➆➇➈➉➊➋➌ ➊➍➇➈➎ ➏➐➌ ➑➒➏➐ ➓➔→ ➣↔↕→➙➛→➙ ➀➁➂➃➀➁➂➄➅ Cinnamon rolls served between services tering Prayer at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Chapel. LA GRANDE — The First Baptist Church of La Grande will have a 9 a.m. service on Easter Sunday, followed by cinnamon rolls at 10:15 a.m. and a second service at 10:45 a.m. A chil- dren’s program will be of- fered during both services. Congregants contribute to ‘blooming cross’ Celebrate Christ’s resurrection in Imbler IMBLER — The Imbler Christian Church will cel- ebrate Christ’s resurrec- tion at 10 a.m. Sunday. The service will feature special praise music and an uplift- ing Easter message. ➾➚➪➶➹➘➴ ➷➬➮➪➱ service included in LA GRANDE — La Easter worship Grande’s First Presbyte- rian Church will worship at 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday. Those who attend are asked ➜➝ ➞➟➠➡➢ ➤ ➥➝➦➧➟ ➨➝➟ ➜➩➧ “blooming cross.” St. Peter’s and Zion Lutheran worship together on Easter COVE — The Cove Unit- ed Methodist Church will have an Easter service at 9 a.m. Sunday. Mary Clout- ier will be sharing the mes- sage, “Easter Is About New Beginnings,” based on Colossians 3:1-4 and Acts ✃❐❒❮❰Ï❰Ð➯ Ñ ➽Ò➧➭➠➤➸ ➥➝➦➧➟ LA GRANDE — St. Pe- ter’s Episcopal Church of La Grande will have an Easter Holy Eucharistic Service Sunday at 11 a.m. The con- gregants of Zion Lutheran Church will be joining them. The Rev. Richard Thew will ➝➫➭➠➤➜➧➯ ➲➝➳➧➧ ➤➡➵ ➨➧➸➸➝➦ - ship will follow. ➺➜➯ ➻➧➜➧➟➼➽ ➦➠➸➸ ➝➳➧➟ ➲➧➡ - service will be held during the worship time. Fellow- ship with Easter treats, cof- fee and juice will follow. The church hosts the Cove Food Pantry from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 27. The Cove Fresh Alliance, of- fering free perishable food to the community, is