❲ ✁✂ ✄✁❆❨✱ ☎❆✆✝✞ ✟✱ ✠✡✶✾ ❚✞ ☛☞✄ ✆❱ ✆ ✌ ✸✍ LOCAL Þßàáâãßäå Benjamin M. Boswell æçèéêèëì çí îçïêðñ òóôõö÷øòó Benjamin Mack Boswell, 72, formerly of Joseph, died Feb. 23 in Spokane, Washington. A celebration of his life will be held at 2 p.m. March 9 at the high school gym in Joseph, fol- lowed by a potluck social in the cafeteria. Friends ùúû ùüýûþ ÿ ✁ ú ✂✄☎ ✆✄☎ ûú foods and memories of Ben to share. Ben was born Jan. 24, 1947, in Boise, Idaho, the only child of Gene Cor- win and Mary Elizabeth (Dawson) Boswell. He was raised in Joseph and was an Eagle Scout. He gradu- ated from Joseph High School as valedictorian of the class of 1965. Ben attended Wil- lamette University and graduated from the Uni- versity of Oregon in 1970 with a BA. He married his lifelong friend and college sweetheart, Claudia Lynn Wilson, on Aug. 2, 1969. Ben taught junior high and high school math and sci- ence in Long Creek, Ma- dras and Joseph for a total of 20 years. In 1992, Ben began ÿ ✝ û ✆ úüÿ ✞ ✞ ✟ ú ÿûú ✠ ü ùü Wallowa County Com- missioner. During his third term, he served as president of the Oregon Association of Counties. Always active in the com- munity, Ben rose to local and state leadership roles in the United Methodist Church, the Grange and the Masonic Lodge. He was also a member of the Wallowa County Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and the Order of Eastern Star. Ben was raised in a musi- cal family and, with Claudia, played in school and com- munity bands and sang in school, church and commu- nity choirs wherever they lived. He also participated in school and community theater productions. Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Claudia; children and spouses, Cory and Kelly Boswell of Bozeman, Montana, and Candy and David Casteal of Spokane, Washington; and three grandchildren. ✡✄ ☛✂ û ✟ ✞ ☞ ✌ ûúü ✍ ✠ û - morial donations may be made to the Ben Boswell Memorial Fund at www. wallowaresources.org. Charles N. Hewitt ■ ïë ✎✏✑ ✒✓✔ ì Charles Nelson Hewitt, 83, of Island City, died Feb. 27 at Grande Ronde Hospi- tal. No services are planned at this time. An obituary is forthcoming. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crema- tory will be handling the arrangements. An obituary is forthcom- ing. Floyd A. Knight ▲✎ ✕ è ✎✏✑ ê Floyd Arlen Knight, 88, of La Grande, died March 4 at a local care facility. An obituary is forthcom- ing. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory will be handling the arrange- ments. Darleen L. (Young) Hendon ▲✎ ✕ è ✎✏✑ ê òóôõö÷øòó Darleen Lou Hendon, 71, of La Grande, died March 1 at a local care facility. A viewing will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 7 at Loveland Funeral Chapel. A funeral service will begin at 10 a.m. March 8 at the La Grande First Christian Church. A short graveside service will follow, after which a meal will be held at the First Christian Church. Darleen was born March 7, 1947, in Grand Junction, Colorado, to Lawrence and Evelyn (Gardiner) Young. In junior high school, Dar- leen moved with her family to Afton, Wyoming, where she graduated from Star Valley High School. After marrying George Hen- don on Jan. 6, 1969, they moved to Graysville, Ten- nessee, for about one year. The couple returned to Af- ton, Wyoming, for a short period before moving to the Grande Ronde Valley in 1971, eventually settling in La Grande in 1976. Darleen was employed along the way at the Star Valley Hospital in Wyo- ming, Rhea County Me- morial Hospital in Ten- nessee and ultimately the La Grande Observer, from which she retired. She also volunteered with the San- ta Mall, local 4-H clubs and for countless activities involving her children and grandchildren. Darleen was an avid yard saler and attended and as- sisted with local auctions. She enjoyed playing bingo and followed the Port- land Trail blazers, Oregon Ducks and Atlanta Braves. Survivors include her children and their spous- es, Clay and Kathy Hendon of Kennewick, Washing- ton, Roxanne and Butch Stephens of La Grande, Miles and Trudy Hendon of La Grande, and Jeremy Hendon of Washington, D.C.; sisters and broth- ers-in-law, Colleen and Jim Jenson of Goodyear, Arizona, and Eileen and Alan Boss of Grand Junc- tion, Colorado; brother and sister-in-law, Clark and Maureen Young of Cheyenne, Wyoming; six ÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×Ô ØÔÑ× ÙÑÕÚ ÛÜÑÚÚÝ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ➀❺⑩❿ ➁⑩❽➂ ❾❿➨➒ ⑩❿➐ ⑩➝↔⑩↕➂ ❸⑩➢❾❿➨ ➃➅⑩➂➂➈ ➉❽➊➋ ➍⑩ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺➒ ➜➊➋➣⑩➂➂❾➊❿ ➉➊❽ ❷❸➊➂❺ ➓→ ➣⑩➂➂❺➐ ⑩↔⑩↕ ⑩❷ ➂➙❿➛ ⑩❽➊➙❿➐ ❸❺❽➦ ➂❺❷ ↔❾❷❸ ❸❺❽ ❷❸❽❺❺ ➜❸❾➝➛ ➡➂ ⑩ ➜⑩❽❾❿➨ ➋➊❷❸❺❽ ➐❽❺❿ ❿❺⑩❽➞↕ ➊❿ ➟❽❾➐⑩↕➒ ⑩❿➐ ➉⑩❾❷❸➉➙➝ ⑦❸❽❾➂❷❾⑩❿➒ ➟❺➞❽➙⑩❽↕ ➠➠➒ ⑩❷ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ➝➊➢❺➐ ➎➊➐ ⑩❿➐ ➡➐➢❺❿❷❾➂❷ ➤❺➐❾➜⑩➝ ➉⑩➋❾➝↕ ➋➊❽❺ ❷❸⑩❿ ⑩❿↕➛ ⑦❺❿❷❺❽ ❾❿ ➥➊❽❷➝⑩❿➐➒ ➓→➦ ❷❸❾❿➨ ❾❿ ❷❸❺ ↔➊❽➝➐➦ ➅❸❺ ➧❸❺ ➐⑩➙➨❸❷❺❽ ➊➉ ➓❽❾❿ ❾❿➂❷❾➝➝❺➐ ❷❸❺ ➝➊➢❺ ➊➉ ➎➊➐ ⑩❿➐ ➀➊⑩❿❿⑩ ➅⑩➂➂➒ ❾❿❷➊ ❷❸❺ ❸❺⑩❽❷➂ ➊➉ ❸❺❽ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ➨❽❺↔ ➙➣ ❾❿ ❷❸❺ ➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿➒ ⑩❿➐ ➂❸➊↔❺➐ ➉⑩❽➋ ⑩❿➐ ➜⑩❷❷➝❺ ➜➊➙❿❷❽↕ ❷❸❺➋ ➞↕ ❺➽⑩➋➣➝❺ ❸➊↔ ❷➊ ➊➉ →❾➜❸➝⑩❿➐➒ ➓→➦ ➅❸❺ ➝➊➢❺ ⑩❿➐ ➂❺❽➢❺ ➣❺➊➣➝❺ ↔⑩➂ ➣❽➊➙➐ ➊➉ ❸❺❽ ❽➊➊❷➂ ↔❺➝➝➦ ➅❸❺ ➣❽⑩↕❺➐ ➜➊❿❷❾❿➙➛ ⑩❿➐ ➜➊❿❷❾❿➙⑩➝➝↕ ➂❸⑩❽❺➐ ⑩➝➝↕ ➉➊❽ ❸❺❽ ➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿➒ ➉⑩➋➛ ↔❾❷❸ ❸❺❽ ➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿ ⑩➞➊➙❷ ❾➝↕➒ ➉❽❾❺❿➐➂➒ ➜➊↔➊❽➯❺❽➂➒ ❷❸❺ ⑩➋⑩➩❾❿➨ ➣❺➊➣➝❺ ⑩❿➐ ➢⑩➝➝❺↕ ➊➉ ❷❸❺❾❽ ➝❾❿➛ ➂❷➙➐❺❿❷➂➒ ⑩❿➐ ⑩➜➪➙⑩❾❿❷⑩❿➜❺➂➒ ⑩❿➐ ➂❸❺ ↔⑩❿❷❺➐ ❺⑩➨❺➦ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ➨❽⑩➐➙⑩❷❺➐ ❸❾➨❸ ➂➜❸➊➊➝ ⑩➂ ❺➢❺❽↕➊❿❺ ❷➊ ➯❿➊↔ ➊➉ ➎➊➐➵➂ ➝➊➢❺ ➉➊❽ ❷❸❺➋➦ ➢⑩➝❺➐❾➜❷➊❽❾⑩❿ ➉❽➊➋ ➎❺➋ ➅❷⑩❷❺ ➡➜⑩➐❺➋↕ ❾❿ ➅❸❺ ↔⑩➂ ➜➊➋➋➙❿❾➜⑩❷❾❿➨➒ ➝➊➢❾❿➨ ❸❺❽ ➉⑩➋➛ ⑦⑩➝➐↔❺➝➝➒ ➫➭➦ ➅❸❺ ↔⑩➂ ➯❿➊↔❿ ➉➊❽ ❸❺❽ ⑩❷❸➛ ❾➝↕➒ ⑩❿➐ ➞❺❾❿➨ ↔❾❷❷↕ ❽❾➨❸❷ ➙➣ ➙❿❷❾➝ ❷❸❺ ➢❺❽↕ ➝❺❷❾➜❾➂➋ ⑩❿➐ ↔➊❿ ➋⑩❿↕ ❷❽⑩➜➯ ⑩❿➐ ➉❾❺➝➐ ❺❿➐➦ ➅❸❺ ➂❷⑩↕❺➐ ↔❾❷❸ ❸❺❽ ❺➝➐❺➂❷ ➐⑩➙➨❸❷❺❽ ❺➢❺❿❷➂ ❾❿ ➂➜❸➊➊➝➦ ➅❸❺ ❷❸❺❿ ↔❺❿❷ ➊❿ ❷➊ ➭⑩❿⑩ ➐➙❽❾❿➨ ❷❸❺ ➝⑩➂❷ ➂❺➢❺❽⑩➝ ↔❺❺➯➂ ➊➉ ➝❾➉❺➦ ➲⑩➂❷❺❽❿ ➓❽❺➨➊❿ ➳❿❾➢❺❽➂❾❷↕ ↔❸❺❽❺ ➂❸❺ ➶❸❾➝❺ ❷❸❺❽❺➒ ➂❸❺ ↔➊➙➝➐ ❸⑩➢❺ ➀⑩➜➯ ⑩❿➐ ➍➙➜↕➒ ❺⑩❽❿❺➐ ⑩ ➁⑩➜❸❺➝➊❽➵➂ ➭❺➨❽❺❺ ❾❿ ➥➂↕➜❸➊➝➊➨↕➦ ❸❺❽ ❸❾➨❸➛➂➜❸➊➊➝➛⑩➨❺➐ ➨❽⑩❿➐➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿➒ ➜➊➋❺ ➟❽➊➋ ❷❸❺ ❷❾➋❺ ➂❸❺ ↔⑩➂ ⑩ ↕➊➙❿➨ ➜❸❾➝➐ ➙❿❷❾➝ ❷➊ ❸❺❽ ❽➊➊➋ ➂➊ ➂❸❺ ➜➊➙➝➐ ➂❺❺ ↔❸⑩❷ ❷❸❺↕ ❽❺➜❺❿❷ ➋➊❿❷❸➂➒ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ↔⑩➂ ➋➊➂❷ ⑩❷ ❸➊➋❺ ↔❺❽❺ ↔❺⑩❽❾❿➨➒ ⑩❿➐ ❷❸❺❿ ➂❸❺ ↔➊➙➝➐ ➂⑩↕ ⑩❿➐ ➋➊➂❷ ❸❺❽➂❺➝➉ ❾❿ ❷❸❺ ➜➝⑩➂➂❽➊➊➋➦ ➅❸❺ ⑩➝➂➊➒ ❷❸❾❿➨➂ ➝❾➯❺ ➹➓❸ ❷❸⑩❷➵➂ ➂➊ ➜➊➊➝➘ ➧❸⑩❷➵➂ ❾❿ ❸⑩➐ ⑩ ➂➣❺➜❾⑩➝ ➨❾➉❷ ➉➊❽ ↔➊❽➯❾❿➨ ↔❾❷❸ ➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿➦ ➂❷↕➝❺ ❾❿ ➍⑩ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺➒ ❷➊➊➦➴ ➭➙❽❾❿➨ ❸❺❽ ➉❾❿⑩➝ ➅❸❺ ↔➊❽➯❺➐ ❾❿ ➍⑩ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺ ➅➜❸➊➊➝➂ ➉➊❽ ➊➢❺❽ ❸➊➙❽➂➒ ➂❸❺ ⑩➂➯❺➐ ❸❺❽ ➐⑩➙➨❸❷❺❽ ➡➂❸➝❺❾➨❸ ❷➊ ➠➸ ↕❺⑩❽➂➒ ⑩❿➐ ➂❸❺ ➝➊➢❺➐ ❷➊ ➝❺⑩❽❿➒ ❽❺⑩➐➒ ➣❽⑩↕➦ ➡➂❸➝❺❾➨❸ ❽❺➂➣➊❿➐❺➐ ❷❸⑩❷ ➂❸❺➵➂ ❿➊❷ ⑩➂ ❷❺⑩➜❸➒ ➋❺❿❷➊❽➒ ⑩❿➐ ❺❿➜➊➙❽⑩➨❺ ➂❷➙➐❺❿❷➂➦ ➫❿ ➨➊➊➐ ⑩❷ ➣❽⑩↕❾❿➨ ⑩➂ ❸❺❽ ➊➝➐❺❽ ➞❽➊❷❸❺❽ ⑩❿➐ ➠➸➺➻➒ ➂❸❺ ↔➊❿ ❷❸❺ ⑦❽↕➂❷⑩➝ ➡➣➣➝❺ ➡↔⑩❽➐ ⑩❿➐ ➂❾➂❷❺❽➒ ➞➙❷ ❷❸❺❿ ➣❽➊➜❺❺➐❺➐ ❷➊ ➐➊ ❸❺❽ ➞❺➂❷➦ ↔⑩➂ ❽❺➜➊➨❿❾➩❺➐ ⑩➋➊❿➨ ❸❺❽ ➣❺❺❽➂ ➉➊❽ ➊➙❷➛ ➡➞➊➙❷ ➊❿❺ ➋❾❿➙❷❺ ❾❿❷➊ ❷❸❺ ➣❽⑩↕❺❽➒ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ➂❷⑩❿➐❾❿➨ ↔➊❽➯ ↔❾❷❸ ➂❷➙➐❺❿❷➂➦ ➂⑩❾➐➒ ➹➫ ➐❾➐❿➵❷ ➋❺⑩❿ ➊➙❷ ➝➊➙➐➦➴ ➫❿ ❸❺❽ ❺➝❺➋❺❿❷➒ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ↔➊➙➝➐ ➞❺ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ➀❺⑩❿ ➁⑩❽➂ ➃➅⑩➂➂➈ ❾➂ ➂➙❽➢❾➢❺➐ ➉➊➙❿➐ ↔❾❷❸ ➉⑩➋❾➝↕ ⑩❿➐ ➉❽❾❺❿➐➂ ❸❾➯❾❿➨ ❾❿ ❷❸❺ ➞↕ ❸❺❽ ➐⑩➙➨❸❷❺❽ ➭⑩❿⑩ ➤➊➊➐↕ ⑩❿➐ ❸❺❽ ❸➙➂➛ ➲➝➯❸➊❽❿➂ ⑩❿➐ ➲⑩➨➝❺ ⑦⑩➣➂➒ ➣❾➜❿❾➜➯❾❿➨ ⑩❷ ➞⑩❿➐ ➭➊❿⑩➝➐ ➤➊➊➐↕➒ ➂➊❿ ➁➝⑩➯❺ ➁⑩❽➂ ⑩❿➐ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ⑦❽❺❺➯➒ ➉➝➊⑩❷❾❿➨ ➊❿ ➼⑩❿ ➥⑩❷❷❺❿ ❸❾➂ ↔❾➉❺ ➤❾➂❷↕ ➁⑩❽➂➒ ➐⑩➙➨❸❷❺❽ ➡➂❸➝❺❾➨❸ ➍⑩➯❺➒ ➣➝⑩↕❾❿➨ ❾❿ ➲⑩➨➝❺ ⑦❽❺❺➯ ⑩❷ ➁➊➙➝➐❺❽ ➁⑩❽➂ ⑩❿➐ ❸❺❽ ➉❾⑩❿➜➷ ➤⑩❷❷❸❺↔ ➬➊➙❿➨➮ ❸❺❽ ➥⑩❽➯➒ ➞❾❽➐ ↔⑩❷➜❸❾❿➨ ⑩❷ ➍⑩➐➐ ➤⑩❽➂❸➒ ➣➝⑩↕❾❿➨ ➨❽⑩❿➐➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿ ➀⑩➜➯ ➤➊➊➐↕➒ ➍➙➜↕ ➤➊➊➐↕ ➂➣➊❽❷➂➒ ➨➊❾❿➨ ➊❿ ➂➜❺❿❾➜ ➐❽❾➢❺➂ ❷➊ ➢❾❺↔ ❷❸❺ ⑩❿➐ →❺❾➐ ➁⑩❽➂➮ ❸❺❽ ➞❽➊❷❸❺❽ ➭⑩➢❾➐ ➅⑩➂➂ ⑩❿➐ ➝⑩❿➐➂➜⑩➣❺ ⑩❿➐ ↔❾➝➐➝❾➉❺➒ ➂↔❾➋➋❾❿➨ ⑩❷ ⑦➊➢❺ ➂❾➂❷❺❽ ➱⑩❿➜↕ ➤➊❽❽❾➂➊❿➮ ❸❺❽ ❿❾❺➜❺➂ ➤❺➨⑩❿ ➥➊➊➝➒ ❾❿ ❸❺❽ ➞⑩➜➯ ↕⑩❽➐ ❸➊➂❷❾❿➨ ➣⑩❽❷❾❺➂ ⑩❿➐ ➱❺➙❸⑩❽❷❸ ⑩❿➐ ➡➞➞↕ ➤➊❽❽❾➂➊❿➒ ⑩❿➐ ❿❺➣❸❺↔➂ ➣➝⑩↕❾❿➨ ➨⑩➋❺➂➒ ↔⑩❷➜❸❾❿➨ ❷❸❺ ➅❺⑩❸⑩↔➯➂➒ ➍➙➜⑩➂ ➅⑩➂➂➒ ➡➙➂❷❾❿ ➅⑩➂➂➒ ➧↕➝❺❽ ➅⑩➂➂ ⑩❿➐ ➨➊❾❿➨ ❷❸❽➊➙➨❸ ➐❽❾➢❺➛❷❸❽➙➂ ⑩❷ ⑩ ➋➊➋❺❿❷➵➂ ⑦⑩❽➂➊❿ ➅⑩➂➂➦ ❿➊❷❾➜❺ ❷➊ ➞➙↕ ➐❽❾❿➯➂ ⑩❿➐ ❷❽❺⑩❷➂ ➉➊❽ ❺➢❺❽↕➊❿❺➒ ➡ ⑦❺➝❺➞❽⑩❷❾➊❿ ➊➉ ➍❾➉❺ ➉➊❽ ⑦⑩❷❸❺❽❾❿❺ ↔❾➝➝ ➣➊➂❷❾❿➨ ➣❾➜➂ ➊➉ ❸❺❽ ➯❾➐➂ ⑩❿➐ ➨❽⑩❿➐➯❾➐➂ ➊❿ ➞❺ ❸❺➝➐ ⑩❷ ❷❸❺ ➥❽❺➂➞↕❷❺❽❾⑩❿ ➟❽❾❺❿➐➂❸❾➣ ➟⑩➜❺➞➊➊➯➒ ❷❺➽❷❾❿➨ ❸❺❽ ➜❸❾➝➐❽❺❿ ⑩❷ ⑩❿ ⑩➝⑩❽➋➛ ⑦❺❿❷❺❽ ➊❿ ➅⑩❷➙❽➐⑩↕➒ ➤⑩❽➜❸ ✃ ⑩❷ ❐➣➋➦ ➧❸❺ ❾❿➨ ❽⑩❷❺ ⑩❿➐ ➯❺❺➣❾❿➨ ❺➢❺❽↕➊❿❺ ❾❿ ❷❸❺ ➝➊➊➣➒ ➂❺❽➢❾➜❺ ⑩❿➐ ➋❺⑩➝ ↔❾➝➝ ➞❺ ❸➊➂❷❺➐ ➞↕ ❺❿➾➊↕❾❿➨ ⑩❿➐ ❿➙❽❷➙❽❾❿➨ ❸❺❽ ➜⑩❷➂➒ ➞➙↕❾❿➨ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺→➲➡⑦➚ ➤❾❿❾➂❷❽❾❺➂ ➊➉ ➍⑩ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺➦ ➋➊❽❺ ➉➊➊➐ ⑩❿➐ ➨❾➉❷➂ ❷❸⑩❿ ➂❸❺ ➜➊➙➝➐ ⑩➉➉➊❽➐ ➭➊❿⑩❷❾➊❿➂ ❷➊↔⑩❽➐ ❷❸❾➂ ❺➢❺❿❷ ↔❾➝➝ ➞❺ ⑩➜➜❺➣❷➛ ➉➊❽ ❸➊➝❾➐⑩↕➂ ⑩❿➐ ➞❾❽❷❸➐⑩↕ ➣⑩❽❷❾❺➂➒ ❽❺⑩➐❾❿➨ ❺➐ ⑩❷ ❷❸❺ ➐➊➊❽ ➊❽ ➋⑩❾➝❺➐ ➐❾❽❺➜❷➝↕ ❷➊ ❸❺❽ ➁❾➞➝❺ ⑩❿➐ ➐❺➢➊❷❾➊❿➂➒ ⑩❿➐ ❷⑩➝➯❾❿➨ ❷➊ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺→➲➡⑦➚ ➤❾❿❾➂❷❽❾❺➂ ❷➊ ⑩➐➐❽❺➂➂ ➞❺➝➊↔➦ ➎➊➐➦ ➁➙❷ ➋➊➂❷ ➊➉ ⑩➝➝➒ ➂❸❺ ➾➙➂❷ ➝➊➢❺➐ ➞❺❾❿➨ ➫➉ ↕➊➙ ❸⑩➢❺ ⑩❿↕ ➪➙❺➂❷❾➊❿➂ ➣➝❺⑩➂❺ ➜⑩➝➝ ↔❾❷❸ ➯❾➐➂ ⑩❿➐ ➨❽⑩❿➐➯❾➐➂ ❿➊ ➋⑩❷❷❺❽ ↔❸⑩❷ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺→➲➡⑦➚ ➐❾❽❺➜❷➝↕➦ ❷❸❺↕ ↔❺❽❺ ➐➊❾❿➨➦ ➚❺❽ ❺❿❷❾❽❺ ➝❾➉❺➒ ➂❸❺ ↔⑩➂ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺→➲➡⑦➚ ➤❾❿❾➂❷❽❾❺➂➒ ➥➓ ➁➊➽ ❸⑩❽➐ ↔➊❽➯❾❿➨➒ ❺❿❺❽➨❺❷❾➜➒ ➜❽❺⑩❷❾➢❺➒ ➉➙❿➛➝➊➢➛ ❒➸➸➠➒ ➍⑩ ➎❽⑩❿➐❺➒ ➓→ ✃➻❮❰➸➒ ❰❐➺➛➻❮Ï➛Ï➻❒➸ grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; and 26 nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, George; parents, Lawrence and Ev- elyn; and brother, Derald Young. Online condolences may be made to the family at www.lovelandfuneralcha- pel.com. George ‘Sherman’ VanCleave Jr. ❇✎✖ êè ✒✓✔ ì George “Sherman” Van- Cleave Jr., 76, of Baker City, died Feb. 19 near Unity. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. April 13 at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds in Redmond. Arrangements are under the direction of Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Cha- pel of Baker City. To light a candle in memory of Sher- man, or to leave a condo- lence for the family, visit www.grayswestco.com. An obituary is forthcom- ing. Robert C. Shelton ❯✏✓ ç ✏ òó÷ôö÷øòó Robert Chesley Shelton, 94, of Union, died Feb. 28. A funeral will be held at 11 a.m. March 11 at the Union Methodist Church. Ar- rangements are under the direction of Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Crema- tion & Life Cel- ebration Center. Known as Bob, he was born in 1924 in Wallowa. Sports were a big part of his early life. He met Averil Jean Harris from Cove at the Wallowa Lake skating rink when she was a sophomore and he was a junior in high school. Bob commuted the distance from Wallowa to Cove during their courtship, and they were married