The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, April 15, 2019, Page 5, Image 5

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aimed at getting people to be more
open about addressing the subject
of mental health. The senator said
he earlier broke his own silence on
this issue when he spoke publicly
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“For years and years, I would go
to bed every night wondering if he
was going to hurt himself,” Wyden
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in 2001 at age 51.
Those posing health care
questions at the town hall in-
cluded a nursing student from
the Oregon Health and Science
University School of Nursing
at Eastern Oregon University.
Wyden said he was delighted to
Continued from Page 1A
tackle the problem.
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side of health care is caught in
a continually increasing cycle:
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surance need emergency medical
care, the cost is passed on to oth-
er patients in the form of higher
prices for medical care.
Wyden came to La Grande a day
after being in Portland where he
spoke about his support for legisla-
tion that would help Congress bet-
ter address mental health issues. He
had spoken in Portland at a “Break-
ing the Silence” news conference,
Continued from Page 1A
would be highly visible
while passing through La
Grande, whereas the Mor-
gan Lake route would be
much less visible.
The council’s proclama-
tion stated that if the B2H
project does go forward,
the route known as the
Bureau of Land Manage-
ment Preferred Route is
also the city’s preferred
route through the La
Grande area. Barry said
a study by the BLM indi-
cates its preferred route
would cause less envi-
ronmental damage and
the B2H’s power lines
would be less visible than
the Mill Creek or Morgan
Lake routes.
The BLM’s preferred
route is also known as the
Glass Hill Alternate Route.
It would come out of Ladd
Canyon and run south of
the proposed Mill Creek
and Morgan Lake routes.
“The City believes the
BLM Preferred Route is a
viable option that would
not impact the City of La
Grande,” the proclama-
tion states.
City Manager Robert
Strope said the City of La
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Continued from Page 1A
town to volunteer in —
sometimes too easy,” she
awarded educator of the
year. She is a music teach-
er at La Grande Central
Elementary school.
“Carla and her husband
moved to La Grande back
in 1994, and since then she
has dedicated many years
to the young people of this
community through her
teaching and mentoring,
using music as the medi-
um,” O’Toole said.
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to thank is my grandpa,”
Arnold said in her accep-
tance speech. She said
her grandfather was the
✺❀✵✸ ✼✰❀✵✶✱ ✸✶ ✰✱✻✶❂❀ -
age her interest in music,
and she hopes to be that
person for the children
she teaches. She thanked
✹✰❀ ❃✲❄✷✴✮❈ ✵✻✹✶✶✴ ✵✸✲✿
and especially Central
Elementary’s secretary,
Connie Ingerson, for her
Cody Bowen was the
winner of the public ser-
vant award. Brogoitti pre-
sented the award, men-
tioning Bowen’s work
with the Union County
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deputy. She highlighted
✹✷✵ ✽✶❀❫ ✲✵ ✲ ✻✰❀✸✷✺✰✯
drug abuse resistance
educator and with the
Union County Safe Com-
munities Coalition.
❚✠✡ ☛☞✡☎❱✡☎ ✌ ✍✎
hear from the student because of
his concern about health care in
the region.
“You can’t have rural Oregon
without rural health care,” Wyden
He said one way to boost rural
health care in Oregon is getting stu-
dents like those graduating from
OHSU School of Nursing at EOU to
remain in this region.
“We want you (students at
OHSU-EOU) to stay,” Wyden said.
The senator mentioned another
hurdle facing rural health care is the
high cost of medical education and
the resulting debts.
“This is discouraging people from
getting into medicine,” Wyden said.
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the B2H line will eventu-
ally be approved or on
which route it would take
through Union Coun-
ty because none of the
routes under consider-
ation would pass through
La Grande city limits. He
said if a portion of the
proposed route was with-
in the city limits, the City
of La Grande could ask
the Oregon Department
of Energy that the B2H
project meet certain city
La Grande Mayor Steve
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every meeting they have
had in recent years that
the city does not want the
transmission line to come
through here. He cited the
visual impact of transmis-
sion lines and the damage
to the environment their
construction and pres-
ence would cause.
Clements noted if the
Morgan Lake route were
used, the power lines
would not be visible from
La Grande, but at Morgan
Lake they would be easy
to see, harming the area’s
view shed.
The Mill Creek and
Morgan Lake routes are
now being examined by
the state’s Energy Siting
Council. Should the siting
council determine both
proposed routes meet state
standards, Idaho Power
will select one, Sven Berg
of Idaho Powder told The
Observer in early April.
