✧★✩✪❆❨✱ ✫❆★✬✮ ✯✱ ✰✳✶✾ ✴✵✷ ✸✹✻✷✼✽✷✼ ■●✤▲■●✤✥✦ Set your clocks ahead, don’t miss worship service LA GRANDE — First Christian Church (Dis- ciples of Christ) in La Grande will observe the ❩❬❭❪ ❫❴❵❛❝❞ ❢❣ ✐❥❵❪ ❦♠❪♥ ♦❝❭❪❢❬ ♣❝❞ ❫q♠❪♥r❭ q❥❭t ③④⑤③t⑥✈ ❪♥❥ ❭❪❢❬❞ ❢❣ ❪♥❥ ❩① tree. Congregants are re- q♠❵❛❥❛ ❪❢ ❭❥❪ ❪♥❥♠❬ ✉⑦❢✉②❭ ahead one hour, to begin ⑧❝❞⑦♠①♥❪ ❫❝⑨♠❵① ⑩♠q❥✈ ❭❢ ❪♥❥❞ ❛❢❵r❪ q♠❭❭ ❪♥❥ ③❶ ❝❷q❷ worship service. Jesus used God’s sage, “Control or Repen- word to defeat ❪❝❵✉❥✈✇ ✉❢q♠❵① ❣❬❢q ✐❴②❥ temptation Submissions ÿ ❈ ✁✂❈❤✄ ☎✆✝ ✞☎✟✠❈✡ ❜☎✄❤✝ ☛✁☞ ✌✄ ☎✁❤ ❤✆✂☞ ✁☎☛❤✝ ✠☞ ✄ ❜❡✟✠ ❍✟☛❈✍✟☛❈✠✄ ✞☞✁ ✠❈❤ ❙✌✟✁✟✠ ☎✍ ✎✟✞❤ ✌☎☛❤ ❜✏ ✑ ✌✒❡✒❚ ❤✄✝☎✏ ✞☞✁ ✌ ❜✍✟✂☎✠✟☞✆ ❋✁✟✝☎✏✒ ❙ ❜❡✟✠ ❜✏ ❤❡☎✟✍ ✠☞ ✆❤✓✄✔ ✍☎☛✁☎✆✝❤☞❜✄❤✁❧❤✁✒✂☞❡ ✭✓✟✠❈ ❍✟☛❈✍✟☛❈✠✄ ✟✆ ✠❈❤ ✄ ❜s❤✂✠ ✍✟✆❤✕✖ ❜✏ ✞☎✗ ✠☞ ✺✑✘✡✲✙✚✡✛✜✢✑✖ ☞✁ ❜✏ ❈☎✆✝ ✠☞ ✠❈❤ ☞✞✣✂❤✒ ✐❸ ❹♣❸❺⑧❻✈ ❻❺⑩❻♣t ♦♣❼❫❻ ❽ ⑩♥❥ ❭❥❬q❢❵ ❝❪ Faith Lutheran Church ❪♥♠❭ ❫❴❵❛❝❞ ❦♠⑦⑦ ❥❾❿❢❴❵❛ ❴❿❢❵ ✐❴②❥ ➀⑤③t③④❷ ❼❵ ❪♥❥❭❥ verses Jesus was led into the desert and fasted for ➀❶ ❛❝❞❭ ❢❵⑦❞ ❪♥❥❵ ❪❢ ➁❥ ❪❥q❿❪❥❛ ❪❢ ➂✉❢qq❝❵❛ ❪♥♠❭ ❭❪❢❵❥ ❪❢ ➁❥✉❢q❥ ➁❬❥❝❛❷✇ ➃❥❭❴❭ ❛❥❣❥❝❪❥❛ ❪♥❥ ❪❥q❿t ❪❝❪♠❢❵ ❴❭♠❵① ❪♥❥ ❭❝q❥ ❪❢❢⑦ that he has give us: the ❦❢❬❛ ❢❣ ❹❢❛❷ ❫❥❬⑨♠✉❥❭ ❝❬❥ ❝❪ ③❶ ❝❷q❷ ♠❵ ✐❝ ❹❬❝❵❛❥ ❝❵❛ ➄ ❿❷q❷ ♠❵ ❻❵❪❥❬❿❬♠❭❥❷ ⑩♥❥ ❪♥❥q❥ ❢❣ ➅❥❛❵❥❭t ❛❝❞ ❥⑨❥❵♠❵①r❭ ✐❥❵❪❥❵ ❭❥❬t vice will be “Behold the ➇❝❵ ➃❥❭❴❭ ➈♥❬♠❭❪ ➅♥❢ ♦❬❝❞❭❷✇ ⑩♥❥ ➅❥❛❵❥❭❛❝❞ ❭❥❬⑨♠✉❥ ♠❭ ♥❥⑦❛ ❝❪ ➉⑤④❶ ❿❷q❷✈ ❿❬❥✉❥❛❥❛ ➁❞ ❝ ❭❢❴❿ ❭❴❿❿❥❬ ❝❪ ➊⑤④❶ ❿❷q❷ Sermon continues exploration of good/ bad news of Christ’s death ✐❸ ❹♣❸❺⑧❻ ❽ ⑩♥❥ ✐❝ ❹❬❝❵❛❥ ❫❥⑨❥❵❪♥t❛❝❞ ❸❛t ventist Church will have ❝❵ ③③ ❝❷q❷ ❭❥❬⑨♠✉❥ ❢❵ ❫❝❪❴❬t ❛❝❞❷ ♦❝❭❪❢❬ ➇♠②❥ ❦♠⑦⑦ ✉❢❵t ❪♠❵❴❥ ❥❾❿⑦❢❬♠❵① ❪♥❥ ❛❥❝❪♥ of Christ and