The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 08, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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    ❋✘✚✛✜✢✱ ✣✜✘❝✓ ✤✱ ✥✦✧★
❚✓✔ ✕✖✗✔✘✙✔✘
Mountaineers return to second round
❴❵ ❜❞❢❣❤✐ ❴❞❢✐
❥❦❧ ♠♥♦❧♣q❧♣
The Eastern Oregon
women’s basketball team
s✉✇ ②③④ ⑤⑥④③⑦⑥✉⑧✇⑨ ⑩❶❷❸
at the NAIA National
Championships for the
③❹②⑥⑨ ④③⑥❶②⑩❹③ ❺❸❶⑥❻
❼❶✇❸ ❽❸❾④✉✇ ④❿✉⑥❸⑨ ➀➁
➂✉②✇③④➃ ➄❶❺❶ ➅❹ ➆✉⑧⑦➇②❶④
❶⑨⑨❸⑨ ➁➈ ❶✇⑨ ③❹❸ ➄✉⑧✇⑦
③❶②✇❸❸⑥④ ✇❸➉❸⑥ ③⑥❶②❾❸⑨
②✇ ❸❶⑥✇②✇⑩ ❶ ➊➋⑦➌➁ s②✇
✉➉❸⑥ ➍③❻ ➎⑥❶✇❿②④➃ ➏✇⑨②❶✇❶➃
➐❸⑨✇❸④⑨❶❺ ②✇ ➍②✉⑧➑ ➒②③❺➃
➓➔⑧⑥ ④③❶⑥③❸⑥④ s❸⑥❸ ⑨②⑦
❶❾❸⑨ ②✇ ❶✇⑨ ③❹❸❺ s❸⑥❸
⑥❸❶⑨❺➃→ ➣❸❶⑨ ➒✉❶❿❹ ➅✇↔②
➐❸②④④❸✇↕⑧❹ ④❶②⑨❻ ➓➙❹❸❺
④③❸➂➂❸⑨ ⑧➂➛ ➔⑧⑥ ④③❶⑥③❸⑥④
➂❾❶❺❸⑨ ③❹❸②⑥ ③❶②❾④ ✉➜❻→
❽❸❾④✉✇ ③⑧⑥✇❸⑨ ②✇ ❹❸⑥
③✉➂ ④❿✉⑥②✇⑩ ❸➜✉⑥③ ✉➝ ③❹❸
season, eclipsing two pri ⑦
✉⑥ ➀➋⑦➂✉②✇③ ⑩❶❷❸④❻ ➍❹❸
❹❶⑨ ➁➀ ➂✉②✇③④ ②✇ ③❹❸ ④❸❿⑦
✉✇⑨ ➞⑧❶⑥③❸⑥ ❶❾✉✇❸➃ s②③❹ ❶
➟⑦➂✉②✇③❸⑥ ❶✇⑨ ❶ ④③❸❶❾ ➝✉⑥ ❶
❾❶❺⑧➂ ⑩②➉②✇⑩ ➠➔➡ ②③④ ⑤⑥④③
⑨✉⑧➢❾❸⑦⑨②⑩②③ ❾❸❶⑨ ✉➝ ③❹❸
■✩✪✫ ✬✭①✮✭✯✴✰✲✳✵✶✷✸✹✶✺✻✼
⑩❶❷❸ ❶③ ➀➟⑦➁➀ s②③❹ ➌➤➥➈ ③✉ ❏❛✽✾ ✿✾❀❁❂✽ ❁❃❂❄✾❅ ❆❇ ❈❂❉✽❊❁● ❍✾❄ ❊❂❈ ❑❛❄▲ ▼❉❊❍ ◆❛❁❊❖
