The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, April 05, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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    ÙÚÛÜÝÞß ÝàÚÛá âß ãäåæ
çèé êëìéíîéí
Air ambulance pilot
is guest speaker
Church in La Grande will
have local air ambulance
pilot Brian Scarbrough as a
guest speaker at the 11 a.m.
Saturday service. His pre-
sentation will be “The Grip
of His Grace: A Story of Roy-
alty,” a message of hope and
Special services
feature guest
speaker from Kosovo
LA GRANDE — Trinity
Baptist Church in La Grande
is hosting a guest speaker for
three special services next
week. Hasan Bytyqi — who
now serves as a leader at the
Baptist Church in Richland,
Washington — was born in
Kosovo and through a visit-
ing missionary came to re-
ceive Jesus, which changed
his life. He will speak at
6 p.m. April 12 and April 13,
and at the regular Sunday
service at 11 a.m. April 14.
Anyone who would like to
visit with Hasan before the
April 13 service may make
an appointment by calling
Women invited to
Spring Friendship
Luncheon Saturday
LA GRANDE — As the
La Grande First Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ)
ïðñðòóôõðö õ÷ð øùõ÷ úûüýôþ ÿù
Lent with worship at 10 a.m.,
Pastor Ray Smith will refer-
ence John 20:19-31, when
Jesus meets with his disci-
ples after his resurrection.
The Christian Women’s
Fellowship will host its an-
nual Spring Friendship Lun-
cheon at noon April 6 in the
church fellowship hall. “A
Song of Spring” is the theme
for the program.
Lenten supper and
service to be held
LA GRANDE — The ser-
mon this Sunday at Faith
Lutheran’s 10 a.m. service
will use Luke 20:9-20.
These verses are set in the
later part of Jesus’ minis-
try. He shared a parable in
which the tenants of a very
good situation said concern-
ing the landlord’s son: “This
is the heir. Let us kill him,
so that the inheritance may
be ours” (Luke 20:14). After
the service is the First Sun-
day Potluck followed by an
elders’ meeting.
On Wednesday, the Lent-
en service’s sermon will
be “Behold the Man Who
Thirsts.” Jesus continually
thirsts for the righteous-
ness of humankind that is
obtained through his grace.
A soup supper is served at
5:30 p.m. with the Vespers
service at 6:30 p.m.
Pastor tells of
‘Talented Bridesmaids’
First Presbyterian Church
in La Grande will worship
together at 9:30 a.m. Sun-
day. Commemorating the
øùõ÷ úûüýôþ ü ðüõ ôöõÿó
Laura Hudson’s sermon
about “Talented Brides-
maids” will be based on
Matthew 25. A fellowship
time will follow the service.
Cove Methodist
service includes
Neighbors Together
meets Monday at
COVE — The Cove Meth-
odist Church’s Sunday wor-
ship service will begin at
9 a.m. The Reverend Lisa
Payton from the Baker
United Methodist Church
will provide the message
and serve Communion. The
United Methodist Com-
munion Table is open to
all. Fellowship with treats,
Lutheran Church in La
Grande will worship Sun-
day at 9 a.m., followed by
a time of fellowship.
Monday at 5:30 p.m.,
Neighbors Together meets
at Zion. The Evening Bible
Study gathers at 7 p.m.
Monday at Cathy Lease’s
ïÿ ðð ôüý û ïð ññ ùÿññÿ
the service in the fellowship
The Cove Food Pantry
will be open from 9 a.m. to
11 a.m. April 27 at the
church. The church also
hosts Cove’s Fresh Alliance,
ÿ ðó ü ùóðð ðó ö÷ôòñð ùÿÿý
to the community, from 10
a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays.
