The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 29, 2019, Page 5, Image 5

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❋ ✁✂❆❨✱ ✄❆ ☎✆ ✝✞✱ ✝✟✶✞
❚✆✠ ✡☛☞✠ ❱✠ ✌ ✺✍
result. “Blake’s a great kid and a hard work-
er,” he said. “He did everything he said he
was going to do and made a great trail.”
Chambers agreed.
Continued from Page 1A
“MERA was kind of limited on the num-
ber of its motorcycle trails, so I wanted to
add another one to give people a little more
to ride,” Frost said. “I wanted to make it
❺⑧ ②♥✇❻q ➀♠④✈♠❷♠ ⑥♠ ⑩③④④♠t ✈q r⑨ ♦r ❸♠④④⑤➆
Chambers said. “It’s an impressive un-
dertaking for a young man and a very well
thought out and implemented trail con-
nection. He’s an exceptional young man.”
Frost’s trail, designated Route No. 306
Dead Bull, will be ready to ride in May or
♠♥♦♣ qr srt♠✉♥q♠ ✈✇ t✈①②③④q♣⑤ ♦rs♠q⑥✈✇⑦
anyone could ride on but with features that
others could push themselves on a little.”
With the plans ready, Frost and Bar-
ber approached Sean Chambers, Union
County Parks Coordinator and land man-
ager at MERA. Frost explained his plan to
Chambers for his approval before starting
the trail building.
“It needed my OK to get through the pro-
cess, a kind of check and balance thing, and
⑧ r⑨♠✉♠t s♣ ⑩✉r❶♠♦♦✈r✇♥④ r❷♠✉♦✈⑦⑥q ❶r✉ ⑩✉r -
viding drainage and those things we look at
for building a sustainable trail,” Chambers
said. “I let him go with his ideas and just did
some minor tweeking.”
The trail design was impressive to Cham-
bers, who has worked with Eagle Scouts
and other individuals in the past on similar
projects. He said Frost really understood
what had been built at MERA, and he de-
signed his own piece with his own signature
and in a most professional way.
“He created a stacked loop trail system,”
Chambers said. “There is a long loop and
⑥✈♦ q✉♥✈④ ⑩✉r❷✈t♠♦ ♥ ②③qr⑨ qr ⑦♠q qr ♦rs♠
other elevations. It provides a variety of
options that we all enjoy.”
One loop gets boring, but with Frost’s
new trail, a rider can mix it up in a variety
r❶ t✈⑨♠✉♠✇q ❸♥♣♦ ♥✇t s♥❹♠ ✈q q⑥♥q s③②⑥
more enjoyable.
Continued from Page 1A
For example, Wistocki said, tru-
ant students may be running to a
drug dealer or away from a bully
♥q ♦②⑥rr④❿ ➷⑥♠ ➀♠♦q ❸♥♣ qr ❼✇t r③q
what these students are running to
or from is to check their cellphones,
❸⑥♠✉♠ r✇♠ ②♥✇ ❼✇t ❸⑥r q⑥♠♣ ⑥♥❷♠
interactions with on social media.
“It is all in here. It is all recorded,”
said Wistocki, pointing to a smart-
Wistocki said everyone should
strive to have an open mind and not
dismiss students who are chroni-
cally absent.
“When a student is truant, it is
not enough just to say, ‘That kid is
a handful and he or she does not
care.’ We must show that child
there is a better way. We have to
show them the resources that are
available to them so they can suc-
ceed in school,” he said.
He believes it is critical for stu-
dents to see they have an opportu-
nity to turn things around and also
recognize that dire consequences
are on the horizon if they do not.
“Once the child knows there is
hope (and realizes) ‘I will end up
like that felon or that heroin ad-
dict if I don’t stay in school, we
are hoping (it) will curtail their
Continued from Page 1A
and passed, lowering the
②⑥♥✉⑦♠ qr ♥ ✉♠⑦③④♥✉ q✉♥①②
❷✈r④♥q✈r✇ ♥✇t ♥ ❼✇♠ r❶ ➼➽➾➾❿
A 2017 article in Forbes re-
ported the texting law in
Alaska was “quietly scaled
back” because a smaller fee
was “easier to prosecute.”
