The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 29, 2019, Page 6, Image 6

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    ➲➳➵➸➺➻➼ ➽➺➳➾➚ ➪➶➼ ➪➹➘➶
➴➷➬ ➮➱✃➬❐❒➬❐
Christian Women’s
Fellowship plans
and music are planned.
Guest preacher
LA GRANDE — “Learn- speaks at First
①✉❮ ❰⑦❶Ï ③⑩r ❻❶✉ ❶❰ ⑨①Ð Presbyterian
maeus” is the message
Pastor Ray Smith will
deliver Sunday at La
Grande’s First Chris-
tian Church (Disciples of
preacher Jonathan Mitch-
ell will present a sermon
called “Expectations” at
the La Grande First Pres-
byterian Church’s 9:30
Ñ⑩⑦①❷③Ò⑧ ⑨⑩r ❼❽❷③❶⑦ ❸①④④ ❹r
sharing from Mark 10:46-
52 at the 10 a.m. service.
❽⑧Ï⑧ ❻Õ✉q❽⑤ ❷r⑦Ö①×r⑧ ⑨⑩r
message will be based
on scripture from Mark
and II Samuel. Mitchell
is a candidate for a pas-
tor position in Pendleton.
Fellowship will follow the
⑨⑩r Ñ⑩⑦①❷③①❽✉ Ó❶Ïr✉Ô❷
Fellowship will hold its
annual Spring Friend-
ship Luncheon April 6. “A
Song of Spring” will be the
theme. Special readings
Scout leaders will meet at
10 a.m.
⑨Õr❷q❽⑤ ❽③ Ü ❽⑧Ï⑧ ⑨⑩r ÝÞÐ
ß⑨Û Ñ❶ÏÏÕ✉①③⑤ Þ⑦❶Õ❼
❸①④④ Ïrr③ ⑨⑩Õ⑦❷q❽⑤ ❽③
⑨⑩r Ø⑦r❷❹⑤③r⑦①❽✉ ❸❶ÏÐ
en will hold a rummage
sale at the Presbyterian
Friendship Center from
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 6.
Because of his
6 p.m.
are many
LA GRANDE — At the
11 a.m. Saturday service
at the La Grande Seventh-
day Adventist Church,
Pastor Mike will ask: Did
you know Christ’s death
Lutheran Church in La
Grande will worship at
9 a.m. Sunday. A time
of fellowship will fol-
ter’s Episcopal Church in
La Grande will celebrate
Morning Prayer 11 a.m.
Centering Prayer will
④❶❸⑧ ⑨⑩r ÙqÕ④③ Ú❶⑦ÕÏ ❽③
10:30 a.m. will study the
last segment of “Caring
for Creation Now! For the
Healing of the World.”
and Morning Prayer on
⑨⑩Õ⑦❷q❽⑤à ❹❶③⑩ ❽③ áâãä
❽⑧Ï⑧ ①✉ ③⑩r ×⑩❽❼r④⑧ ⑨⑩r Ù④Ð
③❽⑦ ÞÕ①④q ❸①④④ Ïrr③ ⑨Õr❷Ð
❶❰ ⑩①❷ qr❽③⑩ ③⑩r ❹r✉rt③❷
⑨⑩r ÛÕ①④③r⑦❷ ❸①④④ Ïrr③
day at 9 a.m. and the Girl
rt③❷ ①✉ ❷×⑦①❼③Õ⑦r⑧
ïðñòóðôõ ö÷ø ùöúûðü
ýöõôø þòÿñ ❜ õ öòô
ô÷óÿñòöþôø ûÿ õñý ❡ úû
❍ úþð úþðûõ ùÿò ûðô
❙❜ úòúûñö ✁ úùô ❜ öþô
ý ✂ ✄ ❜☎❡☎❚ ñôõøö ✂
ùÿò ❜ ñý úóöûúÿ÷
❋ òúøö ✂☎ ❙ ñý ❡ úû ý ✂
ô ❡ öú ûÿ ÷ô ✆ õ ✝
öþòö÷øôÿýõôò ❧ ôò ☎ óÿ ❡
✭✆ úûð ❍ úþð úþðûõ ú÷ ûðô
õñý s ôóû ú÷ô ✞✟ ý ✂ ùö ✠ ûÿ
✺✄✡ ü ✲☛☞ ü ✌✍✎✄✟ ÿò ý ✂
ðö÷ø ûÿ ûðô ÿù ❤ óô ☎
åæçèéê èéæ ëæìæíèî
Altar Guild gathers
on Tuesday
Quilters meet at
Zion Lutheran
❸❽❷ ❽ ❰Õ④t④④Ïr✉③ ❶❰ ❼⑦❶❼⑩Ð
ecy foretold hundreds of
years prior, and because
are many? In his message,
he will explore these ben-
Imagine what we are missing of we don’t follow God
❲❖✏✑✒ ❖✓ ✔✕✖ ✗✘✑✑✕✙
öòú ✂ öûûú ☎ óÿ ❡
When we hold a tiny baby in
our arms, do we consider how
devoted they will be to God, or
do we just see the natural and
physical possibilities? As Chris-
tians, we have the opportunity
to become as close to God and
as spiritually sensitive as we de-
sire with the potential to discern
wisdom that is hidden from our
earthly understanding. An im-
portant question is how many
people, including all those tiny
babies, will make the most im-
portant decision to follow this
type of lifestyle? I realize it’s a
sobering subject, but one that I
believe is worth considering.
