The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 06, 2019, Page 8, Image 8

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    ✽☛ ➋☞✞ ❖✌✄ ✆❱ ✆
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✿❘❊●❀◆ ❁◆ ❇❘❁❊❋
❂❃❄❅ ❈❉❃❍ ❃❍❏❄❃❑▲
Ex-Oregon State
student pleads guilty
in tweet-threat case
EUGENE — A former
student who threatened a
shooting at Oregon State
University has been sen-
tenced to time served and
will be on federal super-
vised release for three
The U.S. Attorney’s
▼P◗❙ ❚❯ ❱❲❙ ❳❚❨❱❩❚◗❱ ❬❭
Oregon said 23-year-
old Christopher Strahan
pleaded guilty Tuesday to
making interstate threats.
He has been in custody for
about a year.
He was also barred from
entering the campuses or
contacting the employ-
ees of OSU or Linn-Ben-
ton Community College,
where he also took classes.
Authorities were alert-
ed in February 2018 of
threatening tweets posted
by username “Hard Belly
❳❬❩❪❫❴ ❳❙❱❙◗❱❚❵❙❨ ❜❚❯❝❙❞
Strahan to the username
and arrested him.
Strahan was arrested a
year earlier for threaten-
ing a campus shooting.
He pleaded guilty to dis-
orderly conduct, and was
sentenced to 20 days in jail
and probation.
❳❢❩❚❯❣ ❨❢❥❙❩❵❚❨❙❞ ❩❙ -
lease, Strahan must follow
a treatment plan, which
his lawyer said his family
