The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, April 05, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 10, Image 10

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Contrasting styles meet when Oregon, Baylor collide in Final Four
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all seed makes Baylor the
team to beat in the wom-
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▲❇● ▼❁❃❜ ❡●❁❍❆ ❢⑧①❳❯✐❴
she added. “I’m sure the
other three teams are going
to do the same thing.”
Oregon promises as
point guard Sabrina Io-
nescu, the Ducks are in the
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winning streak and have
trounced four opponents
❯ ❆●●❃❴ ➨❅❆❆❅❆❆❅❭❭❅ ❫❋❁❋●❴ ❅❂
❅❂ ❋❇● ✈✉♥♥ ▲■◗❍❂❁❵●❂❋
by an average of 38 points,
❬❁❪● ⑤❅❂❁❉ ⑤■◗❍ ❂●❚❪■❵●❍
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▲❇● ❚❅❂❂●❍ ❁❃❤❁❂❪●❆ ❋■
the Elite Eight.
“We’re honored and hum-
bled to be here, but I think
we all know we don’t want
to go home tomorrow,” Io-
nescu said after practice
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✈■❋❍● ♠❁❵●❑
came here to win some more
basketball games.”
Mulkey, who’s won titles
as a player and an assistant
▲❇● ▼❁❃❜ ❡●❁❍❆ ❁❍● ❉●❃
are clearcut favorites.
“We don’t approach it
like: ‘Oh, wow, we’re the
by an imposing frontcourt
We’re going to claw. We’re
going to compete. We’re go-
ing to give it our best shot,”
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said. “You know what,
yeah, she’s a lot like Steph,
how he’s a conductor, is
always a threat to make
a huge play, make those
goal percentage defense at
❦❫❋●❭❇ ✉◗❍❍❜ ❏❁❤● ❫❁❳
said “they’re calling it new
school versus old school.”
“We work from the in-
side out, and I think they
work from outside in,”
Bickle added. “So we’re
❖◗❆❋ ❲❅❂❃ ■❬ ■❭❭■❆❅❋●❑✇
➳➵➸➺➻➼➵➽ ➾➳➚ ➳➵➸➺➻➼➵➽
its second national title.
❋■ ❁❆❆◗❵● ❋❇● ▼❁❃❜ ❡●❁❍❆
brina quite a shout-out
yesterday. I thought that
ers attempted with 869
and fourth in 3-pointers
made with 362.
plays a contrasting perim-
eter-oriented style that
❧❱❳❱ ❆●❁❆■❂ ❁❂❃ ❪❁❭❋◗❍●❃
said it would be a mistake
♠◗❪❲❆ ❁❍● ❯❛❋❇ ❅❂ ⑧❳❭■❅❂❋❳
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Warriors of women’s col-
lege basketball.
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❭●❍❪●❂❋❁❏● ❢①❱❑①➪✐❑ ▲❇●
and use their size to domi-
nate on both ends of the
❂❁❉ ⑤■◗❍ ❬■❍ ❋❇● ❋❅❵● ❆❅❂❪●
addition to guiding Baylor
to win.’ According to a lot
of people, we’re not sup-
posed to win,” Mulkey said.
❋❇❅❍❃ ❅❂ ■❤●❍❁❉❉ ❄●❉❃ ❏■❁❉
Mulkey said teams gen-
erally play do whatever
they feel is necessary to be
“You play to your per-
sonnel,” the Baylor coach
“I guess you could call
me old, if you want to. You
can call me old-fashioned.
I’m good with all of it,”
❡❁❜❉■❍ ❅❆ ❩❁❪❲ ❅❂ ❋❇● ⑤❅❳
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some people to call the
♠◗❪❲❆ ❋❇● ◆■❉❃●❂ ❫❋❁❋●
❬●❁❋◗❍❅❂❏ ⑨❳❬■■❋❳❧ ▼❁◗❍●❂
✉■♣ ❁❂❃ ⑨❳❣ ➫❁❉❁❂❅ ❡❍■❚❂
nation in 3-point shoot-
❅❂❏ ❭●❍❪●❂❋❁❏● ❢❧❯❑❣ ❁❂❃
taste,” he said.