Final approval of the route
would later have to be giv-
en by the Oregon Depart-
ment of Energy.
start around 2022, Berg
said. Towers will range
from 100 to 180 feet tall,
and the typical height will
be 140 feet, according to
Idaho Power. The towers
will be substantially high-
er than the power lines
now in Union County.
“It will really be a visual
monstrosity,” Barry said.
The B2H transmission
line is needed, according
to Idaho Power news re-
leases, because economic
and population growth is
driving up the demand for
electricity among custom-
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Corp and Bonneville Pow-
er. While enough energy
is being produced for the
northwest region served
by the three energy pro-
viders, the existing trans-
mission lines don’t have
the capacity to carry much
more to customers.
“Undeniably, his most
important role has been
his position as a school
❀✰✵✶❂❀✻✰ ✶❖✻✰❀❈❛ ❘❀✶ -
goitti said. “Kids seek him
out if there’s a problem
or share with him when
they have concerns for
themselves or for other
students in the school.
They open up to Cody and
have tough conversations
that they can’t have with
anyone else, and that in-
cludes their parents.”
Bowen thanked his
family, the chamber and
❜✱✷✶✱ ◗✶❂✱✸✮ ❴✹✰❀✷✿
Boyd Rasmussen.
“I want you all to know
that I get up every morn-
ing with a smile on my
face, and I’m very passion-
ate about being there for
your children,” he said.
The Entrepreneur of
the Year award was given
to Deana Leinbach and
Peggy Case, the owners
of Two Broke Girls, a cof-
fee and mercantile shop
in Island City.
Leinbach and Case
thanked their families,
the community and their
“It has (been) a labor of
love, and this whole com-
munity has been amaz-
ing,” Case said. “Deana
and I totally agree that we
would not be as successful
as we are today if we didn’t
have the people working
for us that we do.”
The Business of the
year Award went to Hines
Meat Co.
“Jake and Paige Hines
have a passion for serving
the population in Union
County,” Brogoitti said.
“They are continuing to
grow their original vision
to make local meats and
produce available to ev-
eryone in the area.”
The owners accepted
the award on stage with
their two children.
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road, but good,” Paige
Hines said. “We know
that we get to go to work
every day and do what we
love, and not everyone
gets to do that.”
Jake Hines thanked his
wife and children for their
patience and support, as
well as God, the commu-
nity and his employees:
“We are so thankful for
the people who work for
us; they are our family.”
The EOU Partnership
of the Year Award was
presented to the Chamber
of Commerce by Tom In-
sko, EOU president.
“Tonight I want to rec-
ognize an organization that
really is a catalyst for bring-
ing community together
with their institution, and
that’s the Union County
Chamber,” Insko said.
He thanked the audi-
ence and the chamber for
embracing EOU students
and making them feel at
home in this community.
Suzzanah Moore, execu-
tive director, accepted the
award on behalf of the
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Addressing another health care
issue, Wyden spoke about the pos-
sibility of creating a single-payer
system in the United States, essen-
tially expanding Medicare to cover
all Americans. Wyden said it is ben-
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“I’m all for expanding Medicare
choices,” Wyden said.
One reservation he has is that
under a single-payer system, mil-
lions of Americans who now receive
health insurance from their em-
ployers would lose it.
Wyden was also asked about ef-
forts by Russia to change votes by
hacking into computers used for
voting. He said one of the best ways
Continued from Page 1A
ering the other kids out at
about 11 a.m. unless they are
a child with auditory needs.”
Nitz has been lining up
some projects and looking
for art instructors to dem-
The Eastern Oregon Sym-
phony will bring its instru-
ment “petting zoo” where
kids can experience instru-
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activities will include string
art, origami, photography,
clay, tie-dye, 3-D printing,
watercolors, pastels, book
binding and needle-felting.
“Needle-felting is where
you take wool and tie the
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certain kind of needle in, and
it creates 3-D wool shapes,”
Nitz said.
All art supplies will be pro-
vided, but Nitz recommend-
ed children wear washable
clothing like long T-shirts
or a smock for messier ac-
Continued from Page 1A
ORA board member Kathy
ORA is a non-partisan
group “working to promote
social justice, agricultural
and economic sustainability,
and stewardship of the
region’s land, air and water,”
according to oregonrural.
The Blue Mountain
Chapter was founded in
2001 and, according to
board member Bill Whita-
ker, currently has four ac-
tion groups: health care,
energy, food and agricul-
ture, and social justice.
The documentary ex-
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nogue said the documen-
tary aligns with the ORA
Health Care Reform Ac-
tion Team’s goal of achiev-
ing universal health care.