In Oregon, drivers face a
②⑥♥✉⑦♠ r❶ ➼➚⑤➾➾➾ ❶r✉ ③♦✈✇⑦
a cellphone while driving,
which is equivalent to the
⑩♥♣ ❶✉rs ➽❿➪➶ t♥♣♦ r❶ ❸r✉❹
for the average American, ac-
cording to GoCompare. The
❶♠♠ ✈♦ q❸✈②♠ q⑥♠ ➼➽➾➾ ❼✇♠ r❶
the next highest state, which
is Indiana.
According to Kelly Kapri,
manager of the Oregon De-
partment of Transportaion’s
Distracted Driving Program,
the fee is high in Oregon for
a good reason.
“We found it didn’t impact
driver behavior unless the
❼✇♠♦ ❸♠✉♠ ⑥✈⑦⑥ ♠✇r③⑦⑥⑤➆ ♦⑥♠
The average fee nationally
for using a cellphone while
t✉✈❷✈✇⑦ ✈♦ ➼➚➾➾⑤ ♥②②r✉t✈✇⑦
to GoCompare, while the
average fee for speeding is
➼➚➶➽❿➽➾⑤ ②rs⑩♥✉♠t qr ➈✉♠ -
⑦r✇❻♦ ➼➚➹➾ ♥❷♠✉♥⑦♠ ♦⑩♠♠t✈✇⑦
ticket, making Oregon rare in
that drivers can be charged
much more for using a cell-
phone than for speeding.
The Oregon Distracted
Driving Law — or cellphone
④♥❸ ➘ ❸♠✇q ✈✇qr ♠⑨♠②q r✇
Oct.1, 2017, and is part of an
♥♦ ♦rr✇ ♥♦ q⑥♠ ♦✇r❸ s♠④q♦ r⑨ ➂q❿ ➇s✈④♣❿
Chambers said that motorcycle trails are in-
creasing in popularity as MERA gets more
of a trail system put together. They are get-
ting some good miles and loop options.
The trail runs along a ridgeline and
there’s a main route that was once a cow
q✉♥✈④ q⑥♥q ✉✈t♠✉♦ ②♥✇ ❶r④④r❸❿ ➈⑨ qr q⑥♠ ♦✈t♠
are rock jumps and dead logs across the
➊➋➌➍➎➏➐➑➍➒➓ ➔→➋➍➋
➣↔↕➙➛ ➜➝➞➟➠ ➡➟➢➤➥ ↕ ➠➞➞↔ ➠➦↕➠ ➧➢↔↔ ➨➡↔➠➢➩↕➠➛ ➠➦➛ ➟➞➢↔ ➫➞➝ ➠➦➛ ➭➞➠➞➝➨➯➨↔➛ ➠➝↕➢↔➲
❺⑧q❻♦ ♥ srt♠✉♥q♠ t✈①②③④q♣ q✉♥✈④⑤ ♥✇t ✈q
q⑥♠ q✉♥✈④ ⑩♥q⑥❿ ⑧q ➀♠②♥s♠ ♥ ❶♥s✈④♣ ♥⑨♥✈✉ r❶
will be a fun trail to ride,” Barber said.
“It’s got some really neat views on it, and
✈q ❼q♦ ✈✇ ✉♠♥④④♣ ❸♠④④ ❸✈q⑥ q⑥♠ rq⑥♠✉ q✉♥✈④ ♦♣♦ -
tems we got going up there.”
❺⑧ t✈t ♥ ⑩✉♠❽❾♥⑦⑦✈✇⑦ r❶ q⑥♠ ✉r③q♠ ⑧ ❸♥✇q -
ed to do and afterward, Mark, Sean and
cutters, and brush removers.
“It took a couple of days to do that,”
Frost said. “My brothers Wyatt and Justin
and my father, Steven Frost, helped me
with the trails. As I cut, they stacked up the
limbs so I didn’t have to stop and do that.”