open at the church from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays. Son Rise Service held at Elgin Opera House ELGIN — There will be a community-wide Easter Son Rise service on Sun- day at the Elgin Opera House. The service, which is open to all, begins at 7 a.m. Tenebrae service held this evening LA GRANDE — Faith Lu- theran Church in La Grande will hold a Tenebrae service at 6:30 p.m. today. The ser- vice will focus upon the last seven phrases Jesus spoke while on the cross. On Eas- ter Sunday, there will be a Sunrise service at 7 a.m. A breakfast will be served at 7:45 a.m., followed by Sun- day school and a 10 a.m. Divine service. The sermon will explore the details of Je- sus’s death and resurrection. ZLCW Bible study meets Tuesday LA GRANDE — Mem- bers of Zion Lutheran Church in La Grande are invited to attend the 7 p.m. Good Friday service at the La Grande United Meth- odist Church tonight, and congregants will worship at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. on Easter Sunday. On Tuesday, the ZLCW Bible study will meet at 9 a.m. at Zion. will feature “The Rock,” a monologue from Peter’s perspective, presented by Pastor Ray Smith. Easter celebration includes breakfast, kids activities ISLAND CITY — The Faith Center Foursquare Church in Island City will have three services on Easter Sunday. Morn- ing services will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and an evening service be- gins at 6:30 p.m. SUMMERVILLE — The Summerville Bap- tist Church will begin its Easter celebration with a full breakfast at 9:45 a.m. Worship will begin at 11 a.m., and there will be a special service for the chil- dren with games, an inter- active lesson and more. There will also be a bounce castle, and a hunt will