In Luke chapter two, we read
about an individual named
Simeon who was a spiritually
dedicated man of prayer and
fasting as he is described in
verse 25, “righteous and de-
vout with the Holy Spirit upon
him.” He was there when Mary
and Joseph brought baby Je-
sus (who was probably no
older than three months) to
be dedicated at the temple ac-
cording to the Law of Moses.
God had promised this elderly
man he would not pass away
until he had seen the king of
all kings and on the very same
day that Mary and Joseph went
➛➜➝ ➞➟➠➠➡
to the temple, Simeon encoun-
tered the divine appointment
of meeting this special family.
When he looked at Jesus, he
reached out and held him and
said, “For with my eyes I have
seen the Lord’s salvation.”
Simeon proceeded to prophesy
over the child and even though
Mary and Joseph were already
aware Jesus was the Savior of
the world, they still marveled
at Simeon’s words. Allow us to
pause a moment and consider
this man would not have recog-
nized the Christ child if he had
not been walking in a high level
of spiritual sensitivity. Mary
and Joseph appeared to be just
another average normal family
that blended in with the mas-
sive crowd and yet Simeon im-
mediately was able to identify
the Lord.
Later in the same chapter, we
learn about an elderly proph-
etess named Anna who also
worshiped and prayed to God
in the temple night and day. It
just so happened she was there
that day and she too recognized
baby Jesus as the Son of God.
Anna, who some have calcu-
lated to have been more than
100 years old, began to boldly
tell the crowd about how this
child would be the redeemer of
God’s people. Now I realize old-
er people usually go on and on
when they see an infant and say
things like, “they are really go-
ing to be amazing” but this was
qrt✉①③r④⑤ q①⑥r⑦r✉③⑧ ⑨⑩❶❷r ❸⑩❶
passed by probably thought,
“Now isn’t that touching, a nice
elderly lady making over a tiny
baby” and then went on about
their business. However, let us
note the reason they were not
absolutely ecstatic about what
she is saying is because they
were unable to perceive the re-
ality God was right in front of
them. Could it be the lack of
spiritual sensitivity is the rea-
son why many times we do not
notice the presence of God in
our busy everyday life?
We realize Christians are to
live in a high level of awareness,
but we must admit we are weak
and easily distracted. I have
a question; if we are called to
develop a deeper spiritual cog-
nizance where we know what
is going on around us, then
what is the consequence if we
refuse? By thinking, feeling,
deciding, and walking in our
default nature, we are literally
rebelling against the way God
intended for us to exist. Since
we are actually saying we are
not interested in listening to, or
following, God’s plans and are
not passionate about doing his
will, how could he possibly be
pleased with us? Being devoted
to follow the Lord is what being
His disciple is all about. Draw-
ing nearer to God enables us to
③❶ ❹r t④④rq ❸①③⑩ ❺①❷ ❻❼①⑦①③ ❽✉q
this allows us to more keenly
understand the spiritual realm.
So why do we refuse to draw
near to God? Because we are
more concerned with what we
want to do. We can no longer
blame anyone but ourselves as
our real hindrance has every-
thing to do with our own rebel-
lion. If spiritual awareness is
not a priority, we will simply
not be able to discern truth.
