✷✟ ➋✠✆✡ ❖☛☞✡ ❱✡ ➣↔↕➙ ↕➣➛➛➜➝ Þßàáâ ãäåæç èé êëèåæçì íæëîï ððì ñïò óôéñ åæç äõ ðöô÷øãïòëò æëò ðóù åæçé úòõñ èû ñïò çòæëø Baker County commissioner Haines public works part of new wildfire council director issues claims ➞➟ ➠➡➟➢➤➥ ➠➡➦➤➧➟ ❰➘➶ â➴Ò➬×❐❒Ö ï✃➶ ➬➶➶❮ ➪➴ against mayor ➨➩➫➭➯➲ ➳➩➵➫ ➸➩➺➻➼➽➩ Ô➚Ü➶ ➱Ò➘➶ ➷➶ ➚➘➶ ❮➴❐➬Ñ years have shown resi- dents across Oregon that Mark Bennett is pleased to serve on Oregon Gov. ➾➚➪➶ ➹➘➴➷➬➮➱ ➬➶➷ ✃❐❒❮❰➘➶ Response Council. Although everything we can, and that we are building support for the sustainable funding needed to change this pat- ➚Ï➪➶➘ ➪Ð➶ Ñ➘➴ÒÓ➮➱ ❰➘➱➪ Ô➶➶➪ - ➪➶➘➬Ö à➮Ô ➱➴ Ó❒➶➚➱➶❮ ➪➴ Õ➘❐➬Ñ ing Monday, he feels a bit Ô➚➬Ú ➶ìÓ➶➘➪➱ ➪➴Ñ➶➪Ð➶➘ ➪➴ like a student who just aced ➪➚×Ü❒➶ ➪Ð❐➱ ❐ÔÓ➴➘➪➚➬➪ ❐➱➱Ò➶ calculus and then enrolls in ➪Ð➚➪ ❮➶➶Ó❒Ú ➚Ø➶×➪➱ í➘➶Ñ➴ - ➘➶Ô➶❮❐➚❒ ➚❒Ñ➶Õ➘➚Ö nians and our lands.” Bennett, a Baker County Þßàáâüý þÿ ❨ þ ÿ ❨ þÞ ❖ û íæëîï ððì ô ✼✻✁ ì ñïò ❇ ëèñèéï ✂ æëúèæ ❛ òûñ ✄ æééòå ñïò ❙ ñæ ❛✄ ❆ îñ ñä ëæèéò ❛ äûòç õëä ❛ ñïò ❆❛ òëèîæû îäúäûèòéì ✇ ïèîï ❤ òëîòúç ëòéèéñòå ñïò ñæ ☎ ø ✭ ãïò ❙ ñæ ❛✄ ❆ îñ ✇ æé ëò ✄ òæúòå æ çòæë úæñòëø ✳ ß ✆ Þþÿý àáÞ ❚ ■ û ôóóðì ✂ ëòéèåòûñ r ïòéñòë ❆ úæû ❆ ëñï t ë éè ✝ ûòå æ ❛ òæé t ëò ä t ñúæ ✇ èû ✝ ✄ äúç ✝ æ ❛ çø ■ û ôó÷ùì ïäî ❦ òç ❡ é ❤ ëéñ ❙ ñæû ✲ úòç rt✄ îïæ ❛✄ èäûéïè ✄ ✝ æ ❛ ò ✇ æé ✄ úæçòå ✞ ïä ❛ ò ñòæ ❛ íäû ✲ ñëòæú åòõòæñòå ❖ ññæ ✇ æì ✟✲ ôø ■ û ô÷ ✟✟ ì å t ëèû ✝ ✂ ëäïè ✠ èñèäûì ✂ ëòéèåòûñ êëæû ❦ úèû ✡ ø ☛ ää ✲ éò s òúñ éè ✝ ûòå æ ❛ òæé t ëò ñä ❛ æ ❦ ò ✇ èûò æûå ✠ òòë îäûñæèû ✲ èû ✝ t✄ ñä ✟ øð ✄ òëîòûñ æúîäïäú úò ✝ æúø ■ û ô÷ùôì ñïò ✾ ëæûå r ä t úòò ïçåëäòúòîñëèî åæ ❛ èû ❲ æéïèû ✝✲ ñäû