➂❾❶❺ ②✇ ③❹❸ ❹❶❾➝❻ ➅✇✉③❹❸⑥ ➟ ✾❄✽ ❡❄✾P❂✽● ❉✽ ❛ ◗❘❖❙❇ ▼❉✽ ❂✈✾❄ ❯❊❱ ❲❄❛✽❃❉❁● r✽❅❉❛✽❛❱
➢❺ ❽❸❾④✉✇ ❾❶③❸⑥ ②✇ ③❹❸ ❹❶❾➝
❶✇⑨ ❶ ③⑥❸❺ ➝⑥✉❷ ➄❶⑥❸✇ ➂✉②✇③④ ②✇ ③❹❸ ③❹②⑥⑨ ➞⑧❶⑥③❸⑥ ⑩②✇ ➢❶❿➩ ③✉ ➌➋⑦➥➈ s②③❹
➣❸⑥⑥⑧⑨ ❷❶⑨❸ ②③ ❶ ➁➥⑦➂✉②✇③ ➢❸➝✉⑥❸ ③❹❸ ➒✉⑧⑩❶⑥④ ⑥❶❾❾②❸⑨➃ ➌➤➧➊ ③✉ ➂❾❶❺❻ ➙❹❸ ➒✉⑧⑩❶⑥④
⑩❸③③②✇⑩ s②③❹②✇ ➧➟⑦➥➈ ❸❶⑥❾❺ ✇❸➉❸⑥ ➂⑧❾❾❸⑨ ❿❾✉④❸⑥ ③❹❶✇
“The bigger the game ②✇ ③❹❸ ➝✉⑧⑥③❹ s❹❸✇ ➍❶⑦ eight points the rest of the
the bigger Jane comes ➉❶✇✇❶❹ ➨⑧❿➩➦④ ➟⑦➂✉②✇③❸⑥ s❶❺❻
⑥❸❶⑨❺ ③✉ ➂❾❶❺➃→ ➐❸②④④❸✇⑦ ❿❶➂➂❸⑨ ❶ ➁➋⑦➀ ⑥⑧✇❻
➐❹②❾❸ ➐❸②④④❸✇↕⑧❹ ④❶②⑨
↕⑧❹ ④❶②⑨❻ ➓➍❹❸ ➂❾❶❺④ s②③❹
➨⑧③ ➠➔➡ ④❿✉⑥❸⑨ ③❹❸ ➍③❻ ➎⑥❶✇❿②④ ⑨②⑨✇➦③ ✇❸❿❸④⑦
❶ ❾✉③ ✉➝ ❿✉✇⑤⑨❸✇❿❸❻ ➍❹❸➦④ ✇❸➑③ ④❸➉❸✇ ➂✉②✇③④ ✉✇ ③s✉ ④❶⑥②❾❺ ➩❸❺ ②✇ ✉✇ ③⑥❺②✇⑩ ③✉
④❷❶⑥③ ❶✇⑨ ⑨②④❿②➂❾②✇❸⑨❻→
➅❹ ➆✉⑧⑦➇②❶④ ➝⑥❸❸ ③❹⑥✉s④➃ ④③✉➂ ➅❹ ➆✉⑧⑦➇②❶④➃ ③❹❸
➙❹❸ ➄✉⑧✇③❶②✇❸❸⑥④ ❾❸⑨ ❶ ➢❶④➩❸③ ➢❺ ➣❸⑥⑥⑧⑨ ❶✇⑨ ➄✉⑧✇③❶②✇❸❸⑥④➦
➟➌⑦➀➧ ❶③ ③❹❸ ❹❶❾➝➃ ❶✇⑨ s❸⑥❸ ❶ ➟⑦➂✉②✇③❸⑥ ➢❺ ➄❶⑨②④✉✇ ④❿✉⑥❸⑥➃ ③❹❸ ➒✉⑧⑩❶⑥④ ➓➂❶②⑨
❶❹❸❶⑨ ➢❺ ❶④ ❷❶✇❺ ❶④ ➁➧ ➒⑥❸s④ ③✉ ❸➑③❸✇⑨ ③❹❸ ❷❶⑥⑦ ❶③③❸✇③②✉✇ ③✉ ❹❸⑥❻→ ➙❹❸
■✩✪✫ ✬✭①✮✭✯✴✰✲✳✵✶✷✸✹✶✺✻✼
❳❛❅❉❁❂✽ ❨❄✾▼❁ ❍❛❅ ❁❉❩ ❈❂❉✽❊❁ ❛✽❅ ❁❉❩ ❛❁❁❉❁❊❁● ❛✽❅ ❍❉❊ ❛
❬❖❈❂❉✽❊✾❄ ❊❂ ❃❛❈ ❛ ▲✾❭ ◗❖❘ ❄❪✽ ❉✽ ❊❍✾ ❫❂❪❄❊❍ t❪❛❄❊✾❄❱
