❋❀❁❂❃❨❄ ❅❃❀❇❉ ●❍❄ ●■❏❍ ❚❉❑ ▲▼◆❑❀❱❑❀ ❖ P◗❘ STATE Federal legalization of hemp creates quandary for US police ❙❯ ❲❳❩❩❳❬❭ ❪❩❬❫❫❴❵ ❜❤❝ ❞❢❢❣❥❦♥♦❝✇ ①②❝❢❢ PORTLAND — Federal legalization of hemp ar- rived in the U.S. late last year and expanded an in- dustry already booming because of the skyrocket- ing popularity of CBDs, a compound in hemp that many see as a health aid. But now, just a few months after Congress placed the marijuana look- alike squarely in safe legal territory, the hemp indus- try has been unsettled by an unexpected develop- ment. Truckers, now free to haul hemp from state to state, have been stopped and sometimes arrested by police who can’t tell whether they have inter- cepted a legal agricultural crop or the biggest mari- juana bust of their careers. That’s because the only way to distinguish hemp and marijuana, which look and smell alike, is by measuring their tetrahy- drocannabinol, or THC, ③④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶ ⑤⑥④❷❸ ❹③❺⑨ ❸❹⑨ testing technology to do so on the spot. Marijuana, illegal un- der federal law, has enough THC to get users high. Hemp has almost none — 0.3 percent or less under U.S. govern- ment standards — yet drug-sniffing dogs will alert on both. Field tests that officers now use can detect THC but aren’t sophisticated enough to specify whether a ship- ment is legal hemp or low-grade illegal pot. ❻④ ③ ❶❼❽④ ⑥❾ ❸❹⑨ ❶❼❽④❼❿➀ cance of the problem, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration earlier this month put out a request for information on pri- vate companies that might have the technology for ❿⑨➁⑤ ❸⑨❶❸❶ ❶⑨④❶❼❸❼❺⑨ ⑨④⑥➂❽❹ to distinguish between hemp and marijuana. “Nobody wants to see someone in jail for a month for the wrong thing,” DEA spokeswoman Barbara Carreno said. “To enable us to do our job, we have to have something that can help us distinguish.” It’s an unanticipated hiccup for the rapidly growing hemp industry, which relies on interstate trucking to transport hemp from farms to pro- cessing labs that extract the compound cannabi- diol, or CBD, from the raw plant material. The pure CBD powder is then resold for use in everything from makeup to smoothies to pet food. Kentucky and Oregon are big producers of hemp, and much of what they grow is processed in Col- orado. Companies that transport the plant often drive through Oklahoma and Idaho, which is where some arrests have oc- curred. Hemp remains illegal under Idaho law, and law- makers there are scram- bling to pass a legaliza- tion bill. Law enforcement agencies are urging them to include guidance on ❿⑨➁⑤ ❸⑨❶❸❶➃ To further complicate the issue, states that al- ready have their own hemp programs must have them approved by the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, which