fully supports.
Oregon seeks
participants in food
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⑩❻⑤⑥❼❿ ❾⑤❺⑨❾ ④⑤➃✇③⑥❶✇⑥⑩ ⑨④✇⑥➅
❺❻✇❼❿ ❺⑨❶⑧❼❿ ⑨⑥❸ ❷⑨❻⑩t➅➄⑨❼✇❸
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❻⑥ ❼❹⑧✇③➃❻❼✇❸ ✇⑥➃❻③⑤⑥❶✇⑥⑩❼➆
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äåæçèéêç ëåì éæéíîéïîç íë éîî ðìéìçðñ òóóçôìéëóç êõéèéëìççö ÷åè åëç íëðõèéëóç ôåîíóøùóçèìíúóéìç å÷ ìûíð ìøôçñ äåëìéóì
õð ÷åè óåüôîçìç öçìéíîð éïåõì ìûíð íëðõèéëóç ðåîíóíìéìíåëñ ýûíð ðôçóíúó å÷÷çè íð ëåì éæéíîéïîç íë äþÿ ◆ ✁ óéîî ✶✂✄☎☎✂✆✝✆✂
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➩➫ ➛➤➐→➠➡➜→➠➓➡➐➭➭➭
✔✒ ✒❜✛✗✘✏t✗✒✔✜
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✦✧✧★ ✩✗✘✗t✏✛ ✗✔✲
÷øùúûüýýþøøÿ ➵➸➺➻➼➽
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ãäåå æçèäéäêèëäéåìíí
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❦❧♠♦♣ q st✇ ①③✇④⑤⑥
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❼✇✇❽❻⑥④ ❼❺t⑤⑤❾❼❿ ❺⑤❶❶❹⑥❻⑩➀
⑤③④⑨⑥❻➁⑨⑩❻⑤⑥❼ ⑨⑥❸ ➂⑨⑩❻➃✇
❧❶✇③❻❺⑨⑥ ⑩③❻➄✇❼ ⑩⑤ ⑧⑨③⑩❻❺❻➅
⑧⑨⑩✇ ❻⑥ ⑨ ❼❹❶❶✇③⑩❻❶✇ ✇❷❷⑤③⑩
⑩⑤ ⑧③⑤➃❻❸✇ ❶✇⑨❾❼ ⑨⑥❸ ❼⑥⑨❺❽❼
⑩⑤ ❺t❻❾❸③✇⑥➆
st✇ ❦⑨❾✇❶ ❦⑩⑨⑩✇❼❶⑨⑥
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⑨③✇ ❸❹✇ ❻⑥ ❧⑧③❻❾ ❷⑤③ ⑩t✇ ❦❹❶➅
❶✇③ ➈⑤⑤❸ ❦✇③➃❻❺✇ ➉③⑤④③⑨❶
⑩t⑨⑩ ❸❻❼⑩③❻➄❹⑩✇❼ ❷③✇✇❿ ⑥❹⑩③❻➅
⑩❻⑤❹❼ ❷⑤⑤❸ ⑩⑤ ❺t❻❾❸③✇⑥ ❹⑧ ⑩⑤