❿✉❶❿❹ ④❶②⑨ ➍③❻ ➎⑥❶✇❿②④ ⑨✉⑧⑦
➢❾❸⑦③❸❶❷❸⑨ ③❹❸ ➂✉④③ ➂❾❶❺⑦
❸⑥④ ❶ ❾✉③ ➫ ✇✉③②✇⑩ ➅❹ ➆✉⑧⑦
➇②❶④ ➂❾❶❺❸⑨ ②✇ ③❹❸ ➂✉④③
➐❸⑨✇❸④⑨❶❺ ➫ s❹②❿❹ ❾❸⑨
③✉ ➠➔➡ ⑩❸③③②✇⑩ ✉➂❸✇ ❾✉✉➩④
➝⑥✉❷ ✉③❹❸⑥ ➂❾❶❺❸⑥④❻
➓➔⑧⑥ s❹✉❾❸ ⑩❶❷❸➂❾❶✇
going in was make the
❸➑③⑥❶ ➂❶④④➃→ ➐❸②④④❸✇↕⑧❹
④❶②⑨❻ ➓➍✉❷❸✉✇❸ ②④ ⑩✉②✇⑩
③✉ ➢❸ ✉➂❸✇❻ ➙❹❸❺ ⑨②⑨ ⑩⑥❸❶③
➭❶✇⑨➯ ➩✇❸s s❹❸⑥❸ ③❹❸
✉➂❸✇ ➂❸⑥④✉✇ s❶④❻→
➐❸②④④❸✇↕⑧❹ ❶❾④✉ ④❶②⑨
prior to the game the
➄✉⑧✇③❶②✇❸❸⑥④ ✇❸❸⑨❸⑨ ③✉
❿✉✇③⑥✉❾ ③❹❸ ➢✉❶⑥⑨④➃ ❶✇⑨
➠➔➡ ⑨②⑨ ↔⑧④③ ③❹❶③❻ ➠❶④③❸⑥✇
✉s✇❸⑨ ❶ ➟➧⑦➀➊ ❶⑨➉❶✇③❶⑩❸
②✇ ⑥❸➢✉⑧✇⑨②✇⑩➃ s②③❹ ➢✉③❹
➅❹ ➆✉⑧⑦➇②❶④ ❶✇⑨ ➲❺❾②❸
➍❷②③❹ ⑩⑥❶➢➢②✇⑩ ④②➑ ➢✉❶⑥⑨④
③✉ ❾❸❶⑨ ③❹❸ s❶❺❻
➙❹❸ ❿✉❶❿❹ ❿⑥❸⑨②③❸⑨ ➢✉③❹
➍❷②③❹ ❶✇⑨ ❼⑧❾②❶ ➣❶✇✇② ➝✉⑥
③❹❸②⑥ ❸➜✉⑥③④ ❶④ ❸❶❿❹ ❾✉⑩⑩❸⑨
❷✉⑥❸ ❷②✇⑧③❸④ ③❹❶✇ ⑧④⑧❶❾
❶✇⑨ ②❷➂❶❿③❸⑨ ③❹❸ ⑩❶❷❸ ✉✇
③❹❸ ⑨❸➝❸✇④②➉❸ ❸✇⑨❻
➓➭➙❹❸❺➯ ⑩❶➉❸ ⑧④➃ ❿✉❷⑦
➢②✇❸⑨➃ ③❹❸ ➥➊ ❷✉④③ ➉❶❾⑧⑦
❶➢❾❸ ❷②✇⑧③❸④ ✉➝ ③❹❸ ❺❸❶⑥➃→
④❹❸ ④❶②⑨❻ ➓➙❹❸❺ ⑥❶✇ ③❹❸
↕✉✉⑥➃ ③❹❸❺ ⑨❸➝❸✇⑨❸⑨ ➭❶✇⑨➯
③❹❸❺ ③✉✉➩ ❿❶⑥❸ ✉➝ ③❹❸ ➢❶❾❾❻
➙❹❸❺ ➂❾❶❺❸⑨ ⑥❸❶❾❾❺ s❸❾❾❻
➏ s❶④ ➂⑥✉⑧⑨ ✉➝ ❹✉s ③❹❸❺
④③❸➂➂❸⑨ ⑧➂❻→
➣❸⑥⑥⑧⑨ ❶⑨⑨❸⑨ ✇②✇❸
➂✉②✇③④➃ ❶✇⑨ ➒⑥❸s④ ❹❶⑨ ④②➑
➂✉②✇③④ ❶✇⑨ ④②➑ ❶④④②④③④❻
➓➍❹❸ ❷❶⑨❸ ❶ ❿✉⑧➂❾❸
➟⑦➂✉②✇③❸⑥④➃→ ➐❸②④④❸✇↕⑧❹
④❶②⑨ ✉➝ ➒⑥❸s④❻ ➓➍❹❸ ➝❶⑦