“If you look at how our
legislators are funded for
election campaigns, they
get huge amounts of mon-
ey from pharmaceutical
companies and insurance
companies,” she said.
said politicians who take
money from pharmaceu-
tical or insurance compa-
nies are biased in their fa-
vor, rather than the favor
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medicine or care.
Grande Ronde Hospital’s
2018 Union County Com-
munity Health Assessment,
which is still in draft form,
reported the top reason for
being uninsured in Union
County is the inability to
pay the premiums or cost.
Among people who did not
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survey found 39 percent
said the medicine was too
expensive, and 15 percent
said they stretched the pre-
to avoid this problem would be to
have everyone in the United States
go back to using paper ballots.
“Paper can’t be hacked,” he said.
He noted in states like Oregon,
which has vote by mail, all ballots
are paper. Wyden said he would
like all states to follow Oregon’s ex-
Wyden was also asked about his
plans to help towns in rural Oregon
rebuild their infrastructure. The
senator said he is working with fel-
low senators to get more funding to
help communities with things like
road and water projects.
“Rural Oregon is bleeding. We
want to restore its infrastructure,”
Wyden said.
tivities. There will be one in-
structor and two volunteers
at each table to guide chil-
dren in the activity at hand.
“The instructors I have
gotten hold of have been
very willing to participate, or
if they were going to be out
of town they have directed
me to a secondary resource,”
Nitz said.
Nitz said she expects her
involvement in the event will
be rewarding.
“You get to see kids expe-
rience something brand new
in a real way,” she said. “For
all the work I put into things,
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hand and all the good that it
does. That’s what I’m look-
ing forward to.”
Arts for All was managed
by the City of La Grande
from its inception until 2016
when Art Center East took
over stewardship. Although
it was popularly received by
the community, the non-
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the high cost of renting an
event facility and providing
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Consequently, in the
spring of 2018, the Art Cen-
ter East Board of Directors
decided to invest its resourc-
es into the Artists in Rural
Schools program to reach a
wider population of school-
age children on a more sus-
tainable budget. With the
change, the city decided to
continue Arts for All through
its Parks & Recreation de-
“Thank you, parents, for
participating in Arts for All
this year,” Nitz said. “Your
kids can’t get here without
your help, and we appreciate
your interest in our program
and in helping to bring arts
to children.”
Nitz wants to recruit vol-
unteers together no later
than April 19, so anyone in-
terested in helping out at the
art tables should contact her
at 541-962-1352 or mnitz@
scription by taking less than
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cost of the medication.
❳✺✵✸✰❀❣❤✷✱✶❊❂✰ ✷✵ ✲
nurse practitioner, and
she said stretching medi-
cation can be dangerous.
She explained why she
personally supports uni-
versal health care: “It’s
the right thing to do. It’s a
moral imperative.”
ORA board member
Cheryl Simpson said uni-
versal health care is a non-
partisan issue because
people from all over the
political spectrum strug-
gle with the cost of care.
“Everyone has a health
care story to tell,” Simpson
said. “Usually it’s a story
where the cost impact has
been very negative to a
family or community.”
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ter-Minogue put it this
way: “Issues surrounding
health care are complex
and we hope this docu-
mentary will answer ques-
tions and stimulate im-
portant discussion... We
are inviting our commu-
nity to join us in viewing a
very important documen-
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big money that stands in
the way of achieving uni-
versal health care.”