be- gin as soon as the service is over. ÓÔ➚➪➱➹➪Õ➶➪ Ö×➪ Ø➱ÙÖ Easter through Peter’s eyes LA GRANDE — Mem- bers of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of La Grande will observe Good Friday at a 7 p.m. ecumenical service at the United Methodist Church. Sunday’s special Easter ser- vice begins at 10 a.m. and Three opportunities to worship Sunday at Faith Center odist Church invite the community to join them for a free breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. A tra- ditional Easter service with Communion will follow at 10 a.m. Pastor Carl’s ser- mon title will be “The Tomb Is Empty,” taken from Luke 24. Transpor- tation is available for all church activities. ❲❖✘✙✚ ❖✛✜✢✣ ✤✥✙✙✢✦ ✇✇✇✳✧★✩✪✫★✬✬✪✳t✭✮ Methodists host service tonight ❊✯★✰✬✱✲ ✪✴ ✮✪✴✲ ✵ LA GRANDE — The La Grande United Method- ist Church is hosting an ecumenical Good Friday service at 7 p.m. today. On Sunday, there will be a 10 a.m. Easter service. Easter bonnets are encouraged. Good Friday service offered in Union UNION — A Good Fri- day service begins at 7 p.m. today at the Unit- ed Methodist Church in Union. On Easter Sun- day, Grace Community Church and Union Meth- ❤✱✱✲✶✷✰✸ ✬❤✱ ✹★✺✱ ✬✩★✪✴✱✲ ✪✴ ✹★✺★t✪✬✫✻✹ ✇★✫✹✼ ✽✴✱ ❤★✹ ✴✭ ✹✭✩✩✭✇✹✸ ✭✴✱ ✇❤✭ ✪✹ t★✰✮✱✲ ✵ ✱❝✱✩ ✮✪✴✲✶✷✰✳ ✾✿✲★✴★ ❀✳❁❂❃ ❄★✹✬✱✴ ✬✭ ✲✭ ✺✭✭✲❅ ✩✱✹✬✩★✪✴ ✫✭✷✩ ✮✪✴✲ ✶✩✭✮ ✱❝✪✰✳ ✽✴✱ ✇❤✭ ✪✹ ✹✰✭✇ ✪✴ ✲✭✪✴✺ ✺✭✭✲✸ ✬❤★✬ ✭✴✱✻✹ ✮✪✴✲ ✲✱✰✪✺❤✬✹ ✪✴ ✱❝✪✰✳ ✾❆❤★✮✮★✧★✲★ ❉✳❋❋●❃ Approach every Sunday as if it were ‘Resurrection Sunday’ Although the holiday of Easter is P❛✂✄♦☎ ✆☎❛✝✞✟✠✝ ÚÛÜÝÞ ßà áâÝ ãäÜá åæàÞÛç ÛèáÝä áâÝ ãäÜá èæéé êßßà èßééßëìàí áâÝ åîäìàí ❍✡☛☞✌☎ ❙✍✎✎✏✑❱✒✓✓✏ equinox (which is why it moves around so much in our calendar), the real Resurrection Sunday of Je- ÜæÜ ïâäìÜá ìÜ Û êßäÝ ãðÝÞ îßìàá ßà the Jewish