➬➴➮➱✃❐❒ ❮✃➴❰➚ ÏÏ❒ ÏÐÑÒ ➾➚➪ ➶➹➘➪➴➷➪➴ Forever enshrined in glory ÓÔ ÕÖ×ØÙÚ ÓÖ×Ú ÛÜÝÞßàÝáâÝá Two standouts from previous glory days of the Eastern Oregon wrestling program will have one of the top accolades in sports placed next to their names forever: Hall of Famers. Craig Woodward and Norm Berney will be in- ducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in a May 4 ceremony in Ti- gard, according to a press release from Hall of Fame - tary Bob Allen. Woodward is being enshrined as an Outstanding American, and Berney is being recog- nized for a lifetime of ser- vice to the sport of wres- tling. “It’s really a nice thing to get honored like that,” said Berney, who is currently the head track and cross country coach at Corban ãäåæç èéêëæ åìç íëêæë îìïðëæñïòó ïì íåôëõö åìç a Hall of Fame head wres- tling coach from his days leading Clackamas Com- munity College. “This is just the capping moment for me to be honored in the Oregon chapter of the Hall of Fame.” Berney was a solid wres- tler during his time with the Mountaineers in the 1960s, but he made his name in coaching. He was å ÷ðëøòïõë ñòåòë êäåêù äú P❂❃❄❃ ❅❃❇❈❄t❉❊ ❃❋ ●❃❈❍ ❏t❈❑t❊ ▲♦▼◆◗▼ ❘❙❚❯◗▼❲ ❳▼◗❨♦❲ ❩▼◗❚❯❬◗▼❚ s♦▼◆ ❭◗▼❲◗❪❫ ❚◗❴♦❲❵ ❛▼♦◆ ❬◗❛❯❫ ❙❲❵ ❜▼❙❝❨❞♦♦❵❩❙▼❵❫ ❚◗❴♦❲❵ ❛▼♦◆ ▼❝❨❡❯❫ ❩❝❬❬ ❢◗ ❝❲❵❣❴❯◗❵ ❝❲❯♦ ❯❡◗ s❙❯❝♦❲❙❬ ❞▼◗❚❯❬❝❲❨ r❙❬❬ ♦❛ ▲❙◆◗ ❝❲ ❤❙❪ ✐ ❭◗▼❲◗❪ ❛♦▼ ❙ ❬❝❛◗❯❝◆◗ ♦❛ ❚◗▼❥❝❴◗ ❯♦ ❯❡◗ ❚❦♦▼❯ ❙❲❵ ❞♦♦❵❩❙▼❵ ❙❚ ❙❲ ❳❣❯❚❯❙❲❵❝❲❨ ❧◆◗▼❝❴❙❲♠ the year while at CCC and was named the national coach of the year in 1987. last community college in Oregon to sponsor the sport, and he helped drum up the support of the wrestling communi- ty to back keeping wres- tling at CCC — including Woodward. He also played a key role in saving what has since become a power- house program when wrestling faced the po- tential of being cut at “The one thing I’m hon- Clackamas in 1984. He ored (about) through this said at the time it was the is (being able) to hang in there with good support from people like Craig and (assistant coach) Larry Owings,” he said. “Getting the support of those guys to keep the program going is probably my (best) con- tribution to wrestling.” Wrestling, which