⑧ ❸♠✇q r③q ♥✇t srt✈❼♠t q⑥♠ ⑩♥q⑥ r❶ s♣
➁♠ ②③q q⑥♠ ❼✇♥④ ⑩♥q⑥ ✈✇qr q⑥♠ ⑥♥✉t ♠♥✉q⑥
③♦✈✇⑦ ♥ ➂②➃♠rt ④r✇⑦❽⑥♥✇t④♠t ❶r✉♠♦q ❼✉♠
qrr④❿ ➄❶q♠✉ ✈q ❸♥♦ ❼✇♥④④♣ ②③q r③q⑤ ➅♥✉➀♠✉
trail to make it work and add some other
features to it,” Frost said. “Once Sean ap-
proved it, I could start cutting the brush
on both sides of the path.”
Blazing the trail was no easy job, and it
required cutting down brush and vegeta-
tion for about 2-1/2 feet on either side of
truant behavior,’’ Wistocki said.
He emphasized students who
have already been deemed, or
are a few absences away from,
becoming truant can have the
course of their lives corrected
with the help of diversion pro-
grams. A diversion program in
the criminal justice system is a
form of sentence in which an of-
fender joins a rehabilitation pro-
gram in lieu of being punished.
Someone in a diversion program
may be assigned community ser-
vice work or be required to meet
daily with a law enforcement of-
❼②♠✉ ♦♠✉❷✈✇⑦ ♥♦ ♥ ✉♠♦r③✉②♠ r①②♠✉
at their school.
✃✈♦qr②❹✈ ♦♥✈t q⑥✈♦ ✈♦ ➀♠✇♠❼②✈♥④
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chance to make amends and gives
them a second chance.
“Children need guidance,” Wis-
tocki said. “They do not need hand-
He said the path to his philosphy
of restorative justice began when he
realized many of the young people
⑥♠ s♠q ♥♦ ♥ ⑩r④✈②♠ r①②♠✉ ✈✇ ❐♥⑩♠✉ -
ville, Illinois, weren’t equipped to
make good choices.
“They didn’t have guidance and
support to understand and identify
the risks that certain behavior ex-
posed them to,” Wistocki said.
Diversion plans, which give
♠⑨r✉q qr ✉♠t③②♠ t✈♦q✉♥②q♠t
driving, which ODOT re-
ported caused 10 percent of
➈✉♠⑦r✇❻♦ q✉♥①② ❶♥q♥④✈q✈♠♦ ✈✇
The law makes it illegal to
use a cellphone while driv-
ing, but an update to the law
in January 2018 gave courts
the ability to waive the fee for
❼✉♦q❽q✈s♠ r⑨♠✇t♠✉♦ ✈❶ q⑥♠♣
take a class on the dangers of
distracted driving.
There are certain excep-
tions to the law — for ex-
ample, summoning medi-
cal help is permitted, and if
you are older than 18, you
are also allowed to use your
cellphone via a hands-free
➄ ♦♠②r✇t r⑨♠✇♦♠ ②♥✇ ✉♠ -
♦③④q ✈✇ ♥ ❼✇♠ r❶ ➼➶⑤➽➾➾⑤ ♥✇t ♥
q⑥✈✉t r⑨♠✇♦♠ ✈♦ ②r✇♦✈t♠✉♠t ♥
misdemeanor and can result
✈✇ ♥ ❼✇♠ r❶ ➼➹⑤➶➽➾ ♥✇t ♥ ♣♠♥✉
r❶ ➴♥✈④ q✈s♠❿ ➷⑥♠ ❼✇♠♦ ♥✇t
penalties are more serious
when cellphone use results in
a car accident.
The Distracted Driving
Task Force, a committee
within a ODOT, stated in its
February report, “Distrac-
tion is often described (as)
regarding cellphone use but
also occurs with other activi-
ties such as consuming food
or beverage, performing
personal grooming, reading,
interacting with a perma-
nently installed device, or
interacting with other pas-
sengers and pets.” The task
force was created to address
the problem of distracted
looked it over for some additional cutting.
“It’s a pretty rough cut trail,” Frost said.
“It will take a couple of years of riding to
get worked in.”
