▼ ✁✂❆❨✱ ❆✄☎✆✝ ✥✱ ✞✟✥✾ P ◗ ❘ ❚ ❆ ❯❱❉ ❈ ❳❨ ❩❬❨❭❪❫➆ s s❫❨❴❨❬❵❭❛ ❜❵❭❝ ❞❡ ❢❢❣❣ ❤❵s❞❡❬✐ Continued from Page 1A t ❥❦ t❧❥❦ ♠❥t②♥ ❦ ✈❥✉t✇q♦♦② t③ ♦q❦t ②rt ①③✉④③t tr⑤ ⑦③✉♦⑧ ⑦q✉ ♠❧✉❥❦tr⑤r⑧ ⑨⑨ ⑩ t❧r ♦❥⑤⑥ q ❦❧❥❶❾ ❹q ❷❸❷❸ ⑤q❿r⑧ ❦✇❶❶♦❥r❦ ❹q ❥⑤ ❽q✉❥⑤r ❧③⑤③✉ ③① t✉q⑤❦❶③✉tr⑧ q⑤⑧ ❼❧r t✉③③❶❦ ①③✉ ❧③❿r ①✉③❿ t❧r ⑦q✉ ❷❧❥❶❶❥⑤④ ↔⑧➁ ❿❥⑤❥❦t✉qt❥③⑤ ♦❥❦t ❽r✉♠❧q⑤t ❺✉q⑤⑧r❾ ❦③♦⑧❥r✉❦ submarine is stressful because of the demands of the job. Crew members must be ready at any time to take on emergency duties, even in matters outside their area of expertise. In addition, crews must become accustomed to ➎q♠❥➂♠❸ ❦❧❥❶ ❺✉q⑤⑧r ❻❥♠t③✉② ❸ ❼❧r t❧r ❻❥♠t③✉ ② t❧qt ❷❸❷❸ ❹q q❿③⑤④ ➌r✉r ❥⑤④ ⑧③r❦ ⑤③t ❺✉q⑤⑧r t❧r ❦❧❥❶❦ ⑧q❿q④r⑧ ⑦⑦⑨⑨❾ ⑧✇✉ ➁ q♠♠③✉⑧❥⑤④ ❥⑤①③✉❿qt❥③⑤ ❼❧r t③ ➓➅❦r✉✈r✉ ☞✌✍✎✍✏✑ t❧r ➀❸❷❸ ❥⑤④ t❧r ⑦③✉♦⑧ ⑦q✉ ❼❧r ict ❿❥♦❥tq✉ ② ➂⑤q♦ ❹q ➃➄➁②rq✉ ③⑤ ♦q✇⑤♠❧r⑧ t❧r ③➅tq❥⑤r⑧ ➇q⑤❸ ➍q❥❦r✉ ➈➊➋➄❸ t❧qt ⑧q② ❦❧❥❶➅✇❥♦⑧➁ ❥⑤ ↕ ③✉⑥❾ t❧r t❧r ❽q✉❥⑤r ➍❥⑤④❦ ❥⑤ ❼❧r ❦t③✉② ➈➉❾ ①✉③❿ ❽r✉♠❧q⑤t r❿② ➅r④q⑤ ①✉③❿ ③① ⑨⑨❸ ⑨t ➌q❦ ⑧✇✉ ➁ ❿③⑤t❧❦ ❺✉q⑤⑧r ❻❥♠t③✉ ②♥ ❦ r✈r⑤t①✇♦ ➎③❥⑤t❾ ➌q❦ ➑r➌ ❦③♦⑧ ➑rt❧r✉♦q⑤⑧❦ ❥⑤ ➈➊➋➣ ✉r⑤q❿r⑧ t❧r t③ ④③✈r✉⑤➁ q⑤⑧ ②q✉⑧ ❥⑤ tr✉❿q⑤❸ ➎ ③✉t♦q⑤⑧❸ ➏❻❥♠t③✉② ❷❧❥❶ t③ ➐q✉✉② ⑨⑤ ➌q❦ ❷❸❷❸ ➈➊➄➈❾ ③① ❷r✈r⑤ ❹q ❷rq❦❾ ➒ ❧rq⑧♦❥⑤r ➈➊➋➄❾ ❥⑤ ⑨⑨ ②q✉⑧ q ➇q⑤❸ ♠③⑤✈r✉tr⑧ ➈➄❾ ❥⑤ ❥⑤t③ ❻❥♠t③✉ ② q♦❦③ ❦❧❥❶ ②q✉⑧❸ ➌r✉r ➍q❥❦r✉ ✈r❦➁ ➅② t❧r q♠♠③✉⑧➁ t❧r ❼❧r ➋➣t❧ ♦q✇⑤♠❧r⑧ ❻❥♠t③✉② ❦✇❶❶♦② ❶♦r❾ q⑤ qt q♠♠③✉⑧❥⑤④ ③① t③ ↔✉❿② ⑦ ❸ ❼❧r ❶③✉tr⑧ t✉q♦❥q❾ ➏❼ ✉③③❶➁ ⑨⑨➒ ➐❧q✉♦r❦ ③① ❼ ✉q⑤❦❶③✉tqt❥③⑤ ⑩ tq ③⑤ r❿❥④✉q⑤t❦ ➑r➌ ✈③②q④r❦ ⑨⑤ ➅✇❥♦t ❦③♦⑧ t③ t③ ↔✇❦➁ q⑤⑧ ➑③✉t❧ ↔t♦q⑤➁ ⑩ ➈➊➉→❾ t✉q⑤❦➁ ➛rq♦q⑤⑧ ❦r✈r✉q♦ ➑r➌ ↕ ③✉⑥❸ t❧r ➇③❧⑤ ❦❧❥❶ ❷❸ ➌q❦ ❹qt❦❥❦ ✘✢✏ ❺✉rr♠r❸ ⑨⑨❸ ❹qt❦❥❦ ❻❥♠t③✉ ② ❦❧❥❶❦ t❧r ❦❧❥❶ t❧r ♠③⑤✈r✉tr⑧ t✉③③❶ r⑤⑧ ❦❧❥❶❦ ③① t❧r ❺✉q⑤⑧r t❧r❿❸ ➌r✉r ❥⑤t③ ➅r①③✉r ➌q✉ ❸ ❼❧r ➌q❦ ❽q⑤② ✇❦r⑧ t❧r ❹q q❿③⑤④ ③① t❧r t③ ❦❧❥❶❦ t✉q⑤❦❶③✉t q⑤⑧ ✇❦r⑧ t③✇✉❥❦t❦ ❥t ❼❧r ❥⑤ ➐❧q✉♦r❦ ❦❧❥❶ ❥⑤ ➓⑤③❿❥♠❧❥ ★✏✔☞✘✌★✫ ✒✔✚✑ ✚✒ ✘✢✏ ✒✌ ✍✗☞✛✏✔★ ✏✬☞✚✏✍✘ ✘✢✏ submarine will not need to be refueled during its life- span, which is expected to be about 35 years. The submarine will make its own oxygen with rq❦tr✉⑤ ❽r⑧❥tr✉✉q⑤rq⑤❾ ➌✉③tr❸ ✧★✏✩✌✍✪✒ t✉q⑤❦❶③✉t t❧r ❦♠✉q❶❶r⑧ ✚✒ ❽q✉④q✉❥tq t③ ❥⑤ ✤✦✦ ✍✗☞✛✏✔★ ★✏✔☞✘✌★ ➌r✉r ✘✢✔✘ ✮✚✛✛ ☞✛✏✔★ the submarine of gases. ✜✯✰✢✏ ✒✗✖✱✔★✚✍✏✲ ✮✚✛✛ produce its own environ- ✱✏✍✘✕✭ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ✰✢✏ ✤✦✦ ✏✳✓✛✔✚✍✏✑✫ ✧★✏✩✌✍✕ ✛✚✴✏ all nuclear submarines, will be able to remain sub- ✱✏★✩✏✑ ✚✍✑✏✎✍✚✘✏✛✵ ✖✏✶ cause of its power source and oxygen generator. ✜✰✢✏ ✌✍✛✵ ✘✢✚✍✩ ✘✢✔✘ ✮✚✛✛ limit how long it can stay under is how much food ✚✘ ✢✔✒ ✯✘✌ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ✣✏✏✑ ✘✢✏ ☞★✏✮✲✕✭ ✒✔✚✑✫ crest, which is its badge or seal. The crest will include ✌✣ ✔✍ ✘✢✏ ✤✦✦ ✧★✏✩✌✍✪✒ ☞★✏✮ ➌q❦ ➇q❶q⑤ qt ➈➊➣➔❸ ✔✍✑ ✮✢✏✍ ❑▲▼■ Continued from Page 1A time for children 18 to 24 months old. For children 2 to 5 years old, less than an hour of screen time was recommended. CNN reported in Janu- ary there is little evidence that time with screens af- ✣✏☞✘✒ ✒✛✏✏✓✕ ☞✢✚✛✑★✏✍✪✒ ✑✏✷✏✛✌✓✶ ment, although the issue is still being studied. Ac- cording to the report, use of screens before bedtime can interfere with chil- screen time replaces time with parents or exercise, it can lead to obesity or un- derdeveloped social skills. ✹✔✏ ✙★✫ ✺✏✮✱✔✍✶ ❂✘✘✏ Conedera is the coordina- tor of the Early Childhood Education Program at ❂✧✤✫ ✦✢✏ ✒✔✚✑ ✘✢✏ ✖✚✩✩✏✒✘ problem with screen time is not how much children are getting at school, but what they are seeing and how much they are using screens at home. ✜✦✌✱✏ ✸✔✴✏ ✏✱✌✍✵ ✘✢✏ ★✏☞✏✓✘✚✌✍✫ ✙ ✔✍✚✏✛✒ said the committee hopes to raise about $200,000. ✰✢✏ ✺✔✷✵ ✎★✒✘ ✔★✱✏✑ ✚✍ ✮✔✒ ✖✔✘✘✛✏✒✢✚✓✕ ✔ ✘✢✚✒ ✒✘✔✘✏✪✒ ✻✻✶✼✫ ✧★✏✩✌✍ ✷✏✒✒✏✛ ✢✌✍✌★ ✘✢✏ ✤✦✦ ✽✌✍✒✘★✗☞✶ tion of the ship began in the early 1890s, and it was commissioned in 1896. The ship was used by the Navy ✑✗★✚✍✩ ✘✢✏ ✦✓✔✍✚✒✢ ✒✘✔✘✏ ✎✒✢✫ ✧✍✏ ✌✣ ✘✢✏ salmon is gold to represent ✌✬☞✏★✒✕ ✔✍✑ ✘✢✏ ✌✘ ✢✏★ ✚✒ silver to represent enlisted crew members. The crest will also fea- ture an eagle with out- stretched wings. The eagle, which will be taken from ✧★✏✩✌✍✪✒ ✒✘ ✔✘ ✏ ✒✏✔✛✕ ✮✚✛✛ ✚✍✶ clude 33 feathers. ✜✰✢✚✒ ✾✱✏★✚✶ can War, World War I and ✿✌★✛✑ ✿✔★ ❀❀✕ ✒✢✚✓✪✒ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✍✚☞✴✍✔✱✏ ✙✗★✚✍✩ ✘✢✏ ☞✢★✚✒✘✏✍✚✍✩ this fall in Connecticut, the ✷✏✒✒✏✛✪✒ ✒✌★✕ ✑✏✒✚✩✍✔✘✏✑ ✸✫ ✙✔✍✔ ✒✓✌✍✶ ✹✚☞✢✔★✑✒✌✍ of Corvallis, will break a bottle of champagne over it. The submarine will then be symbolically lowered into the waters of the At- ✛✔✍✘✚☞✫ ✸✔✘✏★✕ ✘✏✒✘ ★✗✍✒ ✜✻✗✛✛✑✌✩ ✮✚✛✛ ✔✛✚✩✍ ✮✚✘ ✢ ✧★✶ egon being the 33rd state ✮✔✒ ✔✑✱✚✘✘✏✑ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ✌✣ ✘✢✏ ✘✌ ✘✢✏ ✤✍✚✌✍✕✭ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✺✔✷✵✫✭ The new submarine will have a silhouette of the ✤✦✦ ✧★✏✩✌✍ ✻✻✶✼ ✌✍ ✚✘✒ ☞✢✚✛✑★✏✍ ✢✔✷✏ very limited exposure with opportunities that are very planned and supervised, while some children may have unlimited access, with little to no oversight to what is being watched or played,” she said. ✻✏☞✔✗✒✏ ✷✏★✵ ☞✢✚✛✑★✏✍ ✑✚❊✏★✏✍✘ ✢✔✷✏ ✔✱✌✗✍✘✒ of access to screens at home, Newman-Conedera said creating a standard amount of time for a class- ★✌✌✱ ✮✌✗✛✑ ✦✢✏ ✔✛✒✌ ✖✏ ✑✚✬☞✗✛✘✫ ✒✔✚✑ ✘✏☞✢✍✌✛✌✩✵ in classrooms is a useful tool. Find information on how to make donations at us- soregonssn793.org. ◆❖P◗❘❙❯❱❲ ❯❱◗◆P❱◆◗ ❳❨❩❳ ❬❭❪❪❫ ❨❴❵❪❛❴❪❵ ✮✚✛✛ take place over a 12- to 14-month period to make ❜❞❡❢❣ ❤❥❦❧♠❥♥♦ ♣❞♠♦q❞♦♠ rs♦♦tr ✉❥♠✈❢✇♠ rs♦❞t❥❞❦ ❤❥❦ ❤✇①②r③ ✒✗★✏ ✘✢✏ ✤✦✦ ✧★✏✩✌✍ ✚✒ ✚✍ proper working order, af- ✘✏★ ✮✢✚☞✢ ✚✘ ✮✚✛✛ ✖✏ ✌✬☞✚✔✛✛✵ commissioned. All of the expenses for the commissioning cer- emony will be covered by funds raised by the Com- missioning Committee, ④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑨⑤⑩⑥⑤❶ ❷⑧❸ ❹❺ ❻⑧❼ ❹❺ ❽ ❾❿➀➁➂➃➄➅➀ Ö×Ø ÙÚÛÜØÝÙÞ ß×àÙÚÝáâãÛØÝ äåØæçæ ÝèÛÛé ê ë×ìåÙí×àî ④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑨⑤⑩⑥⑤❶ ❷⑧❸ ❹❺ ❻⑧❼ ❹❺ ❽ ❿➁➀➁➁➃➄➅➀ ÜØÝÙ ✥✟ ß×àÙÚÝ ➫➭➯➲➳➵➸➺➻➼ ➽➾➚➪➶➹➘⑤⑤❶ ➴⑨⑥⑤❸⑨⑤⑥ ➷➬➮➮➱✃❐❒➬➮ ❮❰➱➱Ï❮ Ð❰ ❐➬ ÑÒ ÓÔ❰❮Õ ➆ ➇➈➉ ➊➋➌➍➎➏ ➍➐➋➑ ➒➓➔→→➣➣ ➆ ↔↕➙➐ ➌➛➎➎➜ ➝↕➍➐ ➞➟➎➏ ➠➛➍↕➡ ➍➎➡➐➑➠➢➠➙➤ ➆ ➥➋➌➍ ➜➠➝➑➢➠➋➜ ➍↕➦➎ ➊➠➏ ➌➍➏➎➋➦↕➑➙ ➧↕➜➎➠➌➨ ➦➩➌↕➡ ➋➑➜ ➦➠➏➎→ ö÷ø➲ùù➸ø➲ ú➺ø➲➳➺➲ø ûüý❐ þ➬Ð ÿ➱❐ ❒❐ü ✁ Ðÿü➱❮ ✂ ➱❐ ✄ ý❐➱ ☎☎ ❒❐➱ ✆ ➮❐➱ ✝ ➮➱❐ ✞ ➆ ➥➋➌➍ ➌➛➎➎➜➌ ➩➛ ➍➠ ï➇ ð➟➛➌ ➆ ñ➧➋↕➢➋➟➢➎ ➎➧➎➏➤➝➐➎➏➎ ➆ ➔➋➏➙➎➏ ➜➋➍➋ ➋➢➢➠➝➋➑➡➎ ò➩➛ ➍➠ ➇➈ óô ➛➎➏ ➦➠➑➍➐õ ❈❃❄❅❆❈❅ ❇❃❉❊ ❋❃❈❆❋ ❆❉❅●❃❊❏❑▲▼ ❊▲❅❆❏❋▲❊ ✽✡✡☛☞✌✌☛☞✍✎✏ óôõõöôõ÷øù÷úûüýõûþþùÿ ü ù ù ÷õûú öùÿüþùûö ùÿ ú ý ô ù ù þû÷ õ þõ ûüöúù÷õ ùüú þ ôþõ öõ ýõ ✥ ✁ ✂ ✄ ☎✄ ✆ ☎✝ ☎✞ ✂☎✥ ✞ ✝ ✄ ☎✞ ✟ ☎ ✂ ✄✥ ✠✥ ☎ ❍✑✒✓✔✕✖✔✗ ✘✕ ✙ ✚✔✒✘✕✗✔✚✔✛ ✗✚✙✛✔✜✙✚✢ ✣✤ ❍✑✒✓✔✕✖✔✗✦✣✚✢ ✧★✕✗✔✜✕✩ ✪✪✫✩ ✙✬ ✭✮✓✣✧✗✙✚ ✮✣✜✯✙✬★✰ ❚✓✔ ❍✑✒✓✕✖✔✗ ✱✔✬✲ ✕✔✚✳✘✮✔ ✯✴✙✬✕ ✙✚✔ ✛✔✕✘✒✬✔✛ ✗✣✛✔✴✘✳✔✚ ✛✣✦✬✴✣✙✛ ✕✯✔✔✛✕ ✣✤ ✵✲✶✷✯✕ ✙✬✛ ✑✯✴✣✙✛ ✕✯✔✔✛✕ ✣✤ ✸ ✶✷✯✕✩✷✑✗ ✘✬✛✘✳✘✛✑✙✴ ✮✑✕✗✣✜✔✚✕ ✜✙★ ✔✹✯✔✚✘✔ ✬✮✔ ✛✘✤✤✔✚✔✬✗ ✕✯✔✔✛✕ ✙✗ ✛✘✤✤✔✚✔✬✗ ✗✘✜✔✕ ✣✤ ✗✓✔ ✛✙★✰ ✧✯✔✔✛✕ ✙✬✛ ✑✬✘✬✗✔✚✚✑✯✗✔✛ ✑✕✔ ✙✚✔ ✬✣✗ ✒✑✙✚✙✬✗✔✔✛ ✙✬✛ ✜✙★ ✳✙✚★ ✷✙✕✔✛ ✣✬ ✙ ✳✙✚✘✔✗★ ✣✤ ✤✙✮✗✣✚✕ ✘✬✮✴✑✛✘✬✒✐ ✗✓✔ ✮✣✬❝✒✑✚✙✗✘✣✬ ✣✤ ★✣✑✚ ✮✣✜✯✑✗✔✚✩ ✗✓✔ ✬✑✜✷✔✚ ✣✤ ✮✣✬✮✑✚✚✔✬✗ ✑✕✔✚✕✩ ✬✔✗✦✣✚✢ ✣✤ ■✬✗✔✚✬✔✗ ✮✣✬✒✔✕✗✘✣✬✩ ✗✓✔ ✮✙✯✙✷✘✴ ✘✗✘✔ ✕ ✙✬✛ ✮✣✬✗✔✬✗ ✣✤ ✗✓✔ ✦✔✷✕✘✗✔✕ ★✣✑ ✙✚✔ ✙✮✮✔✕✕✘✬✒✩ ✬✔✗✦✣✚✢ ✜✙✬✙✒✔✜✔✬✗ ✯✚✙✮✗✘✮✔✕ ✙✕ ✛✔✔✜✔✛ ✬✔✮✔✕✕✙✚★✩ ✙✬✛ ✣✗✓✔✚ ✤✙✮✗✣✚✕✰ ✺✓✔✬★✣✑ ✮✣✬✬✔✮✗✔✛ ✗✣ ❍✑✒✓✔✕✖✔✗ ✕✔✚✳✘✮✔ ✑✕✘✬✒✺✘✻✼✘✩ ★✣✑✚ ✔✹✯✔✚✘✔ ✬✮✔ ✦✘✴✴ ✳✙✚★ ✷✙✕✔✛ ✣✬★✣✑✚ ✯✚✣✹✘✜ ✘✗★ ✗✣ ✗✓✔ ✺✘✻✼✘ ✕✣✑✚✮✔ ✙✬✛ ✗✓✔ ✕✗✚✔✬✒✗✓ ✣✤ ✗✓✔ ✕✘✒✬✙✴✰ ✾✧✯✔✔✛✕✜✙★ ✳✙✚★ ✛✔✯✔✬✛✘✬✒ ✣✬✛✘✕✗✙✬✮✔✩✴✘✬✔ ✿✑✙✴✘✗★ ✙✬✛ ✬✑✜✷✔✚ ✣✤ ✛✔✳✘✮✔✕ ✑✕✔✛ ✮✣✬✮✑✚✚✔✬✗✴★✰ ✧✑✷❀✔✮✗ ✗✣ ✙✳✙✘✴✙✷✘✴✘✗★✰ ✧✣✜✔ ✯✚✘✮✔✕ ✕✓✣✦✬✜✙★ ✷✔ ✘✬✗✚✣✛✑✮✗✣✚★ ✣✤✤✔✚✕✰ ✭✿✑✘✯✜✔✬✗ ✤✔✔✕✩ ✗✙✹✔✕ ✙✬✛ ✣✗✓✔✚ ✤✔✔✕ ✙✬✛ ✚✔✕✗✚✘✮✗✘✣✬✕ ✜✙★ ✙✯✯✴★✰ ✾✾✧✯✔✔✛ ✮✣✜✯✙✚✘✕✣✬✷✙✕✔✛ ✣✬❁✰✲✶✷✯✕ ❂✧✪✰ ✔✕❖✖✗ ✘✙✚ ✛✜ ✘✢✣✤ ✘✚ ✝✞✟✠❨ ✡ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✰✢✏ ✜❋✔✍✵ ✱✵ ✑✚✒✘★✚☞✘✒ ✌✓✚✍✚✌✍✕ ✢✔✷✏ ✘✢✏ ✍✏✩✔✶ tive impacts of digital tools and usage are not going to be because of classroom ✗✒✔✩✏✫ ❀✘✪✒ ✩✌✚✍✩ ✘✌ ✒✑✠✓ ✎✌❚✌✳ ✣✗✍✑✒ curriculum or additional student supports that can only be accessed through digital means,” she said. ✜❀✍ ✜✢✦✚✛✧ ✝☛❈✝☞✌✍✠✞✎✏ ❙✝✑❱✍❈✝❙ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ❍✮❋❍ ✲●✰✰❏ ✮❑▲✰✯❑✰▲ ✠ ✤♦☞☛✍☛t❡☞t✣② ✴✌☛t ☛✸❡❡❞☛✳ ✤♦☞☞❡❝t✍♦☞ ✇✍t❤ ♦✈❡r ✹✹✺ r❡✣✍✌✡✍✣✍t②✳ ✠ ❚❤❡ ✡❡☛t ☞❡t✇♦r❦ ✌❝❝♦r❞✍☞✎ t♦ ❆✏❡r✍❝✌✑☛ ✡✍✎✎❡☛t t❡☛t✳ ❇✒✓✔✕✖♥✗✘❙❖♥✔❙✙✖✚✔❙✔♣✛✜✷✵✶✽✜❊①✙❧✉✕✔✓✙✚✖✢✕✓✖✉✚✙✔✕✓✛✉✕✐✔✓✜ ✑★✏✍✪✒ ✽★✔✘✏★ ✌✣ National Park and two im- ages of Chinook salmon, ❲✮✯✰✱✰✲✲ ❙ ● ❍ ■■ ❏ ✚✱✔✩✏ members, a pre-ceremony breakfast and a post-cer- ✰✢✏ ✉r⑤q❿r⑧ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ❽q⑤② ✣✌✌✑ ③① ✎☞✚✏✍✘ ⑧✇✉❥⑤④ ⑦③✉♦⑧ ⑦q✉ ✜✘✢✏ 140-person crew. The ves- sel is 377 feet in length and 34 feet in diameter, and it weighs 7,800 tons. The sub- marine will be able to oper- ate at a maximum depth of 800 feet and travel at a top speed of 25 knots, and its armament will include 12 Tomahawk missiles. The submarine will be powered by a highly ef- ❶r③➁ ⑦q✉ ⑦qtr✉❿q⑤ ✜✒☞★✗✖✖✏★✭ will be used for items in- cluding plaques for each r❿❥➁ ♠③✇♦⑧ ➊➔➔ ⑦③✉♦⑧ ➙③♦q⑤⑧ ❦❧❥❶❦ ➅③qt❦ t❧qt ✒✔✚✑ a morale booster” that will ➌q❦ ↔❦❦③♠❥qt❥③⑤❸ ❦❧❥❶➁ ➓➅❦r✉ ✈r✉ ❸ ➌q❦ ♠q✉✉❥r✉ q♠♠③❿❿③⑧qtr ❦❧❥❶ ⑦③✉♦⑧ ➎ ③✉t♦q⑤⑧❾ ❼❧r ✈r❦❦r♦ →➊➊t❧ t❧r ④✉q⑤t ❦❧❥❶❦ ⑧✇✉❥⑤④ qt t③ t❧r t❧r t❧r ♦q✇⑤♠❧r⑧ ❥⑤④ ✉rq⑧ ➈ ➔❾➄➔➔➁t③⑤ ➌q❦ ⑦q✉ t③ ➓➅❦r✉✈r✉ ❸ ❼❧r ❦r♦ ❺✉q⑤⑧r ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ an oxygen generator. The machine, via electrolysis, pulls oxygen out of water. There will also be a oxygen ⑦q➁ ❥t ✖✏✍✏✎✘ ➑q❿r ✖✗✘ said steps are taken by the Navy to keep up the spirits of crew members. Movies are shown and the meals on Navy submarines are excellent. ↔♠q⑧➁ ➃➔➔ ➈ ❸ ❦❧❥❶ ❿r⑤t ➀❸❷❸ ✒✓✔☞✏✒✕ ✙✔✍✚✏✛✒ ❥⑤④ ❚✠✡ ☛☞✡☎❱✡☎ ✌ ✺✍ LOCAL ✖✏ ✠ ❯☞✣✍✏✍t❡❞ ❝✌✣✣☛ t♦ ✤✌☞✌❞✌ ✌☞❞ ▼❡✦✍❝♦✳ ✧ ✠ ❯☞✣✍✏✍t❡❞ t❡✦t☛ t♦ ★✩✪✫ ❝♦✬☞tr✍❡☛✳✭ ✒♥✕ ✒ ✢✐✚✔✕ ✙✖♥♥✔✙✛✐✖♥ ✛✖ ✗✒✛✔✢✒✻✜ ✠ ❆❚✼❚ ■☞t❡r☞❡t ✍☛ ✾★ ✍☞ ❝✬☛t♦✏❡r ☛✌t✍☛✴✌❝t✍♦☞ ♦✈❡r ♦t❤❡r ✏✌✿♦r ❝✌✡✣❡ ■☞t❡r☞❡t ✸r♦✈✍❞❡r☛✳ ❈❧✒✐❀❁✒✓✔✕ ✖♥✷✵✶✽ ❂❈❙❃✓✉✚❄✔✻ ✖❅✙✉✓✛✖❀✔✚✓✚✒✛✐♥❛ ✛❉✔✐✚ ✖✢♥ ❃♥✛✔✚♥✔✛ ♣✚✖❄✐✕✔✚➆✓ ♣✔✚❅✖✚❀✒♥✙✔✜ ✠ ◗❡t ✌❝❝❡☛☛ t♦ ★❘❘✫ ✣✍✈❡ ✌☞❞ ✣♦❝✌✣ ❝❤✌☞☞❡✣☛❱ ✇✍t❤ t❤♦✬☛✌☞❞☛ ♦✴ ☛❤♦✇☛ ✌☞❞ ✏♦✈✍❡☛ ♦☞ ❞❡✏✌☞❞✳❳ ✘✐✛❉ ❙❊❨❊❈❩❬ ❭✒✙❪✒❛✔✜ ✠ ❫tr❡✌✏ ♦☞ ✬✸t♦ ❘ ☛❝r❡❡☞☛ ✌t t❤❡ ☛✌✏❡ t✍✏❡ ✇✍t❤ t❤❡ ❴■❵❜✤❚❢ ❆✸✸✳ ❣ ❈✖♥✛✔♥✛❥✙❉✒♥♥✔❧✓❥ ❅✉♥✙✛✐✖♥✒❧✐✛✻ ❄✒✚✻✜ ♠✒✛✒✉✓✒❛✔ ✙❉✒✚❛✔✓ ❀✒✻ ✒♣♣❧✻✜ q ✠ s☞❡ ③❴ ❴❢❵ ❝♦☞☞❡❝t☛ ②♦✬r ✇❤♦✣❡ ❤♦✏❡✳ ④ ❂✕✕⑤❧ ✔⑥✉✐♣✜ ✚✔⑥⑤✕✜ ❂✕✕⑤❧ ⑦ ❂✕❄✒♥✙✔✕ ⑧✔✙✔✐❄✔✚❅✔✔✓ ✒♣♣❧✻✜ ⑨⑩❶❶ ❷❸❹ ❺❻❼ ❺❽❾ ❺❿➀➁➂ ❷➃➄➂ ➅❺➇ ➈❻❽➂❺➉➉❺➂➊➀❻➋ ■★ ✩✪✫✫✬✭t ❍✬✮✯✰✲✴✵ ✶✶✷ ✽✸✸✹✸✺✻✹✻✸✼✽ ➌➍➎➏➐➑➒➓➔→ ➑➣↔↕➍➐➙➔→➍ ➐➍↕➛➐➔→➛➔➎➣↕➑➒➒➜➝➛➎ ➞➟➙➍➐↕➍↕➍➐➙➔→➍↕➠➡➑➜➜ ➎➐➙➔↕➔➛ ➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤➥➙➍➐↕➍➛➎ ➙➍➐➔➦➝➍➜➔➏➔➧➔➜ ➔➛➝➠➨➩➫➭➯➲➯➳➵➸➳➺➭➻➼➽➓➎➣➍↕➎➣➜➝➠➾➣→➜➥ ↔➍↕→➑➜➜↕ ➦➐➎➢➑➣↔➛➎➚➡➪➶➹➍➘➔→➎➑➣↔➡➑➣➑↔➑➠➴➷➬➮➱✃❐❒❮➷➱❰➮Ï➼➽➍➐➟➢➔➣➥➛➍ ➒➑➝➟➒➍➐➟➥↕➍➐➑➛➍↕➑➒➒➜➝➥➣➜➍↕↕ ➝➎➥➓➑➙➍➑➣➾➣➛➍➐➣➑➛➔➎➣➑➜Ð➎➣➏➚➔↕➛➑➣→➍↕➍➐➙➔→➍➒➑→Ñ➑➏➍➠Ò➑➛➍↕↕➥➧Ó➍→➛➛➎→➓➑➣➏➍ Ô➤➎➣➎➛➔→➍➠Õ➎➐➐➑➛➍↕➶↕➍➍➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤Ô➎➐➜↔→➎➣➣➍→➛➠➩➫➭➯➲➯➳➵➸➳➵Ö➳➼×➛➑➣↔➑➐↔➹➍↕↕➑➏➔➣➏ Ø➽➓➎➣➍↕➎➣➜➝➠Ò➍Ù➥➔➐➍↕→➎➢➒➑➛➔➧➜➍↔➍➙➔→➍➠➾➣→➜➥↔➍↕➥➣➜➔➢➔➛➍↔➢➍↕↕➑➏➍↕➥➒➛➎Ú➹Û➔➣ ↕➔Ü➍Ô➔➛➓➔➣ ➚➡➪➛➎ ➢➎➐➍ ➛➓➑➣ÚÝÞ→➎➥➣➛➐➔➍↕➦➎➐➛➍➘➛➢➍↕↕➑➏➍↕➑➣↔ÚßÞ→➎➥➣➛➐➔➍↕➦➎➐➒➔→➛➥➐➍ à➙➔↔➍➎ ➢➍↕↕➑➏➍↕➠➪áàá➢➑➝➑↔↔➶→➓➑➣➏➍ à➐➍➢➎➙➍➔➣→➜➥↔➍↔→➎➥➣➛➐➔➍↕➑➛➔➛↕↔➔↕→➐➍➛➔➎➣Ô➤➎➣➎➛➔→➍➠➹➍↕↕➑➏➍↕↕➍➣➛➛➓➐➎➥➏➓➑➒➒➜➔→➑➛➔➎➣↕➢➑➝➔➣→➥➐↔➑➛➑➎➐➎➛➓➍➐→➓➑➐➏➍↕➠×➍➍➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤➛➍➘➛ßÔ➎➐➜↔➦➎ ➐↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➠➺âãä❮å➮â➲➮ÏÏäæ❰❮æ➼×➍➣↔➍➐➑➣↔➐➍→➔➒➔➍➣➛ç↕è ➢➥↕➛ ➧➍➪áàá ➒➎↕➛➒➑➔↔Ô➔➐➍➜➍↕↕→➥↕➛➎➢➍➐↕Ô➔➛➓é➚ê➎➔→➍➑→→➎➥➣➛↕➶→➑➒➑➧➜➍ ↔➍➙➔→➍↕➶➓➑➙➍➛➓➍➔➐ ↔➍➙➔→➍↕➛➥➐➣➍↔➎➣ à➧➍Ô➔➛➓➔➣ ➪áàá➟➎Ô➣➍↔➑➣↔➟➎➒➍➐➑➛➍↔➚➡➪ç➍➘→➜➥↔➍↕➛➓➔➐↔➟➒➑➐➛➝→➎➙➍➐➑➏➍ à➥↕➍ ➔➣ ➹➍➘➔→➎➤➡➑➣➑↔➑è➠➾➣→➜➥↔➍↕➥➣➜➔➢➔➛➍↔➢➍↕↕➑➏➍↕➥➒➛➎ÚÞ➹Û ➔➣ ↕➔Ü➍➠ë➛➓➍➐➐➍↕➛➐➔→➛➔➎➣↕➑➒➒➜➝à→➑➣ ➧➍ ➦➎➥➣↔➑➛➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤➑↔➙➑➣→➍↔➢➍↕↕➑➏➔➣➏➠ì➵➫íî➯ï➵➭➵ðððñ✃➼×➥➧Ó➠ ➛➎ò➔➐➍➜➍↕↕ ➡➥↕➛➎➢➍➐➪➏➢➛ ç➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤Ô→➑è➠ ➡➐➍ ↔➔➛ ➑➒➒➐➎➙➑➜ ➐➍Ù➥➔➐➍ ↔➠×➙→↕➣➎➛ ➦➎ ➐➐➍↕➑➜➍➠➸➮ó❐Ï❰➷➼➹➑➝➑➒➒➜➝➠ ➭❰ô❰➷Ï➼➽➥➐→➓➠ à➜➔➣➍➜➔➢➔➛↕➑➒➒➜➝➠ ➽➐➔→➍↕➢➑➝➙➑➐➝➧➝➜➎→➑➛➔➎➣➠á➑➘➍↕➶➦➍➍↕➶➢➎➣➛➓➜➝➑➣↔➎➛➓➍➐→➓➑➐➏➍↕➶➥↕➑➏➍➶↕➒➍➍↔➶→➎➙➍➐➑➏➍ à➎➛➓➍➐➐➍↕➛➐õ↕ ➑➒➒➜➝➒➍➐➜➔➣➍➠×➍➍➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤➑↔↔➔➛➔➎➣➑➜→➓➑➐➏➍↕ ➦➎➐↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➎➣ ➦➍➍↕ à→➓➑➐➏➍↕➠➽➐➎➢➎➛➔➎➣↕➶➛➍➐➢↕ à➐➍↕➛➐õ↕↕➥➧Ó➍→➛➛➎→➓➑➣➏➍ à➢➑➝➧➍ ➢➎↔➔ö➍↔➎➐➛➍➐➢➔➣➑➛➍↔➑➛➑➣➝➛➔➢➍Ô➔➛➓➎➥➛➣➎➛➔→➍➠➾➣➛➍➐➣➑➛➔➎➣➑➜➑➣↔↔➎➢➍↕➛➔→ ➎÷➟➣➍➛ ↔➑➛➑ ➢➑➝➧➍➑➛ß➌ ↕➒➍➍↔↕➠➪áàá↕➍➐➙➔→➍ ➔↕ ↕➥➧Ó➍→➛➛➎➪áàá➣➍➛Ô➎➐Ñ➢➑➣➑➏➍➢➍➣➛ ➒➎➜➔→ ➔➍↕➠×➍➍ ➑➛➛➠→➎➢➤➧➐➎➑↔➧➑➣↔➔➣➦➎ ➦➎➐↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➠ß ➪→→➍↕↕➛➎ ➑➙➑➔➜➑ ➧➜➍➚➾Òø➡áêë➣➚➍➢➑➣↔➒➐➎➏➐➑ ➢➢➔➣➏ ➧➑↕➍↔➎➣ ➒➑→Ñ➑➏➍↕➍➜➍→➛➔➎➣➠➪→➛➥➑➜➣➥➢➧➍➐➎➦↕➓➎Ô↕➑➣↔➢➎➙➔➍↕ Ô➔➜ ➙➑➐➝➠➪↔↔➔➛ ➔➎➣➑➜ ➦➍➍↕➑➒➒➜➝➦➎➐➣➍Ô➐➍➜➍➑↕➍↕➑➣↔→➍➐➛➑➔➣ ➜➔➧➐➑ ➐➝➛➔➛➜➍↕➠ ➡➎➢➒➑➛➔➧➜➍➍Ù➥➔➒➢➍➣➛➑➣↔➧➐➎➑↔➧➑➣↔➾➣➛➍➐➣➍➛↕➍➐➙➔→➍ Ô➔➛➓↕➒➍➍↔↕➎➦ùúÞ û➧➒↕➎➐➓➔➏➓➍➐➐➍Ù➥➔➐➍↔➠➚➎Ô➣➜➎➑↔➔➣➏ë➣ ➚➍➢➑➣↔→➎➣➛➍➣➛➢➑➝→➎➥➣➛➑➏➑➔➣↕➛➝➎➥➐↔➑➛➑ ➒➜➑➣➑➜➜➎Ô➑➣→➍➠ê➔↕➔➛ ↔➔➐➍→➛➙➠→➎➢➤➢➎➙➔➍↕➦➎➐↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➠üÐ➔➙➍↕➛➐➍➑➢➔➣➏➑➣↔ë➣➚➍➢➑➣↔→➓➑➣➣➍➜↕➙➑➐➝➑→→➎➐↔➔➣➏➛➎áê ➒➑→Ñ➑➏➍➶➜➎→➑➛➔➎➣➑➣↔↔➍➙➔→➍➠➪↔↔➔➛➔➎➣➑➜➦➍➍↕➑➒➒➜➝➦➎➐➣➍Ô➐➍➜➍➑↕➍↕➠ë➥➛➟➎➦➟➓➎➢➍➙➔➍Ô➔➣➏ ➐➍Ù➥➔➐➍↕é➔➏➓×➒➍➍↔➾➣➛➍➐➣➍➛→➎➣➣➍→➛➔➎➣➠ ➡➓➑➣➣➍➜↕➤➑↔↔➔➛➔➎➣➑➜➦➍➑➛➥➐➍↕➑➙➑➔➜➑ ➧➜➍➦➎➐➜➔➙➍↕➛➐➍➑➢➔➣➏➑➛➓➎➢➍Ô➓➍➣→➎➣➣➍→➛➍↔➛➎ ➑➣é➚➚êÒÔ➔➛➓é➔➏➓×➒➍➍↔→➎➣➣➍→➛➔➎➣➠➪➜➜ ➦➥➣→➛➔➎➣↕➑➣↔➒➐➎➏➐➑ ➢➢➔➣➏↕➥➧Ó➍→➛➛➎→➓➑➣➏➍➑➛➑➣➝➛➔➢➍➠ê➔↕ ➔➛ ↔➔➐➍→➛➙➠→➎➢➤↕➛➐➍➑➢↔➔➐➍→➛➙➛➎➏➍➛➑➜➔↕➛➎➦→➎➢➒➑➛➔➧➜➍ ↔➍➙➔→➍↕ç↕➎➜↔↕➍➒➑➐➑➛➍➜➝è➑➣↔↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➠ýò➓➎➜➍➟é➎➢➍é➚➚êÒ➦➥➣→➛➔➎➣➑➜➔➛➝➐➍Ùþ↕ ➑➣é➚➚êÒ→➎➣➣➍→➛➍↔➛➎ ➎➣➍➛➍➜➍➙➔↕ ➔➎➣➑➣↔➑➌➍➣➔➍ ➹➔➣➔➶éßú é➚ Ò➍→➍➔➙➍➐ç↕è ➎➐➑➚➾Òø➡áê Ò➍➑↔➝áê➤➚➍➙➔→➍ ➔➣ ➍➑→➓➑↔↔➔➛ ➔➎➣➑➜➐➎➎➢➠Ð➔➢➔➛ ➛➓➐➍➍ ➐➍ ➢➎➛➍➙➔➍ Ô➔➣➏↕➒➍➐é➚➚êÒ➑➛➑➛➔➢➍➠ê➔↕➔➛ â❰➱➮å➷ãíå❐ôÿæ➮❮❰➮➦➎➐→➎➢➒➜➍➛➍ ↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➠ ➵ ❊ å ❝ ❒Ï❰❐❮Ï➼➚➎➍↕➣➎➛➔➣→➜➥↔➍➛➑➘➍↕➶ ✥ ÚÝ➠Ýú➑→➛➔➙➑➛➔➎➣ ➦➍➍➶Ò➍➏➔➎➣➑➜×➒➎➐➛↕ ➦➍➍➎➦➥➒➛➎ ✥ ù➠ýÝ➤➢➎➠çÔ➓➔→➓ ➔↕ ➍➘➛➐➑ à➑➒➒➜➔➍↕➛➎ ➡éë➾➡ø➑➣↔➤➎➐➹ × ➞ÐáÒ➪➑➣↔➓➔➏➓➍➐➒Ñ➏↕è➶➑➒➒➜➔→➑➧➜➍ ➥↕➍➛➑➘➍➘➒➍➣↕➍↕➥➐→➓➑➐➏➍➎➣ ➐➍➛➑➔➜ ➙➑➜➥➍➎➦➔➣↕➛➑➜➜➑➛➔➎➣➶➍Ù➥➔➒➢➍➣➛➥➒➏➐➑↔➍↕➤➑↔↔➟➎➣↕➑➣↔→➍➐➛➑➔➣ ➎➛➓➍➐➑↔↔þ➜ ➦➍➍↕ à→➓➑➐➏➍↕➠➸➯ï➵✃➳ñðñ✃➳➵ï➲ð➼ð❒ ✁✂ ➮å➷➷❐➵ q ❒❰óô➮❮➷ ➭➮äÏ➮ ✄ ✃❒Ï➷❐ô➮➱➺æ➱➮➮ô➮❮➷Ïí➹➥↕➛➢➑➔➣➛➑➔➣ ➑ ➢➔➣➠ ➧➑↕➍áê ➒Ñ➏➎➦ ✥ ßÝ➠ÝÝ➤➢➎➠ P ➱❐æ➱äôô❰❮æ ✱ ó➱❰å❰❮æ ✱ ➷➮➱ôÏ ä❮âå❐❮â❰➷❰❐❮ÏÏ❒ ✁✂ ➮å➷➷❐å➬ä❮æ➮ä➷ä❮ ☎ ➷❰ô➮í×➎➢➍➎÷➍➐↕ ➢➑➝➣➎➛➧➍➑➙➑➔➜➑ ➧➜➍➛➓➐➎➥➏➓➑➜➜ →➓➑➣➣➍➜↕➑➣↔➔➣ ↕➍➜➍→➛➑➐➍➑↕➠ê➔↕➔➛ ↔➔➐➍→➛➙➠→➎➢➤➜➍➏➑➜➎➐→➑➜➜➦➎➐↔➍➛➑➔➜↕➠ ➞ ßÞÚ ✆ ➪áàá➾➣➛➍➜➜➍→➛➥➑➜➽➐➎➒➍➐➛➝➠➪➜➜ Ò➔➏➓➛↕Ò➍↕➍➐➙➍↔➠➪áàá➶➌➜➎➧➍➜➎➏➎➶➚➾Òø➡áê➶➑➣↔➑➜➜➎➛➓➍➐➚➾Òø➡áê➢➑➐Ñ↕→➎➣➛➑➔➣➍↔➓➍➐➍ ➔➣ ➑➐➍ ➛➐➑ ↔➍➢➑➐Ñ↕➎➦➪áàá➾➣➛➍➜➜➍→➛➥➑➜➽➐➎➒➍➐➛➝➑➣↔➤➎➐➪áàá➑ ❛ ➜➔➑➛➍↔→➎➢➒➑➣➔➍↕➠ ➪➜➜➎➛➓➍➐➢➑➐Ñ↕➑➐➍ ➛➓➍ ➒➐➎ ➒➍➐➛➝➎➦➛➓➍➔➐ ➐➍↕➒➍→➛➔➙➍➎Ô➣➍➐↕➠ ✾ ♦✿❀ ❁❂❃❄❅❆ ❇❉❋❉❀ ✈❉❋ ●❏❉ ❑ ❡▲▼◆◗❘◗❯❲❳❳❳ ✌✗✘✶ ❩❬❘❭❡❳❳❳ side the classroom envi- ronment.” ❑ ❩❪❳❳❳ ⑦⑧⑧ Contact Francisca Benitez at 541-963-3161 or email fbenitez@lagrandeobserver. com. ❏✮✯✰◆▲P ⑨⑩❶❷ ❸❹❺❺⑧ ❻❼❽❺❾❼❺❽ ➜➝➟➠ ö÷øùúûü üý þÿþ ✥ þø ✥ ✥ ü ✁✂ ✄ ú ☎ ü ✆✥ ûü ✥ ý ✝☎ þ ✞✞ ✁✂ ✟✝ üú ✆✝ úü ✝ ýü ✞ ✆ ýÿ ✥♣ ú ♣ ø ✁ ✠✟ ö ✡ þ ✝♣ ☛✥ rs✉ ✇①②③③④⑤⑥ øú ø ✥ ú ♣ ☎ ú ✞ þ ✆ þüú ✁✂ ➌➍➎➏➐➑➒➓➔ →➣↔ ↕➙➛ ❫❴❵❵ ❜❞❢❴❣ ❤✐❥❦ ❧♠♥♣ ❿➀➁➂ ➁➃➄➅ ➆➇➈➉➇➈➊➋ ➡➢➤➥➦➧➨ ➩➥➫➭ ➯ ➲➳➢➵ ➸➵➥➺➳ ➧➻➢➵➢➦➫➳➳ ➩➥➫➭ ➼➽➾➯➚ ➨➫➢➵➫➥➦➧ ➢➫ ➪➶➹➘➹➹ ➺➴➷➸➢➵➳➬ ➫➴ ➳➤➳➵ ➲➬➢➲ ➸➵➥➺➳➘ ➼➮➮ ➴➱➳➵➨ ➵➳✃➻➥➵➳ ➺➵➳➬➥➫ ✃➻➢➮➥❐➺➢➫➥➴➦❒ ➯ ➲➳➢➵ ➺➴➷➷➥➫➷➳➦➫ ➩➥➫➭ ➳➢➵➮➲ ➫➳➵➷➥➦➢➫➥➴➦ ❮➳➳ ➢➦➬ ➳➼➻➫➴❰➢➲➘ ÏÐÑÒÓÔ ÑÕÒÖ×ØÓ ÙÚÛÛÓÐ Ü×Ú ÝÚÐ Þ×ßÖÑÝàÑÕá Ò×ÔâÚãÓÐÔä ÙÚÛÛÓÐå ÙÚÛÛÓÐ æç èÖÑÕá ÚÐ ÙÚÛÛÓÐ é êëçãÚä ãÚÐÓä ìÛÝÐÚÕâ ÝÓÓÔ ãßà ßÛÛÖà íßÔÓØ ÚÕ ÒÐÓØÑâ Þ×ßÖÑîÒßâÑÚÕä ïÓÓÔ ßÛÛÖà ÝÚÐ ßØØÑâÑÚÕßÖ ðñÔò ÙÚÛÛÓÐ êóëçãÚäå ôÚÓà êëçãÚäå è×ÛÓÐ ôÚÓà êóõçãÚä wants to help others with similar issues. ❯❈ ➜➝ ➞❈ ❯ ➟ Continued from Page 1A ✮✚✘✢ ◆✌✮ ✘✢✏ ✔✍✑ ✘★✗✒✘ ✜❀✪✱ ✘ ✢✔✘ things will fall into place. ✜❀✘✪✒ ✢✔★✑ ✘✌ ✖✏ ☞✛✏✔✍ and sober in a com- munity where you have been drinking and using ✯✑★✗✩✒✲✫ ✦✌ ✚✘✪✒ ✚✱✓✌★✘✔✍✘ that we surround ourselves ✮✚✘✢ ✚✍✩ ✓✏✌✓✛✏ ✘✢✔✘✕✭ ✦✢✏ ✮✢✌ ✹✚✛✏✵ ✔✍✑ ✔★✏✍✪✘ ✑✌✶ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✘✢✏ ✷✌✛✶ ✌✘✢✏★ unteers at the business will also help teach those who live in the home im- portant life skills such as cooking, sewing, art and ✱✌★✏✫ ✹✚ ✛✏✵ ✦✌✱✏ ✘✏✔☞✢✏✒ ✌✣ ✘✢✏ ✔★✏ ✔✒ ✒✴✚✛✛✒ ✒✚✱✓✛✏ as sewing a button onto a pair of pants or a jacket. ✦✢✏ ✒✌✱✏ ✒✔✚✑ ✌✣ ✣✌★ ✘✢✌✒✏ ✔✑✑✚☞✘✒ ✘✢✚✍✩✒ ✔★✏✍✪✘ simple because coming out of drug addiction is like coming out of a fog. ✜✰✢✏ ✏✍✑ ★✏✒✗✛✘ ✍✏✏✑✒ ✘✌ be that we are productive members of society and ✒✌✱✏ ✒✴✚✛✛✒ ✌✣ ✘✌ ✗✒ ✑✌ ✑✌✍✪✘ ✘✢✔✘✕✭ ✢✔✷✏ ✹✚✛✏✵ ✘✢✏ ✒✔✚✑ of addicts in recovery. ❁✌★ ✵✏✔★✒ ✹✚ ✛✏✵ ✢✔✒ ✖✏✏✍ the sponsor for Teresa Freeman who is helping ✹✚ ✛ ✏✵ ✒ ✏✘ ✗✓ ✘ ✢✏ ✖✗✒✚✶ ness. While Freeman has relapsed in the past, she said as long as she stays busy and involved with ✹✚ ✛ ✏✵✪✒ ✓★✌ ✩★✔✱ ✣✌★ ☞✛✏✔✍ ✔✍✑ ✒✘✚✛✛ ✔ ✔✍ ✑★✗✩ ☞✔✗✒✏✲ ❀ ✔✛☞✌✢✌✛✚☞ ✔✑✑✚☞✘ ✒✘✚✛✛ ✘✢✚✍✴ ✯✖✏✶ ✔✖✌✗✘ doing them, even now,” ✹✚✛✏✵✫ ✒✔✚✑ ✿✢✏✍ ✘✌ ✩✏✘ ✒✢✏ ✎★✒✘ ☞✛✏✔✍✕ ✑✏☞✚✑✏✑ ✹✚✛✏✵ ✑✚✑✍✪✘ know how, but she con- tacted members of the re- covery community in Port- land, where she was living at the time, and started the 12-step recovery program. ✜❀✪✑ ✖✏✏✍ ❖✔✚✛✕ ✚✍ ✖✏✏✍ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✜✰ ✢✏ ✘✢✌✗✩✢✘ ✖✗✒✚ ✍✏✒✒ ✮✚ ✛✛ ✹✚ ✛✏✵ ✘✌✌✴ ✌✮ ✍✏★✒✢✚✓✕ ✚ ✍✶ cluding replacing much of the roof and walls. ✰ ✢✌✗✩✢ ✹✚ ✛✏✵ ✑✚ ✑ ✒✌✱ ✏ ✌✣ the work herself, she also had help from community volunteers. ✹✚✛✏✵ ✢✔✑ ✘★✚✏✑ ✘✌ ✌✓✏✍ the business three times before, but was shut down because of violations of city codes and rules. donned on me, it was true, I am an alcoholic and a had was thinking I knew ✑★✗✩ ✢✌✮ ✔✑✑✚☞✘ ✔✍✑ ❀ ☞✔✍✪✘ drink or use anymore.” ✹✚✛✏✵ ✎★✒✘ ✒✘✔★✘✏✑ ❀ ✗✒✚✍✩ drugs at the age of 11 and for the next 20 years she was in and out of jail and drug treatment facilities. ✦✢✏ ✢✔✒ ✖ ✏✏✍ ✘ ✏✔☞✢✚ ✍✩ life skills at local treat- ment centers for the last ✵✏✔★✒ ✫ ✣✌✗★ ✦ ✢✏ ✒✔✚ ✑ ✘ ✏✔☞✢✶ ing life skills to those in recovery not only gives ✘ ✢✏✱ ✔ ✒✓ ✏☞✚✎ ☞ ✒✴✚ ✛✛✕ ✚✘ also shows them how to follow directions. ✜✿✢✏✍ ✌✍✕ ❀ ❀ ✑✚✑✍✪✘ ✩✌✘ ✌✗✘ ✢✔✷✏ ✌✣ ✔✍✵ ✓★✚✒✶ ✒✴✚✛✛✒✫ I knew how to do drugs ✔✍✑ ✑✌ ☞★✚✱✏✕✭ ✹✚✛✏✵ ✜✰✢✏ ✒✔✚✑✫ Any money made from ✘✌ ✑✚✑✍✪✘ ✹✚✛✏✵ ✩★✏✔✘✏✒✘ ✑✌ ✒✌✱✏ ✴✍✌✮ ✖✔★★✚✏★ ✒✘✗❊ ✢✌✮ ✘✌ ❀ ✑✌✏✒✍✪✘ ✏✳✓✏☞✘ ✹✚✛✏✵ ★✏☞✏✍✘✛✵ ✢✌✗★✒ ✔✍✑ ✘ ✢✏★✏ ✢✏✛✑ ✮✚✛✛ ✦✗✍✑✔✵✫ ✘✢✏ ❁✻❀ ✑✚★✏☞✘✌★✪✒ ✢✏ ✢✔✒ ✜☞✌✍✎✑✏✍☞✏ ✎✍✑✚✍✩✒✫✭ ✿✔✛✑✏✍ ✔ ✖✏ ✚✍ ✜✰✢✏★✏ ✔★✏ ✚✒✒✗✏✒ ☞✛✔✒✒✚✎✏✑ ✔✑✑✚ ☞✘✪✒ ✖✏ ✷✏★✵ ☞✔★✏✣✗✛ ✌✣ ✔✩✏✍✘✒✲✫✭ In regard to ensuring there is no meddling in future elections, Walden said he was part of a group that interviewed Facebook co-founder Mark Zucker- berg on the importance of installing social media ad- vertising safety protocols for future elections. ✿✔✛✑✏✍✪✒ ✚✒ ✔ ✷✚✒✚✘ ✘✌ ✰✢✌✗✩✢ ✹✚✛✏✵ ✢✔✒ ✒✢✏ ✒✔✚✑ ✒✢✏ ☞✔✍✪✘ ✑✌ ✚✍ ❂✔✒✘✏★✍ ✧★✏✩✌✍✫ ✓★✚✌★ ✔✍✑ ✘✌ ✘✢✏ ✷✚✒✚✘✏✑ Wheeler, ❂✧✤ herself and that is why she ❃✏ ✱✏✏✘✚✍✩ ✻✔✴✏★✕ ❄★✔✍✘✕ Gilliam ✦✢✏★✱✔✍ ☞✌✗✍✘✚✏✒✫ and NOW located in the GRH Pavilion 909 Adams in downtown La Grande. The GRH Home Care