He went out for foot-
ball as a sophomore as the
also second in both the
⑦❱❱ ❁❂❃ ⑧❴❱❱❱ ❃◗❍❅❂❏ ❋❇●
❯♥ ❆❋❁❋● ❋❍❁❪❲ ❪❇❁❵❭❅■❂❳
to stay in shape for foot-
ball. At the time, he was
largely a sprinter, and said
❁❍❃❆❴ ❩◗❋ ❄❂❁❉❉❜ ❵❁❃● ❋❇●
switch to cross country his
❃❍●❁❃❅❂❏ ❁ ❧❱❱ ❋■ ❂■❚
❍◗❂❂❅❂❏ ❦❋❇● ❧❱❱ ❚❁❆ ●❤●❂
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❍◗❂❂❅❂❏ ❍■◗❏❇❉❜ ⑨❱ ❵❅❉●❆
pushing it for me.”
It was a tough move, he
said, because football had
been his love from a young
age, and he was a key piece
a week, training frequently
with Stevens.
“We do the same weekly
mileage and daily mile-
age,” he said. “We’re typi-
❦♠❅❆❋❁❂❪● ❢❍◗❂❂❅❂❏✐ ❚❁❆
an evil thing,” he said.
But track teammates
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■❬ ❋❇● ✉■❤● ❬■■❋❩❁❉❉ ❋●❁❵❑
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❪❁❉❉❜ ❋■❏●❋❇●❍ ❬■◗❍ ❋■ ❄❤●
those who kept insisting
that Silveira consider be-
ing a distance runner and
had to learn how to be a
distance runner.
days a week.”
Which events he’ll run at
❦▲❇● ❉●❁❍❂❅❂❏ ❪◗❍❤● ■❂
⑩❥q ❅❆❂❝❋ ❆●❋❴ ❩◗❋ ❇❅❆ ❬■❪◗❆
❖■❅❂ ❋❇● q❂❅■❂r✉■❤● ❪❍■❆❆
veira who in seventh grade
getting yourself to com-
pete for that long is huge,”
he said. He added, though,
that he “had the resources
✉■❅❂❪❅❃●❂❋❁❉❉❜❴ ❅❋ ❚❁❆ ❫❅❉❳
isn’t on the Mountaineers
❖◗❆❋ ❜●❋❑
He hopes to get his
❇●❁❉❋❇ ❉●❤●❉ ❩❁❪❲ ❋■ ❯❱❱
❪■❂❤❅❂❪●❃ ❫❋●❤●❂❆ ❋■ ❖■❅❂
❋■ ❉●❁❍❂❑ ▲❅❵❴ ♥❉●♣❴ ❁❉❉ ❵❜
percent — he’s working
✉■❤●❝❆ ❋❍❁❪❲ ❋●❁❵❑ ✈■❚❴ ❋❇●
❪■❁❪❇●❆ ③ ❢♠④✐ ⑤■♣❴ ❢❫❋●❤●✐
❋❇❍■◗❏❇ ❁ ❪❁❉❬ ❅❂❖◗❍❜ ③ ❋■
roles were reversed.
“He took that and ran
with it, no pun intended,”
Silveira said. “He really
put his heart and soul into
❫❇●●❇❜❑ ▲❇●❜❝❍● ❁❉❉ ❍●❆■◗❍❪❳
❢❋❍❁❪❲❴ ❁❂❃✐ ❇● ❩❍■◗❏❇❋ ❵●
es to learn what it takes to
run at that level. I got to be
a student of the game.”
He has since logged the
mileage to propel himself
track team can accomplish
in the spring.
After all, before striving
for the ultimate goal of a
title in college, he’d like to
❅❂❋■ ❢❪❍■❆❆ ❪■◗❂❋❍❜✐❑✇
❅❂❋■ ■❂● ■❬ ❋❇● ❋■❭ ✉❉❁❆❆
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❫❅❉❤●❅❍❁ ❃❅❃ ❍◗❂ ❁ ❯❴①❱❱
❛♥r❯♥ ❍◗❂❂●❍❆❑ ⑥● ❋■■❲
high as possible.
during his freshman year,
which made it possible to
envision distance running.