éñæñò äõ ❤ îèæúúç ✇ òûñ èûñä ä ✄ òëæñèäûø ■ û ô÷ ✻✟ ìãïò ❇ òæñúòé ❡ åò ✠t ñ æú ✠t❛ ì ➇✂ úòæéò ✂ úòæéò íòì ➈ ✇ æé ëòúòæéòå èû ñïò ☞ ûèñòå ❑ èû ✝ åä ❛ ✠ ç ✂ æëúä ✄ ïäûòø ■ û ô÷ ✻ óì ✂ ëòéèåòûñ ✌ çûåäû ❇ ø ❏ äïûéäû æûûä t ûîòå ñïæñ ✾ òûø ❲ èúúèæ ❛ r ø ❲ òéñ ❛ äëòúæûåì ñïò îä ❛❛ æûåòë äõ ❆❛ òëèîæû õäëîòé èû ❱ èòñûæ ❛ ì ✇ ä t úå úòæ s ò ñïæñ ✄ äéñ ñä ✠ òîä ❛ ò ñïò ☞ ø ❙ ø ❆ ë ❛ ç ❡ é ûò ✇ r ïèòõ äõ ❙ ñæõõø ❙ ñ t åòûñé æñ ñïò ☞ ûè s òëéèñç äõ ◆ æûñòëëò èû é t✠t ë ✠ æû ✂ æëèé äîî t✄ èòå ñïò éîïääú ❡ é æå ❛ èû ✲ èéñëæñèäû ✠t èúåèû ✝ èû æ ✄ ëòú t åò ñä ❛ æééè s ò ✄ ëäñòéñé èû êëæûîò ñïæñ ✠ ò ✝ æû ñïò õäúúä ✇ èû ✝ íæçø ãïò ❤ ëéñ ☛ òå ✌ ä ✠ éñòë ëòé ✲ ñæ t ëæûñ ä ✄ òûòå èû ✌ æ ❦ òúæûåì êúäëèåæø ■ û ô÷ ✼ óì ❑ æëú ❲ æúúòûåæì ñïò ✼✟✲ çòæë ✲ äúå ✄ æñëèæëîï äõ ➇ ãïò êúçèû ✝❲ æúúòûåæé ➈ ïè ✝ ï ✲✇ èëò æîñì õòúú ñä ïèé åòæñï ✇ ïèúò æññò ❛✄ ñèû ✝ ñä ✇ æú ❦ æ îæ ✠ úò éñë t û ✝ ✠ òñ ✇ òòû ñ ✇ ä ïäñòú ñä ✇ òëé èû ❙ æû ❏t æûì ✂t òëñä ☛ èîäø ■ û ô÷óóì ✠ äñï ïä t éòé äõ r äû ✝ ëòéé ä s òëëäåò ✂ ëòéèåòûñ ☛ äûæúå ☛ òæ ✝ æû ❡ é s òñä äõ ñïò r è s èú ☛ è ✝ ïñé ☛ òéñäëæñèäû ❆ îñø ■ û ô÷÷ôì ïè ✝ ï éîïääú èûéñë t î ✲ ñäë ✂ æ ❛ òúæ ❙❛ æëñì æîî t éòå äõ ëòîë t èñèû ✝ ïòë ñòòûæ ✝ ò úä s òë æûå ïèé õëèòûåé ñä ❦ èúú ïòë ï t é ✲ ✠ æûåì ✾ ëò ✝ äëçì ✇ æé îäû s èîñòå èû ✐☎ òñòëì ◆ ò ✇ ✱ æ ❛✄ éïèëòì äõ ❛t ëåòë ✲ îäûé ✄ èëæîç æûå ✠ òèû ✝ æû æîîä ❛✄ úèîò ñä ❛t ëåòë æûå ✇ æé éòûñòûîòå ñä úèõò èû ✄ ëèéäû ✇ èñïä t ñ ✄ æëäúòø ßÞÞ ❚✍ â ▼✎✏✑✒✓✔✕✖✗ ✩✘✙✚ ✛✜✢✢✜✣✤ ✁✲✻✲ ôô ✲ ùù ✲ ù ✻✲ ùó ▼✎✏✑ ▼✥✦✦✥✧★✖✗ ✩✪✫ ✛✜✢✢✜✣✤ ôö ✲ ùð ✲✁✟✲✻✼✲✻ ó ✲ ô ✁✲☎✟ P✧✬✎✮✒✑✦✦✗ ✩✯✰✪ ✛✜✢✢✜✣✤ ôö ✲ ôù ✲✁ ö ✲✁✟✲✻✟✲✂❇ ðô ✲☎ ð ✴✥★ ✵✧✮ ♦✥✵✎✗ ✶✷✸✹✺ ✰✫ ✟ ö ✲✟ ô ✲✟✟✲✻ ö P✥✔✕ ✽✗ ✶✷✸✹✺ ✰✿ ❀ ❁ ❂❃❄❃❅ ❈❉❊❉❋❉● ❀ ❍ ❂❃❄❃❅ ●❉❋❉❋❉● ❀ ▲ ❂❃❄❃❅ ◗❉▲❉❊❉❍ ❀ ❁❈ ❂❃❄❃❅ ❊❉❍❉❈❉❘ P✥✔✕ ✽✗ ✶✷✸✹✺ ✰✫ ❀ ❁ ❂❃❄❃❅ ❊❉◗❉❁❉▲ ❀ ❍ ❂❃❄❃❅ ❍❉❘❉❈❉● ❀ ▲ ❂❃❄❃❅ ●❉❋❉❁❉❍ ❀ ❁❈ ❂❃❄❃❅ ❍❉❍❉◗❉❘ ✍ ßáà ✍❚❯ ß ✍ Þ ❳❩❄❬❭❪❫ ❴❵ ❜❝❞❞❅ ❀ ❢❣❫❥❧❭ ♠❪❭♥❵❣❅ ♣❈❈❉❋▲▲❉❘◗❘♣❃ ❀♠❩❴❫❥❧❭♠❪❭♥❵❣❅●❈◗❉●♣♣❉❊❋❍❁❃ ❋ ✁✂❆❨✱ ✄❆ ☎✆ ✝✝✱ ✝✞✶✾ LOCAL ×➴ÔÔ❐➱➱❐➴➬➶➘ ➚➬❮ ×➚➪➪❒➶ rancher in the southern part of the county, said the Bennett said the gov- ernor’s goal of having the ×➴Ò➬×❐❒ ➘➶Ó➴➘➪ ❐➪➱ ❰➬❮❐➬Ñ➱ ÕÚ è➶Ó➪➶ÔÕ➶➘ ❐➱ ➚ÔÕ❐➪❐➴Ò➱ ➱Ô➴Ü➶ß ➶Ý➚×Ò➚➪❐➴➬➱ ➚➬❮ blocked highways are no ❒➴➬Ñ➶➘ Ó➘➴Õ❒➶Ô➱ ×➴➬❰➬➶❮ to the sparsely populated lands east of the Cascades, Bennett believes another threat — to drinking water supplies — has also helped to spur interest in taking ac- tion at the state level. During the Council’s ini- ➪❐➚❒ Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñ ù➴➬❮➚Úß Ô➶Ô - bers discussed the vulner- ➶Ø➶×➪➱ ➴Ï Õ❐Ñ Õ❒➚Ù➶➱ ➪Ð➚➪ but plausible. ➚Õ❐❒❐➪❐➶➱ ➪➴ ❰➘➶ ➴Ï ➪➷➴ Ô➚á➴➘ Ó➘➴ÔÓ➪➶❮ ➹➘➴➷➬ ➪➴ ×➘➶➚➪➶ Bennett, who is the only ➷➚➪➶➘ ➱ÒÓÓ❒❐➶➱ ú ë➴➘➪❒➚➬❮➮➱ the council by executive or- ×➴Ò➬➪Ú ×➴ÔÔ❐➱➱❐➴➬➶➘ Ï➘➴Ô Bull Run, the source of water der in January are depress- east of the Cascades on the Ï➴➘ ➚❒Ô➴➱➪ æ Ô❐❒❒❐➴➬ Ó➶➴Ó❒➶ß ❐➬Ñ❒Ú Ï➚Ô❐❒❐➚➘ ➪➴ Ð❐Ô ➚➬❮ ➪➴ council, said he is especially and Ashland’s watershed. other residents in Central ❐➬➪➶➘➶➱➪➶❮ ❐➬ Ó➘➴Ô➴➪❐➬Ñ ãÐ❐➱ß ➪➴➴ß ûÒ➚❒❐❰➶➱ ➚➱ ➴❒❮ and Eastern Oregon. Ô➴➘➶ ➚ÑÑ➘➶➱➱❐Ý➶ Ô➚➬➚Ñ➶ - news for Baker County. Valleys clogged with Ô➶➬➪ ➴Ï ÓÒÕ❒❐× ❒➚➬❮ ➪➴ ×Ò➘Õ ➹➚Ü➶➘ â❐➪Ú ➴ð×❐➚❒➱ Ð➚Ý➶ ❒Ò➬ÑÛ❐➘➘❐➪➚➪❐➬Ñ ➱Ô➴Ü➶Ö ➪Ð➶ ❰➘➶ ➪Ð➘➶➚➪Ö been worried for decades Green