The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 18, 2019, Page 2, Image 2

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Continued from Page 1A
heard of Auschwitz, the
infamous Nazi death
camp in Poland.
Thurman said this is
➏➐➑ ➒➐➓ ➓➔→➣➒ ➒→ ↔➣↕➏ ➙➛ -
creased attention to the
Holocaust, which claimed
the lives of about six mil-
lion European Jews and
17 million people alto-
gether, is critical.
Lamoreau, when dis-
cussing the Holocaust with
his students, tells them
about the events that led
up to it and emphasizes
we have to be vigilant or
something like that could
happen again. He noted
respecting people of dif-
ferent races and ethnici-
ties is essential to prevent-
ing atrocities of a similar
nature. He said genocide
starts with prejudice and,
unbeknownst to many,
Oregon has a long history
of it.
He pointed out that in
1922 Walter Pierce, who
was from Union County,
was elected governor after
receiving strong backing
from the Klu Klux Klan.
Pierce then worked with
a Legislature heavily in-
➜➝➓➛➞➓↔ ➟➑ ➒➐➓ ➠➠➠➡ →➛➓
which passed discrimina-
tory legislation that was
later ruled unconstitu-
Lamroreau pointed out
prejudice on a national
level reared its head dur-
ing WWII when Japanese
Americans on the West
Coast were sent to inter-
ment camps because of
the fear they were helping
Japan, which the United
States was at war with.
Lamoreau said this was
done even though many
of Japanese Americans
were among our most pa-
triotic citizens, individu-
als who fought bravely
for the United States dur-
ing WWII. This included
the members of the U.S.
Army’s 442nd Regimental
Combat Team, made up
exclusively of Japanese
Americans. The 442nd
won 18,000 awards dur-
ing WWII, including about
9,000 Purple Hearts and
4,000 Bronze Star medals.
“It was the most decorat-
ed unit in U.S. military his-
tory,” Lamoreau said. “It
was absolutely amazing.”
Lamoreau also noted
the United States’ laws en-
forcing racial discrimina-
tion were in place until the
relatively recent past. For
example, some Southern
states did not allow mixed
race couples to live togeth-
er as late as 1967.
The LHS history teach-
er urges students to keep
from letting such racial
prejudice take a foothold
“We have to be on
guard,” he said.
Thurman, who like
people to step up when
they see discrimination,
quotes the legendary Jew-
ish writer Ellie Weasel,
when asking students to
be vigilant.
“He said, ‘If you do not
do anything, you are part
of the problem,” the LMS
teacher said.
La Grande Middle
School students learn
about the Holocaust by
reading a series of works
including the script of the
play “The Diary of Anne
Frank,” which is based
on the diary of a Jewish
teenage girl whose family
hid from the Nazis in the
Netherlands for two years
before they were caught
and sent to death camps.
“Students (at LMS) can
relate well to her because
they are about the same age
she was (when she wrote
her diary),” Fritz said.
Students at LHS also
study “The Diary of Anne
Frank,” a work Lamoreau
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decades ago he visited the
home where the Frank
family hid in Amsterdam.
“I looked out the same
tiny window she did,”
Lamoreau said. “I feel a
Other books LMS stu-
dents read about the Ho-
locaust include “Milk-
weed” by Jerry Spinelli
and “The Boy in Striped
Pajamas” by John Boyne.
The books were purchased
with money from a Wild-
horse Foundation grant
that LMS language arts
teacher Ali Kretschmer
applied for.
LMS students, in addi-
tion to reading about the
Holocaust, are also shown
video clips of what life was
like in the death camps.
This makes a deep im-
pression on students.
“When they are reading
about it, they never realized
it was so bad,” Thurman
said. “It is unfathomable.”
Lamoreau said he is
encouraged that his stu-
dents, thanks in part to
what they learned at LMS,
are familiar with atroci-
ties the Nazis committed
during the Holocaust.
This is apparent when he
➒↕➥➓➢ →➝➒ ↕ ➨↕➩➙ ➜↕➫ ➙➛ ➐➙➢
classroom, one brought
here by a soldier from La
Grande who found it out-
side Berlin during WWII.
Lamoreau said his stu-
dents are eerily silent
when he shows it to them.
“There is a chill of evil
when they see it,” he said.
Senate Bill 664 was
introduced by Sen. Rob
Wagner (D-Lake Oswego)
at the urging of Claire
Sarnowski, a high school
freshman in Lake Os-
wego. Sarnowski encour-
aged Wagner to introduce
the legislation because of
her friendship with Al-
ter Wiener, a Holocaust
survivor in his early 90s
who lived in Oregon and
↔➙➓↔ ➙➛ ➒➣↕➭➞ ↕➞➞➙↔➓➛➒ ➙➛
2018. Wiener had shared
his story as a Holocaust
survivor with hundreds
of school and community
groups in Oregon.
SB 664 was approved
unanimously by the Sen-
ate last week and is now in
the House. If passed, the
➟➙➤➤ ➏→➝➤↔ ➒↕➥➓ ➓➔➓➞➒ ➙➛
the 2020-21 school year.
Lamoreau said it is in-
spiring to witness a young
person like Sarnowski
initiating the process for
creating the bill and then
taking on the challenge of
pushing it through.
“It is tremendous to see
a high school student tak-
ing the lead to preserve
history in the United
States and the world,”
Lamoreau said.
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