calendar. It is based on the Jewish Spring Feast of Passover, which, according to Exodus 12, is on áâÝ ñòáâ ÞÛç ßè áâÝ ãäÜá êßàáâ ßè the year when the Passover Lamb was to be killed, cooked and eaten. ❇✔✕✖✒❙✖ ❈✗✍✑❈✗ book of Genesis. So, it was in the evening that Jesus sat to eat with his ÞìÜöìîéÝÜ áâÛá ãàÛé ûÛÜÜßüÝä êÝÛé ý the “Last Supper” before his death on the cross just hours away. îæá æîßà úÝÜæÜ ÛÜ ßæä ÜÛöäìãöìÛé þèáÝä úÝÜæÜ öÝéÝÚäÛáÝÞ áâìÜ ãàÛé ÜæÿÝäÝÞ ßæä ÜÝîÛäÛáìßà èäßê áâÝ èÛáâÝä ÞæÝ áß ßæä Üìà âÝ ÜæÿÝäÝÞ ëÛÜ ëìáâßæá Ûàç õÛëø ùâÝ úÝëìÜâ Passover with his disciples, they went out into the garden of Geth- semane on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus was arrested. Through- out that night he was tried for blas- phemy and beaten, and later the day begins in the evening as stated in the beginning with creation in the cross just outside of the city walls. óà áâÝ ñôáâ ÞÛç ßè áâÝ ãäÜá êßàáâ the lamb was to be chosen from the õßö÷ ÛàÞ Úäßæíâá ìàáß áâÝ âßêÝ áß be cared for and made sure that it Because the Jewish day begins on the previous evening, it was still technically the same day on which the Passover lamb would have been killed, cooked and eaten. In the middle of the daylight hours of the same day, the sun was obscured completely and darkness fell on the earth when our sins were àÝðá ÞÛç âÝ ëÛÜ öäæöìãÝÞ ßà áâÝ lamb to pay the debt of our sins. He our death on the cross, which is the curse of sin. He was buried before the evening, which was the begin- ning of the next day. As Jesus stated himself in Matthew 12:40, he was in the grave for three nights and three ÞÛçÜø óà áâÝ ãäÜá ÞÛç ßè áâÝ àÝë week, according to Matthew 28:1, when Sabbath had ended and Sun- day began, Christ arose alive out of the grave to declare his