Barber was quite impressed with the end
young people the opportunity to
learn from their mistakes, are most
♠⑨♠②q✈❷♠ ❸⑥♠✇ q⑥♠♣ ②♥✇ ➀♠ t♠❷♠④ -
oped with the help of parents, Wis-
tocki said. He discovered this when
working as a law enforcement of-
❼②♠✉❿ ➁♠ ❶r③✇t q⑥♠ sr✉♠ q✈s♠ ⑥♠
spent with parents, the better job he
did of connecting with their son or
daughter who was in trouble.
Wistocki believes it is important
to give parents a say in the develop-
ment of their child’s diversion pro-
gram. For the most part, parents
are grateful to be involved in the
“They were so appreciative their
child was not put into the (criminal
justice) system,” he said, explaining
a diversion program can give par-
ents “the opportunity to stop their
child’s pipeline to prison.”
Parents are often eager to help
with the development of a diversion
program because it “provides them
with a sense of empowerment,”
Wistocki added.
➷⑥♠ ❶r✉s♠✉ ⑩r④✈②♠ r①②♠✉ ♦q♥✉q♠t
working with Northeast Oregon
school districts earlier in 2019
and will continue to do so at least
through June of 2020 as part of
a pilot project. His services are
available to all school districts in
the InterMountain Education Ser-
vice District, which encompasses
⑩♥q⑥ q⑥♥q ✉✈t♠✉♦ ②♥✇ ⑦r r❷♠✉❿ ➉✈⑨♠✉♠✇q
⑩♥✉q♦ r❶ q⑥♠ q✉♥✈④ ⑥♥❷♠ t✈⑨♠✉♠✇q ❶③✇ ❶♠♥ -
tures that riders can enjoy.
Frost will be coming back to the trail
this spring to work on a few things, but he
thinks what it really needs is some riding
qr ♦srrq⑥ ✈q r③q❿ ➁♠ ✈♦ ②r✇❼t♠✇q ❼✇t✈✇⑦
riders will not be a problem as the MERA
motorcycle trails are well liked for their
quality, terrain and natural beauty.
“MERA is the No. 1 tourist attraction in
the valley,” Frost said. “After it was done,
two dirt bikers from Baker City were riding
q⑥♠ q✉♥✈④ ❶r✉ q⑥♠ ❼✉♦q q✈s♠⑤ ♥✇t q⑥♠♣ q⑥r③⑦⑥q
it was cool because it had some good fea-
q③✉♠♦ ♥✇t ❾③✈t✈q♣ q⑥♥q q⑥♠♣ ④✈❹♠t❿➆
“Everybody really likes the feel of these
trails because they are a good challenge
and well thought out,” Chambers said.
most of Union, Umatilla and Mor-
row counties. His expertise is also
available to the Hermiston School
District, which is not part of the
IMESD, and school districts in Bak-
er and Wallowa counties.
Wistocki provides information
on diversion programs via Juve-, a website he
created. He said that law enforce-
ment, probation and school admin-
istrators are referred to as diversion
agents via this program.
Wistocki was brought to
Northeast Oregon as part of an
♠⑨r✉q qr ✉♠t③②♠ ②⑥✉r✇✈② ♥➀♦♠✇ -
q♠♠✈♦s ✉♥q♠♦❿ ➷⑥♠ ♠⑨r✉q ✈♦ ➀♠✈✇⑦
spurred by the Oregon Depart-
ment of Education, which be-
gan placing greater emphasis on
reducing chronic absenteeism
rates about two years ago as a
way to improve graduation rates.
Students who are chronically ab-
sent are less likely to earn a high
school diploma.
“Our chronic absenteeism rates
are below the state average, but we
always want to get them lower,”
said Landon Braden, the Inter-
Mountain ESD’s chronic absentee-
ism director. “We are truly lucky to
have (Wistocki).”
Wistocki has given six presenta-
tions in Northeast Oregon and four
webinars for people in the region.
Over the next year he is set to give
at least seven more talks here.
He is focusing on social media
issues like cyberbullying and sex-
ting while working with Northeast
Oregon educators, parents and stu-
dents. He understands the perils
social media pose to youths because
he specialized in investigating com-
puter crime and protecting children
online during his last 22 years with
the Naperville Police Department.
