tia ▼ ✁✂❆❨✱ ▼❆✥✄☎ ✆✆✱ ✝✞✆✾ ◗❘❉❙❚❯ Continued from Page 1A ✼❅❅ ✺✻✼● ❆✻ ■✼✺ ✼ ❂✽✽❅ ❑◆❋❖ ❊❆✼❄❆✺✻✺ ✼❂❅ ✼❅❅❆✻❆◆❂✼❄ ✺✻✼● (D-Corvallis), Sen. Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose) and Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward (D-Beaverton). The proposed education spending plan is up $600 million from the $8.2 bil- lion budget for the cur- rent biennium. However, for school districts like La Grande and North Pow- der, the additional money they would receive would go to paying for increases in “roll up” costs includ- ■✼P✽ ✻◆ ✿▼✻ ◆● ✸◆◆✺✻❆❂❇ ❆❂❇ ❆❂❊❋✽✼✺❆❂❇ ✺✻✼● ❍✼❇✽✺ ✼❂❅ ✸✽❂✽❃✻✺ ✼❂❅ ■❆❇■✽❋ payments into the Public Employees Retirement System. “We can live with it, but it does not have much maneuvering room. It is a survival budget. It is not a budget you can build pro- grams with,” said Chris Panike, the La Grande School District’s business manager. Panike said there had been talk that the Joint Committee on Ways and Means would recommend a $8.7 billion budget. That $100 million would have ❏✼❅✽ ✼ ✿✼❆❂❑▼❄ ❅❆●✽❋✽❂❊✽❀ “It would have damaged all school districts (in the state),” Panike said. Mendoza said the pro- posed budget would not allow the school district to ❉❚❳✏❯ Continued from Page 1A large nature preserve. But Elfering says the biggest economic boon could come from devel- oping two stretches of in- dustrial land. The depot lies at the intersection of Interstates 84 and 82, giving it great potential as a transit hub. “You go 185 miles or 180 miles to the west, and you’re in Portland,” Elfer- ing says. “You go a couple hundred miles to the north- west, you’re in Seattle. You go a couple hundred miles to the northeast, you’re in Spokane. If you go to the southwest, you’re in Boise.” Mayor Drotzman says that type of development could provide a huge boost to his community. “Most of those people will be either living here or doing business here, buy- ing their groceries or doing their doctor visit with us,” he said. “So it will have a ✺❆❇❂❆❃❊✼❂✻ ❆❏✿✼❊✻❖ ✼❂❅ ❍✽ need to be prepared. We want to start that process, and so that’s where the frustration comes from.” While the years of delays have been frustrating to many locals, another group has been waiting much lon- ger to return to the site. Chuck Sams is