⑨④✇ ➊➋ ③✇④⑨③❸❾✇❼❼ ⑤❷ ⑩t✇❻③
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st✇ ❼⑩⑨⑩✇ ⑧❾⑨⑥❼ ⑩⑤ ✇➍⑧⑨⑥❸
⑩t✇ ⑤❹⑩③✇⑨❺t ✇❷❷⑤③⑩ ❻⑥ ➊➎ ⑤❷
❱❲ ❳❨❩❬❭❪❫❴❴❵❛
❣❴❤❫✐❫❛ ❪❛✉❴ ❥ ❬ ❴❦❞❥❧
✐❫❞❢❴❥❢❣❞❡❫♠ ❜ ♥ ❪❛❝❞❡❢❴❫❭❲
t✒ ✥✒✎♦✒✓t✏❜✛✣ ✏✔❛
✏✛✎✒✚t ✗✔✈✗✚✗❜✛✣ ✖✕✛♣ ✣✒❤ ✖✕✏✓ ✎✒✓✕ ✥✛✕✏✓✛✣✜ ✢✖✗✚
t✕✥✖✔✒✛✒✘✣ ✚✒✛✈✕✚ t✖✕ ✪✚t✒♣♣✕❛ ❤♣ ✕✏✓✚✪ ✏✔❛
✪✖✕✏❛ ✗✔ ✏ ❜✏✓✓✕✛✪ ✚✕✔✚✏t✗✒✔ ✚✒✎✕ ♣✕✒♣✛✕ ✕①♣✕✲
■♦ ✣✒❤ ✙✗✚✖ t✒ ♣✏✓t✗✥✗♣✏t✕✫ ✣✒❤ ✙✗✛✛ ❜✕ ✓✕✬❤✗✓✕❛
t✒ ✖✏✈✕ ✣✒❤✓ ✖✕✏✓✗✔✘ t✕✚t ✗✔ ✒❤✓ ✒♦✤✥✕ ✭✮✯✯ ✰✭
❈✳✍✮●✯ t✒ ❛✕t✕✓✎✗✔✕ ✥✏✔❛✗❛✏✥✣ ✏✔❛ ✓✕✈✗✕✙
✣✒❤✓ ✓✕✚❤✛t✚ ✙✗t✖ t✖✕ ✖✕✏✓✗✔✘ ✗✔✚t✓❤✎✕✔t✚ ✙✗t✖
st ✉✈①②③ ④①⑤⑥⑦②③ ⑧⑨⑩②③
✒❤✓ ✖✕✏✓✗✔✘ ✥✏✓✕ ✚♣✕✥✗✏✛✗✚t✜
❶✈①❷ ❸❹⑤❺❻❷❼t❽
❾❿ ➀❿➁ ➂❿❿ ➁➃➄
✗✔✚t✓❤✎✕✔t✫ ✗♦ ✣✒❤ ✚✒ ❛✕✚✗✓✕✫ ✏t ✏ t✓✕✎✕✔❛✒❤✚
➅➆➇ ➈➉➊➋➌ ➈➍➎➏➐ ➑➊ ➒➓➊➔➉➎
✍t t✖✕ ✕✔❛ ✒♦ t✖✗✚ ✕✈✏✛❤✏t✗✒✔✫ ✣✒❤ ✎✏✣ ❡✕✕♣ ✣✒❤✓
✚✏✈✗✔✘ ♦✒✓ ♣✏✓t✗✥✗♣✏t✗✔✘ ✗✔ t✖✗✚ ✤✕✛❛ t✕✚t✜ ✴♣✕✥✗✏✛
t✕✚t✗✔✘ ✙✗✛✛ ❜✕ ❛✒✔✕ t✒ ❛✕t✕✓✎✗✔✕ t✖✕ ✗✔✥✓✕✏✚✕❛
❜✕✔✕✤t✚ ✒♦ t✖✗✚ t✕✥✖✔✒✛✒✘✣✜
❛ ✭ ❡✁✂ ✄ ✐☎❡ ✆✝✞✂✟✟ ❡✠✂✡
■☛ ✥☞✌ ✍✎✏ ✍ ✑✌✒✑✓✎✔✒✏✎ ✕☞ ✤✏ ✖✒✑✏✎✈✏✎ ✥☞✌ ✓✍♥ ✗✌✎✓✘✍✑✏
✥☞✌✎ ✕✔✓②✏✕✑ ✍✕
✤✏ ✖✒✑✏✎✈✏✎ ☞✙✓✏
õö÷ø ùúûüûû ýþÿ
✤✌✎✑✉✍✥ ✚✛✜✢✣✏✉♥✏✑✉✍✥ ✚✛✦✚
❖✧★r ✩✪✪✫ ✬✮r✯ ✰✱✲✰✱✲✳✴ ❆✫✵✶✷✸★ ✬✹✸✺★✬ ✻✯r✸✮✶✼★
✹✼ ✮✹✩✮❤✽ r★✸✪✾✾★✷✫★✫✴
❇✕✔✕✤t✚ ✒♦ ✖✕✏✓✗✔✘ ✏✗❛✚ ✈✏✓✣ ❜✣ t✣♣✕ ✏✔❛
❛✕✘✓✕✕ ✒♦ ✖✕✏✓✗✔✘ ✛✒✚✚✫ ✔✒✗✚✕ ✕✔✈✗✓✒✔✎✕✔t✫
✏✥✥❤✓✏✥✣ ✒♦ ✖✕✏✓✗✔✘ t✕✚t✫ ✏✔❛ ♣✓✒♣✕✓ ✤t✜