Wistocki, a member of the Illi-
nois Attorney General’s Internet
Crimes Against Children Task
Force, said the key to protect-
ing children is getting their par-
ents involved by taking steps like
monitoring the online activity
of their sons and daughters. He
said he tells parents they need to
keep up with what their children
are doing on Snapchat and Ins-
tagram and should monitor their
social media contacts.
“If you are not doing this some-
body else will be,” Wistocki tells
One of the best ways for parents
to do this is to use monitoring de-
vices that allow them to see their
children’s smartphone activity. He
recommends parents get Android
phones for their sons and daugh-
ters since they are easier to monitor
than iPhones.
insurance plan. During
part of 2018, employee pay-
checks were delayed.
The Bulletin recently
went through a redesign to
reduce newsprint use while
emphasizing local news
This is the second time
Western Communications
driving in Oregon and con-
tinues to work on the issue
through the Distracted Driv-
ing Program.
Every day, at least nine
Americans die and 100 are
injured in distracted driving
crashes, the National Safety
Council reported.
April is Distracted Driving
Awareness month. The Na-
Continued from Page 1A
Continued from Page 1A
That money is used to-
ward Section 8 housing,
child care, school lunch
programs, highways and
health care centers,” said
Bushore, who also point-
ed out the people who
Avenue in Sonora sold
✉♠②♠✇q④♣ ❶r✉ ♥➀r③q ➼➚ s✈④ -
lion, and the proceeds
were used to pay property
taxes and lower the com-
pany’s outstanding debt.
q✈r✇♥④ ➁✈⑦⑥❸♥♣ ➷✉♥①② ➬♥❶♠q♣
✉♠②♠✈❷♠ q⑥♠ sr♦q ➀♠✇♠❼q♦
⑥♥♦ ❼④♠t ❶r✉ Ó⑥♥⑩q♠✉ ➚➚
⑩✉rq♠②q✈r✇❿ ➷⑥♠ ❼✉♦q ❸♥♦
♦⑥♥✉♠⑥r④t♠✉♦⑤ r①②♠✉♦ r❶ q⑥♠
percent of drivers felt un-
comfortable with a driver
from this funding are
those who generally fall
in the “hard to count”
Some citizens are reluc-
tant to be counted based
on concerns their infor-
mation will not be pro-
“All of our enumera-
tors swear an oath of
which was initiated on
Jan. 22, lists creditors both
secured and unsecured.
Among those owed are
❸⑥r ❸♥♦ t✈♦q✉♥②q♠t⑤ ♣♠q ➱➽
②r✇❼t♠✇q✈♥④✈q♣⑤ ♥✇t q⑥♥q❻♦
percent admitted to driving
distracted when alone. Kapri
said the mission of the Dis-
tracted Driving Task Force is
to encourage Oregon drivers
to take dangers of distracted
driving more seriously.
“Distracted driving is a
costly mistake to make,” she
3-year dispute with Bank
of America, the compa-
ny’s largest creditor at the
time. Chapter 11 allows
companies the time to re-
organize while remaining
in business.
“The family (the Chan-
dler family and the stock-
holders) would like to
keep The Bulletin,” Costa
said. “It’s the strongest
a lifetime oath,” she said.
“There are both monetary
and other penalties as-
sociated if other informa-
✇rq r⑨♠✉ ♥ Ò③♥④✈❼♠t ⑥♠♥④q⑥
tion is disclosed.”
More information will
come out as the census ❵❛❜❝❞❣❤ ❵❜✐❥❛❦❜❧
planning progresses. The ✇✇✇❑▼◆❖P◗❘❯❲❳❩❬❭❪❬❩❲❑❫◆❴
census count must be
completed in 2020.
Administration will partner
with ODOT to run a cam-
paign in the month of April
to raise awareness for the is-
sue of distracted driving and
to enforce the cellphone law.