could take months. “It’s the greatest ex- ample of the cart being put before the horse that I’ve ever thought of,” said Grant Loebs, who is on the board of directors of the Idaho Prosecuting At- torneys Association, which has demanded better test- ing. “You’re trying to make hemp legal so farmers can grow it, but you haven’t put into place anything that’s going to keep mari- juana dealers from taking advantage of a huge loop- hole.” At least three truckers and two security guards transporting state-certi- ❿⑨⑤ ❹⑨➄➅ ❹③❺⑨ ➇⑨⑨④ ③⑩➀ rested and charged with ❾⑨➁⑥④➈ ⑤⑩➂❽ ❸⑩③⑦⑧➉❼④❽➃ Thousands of pounds worth more than $2 mil- lion combined after pro- cessing remain in ware- houses in Oklahoma and Idaho as evidence while the cases play out. Frank Robison, a Colo- rado-based attorney spe- cializing in such cases, said he has about a half- dozen clients in similar situations in other loca- tions. He declined to pro- vide more information, citing his clients’ desire for privacy. “What local law enforce- ment is doing is they’re ❶❸❼➊❼④❽ ③④ ❼④⑤➂❶❸⑩➈ ❸❹③❸ Congress intended to promote to help Ameri- can farmers and help the American economy — not to make people nervous that they’re going to get tossed in jail over a (THC) discrepancy,” said Robi- son, who represents one of the companies involved in the Oklahoma case. Robison and others hope the USDA will work quickly to create rules for validating hemp ship- ments that local law en- forcement could use in- stead of relying on THC way, police could let a suspicious load through without arrests and if the hemp samples come back high in THC from testing done in a lab setting, au- thorities could pursue the grower or shipper after the fact. Andrew Ross, a Marine who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, is facing 18 years to life in Oklahoma if con- victed after he was arrest- ed in January while pro- viding security for a load being held. The case and a similar one in Idaho prompted the Oregon Department of Ag- riculture to issue a formal warning to hemp grow- ers not to ship their crop across state lines. Ross posted bail and continues to run his hemp transport business, Pa- triot Shield Security, from Denver while awaiting tri- al in Oklahoma. He said potential customers from places like Nevada, West Virginia and Wyoming say they now are afraid to send their hemp out of state. “The whole industry has been turned upside down. Osage County First As- sistant District Attorney Michelle Bodine-Keely said the seized hemp was still being tested. Some samples sent to a DEA lab in Washington, D.C., came back within the legal range for THC, but several were over, she said. Based on the results so far, Bodine-Keely said she’s not convinced it’s all hemp. “Part of it