Within the sin of omission is
the convicting thought God is
disappointed with what might
have been if only we had tak-
en our spiritual responsibility
more seriously.
✁ úûû ô ûðÿñþð ÿ÷ô òôóúûôõ ûðô õöóòôø
ûô ✠ ûõ ✟
ýñû ❜ ñûõ ûðô ❚ ôöóðú÷þ ú÷ûÿ ❜ òöóûúóô ✟
ùÿòõö ✚ ú÷þ ñõû ✟ ðöûòôø ✟ ö÷ø
øô ñõúÿ÷ ✟
✆ úûð ûòñô ✆ úõøÿ ❡ ö÷ø
ô ❡ ö÷óú ❜ öûôø ❡ ú÷ø ✟ ó ú÷þú÷þ ûÿ
÷ÿûðú÷þ ÿù ûðúõ ÿò ö÷ ✂ ÿûðôò ✆ ÿò ø
➋ ÿ÷ô ú÷øôôø ❜ öòûö ✚ ôõ ÿù ûðô
ý ôõõú÷þõ ÿù ö ðÿ ✂ úùô ☎
✭✛ ðö ❡❡ ö ❜ öøö ✡☎✳✎✞
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ôõÿ ñûô ✂ ûòöú÷ ✂ ÿñòõô ù ûÿ öûûöú÷
❜ ôöóô ☎
✛ ÿ ÷ÿû ôû ûðô ✚ ú÷þ ÿù øôöûð ✟ õôôú÷þ
✂ ÿñ öòô óöòô ôõõ ✟ ôöø ✂ ÿñ öõûòö ✂
ö÷ø øÿ ❡ ú÷öûô ✂ ÿñ ☎
✭❙ ñûûö t ú ❜ öûö ✳☎☞☞✄✞
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óÿ÷ûòÿ ôø ✟ òúþðûôÿñõ ö÷ø ðôôøùñ ☎
✭✛ ðö ❡❡ ö ❜ öøö ✳☎✳✄✞
ðÿñþð ö ÿ÷ô ➆ õ úùô ö ùÿÿ
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❚ òñûð
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ûðô õÿñ ❜☎
✭✛ ðö ❡❡ ö ❜ öøö ✺☎☛✄✞
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ö÷øùúûü ýþÿ
÷ úû
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❈✥ ✄☎✁
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❧♠ ➽➶ ➳➯➭ q ➘➭➫➻
s①❸③✉④ ❹➍⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑩ ❶✉❷❷
➾➚➨➸➩➪ ➧➯➻➵➼➽➻➵➶➹➘➚➨➸➩➦➻➲➚
➆➇ ❺❻❻❼③✉④❷
➴➷➬➮➱ ✃❐❒❮❰❐➬Ï
❰➷➮➮➷Ð❒❐➬Ñ Ò❐Ó➱➷➮➱
×Ø×Ù ×ÚÛ ÜÛÝ Þß àáßâãä