❚✵✷✸ ✷✸ ✹ ✺✻✼✿❀❁❂❃❄ ✻❅❅✻❁❉❃✼✷❉② ❉✻ ✿❀❉❀❁❊✷✼❀ ✷❂
✵❀✹❁✷✼❋ ✵❀❄❅ ✷✸ ✹❍✹✷❄✹❏❄❀ ❂✻❁ ②✻❃❁ ✵❀✹❁✷✼❋ ❄✻✸✸
✹✼✿ ❋❀❉ ✵❀✹❁✷✼❋ ✵❀❄❅ ✹❉ ✹ ❍❀❁② ✹❂❂✻❁✿✹❏❄❀ ❅❁✷❞❀❑
▲▼▼◆P ◆◗❘❙P◆❯ ❳❩P❬❭ ❪❫ ❝ ❢❣❪✐
➃➄➅ ➆➇➈➉➊➌➅ ➍➉➈ ➎➏➐➑➒➉➓➇➏➑
➔→➣↔↕ ➙➛➛➜ ➝➞↕ ➟→➠➡↔➢↕➤➥➡➠ ➦➧➨➣➩➡➝→➧➣➫ ➞➡➭ ➯↕↕➣ ➲➠➧➳→➩→➣➵ ➞↕➡➠→➣➵ ➡→➩➭➸ ➺➧➢➢➧➻➤➨➲ ↔➡➠↕➸ ➡➣➩ ↕➩➨↔➡➝→➧➣➡➢ ➠↕➭➧➨➠↔↕➭ ➝➧
➲↕➧➲➢↕ ➻→➝➞ ➞↕➡➠→➣➵ ➢➧➭➭ ➻➞➧ ➩↕➼➧➣➭➝➠➡➝↕ ➲↕➠➭➧➣➡➢ →➣➡➯→➢→➝➽ ➝➧ ➾➣➡➣↔→➡➢➢➽ ➲➠➧➳→➩↕ ➺➧➠ ➝➞↕→➠ ➞↕➡➠→➣➵ ➞↕➡➢➝➞ ➣↕↕➩➭➚ ➪↕ ➩➧
➝➞→➭ ➯↕↔➡➨➭↕ ➻↕ ➯↕➢→↕➳↕ ↕➳↕➠➽➧➣↕ →➣ ➧➨➠ ↔➧➼➼➨➣→➝➽ ➩↕➭↕➠➳↕➭ ➶➨➡➢→➝➽ ➞↕➡➠→➣➵ →➣➭➝➠➨➼↕➣➝➭➚
➶➹➘ ➴ ➹➷
➱✃❐❒❮❰Ï ÐÑÒ
ÞÖßàÔ❮❰ áâáÖ❒áã❒Ô ×Õ❒ÖÕÔÏ äääåæØáÕ✃ÔØ×Õ✃Ô❰çèéê×Õçå×Øæ
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❙❄❡❅✐❆❉◆❋t✐❅❡❙t❆t❡❍■❄❉❋♣❡❡❏ ❪❪❪❘❫❘r②
➹➘➴➷➬➮➱ ✃❐❒➬➷➴ ➹❒➮❒➴ ❮❰➘➱❐Ï➴➴Ð
þÿ ● ÿ ✁✂✄
❇ ÿ ✥✄ ❈✦✧★
☎☎☎ ✆✝✞ ✟✠✡☛☛✠
✩✘✩☎ ✪✌✫✬✭✎✮✠✯✎ ✰✱☛✲
☞✌ ✍✡✌✎✏☛✑ ✒✓ ✔✕✖✗✘ ✳✌✴☛✡ ✵✭✠✶✑ ✒✓ ✔✕✖☎✷
✄✁✧✄ ❊ ✦✼✄
✽✘✾ ✿☛✏✭❀✌✝ ❁✌✡✴❂✌✶
✆✎✠☛✡❃✡✭✫☛✑ ✒✓ ✔✕✖✩✖
íîïîð ñï òóôîóõ öð÷ øøøùúîûöüôõýõöûùüòú
⑤♥❶❧s♥⑨qq❦❦⑧✉⑨q✇④⑥ ❥❦❧♠♥qr ❸♥⑧✉⑧⑨q⑨s♠❦✉s⑨♠❦q❧s⑦♠❧✇❹❦❧♠♥qr⑥ ❺q⑧♥❻♥⑧⑦❧✇ ❦❼❷❦♠♥❦q❶❦✉③♥✇✇ ❻❧♠④⑧❦❷❦q⑧♥qr ⑨q ✉❦❻❦♠♥s④⑨⑤
❶⑨q⑧♥s♥⑨q⑤⑨♠❧⑤⑦✇✇ ❦❻❧✇⑦❧s♥⑨q
♠❦⑤⑦q⑧⑥ ❾④ ⑨⑦♠❿⑨q✉⑦✇s❧qs❽❷♠⑨❷❦♠⑤♥s❽❧q⑧ s❹❦❧❾♥✇♥s④ s⑨❧⑧➀⑦✉s❧⑩❷✇♥⑤♥❶❧s♥⑨q⑥❺⑤ ④⑨⑦ ❧♠❦q⑨s❶⑨⑩❷✇❦s❦✇④✉❧s♥✉⑤♥❦⑧❽s❹❦❧♥⑧✉⑩⑦✉s❾❦♠❦s⑦♠q❦⑧ ③♥s❹♥q ➁➂⑧❧④✉⑨⑤ s❹❦❶⑨⑩❷✇❦s♥⑨q ⑨⑤⑤♥ss♥qr❽♥q ✉❧s♥✉⑤❧❶s⑨♠④