has endured cuts in programs throughout the country, is seeing a resurgence, including in the North- west. Berney is part of that comeback: He helped save CCC’s program, and he most recently was instru- mental in establishing a new wrestling program at Corban. Berney feels it’s im- portant to keep the sport around because of what it teaches those who com- pete in it, and because it’s a sport “everyone can be involved in,” regard- less of size — and, now, regardless of gender, with women’s wrestling gaining popularity. “(It) really teaches you competitive skills, surviv- al skills in the world that have been lost,” he said. “It prepared me for life.” Woodward, of Prinev- ille, whose contribution to the sport has been in more of a philanthropic and supportive role, said he was humbled by his nomi- nation. “I can’t put myself in the same category as other recipients — oth- ers like Norm (who have coached the sport),” he said. “Those guys are in the Hall of Fame (because) they dedicated their whole life to the sport.” Woodward, who wres- tled as a Mountie in the 1960s, played a part in the movement to bring wres- tling back to Eastern Or- egon three years ago after a 3-1/2 decade hiatus. He was one of the main driv- ers to raise the funds to help get the program re- started. “The president (Tom In- sko) was really supportive See Hall of Fame / Page 8A PREP SPORTS ROUNDUP Tiger boys second, girls third at Crook County Relays ÞßàÝáâÝáàûüýý þùëÿå æåìçëþï ✁ ëæñ ✂ äóñòæåê ✄ åìç÷ëôç 3,200 (13:10.00). The Imbler Panthers took 14th, with all ✟ ✁ ✻ ✧ - ÷ðë äú òùëïæ äïìòñ êäõïì úæäõ æïì äñ òäì ✺ ñúä ☛ æòùø ✟ ôåêë÷ìïñùïìòùë ✟ äôëðå ☛ ôò ✍✤ ø ☎ ùïôëòùëÿ ✆ í ✁ ïæôññêäæëç ✝✞ ✟ äïìòñòä÷ìïñù feet-6). third. èì òùë ✂ äóñ ñïçëö ✧ äðë ÷ìïñùëç ☎ ïòù þùëÿ ✆ í ✂ äóñ ëåæìëç ðïêòäæïëñ úæäõ ✠ ïê ✄ 20 points in eighth place, with 18 of those Tsiatsos in the triple jump (42-feet-1-3/4) ✟ äïìòñ êäõïì ✁ úæäõ þïõ íòëðëìñö ☎ ùä ☎ äì åìç è ☎ ëì ✡ æë ☛ ò ☞ ïì òùë ✌ åðëôïì ✍✞✝✎ øúëëòø the 800 (2:00.62) and was second in the 9). La Grande also grabbed second-place 1,600 (4:26.46). ÷ìïñùëñ úæäõ ãëììëòò ✏ ëôêù ïì òùë ✞ ö ✝✎✎ ✷ õ ✂ ôëæñêäæëç÷ðë ✟ äïìòñòäòå ✄ ë ✞✝ òùö ☎ ïòù (4:28.14) and the 4x400 relay team of Hunt- ✧ åôðïì ✣ åæòïì ✟ äñòïì ✁ òùë òä ✟ ÷ìïñùö òå ✄ - ëæ ✑ ä ☛ ì ✁✂ ôääçö íå ✌☛ ì ✏ ùïòëö ÿ ☛✄ ë ãôääç - ing sixth in the javelin (131-feet-6). Union good and Josh Zollman (3:37.64), as well ñêäæëç ✞✙✝ ✟ äïìòñ úäæ ✞✤ òùö ☎ ïòù ✦ ìçæë ☎ åñ å ùåìçú ☛ ô äú òùïæçø ✟ ôåêë ë ✒ äæòñ ✓ ✔ åæäõ ÿåê ✄ ëó ✺ ñ ëï ✁ ùòùø ✟ ôåêë ÷ìïñù ïì òùë ✛ ö ✖✎✎ ïì ✆☛ ìòñõåì ïì òùë ✌ åðëôïì ✍✞✕✖ øúëëòø ✝✗ åìç ✞✞✓✞✞✙✞✝ òùëòä ✟ ë ✒ äæò ✙ triple jump (38-feet-4-1/2), Tsiatsos in the Cove and Union next head to the Carnival long jump (20-feet-9-1/4) and Terence Clay äúí ✟ ëëç ✦✟ æïô ✝ ö ☎ ùïôë ✷ õ ✂ ôëæòæåðëôñ òäòùë ïìòùëùï ✁ ù ✌☛ õ ✟ ✍✝ øúëëòø ✘✗✙ ✚ ä ☛ ìçïì ✁ ä ☛ òïì ✸ æåïæïë ✧ ïòó ✷ ìðïòëäì ✦✟ æïô ✝✙ fourth place were Cristian Mendoza in the ✲■✶ ✱❆✶✪✱❆✲✲ ✩❆✭✼✵ ❖❱✪✳✩❖✰✪ ✯✪✽✮✩✮✵ ✞ ö ✝✎✎ ✍✕✓✛✛✙✛✜✗ ö ✢ åêù ✏ ï ✁✁ ïìñ ïì òùë ùï ✁ ù The La Grande Tigers baseball team sur- ✌☛ õ ✟ ✍✝ øúëëòø ✘✗ åìç ✑ ä ☛ ì ✁✂ ôääçïìòùëôäì ✁ æëìçëæëç ÷ðëëåæôóæ ☛ ìñ åìç ☎ ëæë ☛ ìå ✂ ôëòä jump (20-feet-3-1/4). dig out of the hole in a 7-4 road loss to the þùëÿ ✆ í ✁ ïæôñ ☎ ëæëôëç ✂ ó åðïêòäæó ïìòùë Pendleton Buckaroos Thursday. team scored 92 points to take second at the Crook County Relays Thursday in Prineville, 4x400 relay from Katie Brown Kenzie Wil- liams, Cecelia Aguilera and Jacki Martini in 4:27.43. The Tigers’ also placed second in the 4x100 relay with Aguilera, Brown, Ken- Pendleton scored twice in the second in- ning for the early lead, then scored three relay team of Lara Insko, Madison Han- son, Alexyss Chamberlain and Jenna Ault (4:42.19). by a pitch with the bases loaded to force in a run, and both Justin Frederick and Parker Robinson scored on passed balls to make it a one-run game. Pendleton, though, added two late runs for some breathing room. La Grande was held to just three hits and took advantage of 10 walks, but left 13 run- ners on base. Zamora took the loss on the mound, al- lowing two run on four hits in two innings. The Tigers (2-2 overall) travel to the Pride Classic in Arizona Monday. õäæë æ ☛ ìñ ïì òùë òùïæç òä ✁ ä ☛✟ ✝ ø ✎ åúòëæ å þåììëæí ☎ ëë ✄ ñåêæï÷êë ✾ óåìçåþ ☛ ê ✄ ëæ ✢ åì - ☞ ïë ✏ ïôôïåõñ åìç ✡ åæñëì ✏ ïôôïåõñ ÷ìïñùïì ✁ der RBI single. ïì ✝✕✙✕✎ ñëêäìçñ ✙ ÿå æåìçë ïìêùëç ☎ ïòùïì ✝ ø ✞ ☎ ùëì ãæä - ✣ åæòïìï åìç ✚ åêùåëô ✡ ëìïæó ÷ìïñùëç ✛ ø ✕ dy Kincade scored on a passed ball in the ïì òùë ✞ ö ✝✎✎ ïì ✝✓✞✘✙✛✘ åìç ✝✓✖✞✙✘✤ ö æëñ ✟ ëê - fourth, then took advantage of more Pend- tively. Also in fourth were Anna Green in ôëòäì ☎ ïôçìëññ òä ✁ ëò êôäñë òä ✝ ø ✕ ïì òùë òùë çïñê ☛ ñ ✍✜✖ øúëëòø ✝✗ åìç å ñëêäìç ✕✥✕✎✎ sixth. With two outs, Isaac Zamora was hit ÿå æåìçë ïñ ✂ åê ✄ ïì åêòïäì ✦✟ æïô ✝ åò òùë ✧ åæìïðåôäúí ✟ ëëçïì ✣ ïôòäìø ★ æëë ☎ åòëæ ✙ ✩❖❱✪✫ ✬✭✮❖✭ ❆✭✯ ✮✰✱✲✪✳ ✩❖✰✴✪✵✪ ✮✭ ■✪✳✰✮✶✵❖✭ þùë ✧ äðë ÿëä ✟ åæçñ ✁ ïæôñ òæåê ✄ åìç ÷ëôç òëåõ ñêäæëç ✖✘✙✝ ✟ äïìòñ òä ✟ ôåêë ñëðëìòù åìç ôëåç òùë ôäêåô ë ✒ äæòñ åò òùë ã ☛ ôôçä ✁ ✷ ì - ✧ äðë ñêäæëç òùæëë òä ✟ øúä ☛ æ ÷ìïñùëñö ☎ ïòù íä ✟ ùïë ✸ ëòòïò ôëåçïì ✁ òùë ☎ åó ✂ ó òå ✄ ïì ✁ ñëê - äìçïìòùëôäì ✁ ✌☛ õ ✟ åò ✞✝ øúëëòø ✞✞ ø ✞✹✖✙ ✣ ó ✄ ï - vite Thursday in Hermiston. ✷ ✸ ✹✺ ✸ ✻✻✸ ✹✷✸✸✻✼ ✽ ✾✿ ❫❴❵❛❜❴❝❞❛❡❢❵❣ ❤✐✐ ❥ ❦✐✐ ❧❛❡♠❢❵♥ ♦❵♣qr❛♥✐❦❛♥❞rs ❦❛❞ t✉❴❝❞ ✈✐❵❣❞✇♥ ⑩ ❶❷ ❸❹❺❹❻❼ ⑩ ❸❽❼❾❹❿ ➀❻➁❿ ⑩ ❶ ➂➃❶➄ ❸❹❻❻❽➅➆❾➇➈ ⑩ ➉➇❺➁➊➇❻➋ ➌➊➆➁❺➆➍❺➇ ⑩ ➎❽❺❺ ➏❹➐❾❾ ➑➁➒➇ ⑩ ➓ ➔❾→ ➣❽❺➔ ❸❹➆❼❾ ↔➆➒➇❺ ⑩ ➓ ➔❾→ ↔↕➙ ↔➆➒➇❺ ⑩ ➓ ➔❾→ ➛➇❼➆ ↔➆➒➇❺ ➜ ➝ ➞➟➠ ➡➢➤ ➥➦➧ ➨➩➫➭➯ ➜ ➲➟➩➫➳➦➫➵ ➲➭➩➸ ①②③④⑤②⑥⑦ ➜ ➺ ➞➟➠ ➻➭➯➟➩ ➥➦➧ ➜ ➝ ➞➟➠ ➨➼➽ ➨➩➫➭➯ ⑧⑤⑧④③⑧⑨③② ■❏ ❑▲▼◆ ❖P◗◗ ❘▼❙❚❯ ❱▼◆◆▼❚❯❲ ❳ ❱▲▼❯❨▲◆❩ ❘▼❙❚❯ ❬❲❭❯▲❪ ✁✂✄☎✆ ★ ✆✩✪ ✝✞✟✠✡✡☛✠✞☞✟✞ ☞✫✡✠✬✬✭✠✮✝✫✝ ah Overton placed third in the javelin (103- ✌✍✎✏ ✑✒ ✓✔✕✖✔ ✗✕✒ ✎✎✌✯ ✰✒ ✰✱✲✲✳✴ ✵✶✴ feet-2), and Allie Best was fourth in the high ïì ✁ òäòùëÿå æåìçëþï ✁ ëæñ ✔❁ åòùäõëö ✞✝ ø ✕✙ jump (4-feet-8). îìïäì ✹✧ äðë úëôô ïì åì ëåæôó ✝ ø ✎ ùäôë åìç ✘✙✚✚ ✛✜✢✢ ✌✣✤✎✎✣✤✤✥✣✤✦✦✧ ✘✙✚✚ ✛✜✢✢ ✌✣✤✤✤✣✥✌✥✣✤✦✦✧ The Union Bobcats girls, which took never recovered. The Bobcats got on the 10th with 13 points, had a pair of third- ✂ äåæçïìòùë ✂ äòòäõäúòùë÷æñòäìå ✡ ëë ✁ åì ✟ ôåêë ÷ìïñùëñ úæäõ ✦✂ æïëô è ✺✚ ëïôôó ïì òùë ôëìì ✚ ã ✷ çä ☛✂ ôëö òùëì ê ☛ ò å ✤ ø ✞ çë÷êïò ❀❀❀❁❂❃❄❅❆❇❃❄❈❅❉❉❄❊❆❂❄❄❉❁❋●❍ 800 (2:34.84) and Audrey Wells in the ✱❖✱✩❆✵✶ ✽❆✲✲✵❖ ✲❆ ✿✳❆✭✯✪ ❀❱ The Union/Cove Bobcats baseball team dropped its season-opener Wednesday, fall- ♥♣♣ q✉✈✇①✈② ③ ④⑤⑥♣ ⑦⑧