forests trans- ëÒÕ❒❐× ❒➚➬❮ Ô➚Ü➶➱ ÒÓ about the possibility of Ï➴➘Ô➶❮ ❐➬➪➴ ➱➷➚➪Ð➶➱ ➴Ï about 51 percent of Baker ➚ Ô➚á➴➘ ❰➘➶ ❐➬ ➪Ð➶ ×❐➪Ú➮➱ black bark and ashy soil. â➴Ò➬➪Ú➮➱ ä Ô❐❒❒❐➴➬ ➚×➘➶➱Ö 10,000-acre watershed in Rural residents forced to öÏ➪➶➘ ➪Ð➶ ×➴Ò➬×❐❒➮➱ ❰➘➱➪ the Elkhorn Mountains. ➶Ý➚×Ò➚➪➶ ➚➱ Þ➚Ô➶➱ ➪Ð➘➶➚➪ - Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñß ➹➶➬➬➶➪➪ ➱➚❐❮ Ð➶➮➱ èÒ×Ð ➚ Õ❒➚Ù➶ ×➴Ò❒❮ Ï➴➘×➶ ➶➬➶❮ ➪Ð➶❐➘ Ð➴Ô➶➱ ➚➬❮ß Ó➴ - ➴Ó➪❐Ô❐➱➪❐× ➪Ð➚➪ Ô➶ÔÕ➶➘➱ ➪Ð➶ ×❐➪Ú ➪➴ ❰➬❮ ➚ ➪➶ÔÓ➴➘➚➘Ú tentially, their lives. ➘➶➚❒❐Ù➶ ➪Ð➶ ➱×➴Ó➶ ➴Ï ➪Ð➶ ➘➶Ó❒➚×➶Ô➶➬➪ ➱➴Ò➘×➶ß ➚➬❮ ➪➴ à➬ áÒ➱➪ ➪Ð➶ Ó➚➱➪ ❰Ý➶ Ú➶➚➘➱ß Ó➘➴Õ❒➶Ôß ➷❐➪Ð Ý➚➱➪ ➚➘➶➚➱ ➴Ï ÕÒ❐❒❮ ➚ ÔÒ❒➪❐Ô❐❒❒❐➴➬Û❮➴❒❒➚➘ ➷❐❒❮❰➘➶➱ Ð➚Ý➶ ➱×➚➘➘➶❮ Ô➴➘➶ forests across the state, but ❰❒➪➘➚➪❐➴➬ Ó❒➚➬➪Ö than 150,000 acres in Bak- ➶➘ â➴Ò➬➪ÚÖ ãÐ➶ äåæç ❰➘➶ season was the worst, sta- tistically, with the Cornet/ Windy Ridge Fire spread- ing across 104,000 acres south of Baker City. The ❒❐ÑÐ➪➬❐➬ÑÛ➱Ó➚➘Ü➶❮ especially east of the Cas- ×➚❮➶➱ß Õ➶❐➬Ñ ïÓÐ➶➬➴Ô➶➬➚❒ - ly overstocked” with trees. Experts say these dense Whether or not the Wild- Drought exacerbates the the validity of the concerns that people in Central and Eastern Oregon have been ❰➘➶ â➴Ò➬×❐❒➮➱ ➷➴➘Ü Ú❐➶❒❮➱ ➪➚➬Ñ❐Õ❒➶ß ➚➬❮ ➪❐Ô➶❒Úß Õ➶➬➶ - ❰➪➱ ❐➬ í➘➶Ñ➴➬ß ➹➶➬➬➶➪➪ ➱➚❐❮ Ï➴➘➶➱➪➱ ➚➘➶ Ô➴➘➶ ➱Ò➱×➶Ó➪❐Õ❒➶ Ð➶➮➱ Ñ➘➚➪❐❰➶❮ ➪Ð➚➪ ➴ð×❐➚❒➱ to insects and disease. ➚×➘➴➱➱ ➪Ð➶ ➱➪➚➪➶ ➘➶×➴Ñ➬❐Ù➶ Õ❒➚Ù➶ Ó➘➴Õ❒➶Ôß ➹➶➬➬➶➪➪ ➱➚❐❮Ö was the biggest in county history. As a general rule, trees ➪Ð➚➪ ➶Ô➶➘Ñ➶ Ï➘➴Ô ➚ ❰➘➶ ➷❐➪Ð ➶ìÓ➘➶➱➱❐➬Ñ Ï➴➘ Ô➚➬Ú Ú➶➚➘➱Ö ➹Ò➪ ➱❐➬×➶ ➪Ð➶➬ß Ô➚á➴➘ ❰➘➶➱ their crowns unburned ï✃➶ Ð➚Ý➶ ➪Ð❐➱ ÓÐ➶➬➴Ô - Ð➚Ý➶ ÕÒ➘➬➶❮ ÔÒ×Ð ×❒➴➱➶➘ ➪➴ have a good chance to sur- enal risk, and we’ve been Oregon’s population centers vive. ➶❮Ò×➚➪❐➬Ñ ➪Ð➶ Ô➚❐➬ Ó➴ÓÒ❒➚ - west of the Cascades. The Eagle Creek Fire, ➱➪➚➘➪➶❮ ❐➬ ➪Ð➶ â➴❒ÒÔÕ❐➚ Gorge by a teenager playing But Bennett, who fre- quently drives through the heart of the Cornet/Windy Ridge Fire while traveling tion base in this state that ➪Ð❐➱ ❐➱ ❐ÔÓ➴➘➪➚➬➪ßõ ➹➶➬➬➶➪➪ ➱➚❐❮Ö ïà Õ➶❒❐➶Ý➶ ➪Ð➶➘➶➮➱ Ô➴ - Ô➶➬➪ÒÔ Ð➶➘➶ß ➚➬ ➴ÓÓ➴➘➪Ò - ➷❐➪Ð ❰➘➶➷➴➘Ü➱ ❐➬ è➶Ó➪➶ÔÕ➶➘ Ï➘➴Ô Ð❐➱ ➘➚➬×Ð ➬➶➚➘ ÷➬❐➪Ú nity to push this forward, to 2017, burned about 49,000 to Baker City for county Ô➴Ý➶ Ï➘➴Ô ×➴ÔÓ❒➚×➶➬×Ú ➪➴ acres and closed Interstate Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñ➱ ➚➬❮ ➴➪Ð➶➘ ÕÒ➱❐ - action.” éê Ï➴➘ Ô➴➘➶ ➪Ð➚➬ ➚ ➷➶➶ÜÖ ness, said he has noticed ãÐ➶ ❰➘➶ ➚❒➱➴ Ï➴Ò❒➶❮ ë➴➘➪ - ➪Ð➚➪ Ô➚➬Ú ➪➘➶➶➱ ➷❐➪Ð ❐➬➪➚×➪ land’s air with ash and crowns have died since the ing costs exceeding $533 Bennett acknowledges ➞➟ ü➡➢ý➟ üþ➤ÿ ✇ ý➟ ➨➩➫➭➯➲ ➳➩➵➫ ➸➩➺➻➼➽➩ Ï➴➘ ➪Ð➶ ➱➚Ô➶ ➘➶➚➱➴➬➱Ö But Brown announced The public works direc- ➚➪ ➪Ð➶ ➱➪➚➘➪ ➴Ï ➪Ð➶ Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñ letter sent to city council- not be discussed during the agency and to drive ve- hicles he wasn’t licensed to operate. Brandon Fry, who is the city’s only public works sion, which is closed to the public. Haines since January 2017. Fry contends that Mayor ò ✂✄ ➱➶➬➪ ➚ ❒➶➪➪➶➘ ➪➴ ➹➘➴➷➬ ➪➴ ➬➴➪❐ÏÚ Ð❐Ô ➪Ð➚➪ ø➚❐➬➶➱ as the only candidate on sewer discharge statistics ends and holidays. Fry said Brown later told Ð❐Ô ➪➴ ➱ÒÕÔ❐➪ Ô➴➬➪Ð❒Ú ➘➶ - that didn’t represent actual recordings of the daily dis- and