with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation. The depot runs through Continued from Page 1A disease without using lots of pharmaceutical medications, which is better for the resident. Both Meyer and Wright said when a doll is given to a resident, it is an extremely emo- tional moment. They both expressed it was hard to describe just how much joy a doll can bring to a dementia pa- tient. “To see them pouring on so much affection to this doll or talking to this doll (is) very sweet. It soothes them and makes them feel like they have a purpose,” Wright said. Meyer said she is glad for high needs students. “We will need more funding to innovate at a high level,” he said. Dixon said the proposed budget would mean that his school district would ■✼P✽ ✻◆ ❅✽❄✼✹ ❃❂❆✺■❆❂❇ work on its new Career Technical Education build- ing. The district would also the amount of counseling time available to students and wouldn’t be able to hire intervention special- ists for math and language arts instruction. These limitations, how- ever, might be averted. Mark Mulvihill, superin- tendent of the InterMoun- tain Education Service District, believes there is an excellent chance the Legislature will increase funding for education beyond the $8.8 billion mark. “I am very, very optimis- tic,” he said. “We are at the beginning of a conversa- tion on how we can rein- vest in education.” The Legislature will now begin debating the educa- tion budget and will later vote on adoption of one. The 2019-21 biennium be- gins July 1. Mulvihill said he was encouraged by the edu- cation budget of $8.97 billion Gov. Kate Brown recommended in her pro- posed 2019-21 spending plan earlier this year. He said this was indicative of the governor’s support for education. “I’m excited,” he said. “She set the bar very high.” his nation’s hunting and gathering lands, includ- ing the religiously-sig- nificant Coyote Coulee. He’s eager to see the land to return to the tribes so they can begin rehabili- tating the land. “There’s been wildfires that have went through there,” he said. “It’s burnt the shrub-steppe habitat. So there’s a lot of cheat- grass and foreign species. We want to reclaim the land and put more natu- ral species in there.” Bill Elfering says the number of stakeholders has made what initially looked like a