Be grateful for heaven, but remain focused on God
■ ✁✂✂✄☎ ✆✝✁✞✆✂✟ ✁ ✝✄✠✟ ✄✡☎✆✲
✝✆♠☎✆ ✁✂☛ ✟☞ ✆☎✆✂✞ ☎✌✄✍✞✌☎ ☎✌✁✂
✞✄✆✂✞ ☎✄ ✌✟✁✈✟✂ ✁✂☛ ♠✡✟✂☛✆✂✞ ✁✂
✟☎✟✠✂✆☎❡ ✎✆☎✌ ✏✄☛✑ ✥✄✠ ☎✌✄♠✟ ✎✌✄
✌✁✈✟ ✁ ✟✡☎✟☛ ❏✟♠✍♠ ❈✌✠✆♠☎ ✁♠
☎✌✟✆✠ ♠✁✈✆✄✠✱ ☎✌✆♠ ☛✆✈✆✂✟ ✡✠✄✝✆♠✟ ✆♠
✁ ✎✟❛❛♠✡✠✆✂✞ ✄✒ ✓✄❡ ✎✌✆ ✌ ✄✂❤✠✝♠
☎✌✁☎ ✄✍✠ ☎✠✆✁❛♠ ✁✂✂✄☎ t✟ ✄✝✡✁✠✟☛
☎✄ ☎✌✟ ✞❛✄✠❡ ☎✌✁☎ ✁✎✁✆☎♠ ✍♠✑
❲✟ ♠✌✄✍❛☛ t✟ ✆✂♠✡✆✠✟☛ ☎✄ ✒✁♠☎✟✂
☎✌✆♠ ✄✈✟✂✁✂☎ ✈✄✎ ☎✄ ✄✍✠ t✁☎✌✠✄✄✝
✝✆✠✠✄✠ ♠✄ ☎✌✁☎ ✟✈✟✠❡ ✝✄✠✂✆✂✞ ✎✟
✁✂ t✟ ✠✟✝✆✂☛✟☛ ✄✒ ✏✄☛❝♠ ❛✄✈✟ ✁✂☛
✠✟✓✄✆ ✟ ✒✄✠ ☎✌✟ ✄✡✡✄✠☎✍✂✆☎❡ ☎✄ ✂✄☎
✄✂❛❡ ♦✂✄✎ ✌✆✝ ✆✂ ☎✌✆♠ ❛✆✒✟✱ t✍☎ ☎✄
✎✄✠♠✌✆✡ ✁✂☛ ✁☛✄✠✟ ✌✆✝ ✒✄✠✟✈✟✠✑
❚✌✟ ✒✍✂☛✁✝✟✂☎✁❛♠ ✄✒ ✄✍✠ ♠✡✆✠✆☎✍✁❛
♠✁❛✈✁☎✆✄✂ ✁✂ t✟ ☛✟♠ ✠✆t✟☛ ✁♠ ✏✄☛❝♠
✆✂❤✂✆☎✟ ✄✝✡✁♠♠✆✄✂ ✆✂☎✟✠✈✟✂✟☛ ✁♠ ✁
✠✟♠ ✍✟ ✝✆♠♠✆✄✂ ✄✒ ✝✟✠ ❡ ✆✂ ✄✠☛✟✠ ☎✄
♠✁✈✟ ✍♠ ✒✠✄✝ ✄✍✠ ♠✆✂✑ ▼✁✠☎✆✂ ▲✍☎✌✟✠✱
✁ ➇✏✟✠✝✁✂ ☎✌✟✄❛✄✞✆✁✂ ✁✂☛ ✠✟❛✆✞✆✄✍♠
✠✟✒✄✠✝✟✠ ✎✌✄ ✎✁♠ ☎✌✟ ✁☎✁❛❡♠☎ ✄✒
☎✌✟ ✔✕☎✌✲ ✟✂☎✍✠❡ ✖✠✄☎✟♠☎✁✂☎ ✗✟✒✄✠✲
✝✁☎✆✄✂✱➈ ✁ ✄✠☛✆✂✞ ☎✄ ✎✎✎✑t✠✆☎✁✂✲
✂✆ ✁✑ ✄✝✱ ✆♠ ✘✍✄☎✟☛ ✁♠ ♠✁❡✆✂✞✱ ➇■
✎✄✍❛☛ ✂✄☎ ✞✆✈✟ ✄✂✟ ✝✄✝✟✂☎ ✄✒ ✌✟✁✈✲
✟✂ ✒✄✠ ✁❛❛ ☎✌✟ ✡❛✟✁♠✍✠✟♠ ✁✂☛ ✠✆ ✌✟♠ ✄✒
☎✌✟ ✎✄✠❛☛✱ ✟✈✟✂ ✆✒ ✆☎ ❛✁♠☎✟☛ ✒✄✠ ☎✌✄✍✲
♠✁✂☛♠ ✁✂☛ ☎✌✄✍♠✁✂☛♠ ✄✒ ❡✟✁✠♠✑➈
❖✍✠ ☛✁✆❛❡ ✠✄✍☎✆✂✟♠ ✁✠✟ ❤❛❛✟☛
✎✆☎✌ ☛✆♠☎✠✁ ☎✆✄✂♠✑ ✥✄✠ ✝✄♠☎ ✄✒ ✍♠
✆☎❝♠ ✌✁✠☛ ☎✄ ♦✟✟✡ ✍✡✱ t✍☎ ✟✈✟✂ ✎✆☎✌
☎✌✟ ♠☎✠✟♠♠ ✆☎❝♠ ✆✝✡✄✠☎✁✂☎ ☎✄ ✠✟✝✁✆✂
