The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, April 05, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1A
council took public comments
and suggestions from OTEC and
natural gas provider Avista Utili-
ties, the city’s two largest franchise
holders in terms of revenues from
franchise agreements, into con-
sideration when drafting a new
version of the ordinance based on
an example of a similar ordinance
that passed in Grants Pass.
“There were a number of con-
cerns raised about the licensing
ordinance, and a lot of those con-
cerns were raised by OTEC,” he
said. “We sat down with OTEC
and (Avista), walked through the
licensing ordinance, and took
into account comments made by
members of the community.”
Strope said the projected reve-
nues at a 7 percent licensing fee for
OTEC and Avista would add up to
$250,000 per year.
After the ordinance was ap-
proved, the second reading of
the OTEC franchise agreement
took place.
Because OTEC’s previous fran-
chise agreement with the City of
La Grande expired on Dec. 6, 2015,
the two entities were operating
based on the old ordinance until
the new 10-year agreement passed
unanimously Wednesday evening.
This updated agreement gives
OTEC the right to work on power
lines, wires and other equipment
required for the operation of con-
ducting electricity “in, on and un-
der” the city’s rights-of-way areas,
according to the ordinance packet.
Strope said negotiations with
OTEC’s franchise agreement took
longer than anticipated because of
varying expectations.
“There were a variety of provi-
sions in the franchise that OTEC
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tives on where those should end
up,” he said.
Although this ordinance also
has to do with rights-of-way
and utilities licensing, the OTEC
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electric co-op, while the ordinance
mentioned previously is a broader
piece of legislation encompassing
all utility providers in La Grande.
During the public comments
section, Greg Ammer, a La Grande
resident, took to the podium to
ask the council about unaccount-
ed for funds, which he said added
up to “half a million dollars.” After
some back-and-forth with Mayor
Stephen Clements on the issue,
Ammer asked the council, “What
do you have to hide?”
The mayor stopped Ammer
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something that does not exist.
This council and councils before
it have reviewed the audit report
for many years. Nothing has ever
come out of those reports whatso-
ever that would indicate any kind
of malfeasance, nor any kind of
conspiracy to hide information.”
Clements, in a follow-up with
The Observer after the meeting,
asserted, “Nobody is stealing mon-
ey or doing anything inappropri-
ate. The integrity of this council is
not to be questioned.”
✦✌✔✜✕✎ ✚✡✌✎✔ ✏✚✡✔✑✙✎☞ ✌✍✎ ✜✔✑✗✑☛
of Ammer’s “half a million” claim.
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30, 2018, the audit reports the city
had $4.8 million in actual ending
cash, $488,816 more than what it
budgeted for that year. Strope said
this number is where the “half a
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However, the city manager said
$200,000 of these dollars were
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ects, meaning the actual amount of
unanticipated funds for the 2017-
✬✭✮✯ ✙✖✏✡✚ ✒✎✡✔ ✌✜✌✡✚✎☞ ✰✬✯✯✢✯✮✱✪
Strope said this money resulted
from a mix of tactful spending,
some delays in hiring and placing
new hires in previously high-paid
positions with the city.
“We expected to spend more
money than we were going to bring
in that year, so we thought our
ending cash would go down, but it
went up instead,” he said. “I would
say the unanticipated increase in
our ending fund cash was a com-
bination of conservative revenue
estimates, conservative spending,
as well as hiring lags.”
The city manager said he pro-
posed a spending approach for this
$288,816 in unanticipated funds
for which he plans to ask the coun-
cil to pass a resolution during the
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posal includes moving 50 percent
of the money to general funds to
be used for capital expenses like a
new library roof; 25 percent to the
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25 percent to increase the fund bal-
ance with no restrictions on use.
Strope said he would rather
spend the unanticipated funds on
capital expenses than create new
“When this one-time money is
gone, we’ll still have to pay a sal-
ary (if we hire a new person),” he
said. “We don’t want to hire po-
sitions that we can’t continue to
✛✥☛☞ ✑☛☞✎✙☛✑✌✎✚✒✪✩
Also during the public com-
ments section, Teresa Gustafson,
a tree care educator with the
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Contact Amanda Weisbrod at
541-963-3161 or email aweisbrod@
Continued from Page 1A
The Blue Mountain
chapter is accepting mon-
etary donations as well as
donations of new bedding,
lumber and twin-sized
mattresses. Katie will be
selling her homemade
sock sloths at the fund-
raiser, with the option to
donate them back to the
program to be given to a
child or to take home. The
chapter is also looking for
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
holds bed-building events
❑❍■❏▼◆r❏✐❦❖P◗❘❘❙ ❚❱ ❲❘❳❨❘❱◗❩ ❬❘❳❡❘ that anyone can attend
— companies and orga-
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nizations can even spon-
❪♠ ❴❫❪❣❴❜ ♣❜❫❤② ❣♠❧❴ ♠❜ ❥♠❤❛❪❴ ❪♠ ❛ ❝❣❫♥❥ ❫❤ ❪❣❴ ✇♥❴❴✉ ❫❤ ③❴❛q❴❤♥① ④❴❛❝❴ ✉❜♠②❜❛❧⑤
Continued from Page 1A
grounds for other events in-
cluding our local 4-H and
FFA leaders, kids and their
families,” said Horn in a let-
ter she read aloud to the
Horn said the work is
needed because the fair had
a downturn in attendance
for several years before it
started to rebound in 2018,
when attendance jumped by
about 800. Unfortunately,
during the years attendance
was down, upkeep on certain
portions of the fairgrounds
had to be put on hold.