straightfor- ward process much more cumbersome. Each group has had its ◆❍❂ ✺✿✽❊❆❃❊ ❆❂✻✽❋✽✺✻✺ ✼✻ heart: protecting natural areas, preserving sacred lands, providing security for military assets and mak- ing sure the economic ben- ✽❃✻✺ ✼❋✽ ✽P✽❂❄✹ ❅❆✺✻❋❆✸▼✻✽❅❀ Those competing interests have occasionally led to gridlock. But, Elfering says the coalition is closer than ever to an agreement. “We need one more piece of paper, maybe two more pieces of paper that say it meets their objec- tives,” he said. Until then, the 1,000 bunkers at the Umatilla Chemical Depot remain empty - aside from the occasional stash of vin- tage army supplies. Community Kindness is able to give residents a moment of happiness. Meyer is taking do- nated dolls and baby items as well as mon- etary donations to be used for the project. She said for some resi- dents, toy dogs or cats might be more suitable than a baby doll, and some residents prefer stimulating items like fidget toys and blan- kets. Community Kind- ness is working toward providing those types of items too. To contact Meyer, call 541-805- 1410. ❉✏✑✑✒ such as physical education teachers, behavioral spe- from,” said Dixon, who also stressed the spending plan would not allow his school district to enhance pro- grams like it is hoping to. The $8.8 billion budget is proposed by the Leg- islature’s Committee on Ways and Means, which is the state’s budget writ- ing committee, co-chaired ✸✹ ✺✻✼✻✽ ✾✽✿❀ ❁✼❂ ✾✼✹❃✽❄❅ ❚☎✟ ✠✡✟✥❱✟✥ ☛ ✺☞ LOCAL ❈✓✔✕t❡✖✗ ✓✥ ❈✓✘✘✔✙✚t✗ ✛✚✙✜✙❡✖✖ ▲✢✣ ✤✦✧✦★✱ ★✢✩✪✫✱ ✬✭✢✮ ✯✭✯✧ ✮✰✲✲✬ ✲✢✳✦ ✫✪✢✬ ✰✴✦ ✯★✢✴✩ ❥✰✧ ✫✰ ✬✦✴✢✰★✬ ✵✢✫✪ ✮✦✶✦✴✫✢✭✷ ❚✑❙❱❲ Continued from Page 1A Elgin Mayor Allan Duffy said he’s excited and ready to revamp the city’s sewer system — a project that is long overdue. “A city our size is only about one square mile, so it doesn’t seem like a big project, but it is,” he said. “To have a grant like this makes us feel good because our proj- ect can move forward.” The mayor said while this grant of $476,400 is a huge step forward, he estimates the waste- water system project will take several years and nearly $6 million to complete. Built in 1964, Elgin’s outdated sewer sys- tem experiences inflow and infiltration from groundwater sources. This can overwhelm the sanitation process because once it mixes with wastewater, the