Services– Home Health & Hospice ✭✮✯ ✰✲✳✴✵ ✷✲ ✷✭✴ ✸✹✻ ✼✮✳✽✿✽✲❀ ✷✲ ✯✴❁✳✴ ❂✲❃ ✴✳✴❀ ❄✴❅✴❁❇ ❈❃❁ ❀✴❉ ✿✲❊✮❋✲❀ ●✽✳✴✯ ❃✯ ✰✲❁✴ ❍✴■✽❄✽✿✽✷❂ ✮❀✵ ●❁✴✮✷✴❁ ✰✲❄✽✿✽✷❂ ✷✲ ●✴✷ ✷✲ ❉✭✴❁✴ ❂✲❃ ❀✴✴✵ ❃✯ ✰✲✯✷ ❏ AT HOME ❇❇ ❈❃❁ ✿✲❊✮❋✲❀ ✰✮❂ ❊✭✮❀●✴❑ ❄❃✷ ❉✴ ✮❁✴ ✷✭✴ ✯✮✰✴ ▲✲✿◆✯ ❂✲❃ ✭✮✳✴ ✷❁❃✯✷✴✵ ❉✽✷✭ ❂✲❃❁ ❊✮❁✴ ▲✲❁ ❀✴✮❁✿❂ ❖P ❂✴✮❁✯◗ Call us at 541.963.CARE ✖✏✏✍ ✖✵ ✸✔ visited Wallowa County ✴✏✵ ✚✘ Home Health & Hospice Grande was one in a se- ries of seven town halls to helping me,” Freeman said. Freeman said after tak- ing from the community as an addict for years, she is excited to give back. clean for over 20 years, Grande Ronde Hospital ✯✔✖✌✗✘ ✓★✌✩★ ✏✒✒ ✌✘ ✢✏★✒ ✘✢✏ ★✏✓✌★✘✲✕✭ ✢✏ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✜✿✏ ✢✔✷✏ in recovery. ✜❃✏✛✓✚✍✩ ✢✏ ➩➫➫➭ ➯➲ ➯ ➳➵➸➺➻➼➽➻➳➵➸➺ ➾➫➚➪➯➶➵➹➫➘ ➴➷➬➮➱✃❐➱❒❮➬ ❰➷ÏÐ➱❰➮❐ÑÒÓ➷ ÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜ ÔÜÝÛÞÖßààààààààààààààààààà á×ÙàààààààààààààààààâÔ ãäÙÝÞåÛæçÝÛÞÖßààààààààààààààààààààààààà á×ÙàààààààààààààààààâÔ ãçÖ è Ù×éé ÛÝ ÕÚ×Ö êÞÖ×ß ààààààààààà á×ÙàààààààààààààààààâÔ ëÞì×çíé×ßàààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà á×ÙàààààààààààààààààâÔ îÞïçÝÛÞÖßààààààààààààààààààààààààààààáÞäØ ðÞäÙ×àààñïØÞÙÙ òÞÕÖ ❙❘❘ ❯❲❳ ❩❬❭❪❫❴② ❫❯❵ ❴❵ ❛❜❛❜❝ ❞❢ ❣❤✐❥❦❧♠♥♦ ♣qrt ✉❧❥r✇t ①❦♠③ ④⑤⑥❛⑦ ⑧⑧⑨⑩❜❝⑥⑧ q♦ ♠q❥❥ ❶♦♥♥ ④❷❜❜⑦ ⑧❷❝⑩❜⑤❷❸ ❹❺❻❼❽❽❾ ❺❿➀➁➂ ❼➀➂ ❺➃➁➄❼➅➁➂ ➆❺➄ ❺➇➁➄ ➈➉ ❾➁❼➄➊ ☞✌✍✶ ✯✚✍ and sober people, she can stay clean. A sponsor is an addict in recovery who has made progress in his or her recovery and uses that experience to help ✔✍✌✘ ✢✏★ ✘✢✏ ✒✔✚✑ supports making the re- port public, but there are laws regarding what can be published. ✒✚✑✏★✏✑ ➝➞➟➠➡➢➤ ➝➟➥➦➞➧➟➨ ➋➋➋➌➍➎➏➐➑➒➓➔→➣↔↕➙↔➣➔➌➛➎➜ ★✌✛✏ in the investigation. The report concluded there was no evidence of interference with the election, he said, adding ✘✢✏ ✚✑✏✍✘✚✘✚✏✒ from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ✦✔✘✗★✑✔✵ ✔✍✑ ✑✌✕✭ thank-you luncheon for those who donated items, money or time to help open the shop. Amy Me- caa donated money to help purchase the property. ✻✗✒✚✍✏✒✒ to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Walden said he sup- ports both the process of ✘✌ to be any issues when they open this week. A grand opening and barbecue is scheduled from noon to 6 p.m. to- ✑✔✵✫ Continued from Page 1A ✘✢✔✘ ✒✔✚✑✫ ✦✢✏ ❲ ❆ ❅ ❇❈ ❉ ✩✌ into funding the life skills program and sober home. The building that will house the business and so- ber home has undergone extensive remodels since ✚✍ prison, been through lots of treatment centers and nothing happened for me,” ✹✚✛✏✵ the sale of art through the ✍✌✍✓★✌✎✘ ✶✎✏✎✶ ✑s✒✓✔✕ ✖✈❡✔✗❡✘ ✑s✒✓✔✕ ✙✚✛✜ ✢ ✣✤✦✧★✩✪✧✫✬✬✩