The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 04, 2019, Page 6, Image 6

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    Monday, March 4, 2019
The Observer
Buckaroos dash Badgers’ title hopes
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ketball state title game was simple:
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lead, and 43 percent for the game,
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day night in Baker City.
“We just couldn’t get anything
③❷ ❸❼❷➁➀ ⑤⑨➁⑤➅⑧❾❿❿➈ ⑤❾❼❿➈➀➝ ❶❷➄❸⑤❼
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said. “We had really good looks —
things that normally drop down
— and they just didn’t. We dug our-
selves a hole.”
The Badgers had several op-
portunities around the rim bound
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quarter without scoring until Logan
Nedrow’s steal and layup got the
Badgers on the board. Belle Blair’s
3-point play moments later knotted
the score at 5-5, and Megan Bing-
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with a 3-pointer to keep the Bad-
gers within 9-8.
But the Buckaroos heated up in
the second quarter, using a 14-2
run to take control of the game.
Erin Counts and Karlee Souther-
land hit back-to-back 3-pointers
for a 17-9 lead, and two Counts free
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in the second. The Buckaroos shot
64 percent in the period.
The Badgers cut the gap to 27-15
at halftime, and three times inched
as close as 10 points in the third,
the last on a Bingham 3-pointer to
get to 32-22. A 9-0 Buckaroos’ run,
though, boosted by 3s from Counts
and Isabelle Wyss, extended the
margin to 41-22 early in the fourth
See Badgers / Page 8A
Outlaws finish season in fifth Loss drops Eagles to sixth place
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Two runs by the Ken-
nedy Trojans girls basket-
ball team — including a 19-1
The Joseph Eagles girls
basketball team entered
the state tournament with
high expectations — but
the season didn’t end as the
team hoped.
The Crane Mustangs
used a 21-4 run during the
third and fourth quarters
to turn a close game into a
blowout and hand Joseph
its worst loss of the season,
49-30, Saturday morning
in the fourth-place game of
the 1A state tournament in
Baker City.
“They shot extremely
well,” Joseph Head Coach
Lance Homan said of
Crane. “They’re a good bas-
ketball team, and they’re
only going to get better.
They made shots, their en-
ergy was better than ours
(and) they outworked us.
The loss dropped the
Eagles, who were ranked
No. 2 in the state much of
the season, to a sixth-place
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it control of the game as
Kennedy topped the Enter-
prise Outlaws, 49-31, in the
third-place game of the 2A
state tournament Saturday
Convention Center.
But the loss, which
dropped Enterprise to a
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didn’t detract from how
Head Coach Mike Crawford
felt about the way his team
played this season as it gar-
⑦⑤❼⑤❸ ⑧③⑨ ⑥❼⑨③ ③❼❷➁④➈ ⑨⑧⑦➅⑤
2012, when it also came in
“We were ranked as high
as sixth in the state, so to
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cry about that? No way,” he
The attitude will undoubt-
edly prevail although the
best season in Enterprise
in seven years did end on
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a sour note, with a close
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Heppner before Saturday’s
setback against Kennedy.
to eventual state champion
See Enterprise / Page 7A
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Drake Randall placed fourth
and Harley DiLulo was sixth to
garner all-American status and
lead the Eastern Oregon Univer-
sity wrestling team to a tie for
16th place at the NAIA National
Championships Friday and Sat-
urday in Des Moines, Iowa.
matched the total EOU had
compiled in its previous two
“I’m proud of the way they got
out there and competed,” EOU
Head Coach Dustyn Azure said.
“They battled from the start to
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direction, but we went out there
and put up a performance. (I’m)
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“It wasn’t how we wanted
out on the court,” said Hal-
ey Miller, one of Joseph’s
is what it is, and we left it all
See Joseph / Page 7A
proud of the weekend.”
Randall (165 pounds) was the
lone Mountaineer to reach the
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nament with a 13-5 major deci-
sion over Benedictine’s Tyler
Harris and a second-round win
by fall over Noah Reynolds of
He was knocked out of title
contention by a Cascade Colle-
giate Conference rival, Andrew
Bartel of MSU-Northern, by a
close 3-2 decision, then rattled
❷➃ ③④❼⑤⑤ ➄⑧⑦⑨ ⑧⑦ ❾ ❼❷➄ ③❷ ❼⑤❾➅④
the third-place match.
“He did a great job of bouncing
back from (the loss to Bartel),”
Azure said. “That’s been a strug-
gle (but) he was able to rebound
(and) get his mind focused.”
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Randall defeated two Grace-
land wrestlers, Drew Sams and
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8-6 scores. His win over Swaf-
ford came by sudden victory on
a takedown in overtime. He then
➁⑧⑦⑦⑤❸ ❶❼❷➉⑧❸⑤⑦➅⑤❹⑨ ➊❸❼⑧❾⑦ ➋➈ -
ons-Lopez — the top seed — by
fall in just 54 seconds, before
Bartel clipped him in the third-
place match by the same score
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match to Life’s Dialo Matsimela
by a 7-4 decision, then caught
⑥❼⑤ ⑧⑦ ③④⑤ ➅❷⑦⑨❷❿❾③⑧❷⑦ ➇❼❾➅→⑤③
with four consecutive wins. He
earned a 20-5 technical fall over
Wayland Baptist’s Riley Wil-
liams, a 12-2 major decision
See Wrestling / Page 8A
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