ ✬❛✺✸✽✾ ✿✳✶✬❀ ❁✺✻✴✸❂s ✩❁✺❛❖✸❃ ✬❄✷s✵✷❃ ■❂✷❅❖ ✷✸❂ ❈✷s❅✴✸❛✹ ✼❖✸ ✸t❁s✺❁✾ ❛❁❖❉✺❁s ✼❅✺ ❊✸✷❄ ❂✷✼✺ ✼❖ ✷❋❋❄✾ ●❖❁ ✽❁❖❋ ✴✸st❁✷✸✽✺ ✽❖❏✺❁✷❛✺ ✴s ✶✷✾ ②❑ ▲t❁❁✺✸✼ ❋❖❄✴✽✾❅❖❄❂✺❁s ❉❅❖ ❉✴s❅ ✼❖ ✻✷✵✺ ✽❅✷✸❛✺s ✼❖ ✼❅✺✴❁ ✺❤✴s✼✹ ✴✸❛ ✽❖❏✺❁✷❛✺ ✷❄s❖ ❅✷❏✺ t✸✼✴❄ ✼❅✺ ✶✷✾ ② s✷❄✺s ✽❄❖s✴✸❛ ❂✷✼✺ ✼❖ ❂❖ s❖❑ ▼❁❖❉✹ ✺❁s ✷❋❋❄✾✴✸❛ ●❖❁ ✼❅✺ ❊❁s✼ ✼✴✻✺ ✻✷✾ ❋t❁✽❅✷s✺ ✽❖❏✺❁✷❛✺ ✷✼ ✷✸✾ ✼✴✻✺❑ ▲❁❖❋ ✴✸st❁✷✸✽✺ ✴s ✽❁✴✼✴✽✷❄ ✼❖ ✼❅✺ ●✷❁✻ s✷●✺✼✾ ✸✺✼❑ ■✼ ❋❁❖❏✴❂✺s ❋❁❖❂t✽✹ ✺❁s ✷✸❂ ❖❉✸✺❁s ❏✷❁✴❖ts ✻✺✼❅❖❂s ✼❖ ✻✴✼✴❛✷✼✺ ❋❁❖❂t✽✼✴❖✸ ✷✸❂ ❁✺❏✺✸t✺ ❁✴s✵s ✷✸❂ ❅✺❄❋s ✼❖ ✻✷✴✸✼✷✴✸ ✷ ❅✺✷❄✼❅✾ ❁t❁✷❄ ✺✽❖✸❖✻✾❑ ▼❁❖❉✺❁s ✷❁✺ ✺✸✽❖t❁✷❛✺❂ ✼❖ ❏✴s✴✼ ✼❅✺✴❁ ✽❁❖❋ ✴✸st❁✹ ✷✸✽✺ ✷❛✺✸✼s s❖❖✸ ✼❖ ❄✺✷❁✸ s❋✺✽✴❊✽ ❂✺✼✷✴❄s ●❖❁ ✼❅✺ ❞◆②P ✽❁❖❋ ✾✺✷❁❑ ✬ ❄✴s✼ ❖● ✽❁❖❋ ✴✸st❁✷✸✽✺ ✷❛✺✸✼s ✴s ✷❏✷✴❄✷✈❄✺ ✷✼ ✷❄❄ ✰✧✲✬ ✧✺❁❏✴✽✺ ▲✺✸✼✺❁s❑ ▼❁❖❉✹ ✺❁s ✽✷✸ ts✺ ✼❅✺ ✳✶✬ ✽❖s✼ ✺s✼✴✻✷✼❖❁ ✼❖ ❛✺✼ ✷ ❋❁✺✻✴t✻ ✷✻❖t✸✼ ✺s✼✴✻✷✼✺ ❖● ✼❅✺✴❁ ✴✸st❁✷✸✽✺ ✸✺✺❂s ✷✸❂ ❄✺✷❁✸ ✻❖❁✺ ✷✈❖t✼ ✽❁❖❋ ✴✸st❁✷✸✽✺ ✷✸❂ ✼❅✺ ✻❖❂✺❁✸ ●✷❁✻ s✷●✺✼✾ ✸✺✼ ✷✼ ❉❉❉❑ ❁✻✷❑ts❂✷❑❛❖❏❑ Bank of Eastern Oregon adds veteran bankers to Island City staff ◗✮★★✭✮✳ ✯ ❘✮✩ ❘✷✸✽❖❁❋ ✷✸❂ ✴✼s st✈s✴❂✴✷❁✾❃ ❘✷✸✵ ❖● ✮✷s✼✺❁✸ ✩❁✺❛❖✸❃ ❅✷s ✷❂❂✺❂ s✼✷●● ✼❖ ✴✼s ■s❄✷✸❂ ▲✴✼✾ ❯❖✷✸ ★❁❖❂t✽✼✴❖✸ ✩●❊✽✺❑ ✲✷❏✴❂ ✧✼✴❁✺❉✷❄✼❃ ▲❁✷✴❛ ✭✴❛❅✼✴✸❛✷❄✺❃ ▲✷❁❄✾ ✲✷❏✴s ✷✸❂ ❱✷✽✵ ❈❁✴❛❅✼ ❳❖✴✸ ✪❁✴s✼✾ ✭✺❄s❖✸ ✷✼ ✼❅✺ ■s❄✷✸❂ ▲✴✼✾ ✈❁✷✸✽❅❃ ②◆❞◆② ✭❑ ✶✽✬❄✴s✼✺❁ ✳❖✷❂❑ ❨❅✺ ✈✷✸✵ ✷❄s❖ ❁✺✽✺✸✼❄✾ ❖❋✺✸✺❂ ✷ ❄❖✷❄ ❋❁❖❂t✽✹ ✼✴❖✸ ❖●❊✽✺ ✴✸ ◗✺❁✻✴s❖✸ ✷✸❂ ❅✴❁✺ ✷❂❂✴✼✴❖✸✷❄ ✈✷✸✵✺❁s ●❖❁ ✴✼s ★✺✸❂❄✺✼❖✸ ✈❁✷✸✽❅❑ ➇❨❅✺s✺ ✈✷✸✵✺❁s ✷❁✺ ❉✺❄❄ ❁✺s❋✺✽✼✺❂ ✴✸ ✼❅✺ ✴✸❂ts✼❁✾ ✷✸❂ ✈❁✴✸❛ ✻✷✸✾ ✾✺✷❁s ❖● ✈✷✸✵✴✸❛ ✺❤❋✺❁✴✺✸✽✺ ❉✴✼❅ ✼❅✺✻ ✼❖ ❘✷✸✵ ❖● ✮✷s✼✺❁✸ ✩❁✺❛❖✸❑ ❨❅✺✴❁ ✵✸❖❉❄✺❂❛✺ ❖● ✼❅✺ ❄❖✽✷❄ ✻✷❁✹ ✵✺✼s ✷✸❂ ✷ ❄❖✾✷❄ ✽ts✼❖✻✺❁ ●❖❄❄❖❉✴✸❛ ❉✴❄❄ s✺❁❏✺ ❖t❁ ✈✷✸✵ ❉✺❄❄❃➈ ✷✽✽❖❁❂✴✸❛ ✼❖ ★❁✺s✴❂✺✸✼ ✷✸❂ ▲❅✴✺● ✮❤✺✽t✼✴❏✺ ✩●❊✽✺❁ ❱✺●● ❘✷✴❄✺✾❑ ❘✮✩ ❘✷✸✽❖❁❋ ✴s ✼❅✺ ❅❖❄❂✴✸❛ ✽❖✻✹ ❋✷✸✾ ●❖❁ ❘✷✸✵ ❖● ✮✷s✼✺❁✸ ✩❁✺❛❖✸❃ ❉❅✴✽❅ ❖❋✺❁✷✼✺s ②P ✈❁✷✸✽❅✺s ✷✸❂ s✺❏✺✸ ❄❖✷✸ ❋❁❖❂t✽✼✴❖✸ ❖●❊✽✺s ✴✸ ②❞ ✮✷s✼✺❁✸ ✩❁✺❛❖✸ ✷✸❂ ❛✴❏✺ ✮✷s✼✺❁✸ ❈✷s❅✴✸❛✼❖✸ ✽❖t✸✼✴✺s❑ ❩❖❁ ●t❁✼❅✺❁ ✴✸●❖❁✻✷✼✴❖✸ ❖✸ ✼❅✺ ✽❖✻❋✷✸✾ ❖❁ ✼❖ ✷✽✽✺ss ✴✸✼✺❁✸✺✼ ✈✷✸✵✹ ✴✸❛❃ ❏✴s✴✼ ❉❉❉❑✈✺❖✈✷✸✵❑✽❖✻❑ 2018 Farm Bill causes changes in farm loan programs ❈✬✧◗■✭▼❨✩✭❃ ✲❑▲❑ ✯ ❨❅✺ ❞◆②P ❩✷❁✻ ❘✴❄❄ ✴✸✽❁✺✷s✺❂ ✼❅✺ ✷✻❖t✸✼ ❋❁❖❂t✽✺❁s ✽✷✸ ✈❖❁❁❖❉ ✼❅❁❖t❛❅ ❂✴❁✺✽✼ ✷✸❂ ❛t✷❁✷✸✼✺✺❂ ❄❖✷✸s ✷❏✷✴❄✹ ✷✈❄✺ ✼❅❁❖t❛❅ ✰✧✲✬➆s ❩✷❁✻ ✧✺❁❏✴✽✺ ✬❛✺✸✽✾ ✷✸❂ ✻✷❂✺ ✽❅✷✸❛✺s ✼❖ ❖✼❅✺❁ ❄❖✷✸s❃ st✽❅ ✷s ✻✴✽❁❖❄❖✷✸s ✷✸❂ ✺✻✺❁✹ ❛✺✸✽✾ ❄❖✷✸s❑ ■✸✽❁✺✷s✴✸❛ ✼❅✺ ❄✴✻✴✼s ●❖❁ ✰✧✲✬➆s ●✷❁✻ ❄❖✷✸s ❅✺❄❋s ✷❛❁✴✽t❄✼t❁✹ ✷❄ ❋❁❖❂t✽✺❁s ❋t❁✽❅✷s✺ ●✷❁✻s ❖❁ ✽❖❏✺❁ ❖❋✺❁✷✼✴✸❛ ✺❤❋✺✸s✺s❑ ❯❖✷✸ ❋❁❖❛❁✷✻s ✷●●✺✽✼✺❂ ✷❁✺ ✲✴❁✺✽✼ ✩❋✺❁✷✼✴✸❛ ❯❖✷✸s❃ ▼t✷❁✷✸✼✺✺❂ ✩❋✺❁✷✼✴✸❛ ❯❖✷✸s❃ ✲✴❁✺✽✼ ❩✷❁✻ ✩❉✸✺❁s❅✴❋ ❯❖✷✸s❃ ▼t✷❁✷✸✼✺✺❂ ❩✷❁✻ ✩❉✸✺❁s❅✴❋ ❯❖✷✸s❃ ❩✷❁✻ ✩❉✸✺❁s❅✴❋ ✶✴✽❁❖❄❖✷✸s ✷✸❂ ✩❋✺❁✷✼✴✸❛ ✶✴✽❁❖❄❖✷✸s❑ ■✸ ✷❂❂✴✼✴❖✸❃ ❋❁❖❂t✽✺❁s ❉❅❖ ❋❁✺❏✴❖ts❄✾ ❁✺✽✺✴❏✺❂ ❂✺✈✼ ●❖❁❛✴❏✺✹ ✸✺ss ✷s ❋✷❁✼ ❖● ✷✸ ✷❋❋❁❖❏✺❂ ❩✧✬ ❁✺✹ s✼❁t✽✼t❁✴✸❛ ❋❄✷✸ ✷❁✺ ✸❖❉ ✺❄✴❛✴✈❄✺ ✼❖ ✷❋❋❄✾ ●❖❁ ✺✻✺❁❛✺✸✽✾ ❄❖✷✸s❑ ❩❖❁ ✻❖❁✺ ✴✸●❖❁✻✷✼✴❖✸ ❖✸ ❩✧✬ ●✷❁✻ ❄❖✷✸s❃ ❏✴s✴✼ ❉❉❉❑●s✷❑ts❂✷❑❛❖❏ ❖❁ ✽❖✸✼✷✽✼ ✾❖t❁ ❄❖✽✷❄ ✰✧✲✬ s✺❁❏✴✽✺ ✽✺✸✼✺❁❑ ❬❭❪❫ ❴❵❪❜❝❢✐❜ ❥❪❝❦❝❝❫❧♠ Outdoors School offers ‘Packs 101’ ❯✬ ▼✳✬✭✲✮ ✯ ❘❄t✺ ✶❖t✸✼✷✴✸ ✩t✼❊✼✼✺❁s❃ ②②❞♥ ✬❂✷✻s ✬❏✺❑❃ ❯✷ ▼❁✷✸❂✺❃ ✴s ❅❖s✼✴✸❛ ➇★✷✽✵s ②◆②➈ ✬❋❁✴❄ ❞♦ ✷s ❋✷❁✼ ❖● ✴✼s ✩t✼❂❖❖❁s ✧✽❅❖❖❄ s✺❁✴✺s❑ ❩❁❖✻ r ❋❑✻❑ ✼❖ P ❋❑✻❑❃ ❋✷❁✼✴✽✴❋✷✸✼s ❉✴❄❄ ❄✺✷❁✸ ❉❅✷✼ ✼❖ ❋✷✽✵❃ ❅❖❉ ✼❖ ❋✷✽✵ ✴✼❃ ✷✸❂ ❉❅✷✼ ❋✷✽✵ ✼❖ ts✺ ●❖❁ ✼❅✺ ✻❖s✼ ✽❖✻●❖❁✼✷✈❄✺ ✺❤✹ ❋✺❁✴✺✸✽✺❑ ❨❅✺✾ ✷❁✺ ✷❄s❖ ❉✺❄✽❖✻✺ ✼❖ ✈❁✴✸❛ ✴✸ ✼❅✺✴❁ ❋✷✽✵s ●❖❁ ❊✼✼✴✸❛ ✼✴❋s❑ ❨❅✺ ✺❏✺✸✼ ❉✴❄❄ ✷❄s❖ ✴✸✽❄t❂✺ s✸✷✽✵s❃ ✷ ❁✷●♣✺ ✷✸❂ s✷❄✺s❑ î➤➟ï➡ ð➟ñò➤➞ óô➫ õ➭➭➧➼➻ö÷➫ø ù➨➫➭➭ BOISE, Idaho — Idaho and Oregon have reached an agreement on a hydro- electric project on the Snake River that requires an Idaho utility to spend about $312 million on water quality and habi- tat improvements. Idaho Republican Gov. Brad Little and Oregon Democratic Gov. Kate Brown in separate news releases announced the agreement Monday. “This long-awaited agreement