❿②❾②③❶③❸⑨ ③❹❸ ➢❶❾❾ s❹❸⑥❸
②③ ✇❸❸⑨❸⑨ ③✉ ➢❸ ➭❶✇⑨➯ ④❹❸
➂❾❶❺❸⑨ ❹❸❶➉❺ ❷②✇⑧③❸④❻→
➲❶⑥❶ ➳❸⑥➩❶ ❹❶⑨ ➀➌
➂✉②✇③④ ③✉ ❾❸❶⑨ ③❹❸ ➒✉⑧⑩❶⑥④❻
➐❹②③✇❸❺ ➐②❾❾ ❶⑨⑨❸⑨ ➁➋
➠➔➡ ➭➀➵⑦➟ ✉➉❸⑥❶❾❾➯➃
s❹②❿❹ ②④ ✉✇❸ s②✇ ❶s❶❺
➝⑥✉❷ ❶ ③❹②⑥⑨ ❿✉✇④❸❿⑧③②➉❸
➟➋⑦s②✇ ④❸❶④✉✇➃ ➝❶❿❸⑨ ➏✇⑨②⑦
❶✇❶ ➙❸❿❹ ❶③ ➌➤➟➋ ❶❻❷❻ ➸➍➙
③❹②④ ❷✉⑥✇②✇⑩ ②✇ ③❹❸ ④❸❿✉✇⑨
➓➙❹❸❺➦⑥❸ ❾✉✇⑩➃→ ➐❸②④④❸✇⑦
↕⑧❹ ④❶②⑨ ✉➝ ➏✇⑨②❶✇❶ ➙❸❿❹➃
s❹②❿❹ ❸✇③❸⑥❸⑨ ③❹❸ ❿✉✇③❸④③
❶③ ➟➁⑦➟❻ ➓➔③❹❸⑥ ③❹❶✇ ③❹❸
➂✉②✇③ ⑩⑧❶⑥⑨➃ ③❹❸❺➦⑥❸ ❶➢✉⑧③
➧⑦➁➋ ❶✇⑨ ➧⑦➁➁❻ ➙❹❸❺ ⑩✉③ ❶
❿✉⑧➂❾❸ ⑩✉✉⑨ ④❹✉✉③❸⑥④❻ ➏③➦④
❶ ⑩✉✉⑨ ❷❶③❿❹⑧➂❻ ➐❸➦⑥❸ ⑩✉⑦
②✇⑩ ③✉ ❹❶➉❸ ③✉ ⑨❸➝❸✇⑨➃ ⑥❸⑦
➢✉⑧✇⑨➭❶✇⑨➯ ④③❶❺✉⑧③✉➝ ➝✉⑧❾
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✆✝✞ ✟✝
✹✷✸✸✻✼ ✽✾✿❀
❴❵❛❜❝❵❞❡❜❢❣❛❤ ✐❥❥ ❦ ❧❥❥ ♠❜❢♥❣❛♦
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❶ ❷❸ ❹❺❻❺❼❽
❶ ❹❾❽❿❺➀ ➁❼➂➀
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❶ ➏❾❻❻ ➐❺➑❿❿ ➒➂➓➈
❶ ➔ →❿➣ ↔❾❻→ ❹❺➇❽❿ ↕➇➓➈❻
❶ ➔ →❿➣ ↕➙➛ ↕➇➓➈❻
❶ ➔ →❿➣ ➜➈❽➇ ↕➇➓➈❻
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★ ✆✩✪
✌✍✎✏ ✑✒ ✓✔✕✖✔ ✗✕✒
✎✎✌✯ ✰✒ ✰✱✲✲✳✴ ✵✶✴
✘✙✚✚ ✛✜✢✢ ✌✣✤✎✎✣✤✤✥✣✤✦✦✧
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