➼➽➾➽➚➪ ➶➚
➮➱✃ ❐❒❮❮❰ ÏÐ❮❮ÑÒ➮
✁✎✁✠✟ ✄✒ ✁ ✌✆✞✌✟✠ ✠✟✁❛✆☎❡✑ ■✒ ✎✟ ✄✂❛❡
☎✌✆✂♦ ✁t✄✍☎ ☎✌✟ ✂✟☞☎ ❛✆✒✟ ✎✌✟✂ ✎✟
✁☎☎✟✂☛ ✒✍✂✟✠✁❛♠✱ ✎✟ ✁✠✟ ✝✆♠♠✆✂✞ ✁
✡✁✠☎ ✄✒ ✄✍✠ ✠✟❛✁☎✆✄✂♠✌✆✡ ✎✆☎✌ ✏✄☛
☎✌✁☎ ✁✂ ♦✟✟✡ ✍♠ ✟☞ ✆☎✟☛ ✁✂☛ ✠✟✓✍✲
✈✟✂✁☎✟☛ ✎✆☎✌ ✓✄❡✑
❙✡✟✂☛✆✂✞ ☎✆✝✟ ✁❛✄✂✟ ✎✆☎✌ ☎✌✟
▲✄✠☛ ✎✁♠ ✂✟✈✟✠ ✆✂☎✟✂☛✟☛ ☎✄ t✟ ✁✂
✄ ✁♠✆✄✂✁❛ ✟☞✡✟✠✆✟✂ ✟ ✄✠ ✁ ❛✁♠☎ ✠✟✲
♠✄✠☎✱ t✍☎ ✠✁☎✌✟✠ ☎✄ t✟ ✁ ✄✂♠☎✁✂☎ ✄✂✲
✂✟ ☎✆✄✂ ✁♠ ✎✟ ♠☎✠✆✈✟ ☎✄ ✍✂☛✟✠♠☎✁✂☛
✁✂☛ ✄t✟❡ ✌✆♠ ✆✂♠☎✠✍ ☎✆✄✂♠✑ ❲✁❛♦✆✂✞
✆✂ ✏✄☛❝♠ ✡✠✟♠✟✂ ✟ ✁♠ ✁ ❛✆✒✟♠☎❡❛✟ ✆♠
✆✂☎✟✂☛✟☛ ☎✄ ✂✄☎ ✄✂❛❡ ☎✠✁✂♠✒✄✠✝ ✄✍✠
♠✡✆✠✆☎✱ t✍☎ ☎✄ ✁❛♠✄ ✠✟✂✟✎ ✄✍✠ ✝✆✂☛
✁✂☛ ✡✠✟✡✁✠✟ ✄✍✠ ✌✟✁✠☎ ✎✆☎✌ ☎✌✟ ✁✂✲
☎✆ ✆✡✁☎✆✄✂ ✄✒ ✝✟✟☎✆✂✞ ✌✆✝ ✒✁ ✟ ☎✄
✒✁ ✟✑ ❚✆☎✍♠ ✙✚✔✛ ✠✟✝✆✂☛♠ ✍♠✱ ➇▲✄✄♦✲
✆✂✞ ✒✄✠ ☎✌✁☎ t❛✟♠♠✟☛ ✌✄✡✟ ✁✂☛ ☎✌✟
✞❛✄✠✆✄✍♠ ✁✡✡✟✁✠✆✂✞ ✄✒ ☎✌✟ ✞✠✟✁☎ ✏✄☛
✁✂☛ ✄✍✠ ❙✁✈✆✄✠ ❏✟♠✍♠ ❈✌✠✆♠☎✑➈
❖✂✟ ✄✒ ☎✌✟ t❛✟♠♠✆✂✞♠ ✄✒ t✟✆✂✞
✁ ✒✄❛❛✄✎✟✠ ✄✒ ❈✌✠✆♠☎ ✆♠ ✌✄✄♠✆✂✞
☎✄ ❛✆✈✟ ✎✆☎✌ ✁ ♠✆✂ ✟✠✟ ✁☎☎✆☎✍☛✟ ✄✒
✡✟✁ ✟ ✁✂☛ ✌✄✡✟✑ ❲✟❝✈✟ ✌✟✁✠☛ ✡✟✄✲
✡❛✟ ☎✁❛♦ ✁t✄✍☎ ✞✄✆✂✞ ☎✄ ☎✌✟✆✠ ✌✁✡✡❡
✡❛✁ ✟ ✁✂☛ ✁ ☎✍✁❛❛❡ ✄✍✠ ✠✟✁☎✄✠ ☛✟✲
♠✆✠✟♠ ☎✄ ✁t✆☛✟ ✁✂☛ ✄✝✝✍✂✆ ✁☎✟
✎✆☎✌✆✂ ☎✌✟ ✄✂♠ ✆✟✂ ✟ ✄✒ ☎✌✄♠✟ ✎✌✄
❛✄✈✟ ✌✆✝ ✁✂☛ ✎✌✄ ✌✄✄♠✟ ☎✄ ✌✄✂✄✠
✌✆✝ ✁♠ ☎✌✟ ▲✄✠☛ ✄✒ ☎✌✟✆✠ ❛✆✒✟✑ ✜✄✎✲
✟✈✟✠✱ t✟✆✂✞ ✁☎☎✟✂☎✆✈✟ ☎✄ ✌✆♠ ✈✄✆ ✟
✎✆❛❛ ✂✄☎ ✄✝✟ ✂✁☎✍✠✁❛❛❡ ✄✠ ✎✆☎✌✄✍☎
♠✟✠✆✄✍♠ ☛✟☎✟✠✝✆✂✁☎✆✄✂✑
❙✡✆✠✆☎✍✁❛ ✁✎✁✠✟✂✟♠♠ ✁✂☛ ✆✂☎✆✝✁✲