supplies Öú➱❐❮❰ ❐Ñ➬➪û❐➷ú➱ ➱❮➱➪➶ü ➘➬➪ Ôû❐Ð➬❐❮✃❰ improves water quality, and provides ❐ûû➹➴➹➬❮❐ú ❒✃Ð ➘➬➪ ➪➱Ö➪➱❐➴➹➬❮❐ú ❐❮û ➴➪➹➷❐ú ceremonial purposes,” Little said. ➽ýÐ➹✃ ❐➶➪➱➱Ï➱❮➴ ➷➱❮➱❒➴✃ ➴Ð➱ Ö➬ÏÏ➚ - nities of Eastern Oregon, since we know þÐ❐➴ÿ✃ ➶➬➬û ➘➬➪ þ❐➴➱➪❰ Ð❐➷➹➴❐➴❰ ❐❮û ❒✃Ð is good for people,” Brown said. Idaho Power has been trying to obtain a new 50-year license for its Hells Can- yon Complex from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission after the old one expired in 2005, and it’s been operating on annual licenses. But the utility has been caught in q✉ ✇①③④ ⑤①⑥⑥⑦④⑧⑨⑩❶❷❸❹❺❻❶❼❷❽❶❾❿➀➁❶ ➂➃➄ ➅➉➊➋➌➍➄➄ ➎➄➏➄➉➐➊➑➉ ➒➉➊➓ ➔➃➄ →➌➣↔➄ ➎➑➐➄➉ ➎➊➣↕ ➏➊➙➔➃ ➊➒ ➎➑➛➃➍➣➌↕➜ the middle of a fight between the two states. Oregon insisted on returning federally protected salmon and steel- head above the dams. Idaho officials didn’t want the fish above the dams because that could force expensive restoration work in environmentally degraded agricultural areas. Idaho won, but Oregon appeared to See Hydro/ Page 2B New website promotes Wallowa County artisans ➝➞➟➠➡➢➤➞➥➤➠ ➦➧➨➩➫➭➯➧➲ ➳➫➵➭ ➸➫➨➺➻➼➫ A new e-commerce website, Genuine Wallowa County, has been launched. Founded by Kristy Athens of Enterprise and designed by Kristin Summers of Red Bat Design in La Grande, the shopping website showcases gifts handmade by Wallowa artisans. ➽➾➚➪ ➶➹➘➴ ➷➬➮➱✃ ➘➱❐➴➚➪➱ ❒❮➱❰ one-of-a-kind handcrafts and a few commemorative items from iconic local businesses,” Athens said. “Each box includes an insert to tell you more about the people whose work you are enjoying.” Athens purchases the gifts, arranges the boxes, posts them on the website and ships them to her customers either as a single purchase or as a sub- scription order, deliverable monthly. The contents of the subscrip- tion boxes change monthly, providing a nice surprise