is hemp, and part of it is marijuana. It’s an ongoing case, and not only is it an ongoing case, it’s still an ongoing inves- tigation,” she said. But, she allowed, “It would be nice to have a ⑥❾ ⑤❼➐⑨⑩⑨④❸ ➉❼④⑤ ⑥❾ ❸⑨❶❸ ❼④ ❸❹⑨ ❿⑨➁⑤ ❸❹③❸ ➍❼➁➁ ③⑧❸➂③➁➁➈ ❸⑨➁➁ ❿⑨➁⑤ ❸⑨❶❸❶➋ ❶➂⑧❹ ③❶ ❶❸③❸⑨ ③❽⑩❼⑧➂➁❸➂⑩③➁ ⑧⑨⑩❸❼❿⑧③❸⑨❶ ⑥⑩ ➁③➇ ⑧⑨⑩❸❼❿⑧③❸⑨❶➃ ➌❹③❸ ❹⑨➄➅ ➎❺⑨⑩➈⑥④⑨ ❼❶ ❸⑨⑩⑩❼❿⑨⑤➃ ➏⑥ from Kentucky. Ross and a colleague were riding in a van behind a semi-truck ❶❸③❸⑨➀⑧⑨⑩❸❼❿⑨⑤ one wants to transport anything,” Ross said. ❿➁➁⑨⑤ ➍❼❸❹ ❸❹⑨ ➅➁③④❸ ❸❹③❸ ➄➅➆➇➈➅➉➊➋➌ ➍➆➊➎➏➆➊➉ ➐ ➑➆ ➒➊➆➓➎➉ ➍➆➊➎➏➆➊➉ ran a red light and was pulled over. Ross said he provided police in Pawhuska, Okla- homa, with the state-is- sued license for the Ken- tucky farm that grew the hemp, the license for the Colorado lab that was buy- ing it and chemical analy- sis paperwork for all 60 sacks of hemp that he said shows it was within federal guidelines for hemp. That wasn’t enough for ❸❹⑨ ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶➃ ➌❹⑨➈ ❸⑨❶❸⑨⑤ the shipment and found it contained THC — al- though not how much — and arrested Ross, his col- league and the two truck drivers. The charges against the drivers eventually were dropped, but their 18,000-pound (8,165-ki- logram) cargo with a value of nearly $1 million after processing still is what the percent is.” ÒÓÔÕ Ö×ØÙÚÚ ❆✹❊ ❊✺✹✻✼✽✾✿❊ ÛÖÜ ÝÞßà áâã äåá æçèéêê ùúûüü ➆ ýþ s✉r✥ ✦✉✐❧✁❡r þ ✧✐ ü t ★ ûýý ùúûüüýþ ÿû ✉ ✁❛ ü ✐ û ùû ✐❧ ✂♠♣r û ✈❡r ❈ û ü r û ❧ ✄☎✆✝✞✟ ✠✡✡✡ ✟☛ ☞✌ ✜✤✡✢✢✜✩✌ ✄☎✆✝✞✟ ✠✡✡✡ ✟☛ ☞✌ ✍☎☎✟✎✟ ✏✑✎✝✞ ✒ ✓✔✎✞✕✝✓✎ ✞✝✎✝✓✎✕☎✓✌ ✞✝✖✔✗✝✟ ✟☎✕✘ ✗☎✙✚✑✗✎✕☎✓✌ ✟✔✚✚☎✞✎✟ ✙✕✗✞☎✍✕✑✘ ✑✗✎✕✆✕✎✛ ✜✜✢✣✡✤✡ ✪✕✙✕✎ ✫ ✑✎ ✎✬✕✟ ✚✞✕✗✝✭ ✶✮✯✮✮✮ ý q ✰ ✜✱✣✣✜✫✱ ✲✤✩✭✢✢ ✳ ✲✠ ✏✕✎✬ ✴✗✝ ✵✝✏✑✞✖✟ ✄✑✞✖✌ ✷☎✔ ✸✑✛ ✲✫✢✭✢✢ ✪✕✙✕✎ ✫ ✑✎ ✎✬✕✟ ✚✞✕✗✝✭ ëìí îïðìñòï óôðõï ö÷øî ➔➔→→ ➣↔↕➙➛➜ ➝➜➞ ➟➠➡↔➛ ➢➤➜➥ ➦ ➧➨➩➫➧➔➭➫➭➭➯➩ ➔➔➩➔ ➲↕➳➠➵➸ ➺➻↔➞ ➼➠ ➽➛➠➵➸↔ ➦ ➧➨➩➫➾→➧➫→➩➧➔ ➚➙➵➸➠➥➫➪➛➤➸➠➥ ➯➫➾ ➦ ➝➠➜➶➛➸➠➥ ➹➫➾ ➦ ➝➶➵➸➠➥ ➘➫➧ ➴➷➬➮➬➱ ✃➬❐ ❒❮❮❰➱➮❐Ï➮❒➬Ð ➬Ð❮Ñ ❲❳❨❩❬❭❪ ❫ ❴❳ ❵ ✶✣✤✥✶✣✦✶✤✣✦✥✶✥ ✸✸✧★ ✶✧✩✪ ✫✬✭✮✯ ✰✱✩✴ ⑦✵⑦✵⑦✵⑦✵⑦✵⑦✵⑦✵⑦✵⑦ ❛❜❝❞❣❤❥ ❦ ❧❜ ♠ ✷✹✻✼✾✿❀✼✿❁✹✹ ❂✥✶❃★ ❄❅✴ ✦★✸ ❆✬ ❇✯✬❈❉✮ ❊❊❊❋●❍■❏❑❍▲▼◆❖❍P◗❍❘❚❋❯◆❱ ❙✁✂✂t✄☎ ✂✆✁ ❙✂✝✄✞✝✟✞ t✄ ✐✝✠✂✁✟✄ ♥✟✁☎♦✄ ❢♦✟ ♦✡✁✟ ☛☞ ✌✁✝✟✠ ♣qrs ✉✈①②③ ✉④⑤⑥⑧ ⑨① ⑩❶①❷✈⑤ ❸❸❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿➀➁❻❿➁❹❿➂➃ ✺✍✎✏✑✒✓✏✔✕✑✑ ßàáâ ãäåæç ãèé êå ëìåíäé P ✁✂✄☎✆✝✞✟ ❇✝✠✠✞✄✡☛ ✆✝❈ ✝♦ ❊✟✂✠ ☞✡ ❖☞ ☛✝✡ ■✡✌❈ ✷✍✎✍ ✏✑ ❍ ❆✒❡✑ ▲✓ ●✔✓✕✖❡ ✺✍✗✘✙✚✛✘✜✗✚✚ ✇✇✇✏✳✖✗✘✙✚✛✘✜✏✙✢✜ îï ðñïòóô õö÷øùúûøöû÷ú üïýôñ þÿ ❡ õö÷øõ ✲ ûøûû÷ ✽ ❐❒❮❰ÏÐÑ❰❮❐Ò❐ ✢✣✤ ✥✦✧ ❙★✩✪ ✫✬ ✭✮✬✯✰✱ ❮❮❮Ò ÓÔÕÖ× ÓØÙÚ ÛÕ ÜÝÕÞÔÙ ➜➝➞➟➠ ➡➢➝➤➥➟➦ ➧➥➤ ➨➩➝➫➭➯ ➲➯➳➵➥➸➯ ➺➻ ➼➽➽➻➥➫➟➾➯➫➟ ➺➯➸➯➞➞➝➳➦ ➇✲✳✴ ❢✵✶✸✹✻ s✼✴✽✸✾✿ ✻②✳✴ ❢✵✶✸✹✻❀ ❯❁❂❃❁ ❄❃❅❁❉❂❋❏ ❃❁❑▼ ❄◆❋◗❘❉❃◆▼ ❚❱❲❳ ❨❩❬ ❭❩❪❫❫❩ ➚➪➪➶ ➹➘➴➷➬➘➮➴ ➬➷➱ ➹➘➴➷➬✃ ❴ ❵❛❜❝ ❞❣❛❝❤ ❞❤✐❥❛❦❧ ❞✐♠ ♥✐❧❤ ❴ ❴ ♣q❤❦r❣q❧ t♠q✉♥✐❧❤q✈ ✇① ③❝❝q④✈✐④❝ ❴ ❴ ⑤⑥ ♣③⑦♣⑧ ⑨⑩❶⑧❷❞③❷❷❸③❹⑧ ❞❺⑧③⑩⑧❷ ❴ ❻ ❼❽ ❾ ❿ ➀ ➁ ❾ ➂❼ ➃ ➃ ➄➅➆➅➈ ➉➊➋➌➍➎ ➌➏➐ ➑ ➒➓➔→➣↔ ↕➒➙➛