other days on which Fry didn’t actually take readings. In a letter he sent to the Haines City Council on March 7, Fry also contends that when he was hired, readings have occurred,” Fry wrote in his letter to city ×➴Ò➬×❐❒➴➘➱Ö ïà➪ Ð➚➱ ×➴Ô➶ ➪➴ ÔÚ ➚➪➪➶➬➪❐➴➬ ➪Ð❐➱ Ó➘➚×➪❐×➶ truck and road grader. brought his concerns to even though he lacks the license. ➹➘➴➷➬ ❮➶×❒❐➬➶❮ ➪➴ ×➴Ô - relationship Fry had planned to dis- cuss his allegations during the City Council’s March 12 Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñß ➚➬❮ ➱➶Ý➶➘➚❒ Ó➶➴ - words or opinions are not being heard. I have grown Ï➶➚➘ÏÒ❒ ➴Ï ➪➶➘Ô❐➬➚➪❐➴➬ Õ➶ - cause of these illegal or eth- ically wrong practices....” ➪➴➘ Ï➴➘ ø➚❐➬➶➱ ×❒➚❐Ô➱ ❐➬ ➚ that Fry’s allegations would ➴➘➱ ➪Ð➚➪ ➪Ð➶ Ô➚Ú➴➘ ➴➘❮➶➘➶❮ ➴Ó➶➬ Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñß ÕÒ➪ ➷➴Ò❒❮ Ð❐Ô ➪➴ ➱➶➬❮ Ï➚❒➱❐❰➶❮ ➱➶➷➶➘ instead be addressed dur- ➱Ú➱➪➶Ô ➘➶×➴➘❮➱ ➪➴ ➚ ➱➪➚➪➶ ing a later executive ses- ➶ÔÓ❒➴Ú➶➶ß Ð➚➱ ➷➴➘Ü➶❮ Ï➴➘ â❐➪Ú ×➴Ò➬×❐❒➱ ×➚➬➮➪ Ô➚Ü➶ any decisions during ex- ecutive sessions. On Aug. 30, 2017, the ❐Ô ➹➘➴➷➬ß ➷Ð➴ ➷➚➱ ➘➶Û had failed to record sewer ➶❒➶×➪➶❮ ❐➬ ✁ ➴Ý➶ÔÕ➶➘ äåæé Þ➴➷ ❮➚➪➚ ➴➬ ➱➴Ô➶ ➷➶➶Ü - ➪Ð➶ Õ➚❒❒➴➪ß ➪➴❒❮ Ð❐Ô ➪➴ ➱➶➬❮ ➪➴ ➪Ð➶ í➘➶Ñ➴➬ ò➶Ó➚➘➪Ô➶➬➪ Ó➴➘➪➱ ➪➴ ò ✂✄ ➪Ð➚➪ ❐➬×❒Ò❮➶❮ ➴Ï ✂ ➬Ý❐➘➴➬Ô➶➬➪➚❒ ✄ Ò➚❒❐➪Ú ➘➶➚❮❐➬Ñ➱ Ï➘➴Ô ➷➶➶Ü➶➬❮➱ ×Ð➚➘Ñ➶ Ý➴❒ÒÔ➶➱Ö Ô➶➚➱Ò➘➶Ô➶➬➪➱Ö ó➘Ú ➱➚❐❮ ➹➘➴➷➬ ➪➴❒❮ Ð❐Ô “I was instructed by the to do that rather than work Ô➚Ú➴➘ ➪➴ ☎ ÏÒ❮Ñ➶ ➪Ð➶ ➬ÒÔ - ➴Ý➶➘➪❐Ô➶ ➴➬ ➷➶➶Ü➶➬❮➱ ➚➬❮ Õ➶➘➱➮ ➚➬❮Ô➚Ü➶ ➴Ò➘ Ô➴➬➪Ð❒Ú holidays to take the daily ñ➘➶Ó➴➘➪➱ô ➚ÓÓ➶➚➘ ➚➱ ❐Ï ➪Ð➶➱➶ is illegal with the state of ×❐➪Ú ➴ð×❐➚❒➱ Ü➬➶➷ Ð➶ ❮❐❮➬➮➪ í➘➶Ñ➴➬ ➚➬❮ Ô➴➘➚❒❒Ú ➷➘➴➬Ñ Ð➚Ý➶ ➚ ×➴ÔÔ➶➘×❐➚❒ ❮➘❐Ý➶➘➮➱ in the interest of saving the license, which is required â❐➪Ú Ô➴➬➶ÚÖõ ➪➴ ❮➘❐Ý➶ ➪Ð➶ ×❐➪Ú➮➱ ❮ÒÔÓ Fry wrote after he ø➶ ×❒➚❐Ô➱ ➹➘➴➷➬ ➪➴❒❮ ➹➘➴➷➬ß ➷❐➪Ð ➷Ð➴Ô Ð➶ ➱➚❐❮ Ð❐Ô ➪➴ ❮➘❐Ý➶ ➪Ð➶ Ý➶Ð❐×❒➶➱ he previously had a “great” Ô➶➬➪ ➴➬ ó➘Ú➮➱ ❒➶➪➪➶➘Ö Ó❒➶ ➚➪➪➶➬❮➶❮ ➪Ð➶ Ô➶➶➪❐➬Ñ tion,” that relationship ïÐ➚➱ Ñ➘➴➷➬ Ð➴➱➪❐❒➶ ➚➬❮ ÔÚ ➱Ô➴Ü➶Ö ❰➘➶ ÕÒ➘➬➶❮ ➪Ð➘➴ÒÑÐ ❐➬ öÒ - ãÐ➶ äåæé ❰➘➶ ➱➶➚➱➴➬ ➷➚➱ gust 2015. ➪Ð➶ Ô➴➱➪ ➶ìÓ➶➬➱❐Ý➶ ❐➬ í➘ - He attributes this to ➶Ñ➴➬ Ð❐➱➪➴➘Úß ➷❐➪Ð ❰➘➶❰ÑÐ➪ - drought. Ô❐❒❒❐➴➬ß ➚××➴➘❮❐➬Ñ ➪➴ ➪Ð➶ ➪Ð➶ ✃❐❒❮❰➘➶ â➴Ò➬×❐❒ Ð➚➱ Northwest Interagency Co- ordination Center. That surpassed the $447 Ô❐❒❒❐➴➬ ➪➚Õ Ï➴➘ ➪Ð➶ äåæî ➱➶➚ - son. “All of a sudden people no authority to dictate ➷❐❒❮❰➘➶➱ß ➶➱Ó➶×❐➚❒❒Ú ➶➚➱➪ ➴Ï ➪Ð➶ â➚➱×➚❮➶➱ß ➚➘➶ Ô➴➱➪ ×➴ÔÔ➴➬Ö ➹Ò➪ Ð➶ Ð➴Ó➶➱ ➪Ð➶ all of our responsibilities,” Bennett said Wednesday. encourage those agencies to strive to accelerate the the state. There are a lot of westside folks who have not historically experienced the challenges we’ve had on the east side.” Brown has charged the council, which has 19 regu- which Bennett describes as “glacial.” Ð➴➷ Ï➶❮➶➘➚❒ ➚Ñ➶➬×❐➶➱ Ô➚➬ - ➫➭➯➲ ➳➵➸➺➻ ➺➼➽➼➾➳➚ ➪➶➵➹➾➼➾➼➳➫➘ age the public land where ➚➘➶ ➘➶➚❒❐Ù❐➬Ñ ➪Ð➚➪ ➪Ð❐➱ ❐➱ council’s report will at least ïà➪➮➱ ➬➴➪ áÒ➱➪ ➱➴Ô➶ ➚➘➶➚➱ ❐➬ Ó➚×➶ ➴Ï Ï➴➘➶➱➪ Ô➚➬➚Ñ➶Ô➶➬➪ß ø➶ ×❐➪➶➱ ➚➱ ➚➬ ➶ì➚ÔÓ❒➶ the Rail Fire, which burned êäßååå ➚×➘➶➱ß Ô➴➱➪❒Ú ❐➬ Baker County, in 2016. ãÐ➶ ó➴➘➶➱➪ è➶➘Ý❐×➶ Ð➚❮ ❒➚➘ Ô➶ÔÕ➶➘➱ ➚➬❮ äå ➶ìÛ been planning to thin over- ➴ð×❐➴ Ô➶ÔÕ➶➘➱ ñ➷Ð➴ ➘➶Ó - crowded, bark beetle-in- ➘➶➱➶➬➪ ➴➪Ð➶➘ ➴➘Ñ➚➬❐Ù➚➪❐➴➬➱ fested forests in