for recipients. Athens has a good selection of gift boxes available, and she plans to launch more gift boxes over Memorial Day weekend. The price points vary on the gift boxes, and orders more than $100 ship free. “I know so many amazing local craftspeople and artists,” Athens said, “and I saw a need for an additional sales channel ➴➬ ❐➚➶Ï➱❮➴ ➴Ð➱➹➪ ➱Ñ➬➪➴✃ÒÓ She currently has more than 40 vendors and more than 100 items that she chooses from when creating the gift boxes. “I didn’t launch with every- ➴Ð➹❮➶ Ô Ð❐Õ➱ ➬Ñ ➴Ð➱ ➷❐➴ ✃➹❮Ö➱ Ô didn’t know what to expect,” she said. However, even at this early stage of business, she is very pleased with the feedback. “The response is good,” she said. “Most orders are from people I know. I have people stopping me on the street and telling ⑤①④×Ø⑦ÙÚ×ÛÜ Ý③①×① Þ➄➌➙➑➌➄ß➣➍➍➊➋➣ à➊➙➌➔á ➒➊➙➌↕➄➉ â➉➑➏➔áã➔➃➄➌➏ ➋➑➔➃ ➔➃➄äå➊➐➄➍á å➊➋➄➉æ➣➍➍➄áç è➑➒➔ é➊ê ë➍➄➒➔ì ➣➌↕äß➄➍➛➊➓➄ç ➏➙é➏➛➉➑í➔➑➊➌ é➊ê➜ me how much they like the gift boxes.” People are buying gift boxes for themselves and as gifts for other people. The subscription box is always the same, $39, and if a person buys a couple See Web / Page 2B ODOT welcomes students for Construction and Utilities Career Day ➩➫➭➯➧➲ ➳➫➵➭ ➸➫➨➺➻➼➫ ➭÷ö ❛❛ BAKER CITY — The Oregon Department of Transportation will host its bi-annual Construc- tion and Utilities Career Day for local high school students on May 2 in Baker City. This Career Day event is the only one of its kind in all of Eastern Oregon, serving high schools in Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wal- lowa, Baker, Malheur, Grant and Harney counties. In 2017, nearly 350 students learned about the utilities and construc- tion trades by participating in hands-on activities. This Career Day experience is invaluable in helping students plan for their future education and