“I got a little bit of a
❄❬❋❇ ■❤●❍❁❉❉ ③ ❁❂❃ ❆●❪■❂❃
❦▲❇● ❩❅❏ ❏■❁❉ ❚● ❋❁❉❲
on the team — during last
fall’s state cross country
championships. He was
about is we want to see
what we can do at state,”
he said.
❆❪■❍● ❁❋ ❛❳❱❑
❼❽❾❿➀❾➁➂➃ ➄➅❽➆ ➇➈➉➂ ➊➋
perspective,” Wright said.
“It’s a great learning oppor-
tunity for us to grow, and it
goes to show we have room
for improvement, and we’ll
take it at that.”
Brock concurred with
her coach.
“What we take away
from that is we need to
be a little more controlled
❁❂❃ ❄❂❅❆❇ ❁ ❉❅❋❋❉● ❆❋❍■❂❏●❍❑
Besides that I think the
girls did great,” she said.
Brock and her counter-
part from Pendleton, Sami
Spriet, matched zeroes on
the scoreboard after the
Spriet, meanwhile, al-
lowed three runs on seven
hits, walked three batters
and struck out three.
Both Wright and Brock
said the team did struggle
❁❋ ❋❅❵●❆ ❋■ ❁❃❖◗❆❋ ❋■ ❋❇●
speed of Spriet’s pitching
after seeing faster pitching
at a tournament in Idaho
last weekend.
“She was a little bit
slower, and coming from
such fast pitching to a little
slower may have messed
with the girls’ timing a
little bit,” Brock said. “We
❆❋❅❉❉ ❇❅❋ ❭❍●❋❋❜ ❏■■❃❴ ❖◗❆❋
not timely.”
▲❇● ▲❅❏●❍❆❝ ❄❍❆❋❳❅❂❂❅❂❏
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❖◗❆❋ ❋❇❍■❚❅❂❏ ❅❋ ◗❭ ❁❂❃
years, said this week that
over the opponents.”
❇● ❬●●❉❆ ✈■❋❍● ♠❁❵● ③ ❋❇●
Huskies’ opponent in the
❆●❵❅❄❂❁❉❆ ③ ❇❁❆ ❋❇● ❩●❆❋
team in the country.
▼❁ ◆❍❁❂❃● ❢❣❳❯ ■❤●❍❁❉❉✐
also worked out of a two-
travels to Ontario Satur-
■❂❴ ❂■❳■◗❋ ❖❁❵ ❅❂ ❋❇● ❋■❭
❃❁❜ ❋■ ❩●❏❅❂ ◆❍●❁❋●❍ ❥❍❳
of the fourth to keep the
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➳➵➸➸ ➺➻➼➼ ➢➽➾➾➾➽➚➢➚➽➾➪➪➶
❲❳❩❬❭❪❬❫❴❵ ❛ ❲❳❩❜❝❬❞❡❴❝❢ Red Blood Cell screening for Anemia/Polycythemia
❣❜❡❤❴❜❞ ✐❴❥❴❤ ❦❜❵❳❪❢ Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, & Triglycerides
❧❪♠❞❬♥❳❢ Blood Sugar Count
GRH Union Clinic: ♣qr st ✉✈✇①②③①④ ⑤⑥①✈✈⑥⑦ ⑧④⑨③④⑦ ⑩❶
❅❂❂❅❂❏ ■❂ ❯❱ ❭❅❋❪❇●❆❑ ❫❇●
Mulkey doesn’t want to
reveal Baylor’s game plan,
❉●❬❋❳❪●❂❋●❍❄●❉❃❴ ❁❂❃ ❡❍■❪❲
❋❇❍●● ❩❁❋❋●❍❆ ❅❂ ❋❇● ❄❬❋❇
➹➮➻➺➳➱✃ ❐➘❒➺➳ ❮➺❐ ➼➮
UNION - Saturday, April 6 — ♦ am -10 am
followed with a shot over
the fence in left-center for
the lead.