åæçèéê ëæìí îïíêðí ñ òóôõö÷òõ÷øôò
ùú ûüú ýþú ÿ ❑ ✁ ❏❛✂ úü ❱ ú r ü ❑✄ ❇❑☎✆ ú
❙✝✞✟✠✡ ❙☛☞✌✌✍ ✲ ✶✎✏✎✎ ✠✑
❲✌♦✒☞✓✔ ✶✶✏✎✎ ✠✑
✕✖✗✘✙✚ ❊✛❡✗✜✗✢ ✣✜✤✥❡ ✕✦✖✘✚ ✧ ✸★✩✩ ♣✪ ✭❊✫✫❡❢✦✜✛❡ ✬✖✗❡ ✮✩✯
❲✰✟✞✰✒✟✠✡ ✱✳✰✞✓✞✴ ✲ ✻✏✵✎ ✔✑
➇✷✹✺✼✺ ②✽✾ ❝✿❀ ❁✐❀❂ ❃❄❯❃❅ ✿❝❝✽✼❂✐❀❞ t✽ t✹✺ s❝✼✐❆t✾✼✺s❈
❆✤✥✦✧★✩ ●✪✥✫✬
✵✷✵✸ ❚ ❙✹✺✻ ▲✼ ✽✿✼❀❁❂✻ ❖❃
❙■❀❁✼❏ ✵❑P✷❑ ✼✺◗✺
❘ ❯❱❳ ❨❘❩❬ ❭❪ ❫❳❴❵❜ ✐❝
❝s❞❞✐❵✐❜❢❡ ❞❱❳ ❪❱s②
❣❤ ❥❦❧♠♥
❩❇❈❉ ▲❊❋●❍■❏❉
P◗❘ ❙❚❯❱ ❲❤❳❨❲❤❬
❭❪❫ ❴♦❵❛❜❞ ❡❜❛❢❢❜❣
✐❥ ❦❛❥❧♠❢❣ ♥♣
qrst✉ ✈✇①②r✈✈③
äåæçâèç éêëìíê
îïðî ñò óôõö ñ÷òø ùöõúö
✁✂✄☎✂✆✝✞✟✄✠✟☎✡☛☞☎✂ ☎✡☞
✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✌✓✔✕✕✖
✗✘✙✚ ✑✛
④⑤⑥⑥ ⑦⑧ ⑨ ⑩❶❷❸❹❺❻
✜✕✢✎✣✎✤ ✥✕✢✦✔✣✧
❼⑥⑤⑥⑥ ⑦⑧ ⑨ ❽❾❿❿❶➀❸❹❺❻ ➁ ➂❾➃❷❾❸❹➄❾➅➆❸
✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✪✣✤✔✫
✬✘✭✩ ✧✛
❼⑥⑤➇⑥ ⑦⑧ ⑨ ➈❿➉❸❸❾❸
✮✔✍✢✦✏✑✒ ✯✥✯✪✯
✬✘✭✩ ✧✛
★★✘✩✩ ✑✛
✰✱✲✳✴✱✵✶ ✷✲✸✴✱✵ ✹✱✺ ✻✼✲✽✾✹✴✿✴✱✵
❀❁❂❃❂ ❄❅✼✴❂❆
ïðñòó òôõõö÷øùú
ûöùüóðñ÷ òüöðòü
✻✻ ◆✁ ▼✂✄☎ ✄☎ ❯☎✄✆☎
➇✝❡ ❛✞❡ ❝❛✟✟❡✠ t✡ ❙❡✞✈❡☛
☞✌✍✎✏✑ ☞✒✓✔✔✕ ❢✔✖ ✏✕✕ ✏✗✘✙ ✲ ✾✚✛✛ ✏✜
☞✌✍✎✏✑ ❲✔✖✙✓♦✢ ✶✛✚✛✛ ✏✜
P✏✙✣✔✖ ❈✤✥✦ ✧★★✦✩✪✫✫
✬✭✮✯✰✱ ✺✳✴✵✷✸✹✵✼✳✳✷
➎➏➐➑➒ ➓➔→➒➏➑➒ ➣↔↕➐➙↔
➛➜➝➞➟ ➠
➧➨ ➩➫➨➭➯➲
➾➚➪➶ ➹➘➴➷ ➬➮ ➱ ✃❐❒❮❰ Ï❮ÐÑÑ❰Ñ
➾➚➪➶ ÒÓ➘ÓÓ ➬➮ ➱ ÔÕÖÑ×❐Ø
ÙÚÛ➶ Ü➘Ò➷ Ý➮ ➱ ÞÔÞßÞ
➫➭ ➯➲➭➳➵➸ ➺➳➻➼➸➵
➽➸➼➾➚➵➻➪➼ ➶➾➺➲➶➾
➹➘➴➷➬ ➮➷➱✃❐❒❮ ➘➴➷➬ ❰Ï➬Ð❒❮ ➘➴➷➬ Ð➘➘✃❒Ñ
àáâãäå æç èåáéêâëç
●■❑ ●▲◗❘ ❚◗❳❨❨◗ ❩ ❑❬❭❪❭❫■❴
❵❜❝❞❡❢ ❵❣✐❥❥❦
❵❜❝❞❡❢ s❥✉✈✐①②
❧♠♥♣ ❡qrq
♥③♠④③ ❡qrq
úûûüýþ ÿ
❍ ✁✂✄ ▼❍☎✆✝✞ ✁ ✾✟✠✆✡❍❍☎
❲♦☛☞✌✍✎ ✶✏✑✏✏ ❛✒
❋ þ ✓✓❍✇✂✞ ü ✔ ❈❍ ûûþþ ÿ ❍ ✁ ✕✕✄✖✖ ✟✠
✲ ◆✗✘✙✚✘✛ ♣✘✜✈✢✣✚✣ ✲