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① ❺⑥⑩❿⑨⑩ ➁⑥⑧⑥ ⑥➇➇➅➂⑥❷➆⑨ Ø➍➀ ⑧➅ ②③ ÙÚ ➀⑨⑩ ➊➅❷⑧❶Û
✁ ✥ ❍ ✁ ✂ ❍✁ ✂ ✄ ✁☎ ✆✝
❍ ✞✆✁☎ ✟✠ ❍ ✄ ✡ ☛☛☞✡ ✌ ✍✎ ✆✟❍ ✁ ✎✆✄✏ ✌✠✑
❍ ✒ ✌✓ ✁ ✔✥✎ ✏✕ ✌ ✁ ✂ ✥ ✌ ✂ ❍✆ ✂ ✕ ✥✔ ✁ ✂✆✞✌✕✆ ✂ ✏ ✂ ✆✝ ✖✓ ✗✘✏ ✌✂ ✏✕✆ ✂ ✏ ✂ ✆✝ ✙ ✗✘✏ ✡ ✘ ❍ ✥✌✂✥✔✥✂ ✕ ✎ ❍ ✆✄ ✁ ✄ ✠ ✚✏ ✁ ✥ ✌✎ ✂ ✥✝✝ ✁ ✌❍ ✏ ✂ ❍ ✂✥✝✝ ✁ ✌❍ ❍✥✄ ✆✝ ❍ ✂ ✠✑ ✟✏ ✂ ✌✂ ✌✥✌❍ ✁✁ ✏❍ ✂
✁ ✌✆❍
✁ ✌❍ ✂ ✌✂ ✄ ✠ ✔ ✁✠ ✘ ✂ ✆✌ ✔ ✁✥ ❍✠ ✆✝ ✝ ✎❍✆✁ ✥✌✎✕ ✂ ✥✌ ✐ ❍ ✎✆✌❝ ✁ ❍✥✆✌ ✆✝ ✠✆ ✁ ✎✆✄✏ ❍ ✁ ✡ ❍ ✌ ✄✘ ✁ ✆✝ ✎✆✌✎ ✁✁ ✌❍
✁ ✡ ✌ ❍ ✞✆✁☎ ✆✝ ■✌❍ ✁✌ ❍ ✎✆✌ ❍ ✥✆✌✡ ❍ ✎ ✏ ✘✥✕✥❍✥
✌✂ ✎✆✌❍ ✌❍ ✆✝ ❍ ✞ ✘ ✥❍ ✠ ✆ ✁ ✎✎ ✥✌ ✡ ✌ ❍✞✆✁☎
✄ ✌ ✄ ✌❍ ✏✁ ✎❍✥✎
✂ ✄ ✂✌ ✎
✁✠✡ ✌✂ ✆❍ ✁ ✝ ✎❍✆✁ ✑ ✛ ✌ ✠✆ ✎ ✆✌✌ ✎❍ ✂ ❍✆
❍ ✁ ✔✥✎
✥✌ ✛ ✥✜✢✥✡ ✠✆ ✁ ✚✏ ✁ ✥ ✌✎ ✞✥✕✕ ✔ ✁✠ ✘ ✂ ✆✌ ✠✆ ✁ ✏✁✆✚✥✄✥❍✠ ❍✆ ❍ ✛✥✜✢✥ ✆ ✁✎ ✌✂ ❍
❍✁ ✌ ❍ ✆✝ ❍
✥ ✌ ✕✑
✯✟✏ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✔ ✁✠ ✂ ✏ ✌✂✥✌ ✆✌ ✂✥ ❍ ✌✎ ✡ ✕✥✌ ✣ ✕✥❍✠ ✌✂ ✌ ✄✘ ✁ ✆✝ ✂ ✔✥✎
✂ ✎✆✌✎ ✁✁ ✌❍✕✠✑ ✟ ✘✤ ✎❍ ❍✆ ✔ ✥✕ ✘✥✕✥❍✠✑ ✟✆✄ ✏✁✥✎
✆✞✌ ✄ ✠ ✘ ✥✌❍✁✆✂ ✎❍✆✁✠ ✆✝✝ ✁ ✑ ✍✣ ✥✏✄ ✌❍ ✝ ✡ ❍ ✚
✌✂ ✆❍ ✁ ✝
✌✂ ✁ ❍✁✥✎❍✥✆✌ ✄ ✠ ✏✏✕✠✑
✯✯✟✏ ✂ ✎✆✄✏ ✁✥ ✆✌ ✘ ✂ ✆✌ ✦✑✓ ✗✘✏ ✧✟☛✑
❞❣❤✐❥❦❧ ❞❤♠♥❣♦❤♣
❚❡ ✁✂✄☎✄✆✝✳✳✳
➫➭➯ ➲➳ ➵➸➺ ➵➲➻➺ ➵➭ ➳➺➼➺➽➵ ➾➭➚➪ ➶➹➘➴ ➸➚➷➵➳
❆❞❞ ✛✜✢✣ ✤✦✧✧❞ ★✩✪✧✫✩✧✪
➬➭➻➮➼➺➵➺ ➾➭➚➪ ➬➭➷➵➪➭➼➼➺➱ ✃➚➷➵ ❐➮➮➼➲➽❒➵➲➭➷➳
❮➷➼➲➷➺ ❒➵ ❰➾❮ÏÐÑÒ➽➭➻
➔➝➞➝↕➟➠➡➣➢↕➤➝ ➞ ➔➣➔➝ ↔↕➝➙ ➞ ➥➢➛➦➦➞
➦➤ ➒➓➔→ ➙➜➝ ➣ ➨ ↔↕↕➙➛➜➛➝
➣➨➔➟➩➧ ➞ ➒ ➛ ➫➛➥➨➭➝
➣➨➢➣➦➛➤ ➟➠➧ ➛ ➥ ↕➣➞ ↕➣➤ ➟ ➥ ➠ ➣↕➥➙↕
Ï➭➷Ó➵ ➯❒➲➵ ➵➭ ❒➮➮➼➾ ➵➸➲➳ ➾➺❒➪Ò Ô➲➷➺➳ ➯➲➼➼ Õ➺ ➼➭➷ÖÒ
✶✒✓ ✔✕✖✗✗✘✙✚ ✺✻✼✽✾✿❀➆s ❁♦❂❃❄❅
❈✠✡✡ ☛❖☞✠❨
❙✌✈✍ ✥✎✏✑