ELGIN - Saturday, April 13 — ❷ am -10 am
❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❿ ➀❼❾❿❾➁➂ ➃➄➅ ⑤t ➆⑥➇ ⑤⑥①✈✈⑥⑦ s➈➉⑨④⑦ ⑩❶
LA GRANDE - Saturday, April 27 — ♦ am -10 am
GRH Pavilion: ➊➅➊ ➌➍✇➎➏ ➌➐✈④➑✈⑦ ➒✇ ➓①✇④➍✈⑦ ⑩❶
❘✦✧★✪ ✫ ✬✭✮✮✭✯✰ ✲✳✴✭✶✴ ✷✯✸t✹✺✼✽t✼✸✰✼✸✽ ✺✭t✹ s✾✽t ✿✰✼ ★✳✮✮❀
❊ ✁ ✂
♦ ✁ ✥✄✵
❈ ✁ ✥ ✩✵ ☎✆✝✞✟ ✠ ✡☛✞✟☞✡✝✌✍✎☞ ✏✑✒✟ ✍✞✡✓✝✏✍✞✔ ✕✖✏✟✗✘
✻ ✻✚
❙✛✜ ✢ ☎✠✗ ✣✢ ✣✘ ❈ ✁ ✄✢ ✢ ✤ ✥✄✱✵ ✵
❰➮➸➴➳ ➘➸➺ Ï✃➳➵ ❰➮➸➴➳
outs. Jayce Seavert, who
went 2-for-3, doubled to
said. “It looks like some-
times they play volleyball
❄❍❆❋❑ ▲❇● ▼❁ ◆❍❁❂❃● ❖◗❂❅■❍
outs in the loss, allowing
four runs on seven hits. At
times she was dominant,
recording strikeouts of all
points per game for the
and probably stop in an-
swering your question,”
Mulkey said. “All those
kids know she makes
them better. She’ll get
the ball to them in spots
where it makes them look
good. She certainly is not
the only great player on
that team, but it starts
and stops with her.
ships last spring.
And he’s gone from
country team.
its hands full, too, defen-
❥❍●❏■❂ ❅❆ ❄❍❆❋ ❅❂ ❋❇●
❥❍●❏■❂ ❄❏◗❍●❆ ❋■ ❇❁❤●
“I think our defense is
special, “ Mulkey said,
adding it may be the most
underrated aspect of Bay-
lor’s success.
“Yes, we’ve scored a lot
games, which we’re very
capable of doing,” she
added. “But we don’t know
we’re going to do that ev-
ery night. I don’t think any
team can go and think how
many points are we going
tain Ionescu.
➶➹➼ ➚➚➚ ➘➻➴ ➵➘➷➺➻➵➺➴
■❬ ❭■❅❂❋❆ ❅❂ ❋❇●❆● ❭❉❁❜■❞
but said it’s no secret the
▼❁❃❜ ❡●❁❍❆ ❇❁❤● ❋■ ❪■❂❳
to win.”
knowledged has prompted
to score. Our approach is
we know what we can do
Please fast 9- ✎✏ ✑✒✓✔✕ ✖✔✗✒✔ ✘✒ ✘✑✙ ✚✔✛✜ ✢✒✔ ✒✖✣✤✓✤ ✘✙✕✘ ✔✙✕✓✥✘✕✦ but drink plenty of water.
✧★ ✩★✪✫✬✬★✭✮ ✯✫✰ ✲✳✴✩★ ✯✫✰✩ ✩★✲✰✷✸✲ ✹✺✸✳ ✯✫✰✩ ✻✩✺✬✴✩✯ ✪✴✩★ ✻✩✫✼✺✮★✩✽ ✿❀❁❂❃❄ ❅❁ ❇❃❈❉
available to those 18 and older ❊ ●✒✔ ✙❍✙■✘ ✗■✢✒✔✤✛✣✒■✦ ❏✛✥✥ ✘✑✙ ❑✔✛■✚✙ ▲✒■✚✙ ▼✒✕✖✗✘✛✥
◆✓P✥✗❏ ▲✙✥✛✣✒■✕ ◗✙✖✛✔✘✤✙■✘ ✛✘ ❘❙✎ -963- ✎❙✎❚ ✒✔ ❘❙✎ -963- ✎❙❚❯❊