“They were ignored and
‘band-aided’ to the point
that they must be taken
care of now or they stand
to become a hazard or
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event itself,” Horn said.
“(The payment of the in-
surance premium) would
✡✚✚✜✾ ✥✖ ✌✜ ✾✜✔✿ ✜☛ ✙✴✑☛✗
those hazards.”
No action was taken on
UCFA’s request at Wednes-
day’s meeting, but the com-
missioners indicated they
would discuss it at a future
meeting. Before making
a decision, the commis-
✖✑✜☛✎✔✖ ✾✡☛✌ ✌✜ ✙☛☞ ✜✥✌ ✑✛
proposed legislation that
✾✜✥✚☞ ✖✑✗☛✑✙✏✡☛✌✚✒ ✑☛ -
crease funding to county
fairs in Oregon is approved
by the Legislature during
the current session.
“The need would not be as
big (if the legislation is ap-
proved),” said Union County
Commissioner Paul Anderes.
He said if the legislation
is not approved, he wants
the county to step up and
assist the Union County
Fair Association.
“We need to support the
fair association,” Anderes
In an action item at
Wednesday’s meeting, the
board approved a request
✛✔✜✘ ✷☛✑✜☛ ❀✜✥☛✌✒ ★✥❁✎ -
nile Department Director
Ben Morgan to change the
new vehicle it will pur-
chase. The commission-
ers approved a request on
March 20 for the purchase
of a 2018 Ford Ecosport for
$23,541, but Morgan said
he has since determined
that the vehicle would be
too small to meet the needs
of his department.
Morgan asked the com-
missioners instead to ap-
prove the purchase of a
larger 2019 Ford Escape for
$26,834, which they did.
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and from Milton-Freewater
to Halfway,” Pete said.
The Blue Mountain
chapter will be active once
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which the Tricks said will
be happening very soon as
✌✍✎✑✔ ✙✔✖✌ ✳✑✗ ✳✥✑✚☞ ✎❁✎☛✌
✳✒ ★✥☛✎ ✮❅✢ ✾✍✑✏✍ ✑✖ ✡ ☛✡ -
tional build day for Sleep
in Heavenly Peace called
“Bed across America,”
although they said they
might have a few smaller
build events before then.
The Tricks said they be-
lieve it is important to be
involved in the community.
“If you can’t give back
then what’s it worth?” Pete
Contact Francisca
Benitez at 541-963-3161
or email fbenitez@la-
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Pete plans to build some
beds with his construc-
tion crew in the next few
days. They hope to have
➾➚➪➚➶➹ ➘ ➴➷
íØ❮ØÕ✃â➱❒❮ ø➱×❰
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sor these events as team-
building exercises. The
beds are usually standard
bunk beds, but if only one
bed is needed per family,
they can be delivered as
The Tricks explained any-
one can submit a request for
a bed anywhere in the coun-
try on the Sleep in Heavenly
Peace website. The Blue
Mountain chapter will de-
liver to a very large area.
“Our chapter will cover
➬ ➮➱✃❐❒❮❰ Ï✃❮ÐÑ Ò Ó❒Ô
à✃ÕâØÕëá àçáâ❒❐ à×Ø✃❮➱❮ß
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✎✴✕✎✏✌ ✌✍✎ ✙✎✚☞ ✡☛☞ ☞✥✗✜✥✌✖ ✌✜ ✳✎
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son this coming week, although
the concession stand will not open
until later in the season.
nounced 2018 as the 27th con-
secutive year La Grande has
been awarded the Growth Award
from Tree City USA. She said this
streak is the longest running in
the state of Oregon.
“(This award) gives us a way to
stand out for the work we’ve done
with our urban forestry program,”
said Gustafson. “It also inspires us
to keep moving forward because
we want to maintain our record.”
Following Gustafson, Stu Spence,
La Grande’s Parks & Recreation
director, and Emma Guzman, a
communications intern for the
parks and rec department, provided
visual updates on the ongoing
construction of new dugouts and a
concession stand in Pioneer Park.
Guzman said she focused on
posting photos of the project on
Facebook in order to provide an
interactive element for the com-
munity during construction so
they could see “their tax dollars at
work.” She and Spence said they
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