own victory over death, sin and the grave that âÝ ÜÝöæäÝÞ áß ßÿÝä áß Ûéé áâßÜÝ ëâß would believe in him by faith. Later that morning Jesus re- vealed himself as the risen savior to his followers beginning with Mary Magdalene in the garden near the tomb, according to Matthew 28:1- 10. This is why I worship on Sun- ÞÛç ✁ áâÝ ãäÜá ÞÛç ßè áâÝ ëÝÝ÷ ✁ ëâìöâ is the celebration of the resurrection ßè úÝÜæÜ ïâäìÜá ý áâÝ èæéãéêÝàá ßè prophecies, his completion of our Salvation, and the eternal life we can receive from him. Jesus also revealed himself to his disciples on áâÝ ãäÜá ÞÛç ßè áâÝ ëÝÝ÷ ✁ ÛöößäÞìàí to John 20:19. Resurrection Sunday is what we celebrate every “Lord’s Day” as we gather in worship as believers in Jesus Christ. This is what we see also with the followers of Jesus in the New Testament after Jesus’ èæéãéêÝàá ßè áâÝ óéÞ ïßüÝàÛàá and His institution of the New Covenant in His death, burial, and resurrection: They are seen gath- Ýäìàí èßä ëßäÜâìî ßà áâÝ ãäÜá ÞÛç of the week, the Lord’s Day of wor- ship. In Acts 20:7 and I Corinthi- ans 16:2, we see the gathering of followers of Jesus Christ for the preaching of the word and the giv- ìàí ßè ßÿÝäìàíÜ ìà ëßäÜâìî ßà áâÝ ãäÜá ÞÛç ßè áâÝ ëÝÝ÷ø ➚➪➶➹➘➴➪➷ ➬➮➘➷ ➱➪➪✃ ❳❨❩❬❭❪ ❫❴❪❵❜❣❵❤❥ ❫❴❦❪❧❴ ♠♠♥ q✉✈①③④⑤⑥ ⑦③⑧⑨⑩❶ ❷❸♠❹❺❺♥❻ ➥➥➥➦➸➚ ❼ ➩➫➽➻➵➽➸➳ ❽ ➸➨ ❾ ➻➵➼➽➻➵➦➲➽➘ ❿➀➁➂➃➄ ❿➅➆➈➉➊➅➋ ➌➍➎➎ ➏➐➑➐ ➒➓➔→➏➣ ➒↔↕➙➙➛ ➜➎➍➎➎ ➏➐➑➐ ➝➙➞➟↕➠➡ ➒➢➞➤➠↔➢ ❈❖❱❊ ❯◆✁✂❊✄ ▼❊✂☎❖✄✁✆✂ ❈☎❍✝✞☎ ✶✟✠✡ ❏☛☞✌✍✎ ❙✏✑✒ ✓♦✔✍✒ ✕✖ ✗❖✝✂☎ P❖❲✄❊✝ ❯◆✁✂❊✄ ▼❊✂☎❖✄✁✆✂ ❈☎❍✝✞☎ ✸✘✠ ✙✑ ❙✏✑✒ ✚♦✎✏✛ ✜♦✇✢✍✎✒ ✕✖ ✣✤✥✦ ✧★✩✩✩ ✪✫✬✭❤ ✬❤t ✮✯✰✱✰✬✲ ✳✴✵✷✹✺✻✼ ✾✼✽✽ ✿❀❁❀ ❂✴❃❄ ✳✴✵✷✹✺✻✼ ❅✽✼✽✽ ✿❀❁❀ ❆❀ ❇✴❉❋❄✵ ⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑥⑨⑩❶ ❷❶❸❶⑨❹❺❻⑩⑥❼ ❽❾❿➀➁➂➃➄➂ ➅➆➇➈➉➆ ➊ ➋➌➍➎➏ ➐➑➏➒➏ ➑➓➔➏ →➣ ↔➓↕➙➛ →➙ ➜➏➣↕➣ ➝➞➟➠ ➡➢ ➟➠ ➤➥➦➦➞➧➢➨➟➩ ➫ ➭➞➯➢➨➟➩ ➲➳➥➯➵ ➸➺➻➡➯➼➺➵ ➽➾➚➪ ➶➹➘➹ ➴ ➷➬➮➱✃ ❐❒❮❰ÏÐÑ✃➱➱ÒÓÔÕ➬Ö ×➪➾ØÙ ➶➹➘➹ ➴ ÚÒÛÔÕ➬Ö ❐✃ÛÜ➬Ý✃ ÞßàÞ áâãäå áæçèéçê ëã ìíãèâç î ïðñòóàôõ ▼❆ ✁ ✇✇✇✳✂✄☎✆✄✝✞✟✠✠✄✞✡✟✝☛☞✌☛✍✎✏✆✍✎✍❝✝✝✟✍☛✳❝✆☎ ▲✑✒✓♥✔♥✕ ❢✖✓ ❚✖♦✒✗ ✒♥♦ ❊✘✑✓♥✔✘✗ ✙✚✛✛✜✢ ❋✣✚✢✤✥✦ ❈✧★✩✪✫✩✬✭ P★✮✪✯✧✰✰✱✲❈✧✩✱✴✯✬★✮ ✾✵✶✷✵✶✾✸ ✙✹ ●✣✹✤✥✢ ✺✥✻✢✤✛✚✦✛ ✼✽✣✚✦✛✚✹✤ ❙✿✽❀❀✜ ❈✧★✩✪✫✩✬✭ ❁✴❂✯✬✫✩✰✭ ❑✷❃✫✧ ❄★✬✴✮ ✾✵✶✷✵❅✸✶ ö÷øùúûü ýþÿ û ÷ úû ❈ ✁❱ ✶✆✝✝ ❘✂ ❈✥ ✄☎✁ ❏✞✟✟✞❢✠✡☛❆☞✞❡ ✾✌✝✍✎✏✏✆ ✑✒✓✔✕✖✗✒✘✙✘✚ ✛✒✘♦✜✢✗ ❊✣✗✒♦✢✔✢✒✓✙✤ ✦✕✙✧✜✢✓★ ❙✩✪✫✬✭ ❙✮✯✰✱✲✮✳ ✴✵✷✸✵✬❛✹❛ ✺✻✼✽✿❀❁❂❃❄❅❇❉❉❋❉●❍❉■❑❁▲ ❲✮✫✪✮▼✫✬✭ ❙✮✯✰✱✲✮ ✳ ◆✷✵✵ ♣❛✹❛ ✺✻✼✽✿❀ ❁ ❂❃❄❅❇❉❉❋❉●❍❅✈❅❖❑✻❀❉❁ ❲✮✫✪✮▼✫✬✭P✱◗❚❯❨❳✩❯❚✳ ❩✷✵✵ ♣❛✹❛ ❬✉❭❪ ✐❭ t❫ ❴❵❜❝❵❞❣ ❤❵❥✐❫ ❦❦❧♠ ❴♥q ➥➦➧➨➩ ➫➭➧➦➨➩➦➯➲ ➫➭➳➧➵➭ ➸➺➻➼➽➻➾➚➪➼ ➶➹ ➘➴➷➻➼➬➮ ➱✃❐ ❒❮❰❰ ÏÐ❮❰Ñ❮ ➱ÒÓÔÕÒÕÓ Ö×ØÙÚÛÙÜÖÝÚÞ×ßàÙÖáÛâß ãäåæçèé êëìëë íîïî ðñòóô õö ÷ø ùúû üòýþÿö ù÷ ❛ ûð rs✇✇①②③④⑤⑤① ⑥⑦⑧⑨④r⑨ ⑩❶s②⑩❶ ❷❸❹❺❻❼ ➐ ➑➒➓ ❷❽❾❿➀➁❽➂➃ ➄➅➆➇➈➉➄➊➋➌➌➍➎➏➇➅➍ ➍ ➠ ➔ ➄➔➝ →➍➈ ➡ ➣➣➔➣ ➒➊➔ ➢➢↕ ↔↕➙ ➤ ➛➏➜ ➤➏➜ →➋➒ ➥➈➦➒ ➍➇ ➍ ➝ ➉ ➔➆➞ ➟➌➝ ➣ →➋➅➝ ➣➋➒➠ ➊ ➄➔➝ ➋➎➟➌➝ ➣ ➋➒ ➡➒➊➔ ➧↕➤➤➨➜ ➩➫➭➯➫➲➭➳➵➸ ➺➻➳➵➫➻ ➼➽➾➚ ➪➶➹➘➭➻➫➯➴ ➲ ➷➹➬➘➫ ➪➘➮➬➚➱✃➮➽➶ ❐➻✃➮❒ ❮➸❰❰➺➼ Ï ÐÑÒÓÐÑ ÔÕÓ ÖÕÒÓ ×ÑÕØÙ ÔÚÛÜØÖ Ý➹➲➹➽➮➲ ➳➽ ÞßààáâãäååáæçèéäÞéêëßâêëìíâî ❱■❏❏❑▲ ❘❖❇❉❍ ■❉❏◆❖◗❯■ ■◆❱❘■◆ ❲❳❘❨❯■❳❲ ❖❑❏❏◗❘❚❳❨❩ ❩❬ ❭❪❬❫❴❵ ❛ ❜❞❪ ❩❬❴❡ ❣❤ t✐❵ ❥❬❦❦❵❡ ❧♠♠♣ q rs✉✈①✉ ❬❭❪❫❴❪❵❴ ②③④⑤⑥⑦③⑧ ⑨⑩❶❷ ❸❹ ❺③❻❻ ❜❞❤ ✐❥❦❧♠♥ ♣q♠ ②⑤❼⑦③⑧ ❽❷⑩❷❷ ③❹ ❺③❻❻ ❾❿❿➀⑦③⑧❻ ➁⑩❷❷ ③❹ ❺③❻❻ rs✉✇① ②③✇① ④⑤ ⑥⑦①⑧ ⑨④④⑩❶ ➂❫➃❣❫ ❛ ➄❬➅❪❵❴ ➆❵❬❪t ❷❸❹❺❻❼ ❽❾❿➀➁➂➃ ➄➅➆➅➈ ❻➉ ➇➈♠ ➉➊①➋➌ ❧♠➋➌ rs✉✈①✉ ②⑤❼⑦③⑧ ➁⑩❷❷ ③❹ ❺③❻❻ ➊➋➌➍ ➎➏➐ ➑➒➎➓➍ ➔➏ ➎ →➔➌➍ ➋➣ ↔➋➓➑➒➔↕➙ ➍➎ ❾❿❿➀⑦③⑧❻ ↕➓➎➛➍➓ ➎➏➐ →➒➍ ➑→➜➐➛ ➋➣ ➝➋➐➞➑ ↔➋➓➐ ↔➔→➒ ➜➑➟ ➏❦➐➃❫ ❛ ➄❬➃❫t ➑❬❪❡➒➓ ➠➋➓➑➒➔↕ ➔➏➡➢➜➐➍➑ ➡➋➌➌➜➏➔➋➏ ➋➏ ➤➜➏➐➎➛➟ ❧♣➋➌ ➔✈→ r➣→✉↔ ➥➥➥➦➧➨➩➩➫➭➯➫➩➩➲➥➳➵➸➺➦➻➵➼➽➻➵ ②⑤❼⑦③⑧ ❽↕⑩❶❷ ❸❹ ❺③❻❻ ➾➚➨➸➩➪ ➧➯➻➵➼➽➻➵➶➹➘➚➨➸➩➦➻➲➚ ➍➎ ❾❿❿➀⑦③⑧❻ ➴➷➬➮➱ ✃❐❒❮❰❐➬Ï ❰➷➮➮➷Ð❒❐➬Ñ Ò❐Ó➱➷➮➱ ÔÕÖ➬ÔÕ ×Ø×Ù ×ÚÛ ÜÛÝ Þß àáßâãä åæçèéê ëæìí îïíêðí ñ òóôõö÷òõ÷øôò ùú ûüú ýþú ÿ ❑ ✁ ❏❛✂ úü ❱ ú r ü ❑✄ ❇❑☎✆ ú ❙✝✞✟✠✡ ❙☛☞✌✌✍ ✲ ✶✎✏✎✎ ✠✑ ❲✌♦✒☞✓✔ ✶✶✏✎✎ ✠✑ ✕✖✗✘✙✚ ❊✛❡✗✜✗✢ ✣✜✤✥❡ ✕✦✖✘✚ ✧ ✸★✩✩ ♣✪ ✭❊✫✫❡❢✦✜✛❡ ✬✖✗❡ ✮✩✯ ❲✰✟✞✰✒✟✠✡ ✱✳✰✞✓✞✴ ✲ ✻✏✵✎ ✔✑ ➇✷✹✺✼✺ ②✽✾ ❝✿❀ ❁✐❀❂ ❃❄❯❃❅ ✿❝❝✽✼❂✐❀❞ t✽ t✹✺ s❝✼✐❆t✾✼✺s❈ ✇✇✇❉❋●❍■▲●▼◆❖▼P◗❘❉▲❚❍ ❆✹✺✻✼✽✿ ●❀✺❁❂ ❃❂❄❄❅❇❉❊✼■ ❏❑❏▲ ❚ ❙P◗❘ ❯❱ ❳❨❱❩❬❭❘ ❪❫ ❴❵❏❜❴▲❝❜❵❴▲❞ ❙❡❩❬❱❢ ❏❣❤❑❣ ❱◗❥◗ ❦ ♠♥q s❦t✉ ①② ③q④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧ ⑧⑨⑩⑩⑦⑤⑦⑥❶❷ ⑩♥q ②♥⑨❸ ❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❿ ❭❪❫❴ ❵❛❜❝❞❡❢❴ ❣❝❛❡❤❝ ✐❥❦ ❧♠♥♦ ♣qrs♣qt ✉✈✇ ①②③④⑤⑥ ⑦⑤④⑧⑧⑤⑨ ⑩❶ ❷④❶❸❹⑧⑨ ❺❻ ❼❽❾❿➀ ➁➂➃➄❽➁➁➅ ➆➇➈➈ ➉➊ ➋ ➌➍➎➏➐➑➒ ➓➈➇➈➈ ➉➊ ➋ ➔→➣➣➍↔➏➐➑➒ ↕ ➙→➛➎→➏➐➜→➝➞➏ ➓➈➇➟➈ ➉➊ ➋ ➠➣➡➏➏→➏ ➢➤➥➦➧➨➩ ➫➫➫➭➯➲➳➵➸➺➻➼➺➵➽➾➭➳➼➻ ïðñòó òôõõö÷øùú ûöùüóðñ÷ òüöðòü ýþÿþ ✻✻ ◆✁ ▼✂✄☎ ✄☎ ❯☎✄✆☎ ➇✝❡ ❛✞❡ ❝❛✟✟❡✠ t✡ ❙❡✞✈❡☛ ☞✌✍✎✏✑ ☞✒✓✔✔✕ ❢✔✖ ✏✕✕ ✏✗✘✙ ✲ ✾✚✛✛ ✏✜ ☞✌✍✎✏✑ ❲✔✖✙✓♦✢ ✶✛✚✛✛ ✏✜ P✏✙✣✔✖ ❈✤✥✦ ✧★★✦✩✪✫✫ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ✺✳✴✵✷✸✹✵✼✳✳✷ ❣✽✿❀❁❂❃❄❅❆❁✽✿❇❀❉❊❁❋❣●✿❍❃❂❀❉● úûüýû þÿ ✁ ü ✂✁ ✄☎✆✝✞☎ ✟✠✡✟ ☛☞ ✌✍✎✏ ☛✑☞✒ ✓✏✎✔✏ ✠✕✟✖✠✗✘✖✠✠✡✟ ✙✙✙✚✛✜✢✣✜✤✥✦✧✢★✧✣✩✪✫✣✜✚✣✩✫ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ✬✲✳✴✴✵ ✶✷✸✹ ✰✺ ✻✴✼✮✽✮✾ ✿✴✼❀✳✽❁ ❂❂✷❃❃ ✰✺ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ❄✽✾✳❅ ❆✷❇❃ ❁✺ ❈✳✭✼❀✯✰✱ ❉✿❉❄❉ ❆✷❇❃ ❁✺ ❊❋●❍■❋❏❑ ▲●▼■❋❏ ◆❋❖ P◗●❘❙◆■❚■❋❏ ❯❱❲❳❲ ❨❩◗■❲❬ ●■❑ ●▲◗❘ ❚◗❳❨❨◗ ❩ ❑❬❭❪❭❫■❴ ❵❜❝❞❡❢ ❵❣✐❥❥❦ ❵❜❝❞❡❢ s❥✉✈✐①② ❧♠♥♣ ❡qrq ♥③♠④③ ❡qrq ➙➛➜➝➞ ➟➠➡➞➛➝➞ ➢➤➥➜➦➤ ➧➨➩➫➭ ➯ ➧➲➳➨➵➸➺ ➻➼ ➽➾➼➚➪➶ ➹➘➴➷➬➮➱➷➱➬➴➴ ✃❐❒❮❰Ï ÐÑÏ❒ÒÓÔÕ Ö×ØÙ❐ÚÕ ÛÔÏÓÜ ÝÞ❒❮ ßàá àâãäåæâç èçéé êëì ßéçßí êë îåïïêëðï ãðññàç ßéçßí êëì ßéçòí êë óïô àâãäåæâç ßéçòí êëì ßóçéé õë öåôà õãð÷ãêë øðáù àâãäåæâà ❐❒ ❮❰❒ÏÐÑ ÒÏÓÔÑÐ ÕÑÔÖ×ÐÓØÔ ÙÖÒ❰ÙÖ ÚÛÜÝÞßÝàáâãä ÛÜÝÞåæÞçãä ÛÜÝÞçÛÛáãè éêéë ìíî ïíðññí ò óêôõëìóö ÷øùúûüýþ ÿüø r ù ✁ þ ❧✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛✆✟☎ ✇✇✇☛❧✂✄☎✆✳✄☞✆✳☛✟☞✂ ❖✌✌✐✍✎ ❍✏✑✒✓✔ ▼✏✕✖✗✘✑✒ ✾✙✚✖✛✏✏✕ ❲♦✜✢✣✤✥ ✶✦✧✦✦ ❛★ ❋✎✩✩✏✪✓✘✐✫ ❈✏✌✌✎✎ ❍✏✑✒ ✬✬✔✭✭ ✙✚ ✲ ◆✮✯✰✱✯✴ ♣✯✵✈✷✸✱✸ ✲