that area. such as the Oregon Legis- ➹Ò➪ ➪Ð➶ ❰➘➶ ➱➪➚➘➪➶❮ Õ➶Ï➴➘➶ lature, including Rep. Lynn Findley, the Vale Republi- can whose district includes Baker County, the BLM and the work crews arrived. “It’s a tragedy that all that beautiful ground was burned,” Bennett said. Although the past few ➪Ð➶ í➘➶Ñ➴➬ ò➶Ó➚➘➪Ô➶➬➪ ➴Ï ó➴➘➶➱➪➘Úôß ➷❐➪Ð Ô➚Ü❐➬Ñ ➘➶× - ➴ÔÔ➶➬❮➚➪❐➴➬➱ ➚Õ➴Ò➪ ❐Ô - ❚❈① ❉❊❊●❊❍❈■❏❑ ▲ Ó➘➴Ý❐➬Ñ í➘➶Ñ➴➬➮➱ ➷❐❒❮❰➘➶ ▼◆P◗❘❑❍❑ ❙❯❑◗❈❯❈❍●◆■ Ô➚➬➚Ñ➶Ô➶➬➪Ö ãÐ➚➪ ➷❐❒❒ ❐➬×❒Ò❮➶ ❰➘➶ - ④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑦⑨❶❷❷ ❰ÑÐ➪❐➬Ñ ➚➱ ➷➶❒❒ ➚➱ ➘➶❮Ò×❐➬Ñ ❲❳❩② ❬❭❪❫❴ ❵❩❛❜❴❭❭ ➪Ð➶ ➘❐➱Ü ➴Ï Õ❒➚Ù➶➱Ö ❝❞❡ ❡ ❢❣❤ ïó❐➘➶ ➪Ð➘➶➚➪➶➬➱ ×➴ÔÔÒ - ✐❥❦❧♠♦❧♣qrstq✉✈✈✇③ ➬❐➪❐➶➱ß ➱Ô➴Ü➶ ×➴ÔÓ➘➴Ô❐➱➶➱ our health, and our local ➶×➴➬➴ÔÚ ➱ÒØ➶➘➱ßõ ➹➘➴➷➬ said when announcing that she was creating the Wild- ❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❿ ➴➷➬➮➱ ✃❐❒❒ ❮❰➱Ï ✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✔✕✖✗ ÐÑÒÒÓÔ ÕÖ×ÖØÙÚ ✆❚q ý ❯ á ❯❚✍ áÞ ❚✉ ✈①②✸③ ②④④✣✸⑤ ✜⑥ ✛✷⑦② ⑤✣ ⑦②✢✜①②✸ ③✣⑧✸ ⑨⑩⑥②✸①②✸ ✜✤ ✷ ⑤✜✛②✢③ ✛✷✤❶ ✤②✸✙ ⑨✹✹✷⑥✜✣✤✷✢✢③ ✹✣✤⑦✜⑤✜✣✤⑥ ②❷✜⑥⑤ ⑤✺✷⑤ ✛✷❸② ⑦②✢✜①②✸③ ✛✣✸② ⑦✜④❹✹⑧✢⑤✙ ❺✵ ❻✧✓ ✑✮✎ ★✧❼ ✧★ ✑ ❽✧❼✧✮ ✮✧✓❼✎❾ ⑦②✢✜①②✸③ ⑥✺✣⑧✢⑦ ⑩② ⑩②④✣✸② ●❅◗❈ ❂❃❄❃ ❢❿ ➀❵❩ ❧❵ ❣❵❴ ❪❭❜❭❥➁❭ ③✣⑧✸ ➂✷➂②✸ ➂✢②✷⑥② ✹✷✢✢ ✪➃✿❶✘✯➄❶ ➄✿✯✿✙ ➅➆ ßÞ ❚ ß ➉ Þþ ❚ àáâ ➇❇ òññòë ñä ✠ ò æúäûò ñïæû ✇ èñï æ ✠ æå îä ❛✄ æûèäûø ➈ ➊ ➋➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➒➓➌➔➒➐➐➏→➎ “including Ñ➴➴❮ ➴Ó➶➬ ×➴ÔÔÒ➬❐×➚ - ÛÑÜÝØÖØÓ ➑➒➓ ➔→➣ ↔↕➙➛➛↕ ➜➝ ➞➙➝➟➠➛ ➡➓➢➒➤ ➥➦➧➨➓➢➢➩ ✬✭✮ ✯✰✲ ✳✴✵✸✸✴ ✹✺ ✻✵✺✼✽✸ ✿✮❀✭❁ ❂❃❄❅✮❀❀❇ ♥✘✙✚✛✜✢✣✚✤✥✙♥✦✚✥✙✢✧♥★✩✧✚✚✙✢✣✣✪✫✘✩ ➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➃➈➉➂➀➊➃➉➂➆➌➀➍➎➌➃➃➂➆➇➇➏➐➁➎