❡ ✆♠ ✠✟✁❛✆✢✟☛ ✎✌✟✂ ✌✆♠ ☛✟♠✆✠✟♠ t✟✲
✄✝✟ ✄✍✠ ✌✆✞✌✟♠☎ ✡✠✆✄✠✆☎❡✑ ▼✁✂❡ ☛✄
✂✄☎ ✄✝✡✠✟✌✟✂☛ ☎✌✁☎ ✁♠ ❈✌✠✆♠☎✆✁✂♠
✄✍✠ ✁❛❛✟✞✆✁✂ ✟ ✆♠ ☎✄ ♦✆✂✞ ❏✟♠✍♠ ✁✂☛
✄✍✠ ✆☎✆✢✟✂♠✌✆✡ ✌✁♠ t✟✟✂ ☎✠✁✂♠✲
✒✟✠✠✟☛ ✒✠✄✝ ☎✌✆♠ ✂✁☎✍✠✁❛ ✎✄✠❛☛ ☎✄
☎✌✟ ♠✡✆✠✆☎✍✁❛ ✠✟✁❛✆☎❡ ✄✒ ✌✆♠ ♦✆✂✞☛✄✝✑
❚✌✆♠ ✄✂ ✟✡☎ ✄✒ ❡✆✟❛☛✆✂✞ ✁✂☛
✁t✁✂☛✄✂✆✂✞ ✄✍✠ ✎✆❛❛ ✌✁♠ ✟✈✟✠❡✲
☎✌✆✂✞ ☎✄ ☛✄ ✎✆☎✌ ☛✟✈✄☎✆✂✞ ✄✍✠ ❛✆✒✟
☎✄ ✒✄❛❛✄✎✆✂✞ ☎✌✟ t❛✍✟✡✠✆✂☎♠ ✌✟ ✌✁♠
☛✠✁✎✂ ✒✄✠ ✍♠✑ ✖♠✁❛✝ ✔✣✚✙ ♠✁❡♠✱
➇❚✌✟ ▲✄✠☛ ❛✄✄♦✟☛ ☛✄✎✂ ✒✠✄✝ ✌✟✁✈✲
✟✂ ✍✡✄✂ ☎✌✟ ✌✆❛☛✠✟✂ ✄✒ ✝✟✂✱ ☎✄ ♠✟✟
✆✒ ☎✌✟✠✟ ✎✟✠✟ ✁✂❡ ☎✌✁☎ ☛✆☛ ✍✂☛✟✠✲
♠☎✁✂☛ ✁✂☛ ♠✟✟♦ ✏✄☛✑➈
❆♠ ✎✟ ✄✂♠✆☛✟✠ ☎✌✟ ❛✆✒✟ ✁✒☎✟✠
☎✌✆♠ ✄✂✟✱ ✆☎❝♠ ✂✄✠✝✁❛ ☎✄ t✟ ✄✝✟
✟☞ ✆☎✟☛ ✁t✄✍☎ ✄✍✠ ✌✟✁✈✟✂❛❡ ✌✄✝✟✑
✜✄✎ ✟✂ ✄✍✠✁✞✆✂✞ ✆☎ ✆♠ ☎✄ ✆✝✁✞✆✂✟
☎✌✁☎ ✝✁✂❡ ✄✒ ✄✍✠ ❛✄✈✟☛ ✄✂✟♠✱ ✄✍✠
✂✟✎ ✂✁✝✟✱ ✄✍✠ ✂✟✎ t✄☛❡✱ ✄✍✠ ✆✂✲
✌✟✠✆☎✁✂ ✟✱ ✁✂☛ ✆☎✆✢✟✂♠✌✆✡✱ ✁❛✄✂✞
✎✆☎✌ ✠✄✎✂♠ ✁✂☛ ✠✟✎✁✠☛♠✱ ✁✠✟ ✁❛❛
✁ ✡✁✠☎ ✄✒ ✄✍✠ ✞❛✄✠✆✄✍♠ ✒✍☎✍✠✟✑ ✜✄✎
✎✄✂☛✟✠✒✍❛ ☎✄ ♦✂✄✎ ☎✌✁☎ ✌✟✁✈✟✂
✎✆❛❛ t✟ ❤❛❛✟☛ ✎✆☎✌ ✟✂☛❛✟♠♠ ✡✠✁✆♠✟✱
St. Peter’s offers
Morning Prayer
service Sunday
ter’s Episcopal Church will
celebrate the Fifth Sun-
day in Lent with Morning
óôþðó ôõ
❲❖✌✍✎ ❖✏
❚✑✒ ✓✔✍✍✑✕
✟✈✟✠❛✁♠☎✆✂✞ ✓✄❡✱ ✡✟✠✒✟ ☎ ✡✟✁ ✟ ✁✂☛
✄✂☎✟✂☎✝✟✂☎ ✎✆☎✌✄✍☎ ☛✁✠♦✂✟♠♠✱
☛✆♠ ✄✍✠✁✞✟✝✟✂☎✱ ✡✁✆✂ ✄✠ ♠✄✠✠✄✎✑
❲✟ ✁✠✟ ✄✂❛❡ ✡✁♠♠✆✂✞ ☎✌✠✄✍✞✌ ☎✌✆♠
✎✄✠❛☛ ✁✂☛ ☎✌✟ ✄✂❛❡ ☎✌✆✂✞ ✎✟ ✎✆❛❛