fresh rain water is also considered as waste and must be treated as such. The City of Elgin ex- perienced so much in- flow and infiltration in February 2017, the san- itary sewers overflowed into the Grande Ronde River — an event result- ing in a warning letter from the Department of Environmental Quality for exceeding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit requirements. Duffy said although the city knew the waste- water system needed work, the overflow in 2017 was the catalyst for its action on the project, and eventually led city counselors to apply for the Business Oregon grant in De- cember 2018. “(Inflow and infil- tration) was out of control,” he said. “It’s something we’ve need- ed to correct for a long time to prevent over- flow.” To save on costs, the City of Elgin’s public works department will work on the wastewa- ter system itself. Mayor Duffy said he has full faith in the city’s public works department staff because they know the sewer system extreme- ly well. “Our public works department is very knowledgeable of the system,” he said. “We tend to keep city proj- ects in-house because we like to do it our- selves.” Elgin’s mayor and the rest of the city coun- cil are grateful for the opportunity to apply for and receive grants whenever possible. As Duffy noted, receiving financial aid through grants is the one way a small rural community like Elgin can expand, improve and progress. “We heavily rely on grants to get work done,” he said. “Being aggressive in going af- ter them is setting us apart.” The CDBG program in particular is focused on offering aid, expanding economic opportunities and developing livable communities, especial- ly in areas of the state with low to moderate income. “These awards can make a big difference for Oregon communi- ties, particularly smaller rural areas that can use a partner for large infra- Contact Francisca Benitez at 541-963-3161 or email fbenitez@ lagrandeobserver.com structure investments,” said Chris Harder, di- rector of Business Or- egon, in a press release. “The projects set the stage for long-term eco- nomic growth and com- munity health in rural Oregon.” Contact Amanda Weisbrod at 541-963- 3161 or aweisbrod@ lagrandeobserver.com çèéèêë ìíîïðê çïñïîò óôôõôö÷øùõúõûüýþ÷öõÿ÷ ÷ûö ùõúõûü ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ✞✂✟✟✠ ✡✂☛✝ ☞✌ ✍✝✆✝✎ ➲ ➳➵➸➺ ➻➼➽➾➚➪➶➹ ➘➴➷➷➬➮➱➴✃❐ ❒➮✃❮➬ ❰ ➱➴✃❐ Ï✃Ð➬ ➲Ñ➚Ò➶➵Ó➵➵➼➾➪Ô ➻➼➽➾➚➪➶ÕÖ×ØØÙÚ ➴➷➱➷Û❐➮Ü✃ÜÏ➱➴✃❐ ➘➴➷Ý➮➬ Ð➷Þ ❲❳ ❨❩❬❭❪❫ ➱✃Ü❐ Ï➷Ü➮ â➵➶➶✃ã➷Þ❐ ❐➴➮ãäå ❐➴äÜå➬ ❬❴❵❛ ❩❫❜❬❞❩ ➲ß➚ààá ✃ÜÏ Û➷➘Þ➬➷Ü ➮Üæ➷ÐäÜå❒➷Ý➮ ❡❡❡❤❥❦♠①❦③④⑤❦⑥⑦⑧①⑤⑨❦⑩①❤❶⑧❷ ❸❹❺❻ ❼❽❾❼❿➀➁❽ ❻➁➀➂❿❹➃❹➄➅ ❼❾❼➆➃❼➇➃➁ ➓➔→➣ ↔↕➙↕➛↕➜ ➝➞➟ ➠ ➝➡ ↔➜➡➞➢↕ ➌➍➎ ➏➍➐➑➒ ❼➀❽➈➉➊➋❻❺❺ ➤➥➦➧➨➩➫➧➥➭➯➯ ①②③④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑩ ⑥❶❷❸ ⑥⑧ ❨❩❬❭❪ ❫ ❥❨❦❧ ❢❵❨❥ ➒➓➔→➣→↔↔ ♥❦❭r ➵➓➸➵ ↔➺→→➻ ➓➼➽→➔➼→➽ ❝ ➈♦♥s♠st❢♥t➇↕ ➙❥st s➛❢❢❧s✉ ❝ ❞❡❢ ❣❢st ♥❢t✇♦❤✐ ❥❦❦♦❤❧♠♥♣ t♦ ①⑥④ ① ➃➄❷③④ ❶⑤⑥⑥③❶❹➄⑤⑥ ❹⑤ ⑦①❹③➃①➟❺ ❦❡❥♥♥❢➇s➹ ✇♠t❡ t❡♦➐s❥♥❧s ♦➙ s❡♦✇s ➘ ❥♥❧ r♦➜♠❢s ♦♥ ❧❢r❥♥❧✉ ⑧➄❹➲ ⑨❿➴❿➥➷➬ ➮①❶➱①➯③❺ ❝ ✃t❤❢❥r ♦♥ ➐➛ t♦ ➶ s❦❤❢❢♥s ❥t t❡❢ s❥r❢ Ï t♠r❢ ✇♠t❡ t❡❢ ❐➡❒❮➈❞❰ q➛➛✉ ➥⑤⑥❹③⑥❹Ð❶➲①⑥⑥③➁②Ð ➭➂⑥❶❹➄⑤⑥①➁➄❹➟ ➫①❷➟❺ Ñ①❹① ➂②①➯③ ❶➲①❷➯③② ➦①➟ ①❸❸➁➟❺ Ò ❝ q❞➠❞ ➡♥t❢❤♥❢t ♠s ➢➌ ♠♥ ❦➐st♦r❢❤ s❥t♠s➙❥❦t♠♦♥ ♦➜❢❤ ♦t❡❢❤ r❥➤♦❤ ❦❥❣➇❢ ➑ ❝ ➅♥➇♠r♠t❢❧ t❢➊ts t♦ ➌➍➎➏ ❦♦➐♥t❤♠❢s✉ ❤ ❞ ✈❞✇ ➻➓➔→➾➽➚ ❝ ➪❢t ❥❦❦❢ss t♦ ➌➶➶➏ ➇♠➜❢ ❥♥❧ ➇♦❦❥➇ ➈♦♥♥❢❦t♠♦♥ ✇♠t❡ ♦➜❢❤ ➝➝➞ ❤❢➇♠❥❣♠➇♠t↕✉ qr❢❤♠❦❥➆s ❣♠♣♣❢st t❢st✉ ✈①②③④ ⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨ ⑩⑥③⑨❶⑤❷③⑨③❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❺ ❿➀❶➁➂④③② ❶❷⑤➃④②⑤➂❷❶③④②❹➂④➄③②❺ ❝ ➅♥➇♠r♠t❢❧ ❦❥➇➇s t♦ ➈❥♥❥❧❥ ❥♥❧ ➉❢➊♠❦♦✉ ➋ ⑩❶❹⑧⑨❺ ❨❴❵❨❜❞❢❭❩❤✐ ➡♥t❢❤♥❢t ➛❤♦➜♠❧❢❤s✉ ➥➁①➄➦ ➧①②③④ ⑤⑥ ❻❼❽❾ ➨➥⑨➩ ②➂❷➫③➟ ⑤➭ ❶➂②❹⑤➦③❷② ❷①❹➄⑥➯ ❹➲③➄❷ ⑤➃⑥ ➩⑥❹③❷⑥③❹ ❸❷⑤➫➄④③❷➳② ❸③❷➭⑤❷➦①⑥❶③❺ ❝ Ó♥❢ Ô❐ ❐❰❒ ❦♦♥♥❢❦ts ↕♦➐❤ ✇❡♦➇❢ Õ ❡♦r❢✉ ➨④④Ö➁ ③×➂➄❸❺ ❷③×Ö④❺ ➨④④Ö➁ Ø ➨④➫①⑥❶③④ Ù③❶③➄➫③❷ ➭③③② ①❸❸➁➟❺ ÚÛÜÜ ÝÞß àáâ àãä àåæçè Ýéêè ëàì íáãèàîîàèïæáð ❻❼ ❽❾❿❿➀➁➂ ➃➀➄➅➇➈➉➋ ➌➌➍ ❨❩❬✒❚ Continued from Page 1A ond Street and traveled north at a high rate of speed as he approached Broadway. Baker City Police attempted a traf- fic stop, calling out a pursuit as Nunez con- tinued on, traveling through a red light at the intersection. Nunez became more reckless in his efforts to elude police, the press released stated. The pursuit was called off at 5:41 p.m. Newman said officers ended the chase in the interest of public safety. “The risk outweighed the benefit,” he said. Nunez abandoned the pickup a short time lat- er. It was found at Ninth and B streets. During ❲✧ ★✩✧ ✪✫✫✬✭✮✯ ✰✫✩ ✲✫✪♦✮✳✧✧✩✴ ✳✫ ✴✧✩✲✧ ✫✮ ✳✵✧ ✷✫★✩❞ ✫✰ ✸✭✩✧❝✳✫✩✴✹ ✻✰ ✭✮✳✧✩✧✴✳✧❞ ✼✪✧★✴✧ ❝✫✽✧ ❞✫✇✮ ✳✫ ✳✵✧ ❙✵✧✪✳✧✩ ✿✩✫✽ ✳✵✧ ❙✳✫✩✽ ❀✰❁❝✧✹ ✶✌✍✌✶ ✎s✏✑✒✓ ✔✈❡✒✕❡✖ ✎s✏✑✒✓ ✗✐✘✙ ✚✛✶✜✍✢✣✜✤✦✦✢ the investigation, police discovered the vehicle had been stolen from Canyon County, Idaho, on Jan. 12, Newman said. It is registered to Robert H. Breshears, 60, of Caldwell. The police chief said community residents helped officers find Nunez as he made his way through neighbor- hoods and finally hid in a garage in a backyard in the 2500 block of Ninth Street where he was arrested. “I appreciate the par- ticipation of the public so we could get that guy off the street,” New- man said. “Dispatch got phone calls, people were pointing to of- ficers. “That’s a good thing,” he said. “That helps a lot.” ➎➏➏➐➏➑➒➐➒➏➓➎ ñòóôõö÷øùúöûü ýòõþùúò õòýÿõùúÿùóûý ö÷÷ ❛ ÿó ✥✁ þòõýò ýòõþùúòý ✳ ❈ ö ❛❛ óõþùýùÿ öÿÿ ✳ úó ♠✴✉ þòõýò ÿó þòõù ✂ ò ❛ ùôù ✄ ù ❛ ùÿ ✳ ✶ ❯☎✆✝✞✝✟✠✡ ✟❆✆☛✿ P øóûòý óû ❛ ✳ ■ ûú ❛✉ üòý úö ❛❛ ý ✂ õó ♠ öûüÿó ☞❈✌✍ ✎ ò ✏ ùúó öûü ❈ öûöüö ✳ ❖t✑✒✓ ✔♦✕✖t✓✗✒✘✿ P òõ ✁♠ ùû ✉ ÿò ÷ö ✁ ÷òõ ✁✉ ýò õöÿòý ö÷÷ ❛ ✉ û ❛ òýý ó ✉ øöþò öû ■ ûÿòõûöÿùóûö ❛ ✙ óûô ☞ ùýÿöûúò ýòõþùúò ÷öú ♣ öôò ✳ ❘ öÿòý ý ✉✄s òúÿ ÿó úøöûôò ✚✴ óûóÿùúò ✳ ❋ óõ õöÿòý ✍ ýòò öÿÿ ✳ úó ♠✴✚ óõ ❛ üúóûûòúÿ ✳ ❯☎✆✝✞✝✟✠✡ ✟✠❚✟ ✿ ✛ ÿöûüöõü ✎ òýýöôùûô øóûòý óû ❛ ✳ ❘ ò ❡✉ ùõòý úó ♠ ÷öÿù ✄❛ ò üòþùúò ✳ ■ ûú ❛✉ üòý ✉ û ❛ ù ♠ ùÿòü 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❸ ❧ ⑦ r ❧ ③ ❾ ❶ ✉ q ❶ ❤ ❷ ♠ ➆ ❧ ❸ ❸ ❥ ③ ♠ ③ ❦ ④ ❤ ❤ ❶ ③ ➀ t ♠ ⑥ r ❽ ❧ ♣ ♣ ✉ ➁ q r ❸ ③ t ♣ ❶ ➂ ❧ ❸ ③ ❹ ✉ ③ ③ ❶ ♠ ① ④ ♣ ❸ r ⑦ ❤ ❹ ❶ ③ t ❣ r ✉ ❤ ❧ ❶ t ❶ ⑦ ❥ ❸ ♣ ❹ ❺ ❦ ❿ ③ ❿ ⑦ ❧ ① ❺ ♠ r ⑥ ♥ ✉ ❹ ❤ ❧ ❤ ➂ ♠ ♣ ❹ ➍ ❧ ❧ ♠ t ❸ ❧ ⑧ ♣ ♣ ❾ ✉ ❦ q❸ ♠ ③ ❧ ③ r ❶ ④ ❾ ❤ ➃ r ♠ ① q ➁ ❶ ❿r ❥ ➂ ➂ ❧ ➈ ❹ q❿ t ♠ ♣ q ⑧ ⑦ ③ ➉ ➂ ➊ ❺ ④ ⑥ ❤ q ❸ ⑧ ♣ ③ ⑦ ③ ① q ❶❸ ❧❹ ✉ ❤ q ❧ ❾ t t ➄ ✉ ❧ q ❹ ❸ ❤ ❶ ❧ ♣ r t ♠ ❿ q ❤ ❧ ❸ ♠ ❦ ❶ ❤ ❧ ❸ ③ t ♠ ⑤ ♣③ ⑧ ⑤q ❶①r ① ❶❧ ❿ ♣ t ⑤ ❾ ♠ r ③ ① t ⑦ ② ❧ r ➂ ⑦ ③ r q❶ ④ ❧ ♠ ♣ ❧ ➇ ➄ t ❶ ✉ ❹ ♣ ❧ ③ t ❤ q ❶ ❧ ❸ ⑦ ♣ ♣ ③ ❸ ❤ ❧ ⑦ t ③ ✉ ③ ❹ ❶ q ④ ④ t ❥ ③ ❧ ❧ t ➄ t ♠ ♠ ❧ ♣ ① ❺ q ❶ ❷ ③ ♣ ♣ ➌ ⑦ ♠ ❤ ⑧ ❹ ♣ q ❧ ❦ ❹ ③ ① ♣ ✉ ❦ ❸ ♠ ❧ r ❶ ❹ ➈q ♣ ♣ r ④ ✉ ❧ ➂ ➉➊ q④ ❿ ❧ ♣ ⑧ ♠ q t ♣ ③ ❧ r ❤ ♠ ➄ ❶ t r ♣ ❸ ❶ ♠ ❧ ✉ q① r❶ ❸ ❧ ✉ ③ ♠ ❶ ③ ③ ♣ ♣ ❦ ④ ❧ ♣ ❶ ❧ ❦ ♠ ❧ ♣ ④ ③ t❧ ✉ ④ ❶ r ♣ ♠ ⑦ ❦ ❥ ❺ r ♣ ❧ ⑥ ❦ ❶ ⑤❧ ❹ ✉ ③ ❧ ④ t ➂ ❧ ♣ ✉ ❦ ♠ ♠q t ♣❧ r ❸ ♠ ❶ q ♣ ❥ ✉ ⑦ ③ ❶ ③ ❤ r ♠ ❿ ❶ ❺ ① q rt ♣ ❧ r⑦ t r r ❸ ❤ ❹ ❹ ❧ ♣ ❿ ♠ ⑦ ✉ ❺ q❶ ❤ ❥ ♠ ⑧ ❧ ❶❧ rt ♣ ❧ ⑤ ❶ ③t② ♣ ❋✳✴ ✵✶✷ ✸✴✹✵ ✺ ✻✳✼✵✶✹ ✽✾✿✷✴✹ ❀❁✴❂ ❃❂ ✹❄✷✷❅ ❆ ❇✳❈❁✵❉✳✼❊ ✸✴✹✵ ❛❜ ✻✳✼✵✶✹ ❍✌✍✎✏✑✒✓✔✕ 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