careers. According to a press release, ODOT’s goal is to share living wage career opportunities and impact lives. Local utilities and construc- tion companies are sought to participate in the event, which will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the ODOT Baker City Mainte- nance Station. There are four areas of participation planned: ✁ ✂ ➬➬➴Ð ➱➮Ð➹➷➹➴✃ ➪➬Õ➹û➱ valuable information for the students and educators. Contractors, utilities, state agencies, two- and four-year colleges and trade apprentice- ship programs will be among the booth exhibitors. ✁ ✄ ❐❮û✃ ☎ ➬❮ ❐Ö➴➹Õ➹➴➹➱✃ ➶➹Õ➱ opportunities for students to perform job-related skills and functions in a controlled environment, such as climbing power poles, using surveying equipment, hydraulic jack hammering, underground utilities inspection, etc. ✁ ✄ ➱❐Õü ➱ ✆ ➚➹ Ï➱❮➴ þ➹úú include static equipment with operators available to explain the nature of their job and related industries. Students will also be given the oppor- tunity to operate some heavy equipment in a controlled, safe environment under skilled direction. ✁ ✝ ➴➹ú➹➴➹➱✃ ❐➪➱❐ þ➹úú Ö➬Õ➱➪ ❐ variety of equipment neces- sary to perform daily main- tenance, new construction or emergency response that most utility companies experience. Students will climb utility poles, experience utility truck bucket use and learn the day- to-day operation of a utility company’s equipment. For more information contact Sandy Lowe 541-963-1901 or Sandy.lowe@odot.state.or.us. Businesses encouraged to sign up for Safety Break by May 3 ➩➫➭➯➧➲ ➳➫➵➭ ➸➫➨➺➻➼➫ ➭÷ö ❛❛ SALEM — On May 8, em- ployers across the state are invited to participate in Safety Break for Oregon, an event focused on raising aware- ness and promoting the value of keeping people safe and healthy while on the job. Now in its 16th year, Safety