☎✁♦✟ ✎✆☎✌ ✍♠ ✎✌✟✂ ✎✟ ❛✟✁✈✟ ✆♠ ✁✂
✁ ✄✍✂☎ ✄✒ ✌✄✎ ✎✟ ❛✆✈✟☛✑ ■☎❝♠ ♠✁☛
t✍☎ ☎✠✍✟ ☎✌✁☎ ✟✈✟✠❡✄✂✟ ✆♠ ✂✄☎ ✄✂✲
✟✠✂✟☛ ✎✆☎✌ ☎✌✟✆✠ ☛✟♠☎✆✂❡ ✁✂☛ ❛✟☎
✍♠ ✆✂ ❛✍☛✟ ☎✌✁☎ ✂✄ ✄✂✟ ✎✆❛❛ ✟✂☎✟✠
t✟ ✁✍♠✟ ☎✌✟❡ ✁✠✟ ✞✄✄☛ ✄✠ ☛✟♠✟✠✈✟ ✆☎✑
❲✟ ✁✠✟ ✞✠✁ ✆✄✍♠❛❡ ✞✆✈✟✂ ✟☎✟✠✂✁❛
❛✆✒✟ ✎✌✟✂ ✎✟ ✠✟✡✟✂☎✱ ✄✂✒✟♠♠✱ ✄t✟❡✱
✁✂☛ ✠✟ ✟✆✈✟ ❈✌✠✆♠☎ ✁♠ ✄✍✠ ▲✄✠☛
✎✌✄ ✎✆❛❛✆✂✞❛❡ ✡✁✆☛ ✄✍✠ ✠✁✂♠✄✝✑
❇✆❛❛❡ ✏✠✁✌✁✝ ✆♠ ✘✍✄☎✟☛ ✁♠ ♠✁❡✲
✆✂✞✱ ➇■ ✎✆❛❛ ✂✄☎ ✞✄ ☎✄ ✌✟✁✈✟✂ t✟✲
✁✍♠✟ ■ ✁✝ ✁ ✡✠✟✁ ✌✟✠✑ ■❝✝ ✞✄✆✂✞ ☎✄
✌✟✁✈✟✂ ✟✂☎✆✠✟❛❡ ✄✂ ☎✌✟ ✝✟✠✆☎ ✄✒ ☎✌✟
✎✄✠♦ ✄✒ ❈✌✠✆♠☎✑ ❚✌✟ ✝✄♠☎ ☎✌✠✆❛❛✆✂✞
☎✌✆✂✞ ✁t✄✍☎ ✌✟✁✈✟✂ ✆♠ ☎✌✁☎ ❏✟♠✍♠
❈✌✠✆♠☎ ✎✆❛❛ t✟ ☎✌✟✠✟✤➈
➇❇❛✟♠♠✟☛ t✟ ☎✌✟ ✏✄☛ ✁✂☛ ✥✁☎✌✟✠
✄✒ ✄✍✠ ▲✄✠☛ ❏✟♠✍♠ ❈✌✠✆♠☎✱ ✎✌✄ ✁ ✲
✄✠☛✆✂✞ ☎✄ ✜✆♠ ✞✠✟✁☎ ✝✟✠ ❡ ✌✁♠
✁✍♠✟☛ ✍♠ ☎✄ t✟ t✄✠✂✲✁✞✁✆✂ ☎✄ ✁ ❛✆✈✲
✆✂✞ ✌✄✡✟ ☎✌✠✄✍✞✌ ☎✌✟ ✠✟♠✍✠✠✟ ☎✆✄✂
✄✒ ❏✟♠✍♠ ❈✌✠✆♠☎ ✒✠✄✝ ☎✌✟ ☛✟✁☛✱ ☎✄
✄t☎✁✆✂ ✁✂ ✆✂✌✟✠✆☎✁✂ ✟ ✎✌✆ ✌ ✆♠ ✆✝✲
✡✟✠✆♠✌✁t❛✟ ✁✂☛ ✍✂☛✟❤❛✟☛ ✁✂☛ ✎✆❛❛
✂✄☎ ✒✁☛✟ ✁✎✁❡✱ ✠✟♠✟✠✈✟☛ ✆✂ ✌✟✁✈✟✂
✒✄✠ ❡✄✍✱➈ ✦✔ ✖✟☎✟✠ ✔✚✛✲✣✧✑
❘★✩✪ ✫✬✭★ ✩✮
❍✣✣✤✥✦✧★✣✩✩ ✙✩ ✛✪✣ ✖✗✛✪
✛✜ ✛✪✣ ✫✣✗✛✪✧✣✩✩✳
❍✣✣✤✧✣✩✩★✣✩✩ ✙✩ ✛✪✣ ✖✗✛✪
✛✜ ✤✣✗✛✪✳
✬✪✣ ✪✣✣✤✥✦✧ ✤✙✣ ★✜✛✳
✬✪✣ ✪✣✣✤✧✣✩✩ ✗✘✣ ✗✩ ✙✥
✤✣✗✤ ✗✧✘✣✗✤✚✳
✭✫✪✗✢✢✗✖✗✤✗ ✮✳✮✯✰
❈✜★✈✙t✛✙✜★ ✙✩ ✗ ✖✣✘✩✜★➆✩
✪✙✱✪✣✩✛ ✇✣✗✧✛✪✳
✫✪✗✢✢✗❉ ✇✪✣★ ✇✣✧✧✲
✖✘✗t✛✙t✣✤❉ ✴✘✙★✱✩ ✴✧✙✩✩✳
✬✘✦✛✪ ✙✩ ✛✪✣ ✪✙✱✪✣✩✛ ✜✥
▲✙✈✙★✱ ✇✙✛✪ ✤✙✩t✣✘★✢✣★✛❉