The task force report cited
♥ ➶➾➚➹ ♦q③t♣ q⑥♥q ♦q♥q♠t ➮➪
➨➩➫➭➯➭➫ ➲➳➵➸➺➻➼➽➸
➾➚➾➪➶➾➹ ➘➾➪➴➷➬➮➱✃➬➹ ✃❐❒➮✃➬➹ ➷❮➾➴✃➹ ❰✃➬➱➾➬➾
❙❚❯❱❲ ❳ ❨❩❬❬❩❭❪ ❫❴❵❩❛❵ ❜❭❝❞❡❢❣❤❞❣❝❪❣❝❤ ❢❩❞❡ ✐❥❤❞ ❦❪❣ ❱❴❬❬❧
í îïðñ ñòóôôõöõ÷ð ø ùúûüý þÿ ✁✂ ú ✂ ÿ ✄✁
☎✆ ✝✞✟✠✡☛✡✞☞✠ ✌ ✍✎✍✏✑✎✆✏✒ ✓✔☞✓✕✖☛✗✔✘✝
✙✚✛✜✢✣ ✤✥ ✦✤✣✧★✩ ✪✫ ✬ ✭✮✯✣✰ ✦✤✣✧ ✱✤★✯✩ ✲✳✴
✵✤★✯✩ ✲✫✶✴ ✷✸✹✺✻ ✼ ✽✾✺✻✿✽✹❀❁❂✿ ❃❄❅✻ ❁✺✽❆✹❃❁✺❇ ❈❉❃✻❊❋
í îïðï ●❍● ðõôîòó ■ ø ùúûüý þÿ ✁✂ ú ✂ ÿ ✄✁
☎✑ ✝✞✟✠✡☛✡✞☞✠ ✌ ✍✎✒✍❏✎✏❏❑ ✓✔☞✓✕✖☛✗✔✘✝
▲▼◆✢✩ ✪❖✪ ✷✼❊✪✫P❖✪P❋ ✵✤★✯✩ ✳❖ ✪❖✪◗ ✲✳❘✴✫✴
ÏÐÑÒ ÓÔÕÐÖ ×ØÙØÚÛÜÝÙÞßÜàÙáâ áã ÙÜÚÚ äåæçè éêêëçìææ
➷⑥♠ ➀♥✇❹✉③⑩q②♣ ❼④✈✇⑦⑤
company and the Internal
Revenue Service.
⑧✇ ♥✇ ♠⑨r✉q qr ➀♥④♥✇②♠ ♠Ð -
penses with revenues ear-
lier this year the company
④♥✈t r⑨ ÑÑ ♠s⑩④r♣♠♠♦ ②rs -
panywide and required 13
employees to work reduced
work weeks.
The company has fur-
loughed workers and does
in August 2011 to relieve
❼✇♥✇②✈♥④ ⑩✉♠♦♦③✉♠ ❶✉rs ♥
♠♣♣q rt r ✉✈①③④⑤⑥④✉✈①③ ⑦♣⑧⑨r⑩✈❶♣❷
❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❼❿➀❺ ➁❹➂➃❼➁❻❾➄➅➆❹
➇➈➉➊➋➌➍➎➏ ➇➏➐➎➑➉➒➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓ ➔➊➌➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓→➇
➣↔➌➐➑↕➎➙➛➐➎➑➉➒➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓ ➔➊➌➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓→➇
➣➛➉ ➜ ➌➊➝➝ ➎➐ ➈➍➊➉ ➞➑➉➊➒ ➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓ ➔➊➌➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓→➇
➟➑➠➊➛➡➝➊➒➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓ ➔➊➌➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓→➇
➢➑➤➛➐➎➑➉➒➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➓➔➑↔➋ ➥➑↔➌➊➓➓➓ ➦➤➋➑➌➌ ➧➑➈➉
❙✎✎ ✏✑✒ ✓✔✕✖✗✘② ✗✏✙ ✘✙
✚✛✚✛✜ ✢✣ ✥✤✦✧★✩✪✫✬ ✭✮✯✰ ✲✩✧✯✳✰ ✴★✪✵
✷✸✹✚✻ ✼✼✽✾✛✜✹✼ ✮✬ ✪✮✧✧ ✿✬✫✫ ✷❀✛✛✻ ✼❀✜✾✛✸❀❁
▲❂❃❄❅❅❇ ❂♦♥❈❉ ❄♥❉ ❂❊❈●❄❍❈❉ ❢❂● ❂■❈● ❡❏ ❇❈❄●s