Break encourages employers to bolster workplace safety and health with training, award recognition gatherings or other creative activities. Oregon OSHA coordinates Safety Break, which is voluntary for employers. Businesses and other employers can decide þÐ❐➴ ❐Ö➴➹Õ➹➴➹➱✃ ❐➪➱ Ï➬✃➴ ➷➱❮➱❒ - work together to identify safety safety and health management cial to their workforce. “This stand-down provides an opportunity for employers and their workers to take the time to remember the high value they should place on preventing injury and illness in the workplace,” said Michael Wood, Oregon OSHA admin- istrator. “It’s an important time to review past successes — and the reasons for those successes — while planning ahead with a renewed dedica- tion to analyzing and elimi- nating hazards.” Safety Break encourages employees and managers to and health concerns. The result of this cooperation can lead to fewer injuries and reduced workers’ compensation costs for employers. Companies that participate will be entered to win one of three $100 checks, to be used for a luncheon of their choice, if they sign up by May 3 online at http://osha.oregon.gov/ safetybreak/Pages/signup. aspx. The prizes will be given to participating companies as part of a random drawing. The Oregon SHARP Alliance is sponsoring the contest. The ❮➬❮ ➪➬❒➴ ➶➪➬➚ ➪➬Ï➬➴➱✃ by encouraging teamwork among people, employers and organizations to improve workplace health and safety for Oregon workers. During the Safety Break event, companies are encour- aged to share their activities on social media by tagging @ OregonOSHA on Facebook and using #SafetyBreakDay on Twitter. For more information, ideas on how to host an event, or to download graphics, visit the Safety Break for Oregon web- site at http://osha.oregon.gov/ safetybreak/Pages/index.aspx.