✜★✣➆✩ ✧✙✥✣ ✙✩ t✗✧✧✣✤ ✴✣✩✛✳
✭✵✦✛✛✗ ✶✙✖✗✛✗ ✯✳✯✽✷✰
❇✚ ✣✥✥✜✘✛ ✗★✤
✤✙✩t✙✖✧✙★✣ ✗★✤
✧✣✛ ✛✪✣ ✇✙✩✣ ✜★✣ ✢✗❧✣ ✥✜✘
✗★ ✙✩✧✗★✤ ✇✪✙t✪ ★✜ ❤✜✜✤
t✗★ ✜✈✣✘✇✪✣✧✢✳
✭✫✪✗✢✢✗✖✗✤✗ ✮✳✮✸✰
ñòóôõöò÷ øùõ÷ úòòû
➚➚➪ ➶➹➘➴➷➬➮➱ ✃➷❐❒❮❰ ÏÐ➚ÑÒÒ➪Ó
úúúû ✄✟Ô þÿ ✞✆✂✞✄✇Õ✄ ý Ö✆✂✝✞✆✂ û ✁✞☛
ãäåå æçèç
éêëìæí éîïððñ
òåäåå æçèç
óðôõïö÷ éøôùöîø
❉❖❱❊ ❯◆❋●❊❍
▼❊●■❖❍❋❏● ❉■❑◗❘■
❙❚❳❨ ❩❬❭❪❫❴ ❵❜❝❞ ❢❣❤❫❞ ✐❥
❦❖◗●■ ♠❖♥❍❊◗
▼❊●■❖❍❋❏● ❉■❑◗❘■
♣q❳ r❝ ❵❜❝❞ s❣❴❜t ✈❣✇①❫❴❞ ✐❥
②③④⑤ ⑥⑧⑨⑨⑨ ⑩❶❷❸❹ ❷❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❽❷❿
➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇ ➈➇➉➉ ➊➋➌➋ ➍➁➎➏
➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇ ➐➉➇➉➉ ➊➋➌➋ ➑➋ ➒➁➓➔➏➂
➬➮ ➱✃➮❐❒❮ ❰❮Ï❮❐ÐÑÒ❒➮Ó
á âãäåæ çèæéæ èêëæ ìí îêïðñ ìð òæíïí
óôõö ÷ø õö ùúûûôüøýõþ ÿ ❲ ô ♦ øýõþ ❊ ú ♦② ❙✁✂ ÷ ♦✄✁②
❈ üûýþû ✁ ÿ ❈✂ ü ✄❈
✭☎✆✝✞✆✟✠✡✝ ♦☛ ☞✌✍✆✝✎✏
úûüýþ ÿ
✾✑✒ P❡✓✓ ❆✔❡✓✕❡ ✾✖✗✘✙✖✙✗
✶✲✳✲✲ ❛✴✵✴
➟➠ ➡➢➠➤➥➦ ➧ ➨➩➢ ➟➠➥➫ ➭➯ ➲➳➦ ➵➠➸➸➦➫
➺ ✏✏ ➻ ➼ ➽➾ ÿ ✍ ÿ
➚➪➶➹➘➴➪➷ ➬➮➱✃ ❐❒ ❮➪❰❰
➚➹Ï➴➪➷ Ð✃➮✃✃ ➪❒ ❮➪❰❰
ÑÒÒÓ➴➪➷❰ Ô➮✃✃ ➪❒ ❮➪❰❰
Õ➤Ö➭➤ ➧ ×➠Ø➢➦➥ Ù➦➠➢➲
ÚÛ ✏ Ü ♦✍✝✠ ➺ ✏✝✠ ➽➾ ÿ ✍ ÿ
➚➹Ï➴➪➷ Ô➮✃✃ ➪❒ ❮➪❰❰
ß➸àÖ➤ ➧ ×➠Ö➤➲ á➠➢➫âã
➺➻ ✝✠ ✂ ❡ ➽ ☛❡ ÿ ✆
➚➹Ï➴➪➷ Ðä➮➱✃ ❐❒ ❮➪❰❰
❋☞✌✍✎ ▲✏✑✒✓✏✌✔
✓☞✍✍☞▼✑✏✌❨ ❇✏❆✎☞✍✎
✧★✩✪✫✬ ✭★✮✯ ✰✱✯✬✲✯ ✳ ✴✵✷✸✹✺✴✸✺✻✷✴
P✽✿❀❁❂❃ ▼❄❅❆ ❈❂❉✽❋❁❂
❲✼ ✉✽✼ t✾✼ ❑✿❀❁ ❏❛❂✼✽ ❱✼r✽✿❃❀ ❄✿❅❉✼