Dec. 27, 1942. Bob was drafted into the U.S. Army. After basic training in Texas, he landed at Omaha Beach in Normandy. He drove a supply truck and barely es- ✗ ù ✘ ûþ ù ✆ úû ✙ ✚✞ ÿûú ÿ ✝ û ✌ ùú ✍ Bob and Averil bought a farm in Union, which they owned and farmed until 1958. In order to support his family, Bob also worked in lumber. In 1958, they built a home in Union, where they lived until Averil passed in 2011. Bob spent his last years in Jodi George’s foster care. Bob was a longtime vol- unteer at the Union Meth- odist Church, helping with repairs like putting on a new roof and distribut- ing food to the needy. He especially enjoyed meal gatherings at the church and would make sure to get large helpings of what- ever dish Averil prepared. Bob was known for his love of the outdoors and ✝ û û ✄✛ ✜ ûþ ✆ ü ✝✂✄☎✍ ✝✟✄ ÿ - ing, gathering wood and camping. Although Bob and Averil only had high school educations, they valued education and pri- oritized college degrees for their children. Bob’s life lessons and legacy were that your word is your bond and to respect oth- ers’ property. Survivors include his children and their spous- es, Ken and Rhonda Shel- ton of La Grande and Con- nie and Lloyd Weaver of West Lafayette, Indiana; six grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife of 68 years, Averil. ✡✄ ☛✂ û ✟ ✞ ☞ ✌ ûúü ✍ ✠ û - morial contributions may be made to the Bobcat Foundation. Tanna J. Williams ❯✏✓ ç ✏ Tanna Jean Williams, 69, of Union, died March 3 at her residence. A viewing will be held from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. March 9 at Love- land Funeral Chapel in La Grande, followed by a graveside service at 11 a.m. at the Victorian Cemetery in Union. The family pre- fers casual dress. A recep- tion and meal will be held after the graveside service at the Union VFW Hall. An obituary is forthcoming. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory is handling the arrangements. Andrew Pinard æçèéêèëì çí ▲✎ ✕ è ✎✏✑ ê Andrew “Andy” Pi- nard, 43, of Oxbow, died Feb. 17. A memorial gather- ing will be held March 15 at Wild Bills in Halfway, with a social hour at 5 p.m. and a celebration of his life at 6 p.m. Arrangements are en- trusted to Tami’s Pine Val- ley Funeral Home & Cre- mation Services of Halfway. An obituary is forthcom- ing. Local funerals and visitations ❚✢✣ ✤✥✦✣✧★✣✧ ✩✪✥✫✬✦✢✣✦ ♦✥✬✭✪✮✧✬✣✦ ✭✢✮✭ ✯♦✰✱♦✧✲ ✭♦ ✬✭✦ ♦✥✬✭✪✮✧t ✩♦✫✬✯t ✮✭ ✰♦ ✯♦✦✭♥ ✤✥✬✭✪✮✧✬✣✦ ✲✪✦✭ ✥✣ ✪✰❜✣✧ ✳✴✵ ✶♦✧❜✦ ✮✰❜ ✮✧✣ ✣❜✬✭✣❜ ✱♦✧ ✰✣✶✦✩✮✩✣✧ ✦✭t✫✣♥ ✷✮✬❜ ✮❜★✣✧✭✬✦✬✰✸ ✦✩✮✯✣ ✬✦ ✮✫✦♦ ✮★✮✬✫✮✥✫✣ ✱♦✧ ✭✢♦✦✣ ✶✢♦ ✶✮✰✭ ✮❜❜✬✭✬♦✰✮✫ ✬✰✱♦✧✲✮✭✬♦✰ ✬✰✯✫✪❜✣❜♥ ❋♦✧ ✲♦✧✣ ✬✰✱♦✧✲✮✭✬♦✰✹ ✯✮✫✫❚✢✣ ✤✥✦✣✧★✣✧ ✮✭ ✴✳✺✻✼✽✾✻✾✺✽✺♥ ❏❑❞▲ ▼❑t❝◆❖P◗❘P ❙❯r❳❖P◗ ✤✦✕✎✦✒✏ ✪✘✗ ✳✴✵✴ ❈ ★✙✩✒✎✦✒✏ ✪✫✗ ✪✚✳✴ ✤✎✢✏ ✑✙✒✓✔✕✖✗ ✘✚✗ ✛✜ ✥✙✦✹✙✲ ✣✕✔✛✕✗ ✥✦✖✖✙✢ ✦✧✦✏ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✦✖ ✔✕✹✒✙✢✔✩✯✏ ★✙✩✒✎✦✒✏ ✪✫✬✭ ✔✕ ✭✙✒ ✢✔✰✙✒✖✙ ✔✕ ✭✙✒ ✬✦✯✙✕✬✖ ✭✛✮✙ ✖✎✒✒✛✎✕✢✙✢ ✩✏ ✦✕✢ ✦✩✔✯✔✬✔✙✖✲ ❂✙✒✙ ✯✛✰✙✢ ✛✕✙✖✲ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✦✖ ✩✛✒✕ ✧✦✖ ✕✙✰✙✒ ✦ ✬✔✮✙ ✖✭✙ ✤✦✕✎✦✒✏ ✪✘✬✭✗ ✳✴✵✴✗ ✔✕ ✷✦ ✙✕✬✙✒✬✦✔✕✙✢ ✬✭✙ ✬✭✛✎❶✭✬ ➄✒✦✕✢✙ ✬✛ ✤✙✦✕ ✦✕✢ ✷✛✧✙✯✯ ✬✭✦✬ ✖✛✮✙✬✭✔✕❶ ✖✭✙ ➑✎✬✹✭✔✕✖✛✕✲ ➑✙✒ ✩✔✒✬✭ ✧✦✖ ✧✦✕✬✙✢ ✬✛ ✢✛ ✹✛✎✯✢ ✕✛✬ ✜✛✯✯✛✧✙✢ ✩✏ ✬✭✙ ✩✔✒✬✭✖ ✛✜ ✩✙ ✢✛✕✙✲ ❋✜ ✖✭✙ ✹✛✎✯✢✕❀✬ ✬✭✒✙✙ ✖✔✖✬✙✒✖✺ ✑✦✬✖✏ ➑✦✕✢ ✛✜ ➌❶✎✒✙ ✔✬ ✛✎✬ ✦✕✢ ✢✛ ⑨✎❶✙✕✙ ✻✒✙❶✛✕✗ ✼✦✒✩✦✒✦ ✔✬ ✭✙✒✖✙✯✜✗ ✖✭✙ ✜✛✎✕✢ ❹✏✯✙✒ ✛✜ ✣✕✔✛✕✗ ✦✕✢ ✽✔✦✕✙ ✖✛✮✙✛✕✙ ✧✭✛ ✹✛✎✯✢✲✲ ❻✔✕✖✯✙✏ ✛✜ ✣✕✔✛✕✲ ✤✎✢✏ ✿✭✙ ✧✦✕✬✙✢ ✬✛ ✯✙✦✒✕ ✯✔✰✙✢ ✭✙✒ ✯✔✜✙ ✔✕ ✣✕✔✛✕ ✖✥✦✕✔✖✭ ✖✛ ✖✭✙ ✧✙✕✬ ✬✛ ❼✛✎✕✬✏✲ ✿✭✙ ✦✬✬✙✕✢✙✢ ✼✦✓✙✒ ❼✔✬✏ ✜✛✒ ✧✙✙✓✯✏ ✖✹✭✛✛✯ ✔✕ ✣✕✔✛✕ ✦✕✢ ✹✯✦✖✖✙✖✲ ❶✒✦✢✎✦✬✙✢ ✜✒✛✮ ⑨✦✖✬✙✒✕ ✿ ✭✙ ✧✦✖ ✦ ✬✦✯✙✕✬✙✢ ❩❬❭❪➆❫ ❴❵❛❛❵❜ ✻✒✙❶✛✕ ✣✕✔✰✙✒✖✔✬✏ ✧✔✬✭ ✦ ✦✒✬✔✖✬ ✦✕✢ ✥✦✔✕✬✙✢ ✔✕ ➇❡❢❣ ❤✐❥❦❤ ❧✐ ❣♠♥♦ ♦♣♦q②❧s❥❦❤ ✼✦✹✭✙✯✛✒❀✖ ✢✙❶✒✙✙✲ ✤✎✢✏ ✭✦✢ ✖✙✰✙✒✦✯ ✮✙✢✔✎✮✖✲ ✿✭✙ ♠q✐✉❦✈ ❣♦ ✇♦♠✉❧❥①✉③ ♠❦✈ ❧s♠❧ ④❥③③ ✬✧✛ ✥✒✙✰✔✛✎✖ ✮✦✒✒✔✦❶✙✖ ✙●✥✒✙✖✖✙✢ ✭✙✒ ✦✒✬✔✖✬✔✹ ✇♦ ❣② ③❥①♦⑤⑥ ✩✙✜✛✒✙ ✖✭✙ ✮✦✒✒✔✙✢ ✽✦✯✙ ✖✓✔✯✯✖ ✔✕ ✛✬✭✙✒ ✧✦✏✖ ✑✙✒✓✔✕✖ ✛✕ ✤✎✯✏ ✵✒✢✗ ✳✴✘✳ ✩✏ ✢✙✹✛✒✦✬✔✕❶ ✭✛✮✙✖✗ ✦✬ ✬✭✙ ➑✎✬✹✭✔✕✖✛✕ ❁✦✕✹✭ ✯✦✕✢✖✹✦✥✔✕❶✗ ✖✙✧✔✕❶ ✔✕ ✣✕✔✛✕✲ ❂✙✏ ✧✙✒✙ ✮✦✒✒✔✙✢ ✵✫ ✏✙✦✒✖✲ ✹✯✛✬✭✔✕❶ ✜✛✒ ✭✙✒✖✙✯✜ ✦✕✢ ✭✙✒ ✹✭✔✯✢✒✙✕✗ ✎✥❈ ✤✎✢✏ ✔✖ ✖✎✒✰✔✰✙✢ ✩✏ ✭✙✒ ✭✎✖✩✦✕✢ ✽✦✯✙ ✭✛✯✖✬✙✒✔✕❶ ✜✎✒✕✔✬✎✒✙✗ ✦✕✢ ✮✎✹✭ ✮✛✒✙✲ ❼✒✙❈ ✦✕✢ ✬✭✙✔✒ ✜✦✮✔✯✏ ✛✜ ✹✭✔✯✢✒✙✕✺❹✒✦✹✏ ❼✦✖✙ ✦✬✔✰✔✬✏ ✧✦✖ ✦ ✢✦✔✯✏ ✛✹✹✎✒✙✕✹✙ ✔✕ ✭✙✒ ✯✔✜✙✲ ✿✬✙✰✙✕✖ ✦✕✢ ❃✦✒✓ ✛✜ ✣✕✔✛✕✗ ❼✭✒✔✖ ✑✛✖✙✏ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✦✖ ✦✕ ✦✬✭✯✙✬✙ ✦✕✢ ✖✭✙ ✒✛✢✙ ✭✛✒✖✙✖ ✦✕✢ ❄✮✏ ✛✜ ❃✛✕✬✙✒✙✏✗ ❼✦✯✔✜✛✒✕✔✦✗ ➄✒✙❶ ✜✒✛✮ ✦✕ ✙✦✒✯✏ ✦❶✙✲ ✿✭✙ ✯✛✰✙✢ ✩✛✬✭ ✧✦✬✙✒ ✑✛✖✙✏ ✛✜ ✼✙✯✯✔✕❶✭✦✮✗ ❅✦✖✭✔✕❶✬✛✕✗ ✷✙❇✯✔✙ ✖✓✔✔✕❶ ✦✕✢ ✖✕✛✧ ✖✓✔✔✕❶✲ ✿✭✙ ✹✛✮✥✙✬✙✢ ✔✕ ✑✛✖✙✏ ✛✜ ✣✕✔✛✕✗ ✷✙✦✭ ✑✙✒✓✔✕✖ ➑✦❶✙✯✙ ✦✕✢ ✯✛✹✦✯ ✭✛✒✖✙✩✦✹✓ ✒✔✢✔✕❶ ✹✯✎✩ ✙✰✙✕✬✖ ✖✎✹✭ ❼✭✎✹✓ ✛✜ ➑✔✯✯✖✩✛✒✛✗ ✻✒✙❶✛✕✗ ✦✕✢ ⑨✒✔✕ ✦✖ ✩✦✒✒✙✯ ✒✦✹✔✕❶✲ ✿✭✙ ✧✦✖ ✦ ✮✙✮✩✙✒ ✛✜ ✬✭✙ ❅✔✕✬✙✒✬✛✕ ✛✜ ❼✛✰✙✗ ✥✯✎✖ ✘ ❶✒✦✕✢✹✭✔✯✢✒✙✕✗ ✣✕✔✛✕ ❼✛✎✕✬✏ ✿✙✦✒✹✭ ✦✕✢ ❁✙✖✹✎✙ ✧✔✬✭ ✴ ❶✒✙✦✬❈❶✒✦✕✢✹✭✔✯✢✒✙✕✗ ✦✕✢ ✮✦✕✏ ✕✔✙✹✙✖ ✭✙✒ ✖✙✯✜❈✬✒✦✔✕✙✢ ✩✯✛✛✢✭✛✎✕✢✗ ➑✦✥✥✏✲ ✦✕✢ ✕✙✥✭✙✧✖✲ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✦✖ ✥✒✙✹✙✢✙✢ ✔✕ ✢✙✦✬✭ ✤✎✢✏ ✥✦✖✖✙✢ ✭✙✒ ✯✛✰✙ ✛✜ ✬✭✙ ✛✎✬✢✛✛✒✖ ✩✏ ✭✙✒ ✮✛✬✭✙✒ ✤✙✦✕ ➑✎✬✹✭✔✕✖✛✕✗ ✭✙✒ ✜✦✬✭✙✒ ✦✕✢ ✦✹✬✔✰✔✬✔✙✖ ✬✛ ✭✙✒ ✹✭✔✯✢✒✙✕✲ ✿✭✙ ✖✬✦✒✬✙✢ ✷✛✧✙✯✯ ➑✎✬✹✭✔✕✖✛✕✗ ✭✙✒ ✯✦✬✙ ✭✎✖✩✦✕✢ ✤✙✒✒✏ ✦✬ ✦✕ ✙✦✒✯✏ ✦❶✙ ✬✦✓✔✕❶ ✬✭✙✮ ✛✕ ✧✭✦✬ ✖✭✙ ❼✭✦✕✢✯✙✒✗ ✦✕✢ ✭✙✒ ✩✒✛✬✭✙✒❈✔✕❈✯✦✧ ✽✛✎❶ ✹✦✯✯✙✢ ➔✜✎✕ ✢✦✏✖➏ ✧✭✙✒✙ ✬✭✙✏ ✧✛✎✯✢ ❶✛ ✛✕ ❻✔✕✖✯✙✏✲ ✦✢✰✙✕✬✎✒✙✖ ✥✔✹✓✔✕❶ ✬✭✙ ✙✦✒✯✏ ✩✎✬✬✙✒✹✎✥✖ ✔✕ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✦✖ ✦✯✧✦✏✖ ✦✕ ✙✕✬✒✙✥✒✙✕✙✎✒✲ ✿✭✙ ✬✭✙ ✮✛✎✕✬✦✔✕✖ ✦✕✢ ✙●✥✯✛✒✔✕❶ ✬✭✙ ✜✛✒✙✖✬✲ ✢✙✰✙✯✛✥✙✢ ✖✙✰✙✒✦✯ ✩✎✖✔✕✙✖✖✙✖ ✔✕ ✭✙✒ ✯✔✜✙ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✔✯✯ ✩✙ ✒✙✮✙✮✩✙✒✙✢ ✦✖ ✦ ✮✛✖✬ ✖✬✦✒✬✔✕❶ ✦✖ ✦ ✳❉ ✏✙✦✒ ✛✯✢ ✬✒✦✰✙✯✔✕❶ ✦✒✛✎✕✢ ✦✮✦❇✔✕❶ ✧✔✜✙✗ ✮✛✬✭✙✒✗ ❶✒✦✕✢✮✛✬✭✙✒✗ ✣✕✔✛✕ ❼✛✎✕✬✏ ✬✛ ✬✙✦✹✭ ✬✦✥ ✢✦✕✹✔✕❶ ✬✛ ✖✔✖✬✙✒✗ ✦✎✕✬✗ ✦✕✢ ✜✒✔✙✕✢✲ ✿✭✙ ✧✦✖ ✬✭✙ ✮✦❈ ✦✒✙✦ ✹✭✔✯✢✒✙✕✲ ✿✭✙ ✹✒✙✦✬✙✢ ✖✙✰✙✒✦✯ ✒✙✬✦✔✯ ✬✒✔✦✒✹✭ ✛✜ ✭✙✒ ✙●✬✙✕✢✙✢ ✜✦✮✔✯✏✲ ✿✭✙ ✧✦✖ ✖✬✛✒✙✖ ✔✕ ✣✕✔✛✕ ✦✕✢ ❅✦✯✯✛✧✦ ❼✛✎✕✬✏ ✹✭✙✒✔✖✭✙✢ ✦✕✢ ✒✙✖✥✙✹✬✙✢ ✩✏ ✦✯✯✲ ✦✕✢ ✦✯✖✛ ✖✬✦✒✬✙✢ ➑✙✦✒✬✖✬✙✥✖✗ ✦ ✢✒✎❶ ✦✕✢ ❄✬ ✤✎✢✏❀✖ ✒✙❍✎✙✖✬ ✬✭✙✒✙ ✧✔✯✯ ✩✙ ✕✛ ✜✛✒❈ ✦✯✹✛✭✛✯ ✬✒✙✦✬✮✙✕✬ ✥✒✛❶✒✦✮ ✜✛✒ ✦✢✎✯✬✖ ✦✕✢ ✮✦✯ ✮✙✮✛✒✔✦✯ ✖✙✒✰✔✹✙✲ ✦✢✛✯✙✖✹✙✕✬✖✲ ✤✎✢✏ ✧✦✖ ✙✖✥✙✹✔✦✯✯✏ ✢✒✦✧✕ ✬✛ ❹✦●❈✢✙✢✎✹✬✔✩✯✙ ✢✛✕✦✬✔✛✕✖ ✮✦✏ ✩✙ ✧✛✒✓✔✕❶ ✧✔✬✭ ✏✛✎✬✭✲ ✤✎✢✏❀✖ ✯✛✰✙ ✛✜ ✩✙✦✎✬✏✗ ✮✦✢✙ ✔✕ ✯✔✙✎ ✛✜ ■✛✧✙✒✖ ✔✕ ✒✙✮✙✮✩✒✦✕✹✙ ✦✕✔✮✦✯✖✗ ✕✦✬✎✒✙✗ ✦✕✢ ✭✙✒ ✜✦✮✔✯✏ ✜✒✦✮✙✢ ✛✜ ✤✎✢✏ ✬✛ ❄✮✙✒✔✹✦✕ ❼✦✕✹✙✒ ✿✛✹✔✙✬✏✗ ✭✙✒ ✯✔✜✙ ✹✭✛✔✹✙✖❊ ✧✭✙✒✙ ✖✭✙ ✯✔✰✙✢ ✦✕✢ ✭✛✧ ✳❈✘✚✚✲✪✪✫✲✪✵⑧❉ ✛✒ ✩✏ ✮✦✔✯ ✦✬ ✑✲✻✲✼✛● ✖✭✙ ✖✥✙✕✬ ✭✙✒ ✬✔✮✙✲ ✿✭✙ ✦✕✢ ✭✙✒ ✭✎✖✩✦✕✢ ✪✪⑧✫✘✗ ✻✓✯✦✭✛✮✦ ❼✔✬✏✗ ✻❻ ✫✵✳✪✵ ✽✦✯✙ ✹✒✙✦✬✙✢ ✬✭✙✔✒ ✧✔✯✢✙✒✕✙✖✖ ✭✛✮✙ ✔✕ ✬✭✙ ✻✕✯✔✕✙ ✹✛✕✢✛✯✙✕✹✙✖ ✬✛ ✬✭✙ ✜✦✮✔✯✏ ✮✦✏ ✮✛✎✕✬✦✔✕✖ ✖✭✙ ✯✛✰✙✢✲ ✿✭✙ ✹✭✙✒✔✖✭✙✢ ✙✰✙✒✏ ✩✙ ✮✦✢✙ ✦✬ ✧✧✧✲✯✛✰✙✯✦✕✢✜✎✕✙✒✦✯✹✭✦✥✙✯✲ ✒✛✹✓✗ ✬✒✙✙✗ ✥✯✦✕✬ ✦✕✢ ✦✕✔✮✦✯ ✔✕ ✭✙✒ ✒✙✦✯✮ ✹✛✮✲ ✧✭✔✹✭ ❶✦✰✙ ✭✙✒ ✔✮✮✙✕✖✙ ✖✦✬✔✖✜✦✹✬✔✛✕ ✦✕✢