the good and ➁❝❛ ❵❥❦❭ ♥♠❭ ❛❥❝❪♥ q❥❝❵❭ for the living and the dead. ❻❝❭♠⑦❞ ❢⑨❥❬⑦❢❢②❥❛ ♠❭ ❪♥❝❪ God did not spare his own ❭❢❵ ❣❬❢q ❛❥❝❪♥✈ ❭❢ ❪♥❝❪ ❪♥❥ world would have eternal life for the choosing. Guest will portray Mary Magdalene in special service ❻✐❹❼❺ ❽ ⑩♥❥ ❻⑦①♠❵ ➋❵♠❪❥❛ ➇❥❪♥❢❛♠❭❪ ➅❢q❥❵ ❦♠⑦⑦ ➁❥ ⑦❥❝❛♠❵① ❪♥❥ ③③ ❝❷q❷ service at the Methodist ➈♥❴❬✉♥ ❢❵ ❫❴❵❛❝❞❷ ⑩♥❥ special service will feature Kate Loftus of Lostine, ❿❢❬❪❬❝❞♠❵① ➇❝❬❞ ➇❝①❛❝t ⑦❥❵❥❷ ⑩♥❥ ❭❥❬⑨♠✉❥ ❦♠⑦⑦ ➁❥ ❣❢⑦⑦❢❦❥❛ ➁❞ ❣❥⑦⑦❢❦❭♥♠❿✈ ❪❬❥❝❪❭ ❝❵❛ ✉❢➌❥❥❷ Fellowship potluck follows Union service ➋❺❼➍❺ ❽ ⑩♥❥ ➋❵♠❢❵ ➇❥❪♥❢❛♠❭❪ ❝❵❛ ❹❬❝✉❥ ➈❢qt q❴❵♠❪❞ ✉♥❴❬✉♥❥❭ ❦♠⑦⑦ ✉❥⑦t ❥➁❬❝❪❥ ❪♥❥ ❩❬❭❪ ❫❴❵❛❝❞ ❢❣ Lent with a special worship ❭❥❬⑨♠✉❥ ➁❥①♠❵❵♠❵① ❝❪ ③❶ ❝❷q❷ ♦❝❭❪❢❬ ➈❝❬⑦r❭ ❭❥❬q❢❵✈ ➂➃❥❭❴❭ ➇❝②❥❭ ❝ ➈♥❢♠✉❥✈✇ ♠❭ ❪❝②❥❵ ❣❬❢q ➇❝❬② ➀✈ ❦♥♠✉♥ ❪❥⑦⑦❭ ❢❣ ➃❥❭❴❭ ➁❥♠❵① ❪❥q❿❪t ❥❛ ➁❞ ❪♥❥ ❛❥⑨♠⑦❷ ❸❛❴⑦❪ ❫❴❵t ❛❝❞ ❭✉♥❢❢⑦ ➁❥①♠❵❭ ❝❪ ⑥ ❝❷q❷ ❸ ❣❥⑦⑦❢❦❭♥♠❿ ❿❢❪⑦❴✉② ❦♠⑦⑦ follow the service. ⑩❬❝❵❭❿❢❬❪❝❪♠❢❵ ♠❭ ❝⑨❝♠⑦t able for all church activi- ❪♠❥❭❷ ❻⑨❥❬❞ ⑩♥❴❬❭❛❝❞ ❝❪ ③❶ ❝❷q❷✈ ❝ ➎♠➁⑦❥ ❭❪❴❛❞ ♠❭ ♥❥⑦❛ ❝❪ ⑩♥❥ ➋❬➁❝❵ ➏♠❵❥ ♠❵ ❼❭⑦❝❵❛ ➈♠❪❞❷ ❝❪ ③③ ❝❷q❷ ⑩♥❥ ✉❢❵①❬❥①❝t Neighbors Together meets Monday at Zion ⑧❥⑨❥⑦❢❿q❥❵❪ ❫❴❵❛❝❞✈ ❝ ❛❝❞ ❢❣ ❬❥q❥q➁❥❬♠❵① ❝❵❛ ❭❴❿❿❢❬❪♠❵① ⑦♠❣❥❭❝⑨♠❵① ❦❢❬② LA GRANDE — Zion Lu- theran Church in La Grande ❦♠⑦⑦ ❦❢❬❭♥♠❿ ❫❴❵❛❝❞ ❝❪ ⑥ ❝❷q❷ ❣❢⑦⑦❢❦❥❛ ➁❞ ❝ ❪♠q❥ ❢❣ ❣❥⑦⑦❢❦❭♥♠❿❷ ❸❛❴⑦❪ ❣❢❬❴q ✉❢❵❪♠❵❴❥❭ ❝❪ ③❶⑤④❶ ❝❷q❷ ➍❵ ➇❢❵❛❝❞ ❝❪ ➊⑤④❶ ❿❷q❷✈ ❺❥♠①♥➁❢❬❭ ⑩❢①❥❪♥❥❬ q❥❥❪❭ ❝❪ ➐♠❢❵❷ ➐♠❢❵r❭ ❥⑨❥t ❵♠❵① ➎♠➁⑦❥ ❭❪❴❛❞ q❥❥❪❭ ❝❪ ➑ ❿❷q❷ ➇❢❵❛❝❞❭ ❝❪ ♣❴❪♥ ➐❥q②❥r❭❷ ❸ ❵❢❵t❛❥❵❢q♠t ❵❝❪♠❢❵❝⑦ ➎♠➁⑦❥ ❭❪❴❛❞ ①❬❢❴❿ q❥❥❪❭ ❝❪ ➐♠❢❵ ⑩❴❥❭❛❝❞❭ ❝❪ ➉⑤③➊ ❿❷q❷ St. Peter’s celebrates lifesaving work worldwide ➔→➣→↔↕ ➙↔ ➛➜➝➛➙➞➟ ➠➡➢ ➤➥➦➦➧ ➨➩➦➦➫➭➠ Most of us have heard that ❪♥❥ ➎♠➁⑦❥ ♠❭ ❝ ❬❢❝❛ q❝❿ ❣❢❬ ❪♥♠❭ ⑦♠❣❥❷ ❼ ♥❝⑨❥ ❵❢❪ ❢❵⑦❞ ⑦♠❭t ❪❥❵❥❛ ❪❢ q❥❭❭❝①❥❭ ⑦♠②❥ ❪♥♠❭ ➁❴❪ ♥❝⑨❥ ❭❿❥❵❪ q❴✉♥ ❢❣ q❞ ⑦♠❣❥ ❿❬❢✉⑦❝♠q♠❵① ♠❪❷ ❺❢❵❥❪♥❥⑦❥❭❭✈ ➯❴❭❪ ➁❥✉❝❴❭❥ ❦❥ ➁❥⑦♠❥⑨❥ ❭❢q❥t thing is true and are thorough- ⑦❞ ✉❢❵⑨♠❵✉❥❛ ❪♥♠❭ ♠❭ ❪♥❥ ❿❝❪♥ ❦❥ ❭♥❢❴⑦❛ ❪❝②❥ ❛❢❥❭ ❵❢❪ q❥❝❵ ❪♥❝❪ ❦❥ ❦♠⑦⑦ ❝⑦❦❝❞❭ ❣❢⑦⑦❢❦ ♠❪❷ ⑩❝②❥ ❣❢❬ ❥❾❝q❿⑦❥✈ ❦❥ realize that eating right and ❛❝♠⑦❞ ❥❾❥❬✉♠❭❥ ❦❢❴⑦❛ ➁❥ ❥❾t ❪❬❥q❥⑦❞ ➁❥❵❥❩✉♠❝⑦ ❪❢ ❢❴❬ ♥❥❝⑦❪♥✈ ➁❴❪ ❦❥ ❭❥❥q ❪❢ ➁❥ ❥❾t ❿❥❬❪❭ ❢❣ ❿❬❢✉❬❝❭❪♠❵❝❪♠❢❵ ➁❞ ✉❢❵❭♠❭❪❥❵❪⑦❞ ❿❴❪❪♠❵① ❢➌ ❴❵❪♠⑦ ❪❢q❢❬❬❢❦ ❦♥❝❪ ❦❥ ❭♥❢❴⑦❛ ➁❥ ❛❢♠❵① ❪❢❛❝❞❷ ❼rq ❝⑦❭❢ ①❴♠⑦❪❞ ❢❣ ❪♥♠❭ ❝❵❛ ❪♥❥❵ ❼ ❦❝⑦② ❝❬❢❴❵❛ ➁❥❝❪♠❵① q❞❭❥⑦❣ ❴❿ ❣❬❢q ❪♥❥ ✉❢❵❛❥q❵❝❪♠❢❵ ❢❣ ❵❢❪ ❛❢♠❵① ❦♥❝❪ ❼ ②❵❢❦ ❼ ❭♥❢❴⑦❛ ❛❢❷ ⑩♥♠❭ ♠❭ ➯❴❭❪ ❢❵❥ ❝❬❥❝ ❪♥❝❪ ❭❢q❥ ❢❣ ❴❭ ❭❪❬❴①①⑦❥ ❦♠❪♥ ❝q❢❵① ❪♥❥ ⑨❝❭❪ ❭❴➁➯❥✉❪❭ ❢❣ opportunities that we face ev- ❥❬❞ ❛❝❞❷ ❫❢✈ ❦♥❝❪ ❛❢ ❦❥ ❭❝❞ ❦♥❥❵ ❦❥ ②❵❢❦ ❪♥❥❬❥ ♠❭ ❵❢❪♥t ♠❵① q❢❬❥ ♠q❿❢❬❪❝❵❪ ❪♥❝❵ ❹❢❛r❭ ❦❢❬❛ ❝❵❛ ❭❪♠⑦⑦ ❬❥❣❴❭❥ ❪❢ ❭❪❴❛❞ ♠❪➲ ⑩♥❥ ❭❝q❥ ♠❭ ❪❬❴❥ ❦♠❪♥ ❿❬❝❞❥❬✈ ❝❭ ❦❥ ❝⑦⑦ ②❵❢❦ ❪♥❥❬❥ ♠❭ ❵❢❪♥♠❵① q❢❬❥ ❿❢❦❥❬❣❴⑦ ❝❵❛ ❞❥❪ q❝❵❞ ❪♠q❥❭ ❦❥ ✉♥❢❢❭❥ ❪❢ ❿❴❪ ♠❪ ❢➌❷ ⑩♥❥ ❬❥❝❭❢❵ ❦♥❞ ❪♥❥ ➎♠➁⑦❥ ♠❭ ❭❢ ♠q❿❢❬❪❝❵❪ ❪❢ ❪♥❥ ♥❴q❝❵ ❬❝✉❥ ♠❭ ➁❥✉❝❴❭❥ ♠❪r❭ ➁❝❭♠✉❝⑦⑦❞ ❝ ❬❥➳❥✉❪♠❢❵ ❢❣ ❦♥❢ ❹❢❛ ♠❭ ❝❵❛ ❝ ❿❥❬❭❢❵❝⑦ ⑦❥❪❪❥❬ ❣❬❢q ♥♠q ❪♥❝❪ ❥❾❿⑦❝♠❵❭ ❦♥❝❪ ♥❥ ❦❝❵❪❭ ❣❬❢q us. It contains true stories and ❦❢❬❛❭ ❢❣ ❛♠⑨♠❵❥ ❦♠❭❛❢q ❪♥❝❪ can strengthen, encourage and lead us into his will. Learning and understanding ❪♥❥ ❦❢❬❛ ❢❣ ❹❢❛ ♠⑦⑦❴q♠❵❝❪❥❭ ❢❴❬ q♠❵❛ ❝❵❛ ❢❿❥❵❭ ❢❴❬ ❭❿♠❬♠t ❪❴❝⑦ ❥❞❥❭ ❭❢ ❪♥❝❪ ❦❥ ✉❝❵ ❭❥❥ q❢❬❥ ✉⑦❥❝❬⑦❞ ♥❢❦ ❪❢ ❵❢❪ ❢❵⑦❞ live an abundant life, but to ❝⑦❭❢ ①♠⑨❥ ♥♠q ❪♥❥ ♥❢❵❢❬ ❝❵❛ ①⑦❢❬❞ ❪♥❝❪ ♥❥ ❛❥❭❥❬⑨❥❭❷ ❫♠❵✉❥ ❹❢❛ ♠❭ ❪♥❥ ✉❬❥❝❪❢❬ ❢❣ ❝⑦⑦ ❪♥♠❵①❭ ❝❵❛ ♥❝❭ ❴❵♠➵❴❥⑦❞ ❛❥❭♠①❵❥❛ ❞❢❴ ❝❵❛ ❼✈ ❦❥ ❭♥❢❴⑦❛ ➁❥ ①❬❝❪❥❣❴⑦ ❝❵❛ ✉❢❵❭♠❛❥❬ ♥♠q ❦❢❬❪♥❞ ❪❢ ❬❥✉❥♠⑨❥ ❢❴❬ ❛❥❥❿t ❥❭❪ ⑦❢⑨❥ ❝❵❛ ❝❛❢❬❝❪♠❢❵❷ ⑩♥❥ ✉❢❵✉❥❿❪ ❢❣ ❝➁❭❢❬➁♠❵① ❹❢❛r❭ ♥❢⑦❞ ❪❬❴❪♥ ♠❭ ❝ ✉❬❴✉♠❝⑦ ❿❝❬❪ ❢❣ ❪♥❥ ❿❬❢✉❥❭❭ ❢❣ ②❵❢❦♠❵① ♥♠q ❿❥❬❭❢❵❝⑦⑦❞ ❝❵❛ ❢❿❥❵❭ ❪♥❥ ❛❢❢❬ for us to live in the awareness of his presence. ⑩♥❥ ➎♠➁⑦❥ ❭❪❝❵❛❭ ❢❬ ❣❝⑦⑦❭ ❝❭ a whole. If a newspaper were ❬❢❴❪♠❵❥⑦❞ ❛♠❭✉❢⑨❥❬❥❛ ❪❢ ✉❢❵t ❪❝♠❵ ❥❬❬❢❬❭✈ ♠❪ ❦❢❴⑦❛ ➁❥ ➵❴♠✉②⑦❞ ❛♠❭✉❬❥❛♠❪❥❛❷ ❼❪ ❦❢❴⑦❛ q❝②❥ ❵❢ ❛♠➌❥❬❥❵✉❥ ❪❢ ❭❝❞✈ ➂❝⑦⑦ ❪♥❥ ❥❬❬❢❬❭ ❝❬❥ ✉❢❵❩❵❥❛ ❪❢ ❿❝①❥ ❪♥❬❥❥✇ ❢❬ ➂q❝❵❞ ❢❣ ❪♥❥ ❭❪❢❬♠❥❭ ❦❥ ❿❴➁⑦♠❭♥ ❝❬❥ ❿❬❢➁❝➁⑦❞ ❵❢❪ ❪❬❴❥❷✇ ➸❢❬ ❝❵❞ ❿❴➁⑦♠✉❝❪♠❢❵ ❪❢ ➁❥ ❬❥⑦♠❝➁⑦❥ ♠❵ ❝❵❞ ❢❣ ♠❪❭ ❿❝❬❪❭✈ ♠❪ q❴❭❪ ➁❥ ❣❝✉❪❴❝⑦ ❪♥❬❢❴①♥❢❴❪❷ ➅♥❞ ❦❢❴⑦❛ ❦❥ ❦❝❭❪❥ ❢❴❬ ❪♠q❥ ❬❥❝❛♠❵① ❭❢q❥❪♥♠❵① ❪♥❝❪ ♠❭ ❣❝➁❬♠✉❝❪❥❛➲ ❼❵ ❪♥❥ ❭❝q❥ ❦❝❞✈ ♠❣ LA GRANDE — On the in La Grande will cel- ❥➁❬❝❪❥ ➒❢⑦❞ ➈❢qq❴❵♠❢❵ ❭❝❞♠❵①✈ ➂❼❪ ♠❭ ❣❝❭♥♠❢❵❝➁⑦❥ ♠❵ ❭❢q❥ ❝✉❝❛❥q♠✉ ✉♠❬✉⑦❥❭ ❪❢ ❥❾t ❥❬✉♠❭❥ ❭✉♥❢⑦❝❬⑦❞ ✉❬♠❪♠✉♠❭q ❢❣ the Bible. In so doing, schol- ❝❬❭ ❿⑦❝✉❥ ❪♥❥q❭❥⑦⑨❥❭ ❝➁❢⑨❥ ❪♥❥ ➎♠➁⑦❥ ❝❵❛ ❭❥❥② ❪❢ ✉❢❬❬❥✉❪ ♠❪❷ ❼❣ indeed the Bible is the word of ❹❢❛✈ ❵❢❪♥♠❵① ✉❢❴⑦❛ ➁❥ q❢❬❥ arrogant. It is God who cor- ❭❿❥❝②❭ ❢❣ ❥⑨❥❬❞❪♥♠❵① ❣❬❢q ①❥t ❢⑦❢①❞ ❪❢ ①❥❵❥❝⑦❢①❞✈ ❦♥❞ ❭♥❢❴⑦❛ ♠❪ ➁❥ ❪❬❴❭❪❥❛➲ ❼❪ ♠❭ ❥♠❪♥❥❬ ❝ ❪❬❴❭❪❦❢❬❪♥❞ ❬❥❭❢❴❬✉❥✈ ❢❬ ♠❪ ♠❭ ❬❥✉❪❭ ❴❭➻ ❦❥ ❛❢❵r❪ ✉❢❬❬❥✉❪ ♥♠q❷ ➅❥ ❛❢ ❵❢❪ ❭❪❝❵❛ ❢⑨❥❬ ❹❢❛ ➁❴❪ ❴❵❛❥❬ ♥♠q❷✇ ❼ ❣❥❥⑦ ❭❢ ❭❪❬❢❵①⑦❞ ❝➁❢❴❪ ❪♥❥ ♠q❿❢❬❪❝❵✉❥ ❢❣ ❝➁❭❢❬➁♠❵① ❹❢❛r❭ ❦❢❬❛ ❪♥❝❪ ⑦❝❭❪ ❞❥❝❬ ❼ ❦❥❵❪ ♠❵❪❢ ❼❪r❭ ✉⑦❥❝❬ ❪❢ ❭❥❥ ❦♥❢ ♠❭ ➁❥♥♠❵❛ ❝⑦⑦ ❢❣ ❪♥♠❭ ❵❥①❝❪♠⑨❥ ❿❴➁⑦♠✉♠❪❞ ❝❭ ➼❶tq♠❵❴❪❥ ➈⑧ ❦♥❥❬❥ ❼ ❵❝❬❬❝❪❥ q❢❬❥ ❪♥❝❵ ③❶❶ ❥❵✉❢❴❬❝①♠❵① ✉❢qq❢❵⑦❞ ❬❥❣❥❬❬❥❛ ❪❢ ❝❭ ❪♥❥ ❥❵❥q❞ ❢❣ ❢❴❬ ❭❢❴⑦❷ ➒❥ ❝⑦❭❢ ❴❵t ❼ ❬❥❝⑦♠➺❥ ♠❪r❭ ✉♥❝⑦⑦❥❵①♠❵① ❣❢❬ q❝❵❞ ❿❥❢❿⑦❥ ❪❢ ❭♠❪ ❝❵❛ ❬❥❝❛✈ ❭❢ ❼r⑨❥ q❝❛❥ ❪♥♠❭ ❬❥❭❢❴❬✉❥ ❝❭ ❝❵ ❥❵➯❢❞❝➁⑦❥ ❝⑦❪❥❬❵❝❪♠⑨❥ ❪♥❝❪ ❝❵❞❢❵❥ ✉❝❵ ⑦♠❭❪❥❵ ❪❢✈ ❬❥⑦❝❾ ❝❵❛ ❭❢❝② ♠❵ ❹❢❛r❭ ❪❬❴❪♥❷ ❼❪ ♥❝❭ ➁❥❝❴❪♠❣❴⑦ ➁❝✉②①❬❢❴❵❛ q❴❭♠✉ ❝❵❛ ♠❭ ❩⑦⑦❥❛ ❦♠❪♥ the Bible is inaccurate when it not. the devil is against God and derstands the potential spiri- tual power that can be gen- ❥❬❝❪❥❛ ❦♥❥❵ ❭❢q❥❢❵❥ ❬❥❝❛❭ ❝❵❛ ❝❿❿⑦♠❥❭ ❹❢❛r❭ ❦❢❬❛❷ ⑩♥♠❭ ②♠❵①❛❢q ❢❣ ❛❝❬②t ❵❥❭❭ ♠❭ ❝①①❬❥❭❭♠⑨❥⑦❞ ❦❢❬②♠❵① ❝❬❢❴❵❛ ❪♥❥ ✉⑦❢✉② ❪❢ ❿❬❥⑨❥❵❪ ❝❵❞❢❵❥ ❣❬❢q ❛♠❭✉❢⑨❥❬♠❵① ❪♥❥ ❭❥✉❬❥❪❭ ❝❵❛ q❞❭❪❥❬♠❥❭ ❪♥❝❪ ❹❢❛ ♠❵❪❥❵❛❥❛ ❣❢❬ ❴❭ ❪❢ ②❵❢❦❷ ⑩♥❥ ❛❥⑨♠⑦ ❬❥❝⑦♠➺❥❭ ❪♥❝❪ ♠❣ ❪♥❥ spiritual principals within the ➎♠➁⑦❥ ✉❝❵ ➁❥ ❛♠❭q♠❭❭❥❛ ❝❵❛ ❛♠❭✉❬❥❛♠❪❥❛ ❝❭ ❩✉❪♠❢❵❝⑦ ❣❝➁⑦❥❭✈ ❪♥❥ ❿❢❭❭♠➁♠⑦♠❪❞ ❣❢❬ ❭❝⑦⑨❝❪♠❢❵ the studio and recorded an and inspiring Bible passages. scriptures about faith, heal- ing, hope and peace. I would be glad to send this out free ❪❢ ❝❵❞❢❵❥ ❦♥❢ ♠❭ ♠❵❪❥❬❥❭❪❥❛❷ ❸❭ ➎♠⑦⑦❞ ❹❬❝♥❝q ❭❝♠❛✈ ➂✐❥❪ us encourage all believers ❪❢ ❣❥❥❛ ❢❵ ❹❢❛r❭ ❦❢❬❛ ❽ ♠❪ ♠❭ ❵❢❴❬♠❭♥q❥❵❪ ❣❢❬ ❪♥❥ ❭❢❴⑦❷✇ and victorious living are di- Read more at billyholland- ministries.com. q♠❵♠❭♥❥❛❷ ♣❷➈❷ ❫❿❬❢❴⑦ ♠❭ ➵❴❢❪❥❛ ❝❭ worldwide. ❸❪ ➉ ❿❷q❷ ❫❴❵❛❝❞✈ ❪♥❥ ➁❢❢② ✉⑦❴➁ ❦♠⑦⑦ q❥❥❪ ♠❵ ❪♥❥ parish hall. What does spirituality mean to you? ✐❸ ❹♣❸❺⑧❻ ❽ ⑩♥❥ ➍➁t ❭❥❬⑨❥❬ ♠❭ ❭❥❥②♠❵① ✉❢qq❥❵❪❭ ❣❬❢q ✉❢qq❴❵♠❪❞ q❥q➁❥❬❭ ❢❵ ❭❿♠❬♠❪❴❝⑦ q❝❪❪❥❬❭❷ ❼❣ ❞❢❴ ❦❢❴⑦❛ ⑦♠②❥ ❪❢ ❭♥❝❬❥ ♥❢❦ ❞❢❴ ❥❾❿❥❬♠❥❵✉❥ ❭❿♠❬♠❪❴❝⑦♠❪❞✈ ❥q❝♠⑦ ❵❥❦❭➓⑦❝①❬❝❵❛❥❢➁t ❭❥❬⑨❥❬❷✉❢q ❢❬ ✉❝⑦⑦ ➍➁❭❥❬⑨t er Editor Cherise Kaechele ❩❬❭❪ ❫❴❵❛❝❞ ❢❣ ✐❥❵❪✈ ❫❪❷ ♦❥❪❥❬r❭ ❻❿♠❭✉❢❿❝⑦ ➈♥❴❬✉♥ God’s word is ‘nourishment for the soul’ tion will also be observ- ing Episcopal Relief and ❝❪ ➊➀③t⑥➉④t④③➉③❷ ➍❵①❢♠❵① q❢❵❪♥⑦❞ ✉❢⑦❴q❵❭ ❝❵❛ ❢❵❥t ❪♠q❥ ❭❴➁q♠❭❭♠❢❵❭ ❦♠⑦⑦ ➁❥ ✉❢❵❭♠❛❥❬❥❛❷ ➈❢⑦❴q❵❭ ❝❬❥ ①❥❵❥❬❝⑦⑦❞ ➊❶❶t➉❶❶ ❦❢❬❛❭ and include a photo of the writer. ❲❖✿❀❁ ❖❂❃❄❅ ❇❉❀❀❄❊ ✓✓✓✒✌☎✁✟✏☎✠✠✟✒✂☞❡ ❏✆❤ ✟✄ ☞✆❤➆✄ ☞✓✆ ✌✁☞✠❤✂✠☞✁✖ ☞✆❤ ✟✄ ☞✆❤➆✄ ☞✓✆ ✁❤✞ ☛❤✒ ❚❈❤✁❤✞☞✁❤✖ ☞✆❤ ✄❈☞ ✍✝ ✂☞✆✠✁☞✍ ☞✆❤✄❤✍✞✖ ❤❧❤✆ ☎✄ ☎ ✠✁☎✝❤✁ ✂☞✆✠✁☞✍✄ ☎ ✆☞❜✍❤ ✄✠❤❤✝✒ ✭❑❈☎❡❡☎✌☎✝☎ ▼✺✒✚✜✢✕ ✎❤✠ ☛☞ ☞✞ ✠❈❤ ✌☎✄✠✖ ✍❤✠ ☛☞ ☞✞ ✠❈❤ ✞ ✠ ✁❤✖ ✍❤✠ ☛☞ ☞✞ ✠❈❤ ✌✁❤✄❤✆✠✖ ☎✆✝ ✂✁☞✄✄ ☞❧❤✁ ✠☞ ✠❈❤ ✞☎✁✠❈❤✁ ✄❈☞✁❤ ☞✞ ❤✗✟✄✠❤✆✂❤✒ ◆✟✠❈ ❡✟✆✝ ✓❈☞✍✍✏ ✍✟❜❤✁☎✠❤✝✖ ✏☞ ✄❈☎✍✍ ✂☞❡❤ ✆☞ ❡☞✁❤ ✠☞ ❜✟✁✠❈ ☎✆✝ ✝❤☎✠❈✒ ✭❑❈☎❡❡☎✌☎✝☎ ▼✑✒✚✑✜✕ P ✌❤✁✄☞✆ ✓✟✠❈ ☛☞☞✝ ❤✏❤✄✖ ❤✆✂☞ ✆✠❤✁✟✆☛ ☎ ✠✁❤☎✂❈❤✁☞ ✄✖ ✆❤❧❤✆ ✌✍☎✂❤✖ ✓☞ ✍✝ ✠✁✏ ❈☎✁✝ ✠☞ ☎❧☞✟✝ ✟✠✒ P ✓✟✄❤ ✌❤✁✄☞✆✖ ✟✆ ✠❈❤ ✓☞✁✍✝ ☞✞ ✍✟✞❤✖ ✄❈☞ ✍✝ ☎❧☞✟✝ ❤❧✟✍ ✝❤❤✝✄✒ ✭◗✝☎✆☎ ✺✒✑✚✕ ❘☞☞✝ ✟✄ ✁❤✄✠✁☎✟✆✠ ✟✆ ✠❈❤ ❜☞✝✏✖ ✟✆ ✄✌❤❤✂❈✖ ✟✆ ✠❈☞ ☛❈✠✒ ❯❤✄✠✁☎✟✆✠ ❤❧❤✁✏✓❈❤✁❤ ✟✄ ☛☞☞✝✒ ❚❈❤ ❡☞✆❱ ✁❤✄✠✁☎✟✆❤✝ ✟✆ ❤❧❤✁✏ ✓☎✏ ✟✄ ✞✁❤❤✝ ✞✁☞❡ ☎✍✍ ✄ ✞✞❤✁✟✆☛✒ ✭❑❈☎❡❡☎✌☎✝☎ ▼✺✒✚✙✘✕ ❋☞✁ ☞✆❤ ✓❈☞ ❡✟✆✝✞ ✍✍✏ ✝❤❧❤✍☞✌✄ ❜☞ ✆✝✍❤✄✄ ✍☞❧✟✆☛✡ ❱✟✆✝✆❤✄✄ ❙❤❤✟✆☛ ✠❈❤ ✝❤✄✠✁ ✂✠✟☞✆ ☞✞ ✂✍✟✆☛✟✆☛✖ ✠❈❤ ✞❤✠✠❤✁✄ ☎✁❤ ✓☞✁✆ ☎✓☎✏✒ ✭❳✠✟❧ ✠✠☎❱☎ ✘✒▼✛✕ ❙✪✬✭✮✯✪✰ ✱✴✵✰ ✷❡❡✸ ñòóôõö ÷øöùúûùüý ÷øþöÿø ✹✹ ❘❯✁✂✄☎✆✱ ■✄▼✝✞✟ ✺✠✹✡☛☛ ☞ ✰✰✰✳✻❀ ✳ ✴✵✿✽✺✿✻✹ ✌ ✻✲ ✍ ✽✺✾✿✽✺✳✸✿❃ ❙✎✏✑✒✓ ❙✔✕✖✗✘✔✙ ✾✚✛✛ ❛✜✢✜ ✣✤✥✦❛✧ ✣★✩✪✪✫ ✶✛✚✛✛ ❛✜✢✜ ❲✪♦✬✩✭✮ ✣✯♦✰✭★✯ ➁➂➃➄ ➅➆➇➈➄➉ ➊➄➈➋➂➉➇➌➈ ➁➋➍➎➏➋ ➐➑➒➓ ➔→➣↔↕➙ ➛➜➝➞ ➟➠➡↕➞ ➢➤ ➥➂➎➈➋ ➦➂➧➉➄➎ ➅➆➇➈➄➉ ➊➄➈➋➂➉➇➌➈ ➁➋➍➎➏➋ ➨➩➒ ➫➝ ➛➜➝➞ ➭➠➙➜➯ ➲➠➳➵↕➙➞ ➢➤ ➸➺➻➼ ➽➾➚➚➚ ➪➶➹➘➴ ➹➴➷ ➬➮➱✃➱➹❐ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑÒÓ ÔÓÕÕ Ö×Ø× Ù❮ÚÛ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑÒÓ ÜÕÓÕÕ Ö×Ø× Ý× Þ❮ßàÛ❰ ▲☎ ●✆☎✝✞✟ ✠✟✡✟✝☛☞✌✞☎✍ ❆✎✏✑✒✓✔✕✓ ❈✖✗✘❝✖ ✙ P✚✛✜✢ ✇✣✢✤✢ ✣❤✥✢ ✐✦ ❢❤✧★✩ ✐★ ❏✢✦✧✦ ✪✫✬✭ ✉✮ ✬✭ ❋✯✰✰✫✱✮✲✬✳ ✴ ❲✫✵✮✲✬✳ ❊✷✯✵② ✸✹✺✉✵✻✹② ✾✼✽✿ ❛❀❁❀ ❂ ❇❃❄❅❉ ❍■❑▼◆❖◗❉❅❅❘❚❯❱❃❳ ❨✿✼❩❬ ❛❀❁❀ ❂ ❭❘❪❯❱❃❳ ❍❉❪✈❃❫❉ ❴❵❜❴ ❞❡❣❥❦ ❞❧♠♥♣♠q r❣ st❣♥❡♠ ① ③④⑤⑥⑦❜⑧⑨ ⑩❶❷❸❹❺❻ ❼❽❾❿ ➀❺➁❶➂❹❺ ➃➃➃➄➅➆➇➈➆➉➊➋➌➌➆➊➍➋➉➎➏➐➎➑➒➓➈➑➒➑➔➉➉➋➑➎➄➔➈➇ →➣↔↕➙➛➙➜ ➝➞↕ ➟➞➠↔➡ ↔➙➠ ➢➤➣↕➙➛➤➡ ➥➦➧➧➨➩ ➫➭➦➩➯➲➳ ➵➸➺➻➼➽➻➾➚ ➪➺➶➼➹➸➘➘➴➷➵➸➻➴➬➹➾➺➶ ➮➱✃❐➱✃➮❒ ➥❮ ❰➭❮➯➲➩ Ï➲Ð➩➯➧➦➳➧ ÑÒ➭➦➳➧➦❮➯ ÓÔÒÕÕ➨ ➵➸➺➻➼➽➻➾➚ Ö➬×➹➾➽➻➘➚ Ø❐Ù➽➸ Ú➺➾➬➶ ➮➱✃❐➱Û❒✃ ❋✐✲✴✵ ❈✷✲✐✴✵✐✸✻ ❈✷✼✲✽✷ ✿❀❁❂❃❁❄❅❆❂ ❇❉ ❊●❍❁❂❏❑ ▲◆❖ P❡◗◗ ❚❱❡◗❳❡ ▲❨❩❬❭❨❭❩ ❧❪❫❴❵❜❴❝❧❞❵❢❪❣❤❴❧❥❜❦❣ ♠♥♣qrst ✉✈✇✈✈ ①②③② ⑦④⑤⑥⑧ ⑨⑩ ❶❷ ❸❹❺ ❻⑤❼❽❾⑩ ❸❶❿➀❺⑦ ÜÝÞßà áßâãÝäåá áãæÜáã çèÜéåáèç êë ìíëîïð ñ òóí êëïô õö ÷øð ùëúúðô û ü ý þÿ ❘❘ ❡✺❑❡ ❙ ✁✂✄☎ ✆ ✺✝✞✟ ♣✠ ▼ ✡✡ ❙✂☛☎ ✆ ✶✟✝✟✟ ✠ ▼ ✡✡ ❲❡❡☞☎ ✆✡ ✽✝✟✟ ✠ ▼ ✡✡ ❯ î ✌ õî ñ ✍ ë ✎ íðï ❍ ðëí÷ ✸✏ ✑ û þÿ ❙✂☛☎ ✆ ✽✝✟✟ ✠ ▼ ✡✡ ◆✒ ❲❡❡☞☎ ✆✡ ❊ ú ✓✌ î ñ ✍ ë ✌ î÷ ✔ ëíô ✕s ❘ ▲❑❂❉ ❘❂❉ ❡✺❑❡ ûü ❂❉ ✽✺✹ þ ●✹❡❁ ❙ ✁✁✂✄❱☎✆✆✂ ✥❆✝✞☎❙✞ ❈✟ ✄❈✟ ✠✡☛☞✌✍ ✠✎✏✑✒✓✎✔✕ ✖✗✘✙✚✛✖✜✢✣✣✤✫✦✙✗✤✧ ❇★✩✤✪ ✬✤✚✭✭✪✭ ✾✮✯✰✦✱ ✬✢★✤✙✲✪✘✳✭ ✬✢✗✲✜✢✫✴✣✲✭✢★♦ ✖✪✲✵★✜✪ ✶✶✮✷✷✦✱ ❋✚❛★✤✛ ✴✣✲✭✢★♦ ✖✪✲✵★✜✪ ✻✮✷✷✸✱ ❲❡✹✺❡✼✹✽✿❀ P❁✽✿❡❁ ▼❂❃❄ ❅❉❊●✹❁❡✺❍✼ ■❊❏●❡ ❅●❑❏❄❨▲❑❂❉ ◆❁▲❑❖ ◗❀❘❘P▼ ❚ ❝❯❳❩❝❯ ❢❬❩ ②❬❳❩ ✇❯❬❭❪ ❢❫❴❵❭② ❜❊✼❊❂ ❑✼ ✽❂ s❞❣❣❤✐❥❦❧❧❤♠♥♣q❦sqrt❞✐rt✉✈✐① ãäååæç èæååéêëìíî ïðñòóñôó õö÷ øùúûüý þÿü ➲➳➵➸➺➻➼ ➽➾➵➚➪ ➶➪➹➹➘➴➷➬➺➮ ➱✃➱❐ ❒ ❮❰ÏÐ ÑÒ ÓÔÒÕÖ×Ð ØÙ ÚÛ➱ÜÚ❐ÝÜÛÚ❐Þ ❮ßÕÖÒà ➱áâ✃á ÒÏãÏ ä åæç èäéê ëì íçîïð ñò òóôôñïñðõö ôæç ìæó÷ øù úûüýþ ▲✹ ●✺✹✻✼✽ ❯✻✿❀✽✼ ▼✽❀❁❂✼✿❃❀ ❄❁❯✺❄❁ ➇❅❆❇❉ ❍❇❊■❏❑◆ ❅❆❇❉ ❖◗❉❚❑◆ ❅❆❇❉ ❚❅❅■❑❱ ✭ ✁✂✄ ❡☎✂✄ ♦✆ ❝✝✄✞ ♣♦♦✟✠ ❙✡☛☞✌✍ ✎✏✑✒✓✔✕ ✶✖✗✖✘ ✌❛ ❈✙✚✛ ✜✢✣ s✤✜✥✛ ✐✢ ✜ t✐✚✛ ✙✦ ✇✙✥s✤✐✧★ ✧✥✜✩✛✥ ✜✢✣ t✤✛ st✪✣✩ ✙✦ ●✙✣✫s ✇✙✥✣ ✇✐t✤ ✪s✉ ❲✙✥s✤✐✧ ✐✢✬✮✪✣✛s ✬✙✚✚✪✢✐✙✢ ✙✢ ✯✪✢✣✜✩✉ ✰✰✰✳✱✲✴✴✵②✷✵✴✴✸✰✹✺✻✼✳✽✺✾✿✽✺ áâã áäåæ çåèééå ê ãëìíìîâï ðñòóôõ ðö÷øøù úûüý ôþÿþ ðñòóôõ ❙ ø ♦ ÷ ✁✂ ü ✶ û ✄✶ ôþÿþ ❙✂☛☎ ✆ ✶✖✝✞✟ ♣✠ ▼ ✡✡ ◆✒ ❲❡❡☞☎ ✆✡ ❊❀✲✻✴❁ ✱✷✽✺✾✿✽✺✈❂❃❀✲✻✴✳✽✸❀ ❋❄❅❆❇ ▲❉❍■❏❉❅❑ ❮❰ÏÐ ÑÒÓÔÕÖ×Ð ❤✐❥❦✐ ØÔÒÖÙÔ ❧♠♥q❥rq t✉✈✇①✉ ÚÛÜ ÝÞßà áâãäáâå ②③④② ⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑩ ⑤❶⑥❷ ❸⑩⑨❹⑩ ❏❄❆❆❄▼❍❉❅❨ ◆❉❖❇❄❆❇ P◗❘❅P◗ ❚❯❚❱ ❚❳❩ ❬❩❭ ❪❫ ❴❵❫❜❞❢ ❣❤❥❦❧♠ ♥❤qr ①③r♠④r ⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶⑥⑨❶❷⑧⑥ ❸❹ ❺❻❹ ❼❽❹ ❾❿➀➁ ➂➃➄❹❻ ➅❹➆❻❿➇➀ ➈❿➉➊❹ ➋➌➍➎➏➐ ➋➑➒➓➓➔ → ➣↔↕↔↔ ➏➙ ➛➓➜➝➒➞➟ ➣➣↕↔↔ ➏➙ ➠➡➢➤➥➦ ➧➨➩➢➫➢➭ ➯➫➲➳➩ ➠➵➡➤➦ ➸ ➺➻➼➼ ➽➾ ➚➧➪➪➩➶➵➫➨➩ ➹➡➢➩ ➘➼➴ ➛➷➎➍➷➝➎➏➐ ➬➮➷➍➞➍➱ → ✃↕❐↔ ➟➙ ❒❮❰ÏÐÏ ÑÒÓ ÔÕÖ ×ØÖÙ ÚÛÜÚÝ ÕÔÔÒÐÙØÖÞ ßÒ ß❰Ï àÔÐØáßÓÐÏàâ ãããäåæçèéæêëìêíîïäéðç æçè éêëìíî ïíìððíñ òó ôìóõöðñ ÷ø ùúûüý þÿ ✁ úþþ ✂ ✾✄☎☎ ❛✆ ✲ ✥♦✝✞✟✠✡ ✶☎✄☎☎ ❛✆ ✲ ❋☛☞☞♦✇✞✟✠✡ ✫ ❘☛✌✝☛✞✟✍☛✎✏✞ ✶☎✄✑☎ ❛✆ ✲ ❈☞✒✞✞☛✞ P✓✔✕✖✗✘ ✙✙✙✳✚✛✜✢✣✤✦✧✤✢★✩✳✜✧✦ ③④⑤⑥⑦ ⑥⑧⑨⑨⑩❶❷❸❹ ❺⑩❸❻⑦④⑤❶ ⑥❻⑩④⑥❻ ❼❽❾❽ ❿❿➀ ➁➂ ➃➄➅➆ ➅➆ ➇➆➅➈➆ ➉➊➋ ➌➍➋ ➎➌➏➏➋➐ ➑➒ ➓➋➍➔➋→ ➣↔↕➙➛➜ ➣➝➞➟➟➠ ➡➟➢ ➛➠➠ ➛➤➥➦ ➧ ➨➩➫➫ ➛➭ ➣↔↕➙➛➜ ➯➟➢➦➞➲➳ ➵➫➩➫➫ ➛➭ ➸➛➦➺➟➢ ➻➼➽➾ ➚➪➪➾➶➹➘➘ ➴➷➬➮➱✃ ❐❒❮❰ÏÐÑ❰Ò❒❒Ï ÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜ×ÔÕÝÖÞß×àÓáÕâÙØÖÞá ❾❾❾❿➀➁➂➃➁➄➅➆➇➂➈➇➃➉➊➋➃➁❿➃➉➋ ➜➔➝➎➞➎➟ ➠➔➝➡➓➞➢ ➌➍➎➏➐➑➒ ➓➔→➔➔ ➣↔ ↕❻➙➙❽➛➀➆❹➜ ➝❽❸❸❻❻ ❼❽❾❿ ➞➞➁➟➟ ➉➊ ➠ ➡➢➤➥➦➤➧ ➨➤➩➫➭➯➦➯ ➠ ❋✗✘✙✚ ❇✛✜✚✗✙✚ ❈✢✣✘❝✢ ③❺②❻③❼❽❻③③④② ➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➌➒➓➔➔→ ❲❳❲❨ ❩❬❭ ❪❬❫❴❴❬ ❵ ❜❳❝❞❨❩❜❢ ❣❤✐❥❦❧ ♠♥ ♣❧❤rq✐s♥ t✉✈①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧②⑤① ⑨⑨⑨⑧t✉✈①②⑩✈❶②⑩⑧⑤❶✉ ❷❸❸❹❺❻ ❼❽❾❿➀➁ ➂❽➃➄➅➆❾❿ ➈➉➊➄➋❽❽➃ ➣↔↕➙ ➐➛ ➤➤↔➥➥ ➐➛ ➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➦➞➟➓➧ ➨↔➩➥ ➢➛ ➫➓➍➝➡➏➐➑ ➭➠➭➦➭ ➨↔➩➥ ➢➛ ✤✥✦✧★ ✫ ✤✩✪✥✬✭✮ ▲✯ ●✰✯✱✲✳ ✴✵✷✹✻✼✾✹✾✻✷✷ ✿❀❁❂ ❃❄❅❆ ❉■ ❏ ❑❖P◗❘ ❚◗❱❳❳❘❳ ➯➲➳➵➸➲➺➻ ➼➳➽➸➲➺ ➾➲➚ ➪➶➳➹➘➾➸➴➸➲➺ ✿❀❁❂ ❨❩❄❩❩ ❉■ ❏ ❬♦❭❳❪❖❫ ➷➬➮➱➮ ✃❐➶➸➮❒ ❴❵❛❂ ❜❄❨❆ ❞■ ❏ ❢❬❢❣❢