❍■◆❖P◗ ❍❘❚❯❯❳ ❩ ❬❭❪❭❭ P❫
❬❭❪❫♥❴♥❵ ❢❜❫ ❞❜❡❪❣ ❪♥❡ ❤✐❭❫♥❴✐❣
❴❯♦❵❚❜❝ ❬❬❪❭❭ P❫
❥❦❧❧♠♣ qr❦♣st✉
①③④⑤⑥⑦⑤⑧⑨ ⑩④❶⑥❷③❸❸❹❺①③⑤❹❻❷⑧④❶ ❼❽❾❿❽❾❼➀
❞❡❢❣❤✐ ❥❦❧❢♠❢♥ ♣♠qs❧ ❞①❡❣✐ ③ ④⑤⑥⑥ ⑦⑧ ⑨❥⑩⑩❧❶①♠❦❧ ❷❡❢❧ ❸⑥❹
➡➢➤➥ ➦➤ ➧➨ ➩➫➭➯➫➲➳ ➵➫➸➦➨ ➺➺➻➼ ➩➽➾
❆ ❝✑✒✓❝✑ ❢✔✓ ②✔✒✓ ✇✑✔✕✖ ❢✗✘✙✕②
➐➑➒➓➔ →➓➣↔➑↕➙→
✣✤✥✣ ✦✧★✩✪ ✦✫✬✭✮✬✯ ✰★ ✱✳★✭✧✬ ✴ ✵✷✸✹✺✥✻✼
✇①③④⑤⑥ ✇⑦⑧⑨⑩❶⑦ ❷ ❸❹❺❻❹ ⑤❼❽❼
❾❿➀➁➂➃➄➅ ➆➉➊ ➋➌➌➍ ➌➎ ➏➌➐➑➄➒
➓⑦④③⑦➔④⑤⑥ ✇⑦⑧⑨⑩❶⑦ ❷ →❺❹❹ ➣❼❽❼
❾❿➀➁➂➃➄➅ ➆➉➊ ➋➌➌➍ ➌➎ ➏➊↔➊↕➑❿➃➌➄
➓⑦④③⑦➔④⑤⑥ ➙⑩➛➜➝ ➞➟①➝➜ ❷ ➠❺❹❹ ➣❼❽❼
ÛÜÝÞßà Ûáâããä å æÞÜäç èéêäë ìäßííëí
ìâéäÞóëÝôí ìâÜóáâ å õãóíâéö Ûëó÷éáë
úßûéäà õãóíâéö Ûëó÷éáë
þÿ ❡ ÿ ✁❡✂✄☎
P✆✂✄ ÿ ✆ ▼✝✞✟ ❈✠✡☛❡✆ ÿ ☞✁ ❇✡✌☛ ÿ ❈☛✍✌✟ ❨♦✍✝✠
●✆♦✍✎ ✼☎✏✏P▼
→↔➛➐→↔ ➜➝➐➞➙→➝➜
✶✗✶✘ ✶✙✚ ❙✚✛ ✜✢ ●✣✢✤✥✦
✸✹✺❱✹✻✼ ✸✽✹✾✿✺
❀❁❂❂ ❃❄❅❅❄❢❉❊❋ ●❍❄❑
❨❩❬❭❪❫❴❩❵❞❵❣ ✐❩❵❥❦❧❴
♥♣❴❩❥❧❭❧❩❬❞q r❪❞s❦❧❬✉
➮➱✃❐➷➚❐ ❒❮➪➘❒❮
❱✡✁✡✝ ✍✁ ✂✝ s✚✛✛✜✢✣✤✥✥✜✦✧★✩✤s✩✪❤✚✢✪❤✫✬✢❣
✾☎✆✝ ❛✞✟✞ ✲ ❇✠✡☛☞ ✌✍✎✏✑✒✓☞☛☛✔✕✖✗✠✘
✶✝☎✙✚ ❛✞✟✞ ✲ ✛✔✜✖✗✠✘ ✌☞✜✈✠✢☞
❥➁ ➂r➁st♣ ➃t➄♣s❧❦✉❧ ➅➆r❦✉❧❦➁s ➇➈➆➉➉♠
①③④⑤⑥⑦⑤⑧⑨ ➊❻➋❷⑧⑦⑤❸⑨ ➌❿➍⑦③ ➎④⑧❻❶ ❼❽❾❿❽➏➀❾
⑦✷✸✹✺ ✉✻ ✼✽ ✿❀❁ ▲✸❂❃❄✻ ✿✼❅❇❁⑦
❴❺❖◆❺❵❖P◗ ❻❼❺◆❜◆❽ ❩ ❾❪❿❭ ❝❫
➇➀➁➂➃➂ ➄➅➆ ➈➉➊ ➋➌➊➍ ➎➏➐➎➑ ➉➈➈➅➃➍➌➊➒ ➓➅ ➓➁➂ ➔➈➃➌→➓➆➃➂➔➣
qst✉①②③ ④⑤t⑥⑦
❺❻❺❼ ❽ ❾❿➀➁ ➂➃ ➄➅➃➆➈➉➁ ➊➋
❾➑➆➈➃➒ ❺➓➔❻➓ ➃➀→➀
➣ ↔↕➙ ➛➣➜➝ ➞➟ ➠➙➡➢➤ ➥➦
➦➧➨➨➥➢➥➤➩➫ ➨↕➙ ➟↕➧➭
➯➲ ➳➵➸➺➻
➭➯➲ ➳➵➸➺➻➼ ➽➾➻
➚➪➶➹➘ ➴➷➹➘ ➬➮ ➱✃➘❐ ❒➬➬❮❰