●❍■❏ ①⑦④❽⑩ ❑ ❾③♠ ▲▼✇❏ ✬✭✮r✮✯✰✱✲✴✵✷✴✵✸✹
❏❲❘▲❣❍❯❍ ♥ ❑◆ ⑤❼⑩♠⑨⑩❶❶③♠➄➅➇➂
❘❘✇❏◆P ❳❩❬◗❭▼◆ ❾ ❍❯ ⑩❿ ◆❏❑ ❾ ▲❍◆❪❫❴❵
❲❯❘❢❏◆ ❥❣❍❤ ❻ ❸⑩♠❺ ❏q ⑧ ❲❍◆ ⑧♥❽ ❏❝ ♥⑩ ❑t◗② ⑤❺⑥➌➍④ ❘❍❯❲❝❜❜❏
❑❍◆❏❝❑❦ ⑩③❻➅➏➑➂
➎ ⑨⑩❶❶③♠➅➏➇➂ ◆❜❘❑◆✇❏ ❾⑩❿➀ ➐ ◆ ⑩ P ③❻➅➇➂ ❘❍❯❤② ❾ ◆❘ ⑩❿ ❯❜ ➀ ➃ ❏ ⑦❶③♠➐
❾⑩❿ ❝✉❍②❵ ❧♠♥①③④♥⑤①⑥⑦⑧③⑨⑩❶❶③♠❷⑦⑩❸⑩♠❹⑦❺⑥♥❸❻♥⑤❼
④❿ ◆ ⑨ P ⑩❶❶③♠ ◗②❘❍❯♣❯ ➀ ⑨⑩❶❶③♠➁➂➃⑥
⑩♠③❿ ➈❶❸♠ ❴ ⑩ ❴❲❝❜♣❍❯
⑤❽❸③③④❾❺ ❘ ❻ ❢◆ ❺❶❶⑥ ❝ ❘■❘❯ ❻ ➉❺④ ②❢ ③ ❍②♣❯ ⑧⑩⑤① ❏❲ ♠ ❘❵❳❤ ③⑧♥❽ ❤ ❹⑦❺⑥ ❝✐❘❯ ♥➊ ▼ ①❺❽ ❯❘ ♥⑩ ❥❣❏ ⑤❿ ❯ ➋ ❘ ③③④❺❶❶⑥
×Ø➲➮ ➵➸➺ ➼➲➷➺ ❒➷➱ ❐➮➮➼➾ ❮➷➼➲➷➺
➫➭➯ ❒➵ ❰➾❮ÏÐÑÒ➽➭➻
qrrs t✉ t ①③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑥①③④⑤ ⑨r⑩❶t❷③❸r❹
❺❻❼❽❾❿➀❾➁➂❼ ➃❻➄➅❾➃❽➀➆➇➈❻
➉➊➋➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➉➑➒➐➓➋➔→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ ➣➌➎→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→↔➉
↕➙➎➒➓➛➐➜➝➒➐➓➋➔→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ ➣➌➎→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→↔➉
↕➝➋ ➞ ➎➌➟➟ ➐➒ ➊➏➌➋ ➠➓➋➌➔ →→→→→→→→→→→ ➣➌➎→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→↔➉
➡➓➢➌➝➤➟➌➔→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ ➣➌➎→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→↔➉
➥➓➦➝➒➐➓➋➔→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→➣➓➙➍ ➧➓➙➎➌→→→➨➦➍➓➎➎ ➩➓➊➋
❙✏✏ ✑✒✓ ✔✕✖✗✘✙② ✘✑✚ ✙✚
✶✛✶✛✜ ✢✣ ✤✦✧★✩✪✫✬✭ ✮✯✰✲ ✳✪★✰✴✲ ✵✩✫✷
✸✹✻✶✼ ✽✽✿❀✛✜✻✽ ✯✭ ✫✯★★ ❁✭✬✬ ✸❂✛✛✼ ✽❂✜❀✛✹❂❃
▲❄❅❇❈❈❉ ❄✇❊❋● ❇❊● ❄❍❋■❇❏❋● ❢❄■ ❄✈❋■ ❑◆ ❉❋❇■❡