áâãä åæç èéåêä ëæ å ìëãä âí îâêèéëïð
ïêåñäê åæç ìéä èìòçñ âí óâçôè îâêç îëìé òèõ
öâêèéëï ëæ÷øòçäè ÷âããòæëâæ âæ ùòæçåñõ
úúúûüýþþÿ ② ÿþþ ✁ ú ✇✂✄☎ û ✆✂✝✞✆✂
❊✟ ý ✄ þ ✠ ü ✆✂✝✞✆✂✈✡☛✟ ý ✄ þû ✆✁✟
➁➂➃➄ ➅➆➇➈➉➊➋➄
åæçèé êëìéæèé íîïçðî
✦✧★✩✤✪✩ ✫✬✭✮✯✬
ñòóôõ ö
✰✱✳✰ ✴✵ ✷✸✹✼ ✴✾✵✿ ❀✼✹❁✼
➎➏➐ ➑➒➓➔ →➣↔↕→➣➙
➛➜➝ ➞➟➠➡➢➤ ➥➢➡➦➦➢➧
üý þÿý ● ✁
➨➩ ➫➡➩➭➯➦➧ ➲➳
➵➸➺➻➼ ➽➾➚➪➸➽➽➶
❯❱❳❨❩❬ ❯❭❪❫❫❴
❵❛❜❝ ❩❞
➹➘➴➴ ➷➬ ➮ ➱✃❐❒❮❰Ï
r❛s♥ ❧❞
Ð➴➘➴➴ ➷➬ ➮ ÑÒÓÓ✃Ô❒❮❰Ï Õ ÖÒ×❐Ò❒❮ØÒÙÚ❒ ❯❱❳❨❩❬ ♣❤✐❪q
❙✟✠✡ ✽☛☞✌ ❆✍ ✲ ❇✎✏✑✒ ❈✑✓✔✔✒✔
Ð➴➘Û➴ ➷➬ ➮ ÜÓÝ❒❒Ò❒
t❪❱❣❦❨❩❬ ✉❥✉♣✉ r❛s♥ ❧❞
❙✟✠✡ ✶✕☛✕✕ ❆✍ ✲ ❲♦✖✔✗✎✘
✈✇①②③✇④⑤ ⑥①⑦③✇④ ⑧✇⑨ ⑩❶①❷❸⑧③❹③✇④
❺❻❼❽❼ ❾❿❶③❼➀
✙❡✚✡ ✻☛✶✌ P✍ ✲ ✛❲✛✜✛
✭✮✯✰✱ ✰✲✳✳✴✵✶✷✸
▲✴✷✹✱✮✯✵ ✰✹✴✮✰✹
✾✾✿ ◆❀ ❁❂❃❄ ❃❄ ❯❄❃❅❄
➇❉❊ ❛❋❊ ❍❛■■❊❏ t❑ ❙❊❋✈❊❖
◗❘❚❲❳❩ ◗❬❭❪❪❫ ❴❪❵ ❳❫❫ ❳❜❞✐ ❥ ❦❧♠♠ ❳♥
◗❘❚❲❳❩ ♣❪❵✐❭qr ✉♠❧♠♠ ❳♥
①❳✐③❪❵ ④⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑨⑦⑩❶❷❷
❸❹❺❻❼❽ ❾❿➀➁➂➃➄➁➅❿❿➂
ÿ ðð
☞ ☎
and fellowship will follow
in the parish hall.
üý þÿý ● ✁ ❯●✂✄✁
▼✁✄☎✆ ✂✝✄ ❈☎❯ ÿ ❈☎
➇✞✟✠✡ ❍✠☛☞✌✍✎ ✞✟✠✡ ✏✑✡✒✍✎ ✞✟✠✡ ✒✞✞☞✍❉
✓✔✓✕ ✖✗✘ ✙✗✚✛✛✗ ✜ ✢✔✣✤✕✖✢✥
P✦✧★✩✪ ❆✫ ✬✪✦r✭✧✮✫
→➣↔ →↕➙➛ ➜➙➝➞➞➙ ➟ ↔➠➡➢➡➤➣➥
❖✻✻✐✼✽ ✾✿❀❁❂❃ ❄✿❅❇❊❋❀❁ ■❏❑❇▲✿✿❅
➦➧➨➩➫➭ ➦➯➲➳➳➵
➸➺➻➼ ➫➽➾➽
❲♦◆◗❘❙❚ ❱❳❨❳❳ ❛❩
➦➧➨➩➫➭ ➚➳➪➶➲➹➘ ➻➴➺➷➴ ➫➽➾➽
❬✽❭❭✿❪❂❋✐❫ ❴✿✻✻✽✽ ✾✿❀❁ ❵❵❃❜❜ ❏❑
❝ ❞❡❢❣❤❢❥ ♣❢❦✈♠♥❤♥ ❝